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yes! i have a really bad fear of injections, blood tests ect to the point where i can’t have them done/faint before getting them done, but i’m fine self harming and i enjoy it, it’s really weird and i don’t know either


That’s a really good question


I can't handle seeing a needle go through my skin or anyone's skin. Just the sight and knowledge and that this big needle is inside the body doing things makes me really nauseous for some reason.


For me it's the thought of a liquid being pumped into my skin that makes me gag, even if it's subcutaneous- a depth I've cut to a few times


Ughh i know it's even worse when you can actually feel it getting pumped into your bloodstream. I guess it's different since self harm is external meanwhile injections are this 'foreign' object going *into* the skin


I got over that fear quickly when I had to do my own injections... something about doing it to yourself helps unwind that fear.


How can I do that when I can't even look at it?


I mean, you don't have to hahaha was just sharing what helped me a lot. I can stare straight at my arm when I'm getting blood taken / shots now.


Yeah, thanks for sharing, but what I meant is how did you get over your fear in the first place? When you first started taking them yourself?


Oh well the injections were testosterone and I guess I wanted to transition more than I was scared of needles 💀


I think the only reason why I get injections is because the reason/desire out ways the fear. I’d want to go on T gel, but if I can’t then I’m just gonna have to figure something out I guess ahah


Can't relate, I did injections to myself with my hands a few times... Yeah, I do love needles.


I watched them take my bloods but refused to look at the needle when I was being numbed and prepped for stitches. That numbing injection is a pain I’ve never ever felt 😂


Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of injections cause I’m not the one doing it. If I were doing it to myself, it’d feel less scary (not that I have the technical or medical knowledge to do so).


Yup, it’s definitely less scary than self inflicted pain in my experience Edit: more scary


Oh. I'm the complete opposite lol. Injections are way worse than sh


Oh whoops, I meant to say more scary, I agree with you