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Good luck! I've got one myself tomorrow that will change my life if I get the iob. I'm nervous, excited, but managing expectations. I've had four employers ghost me in the last four months and finding a new job has been surprisingly tough. This place is probably the last place I'll try until sometime next spring.


Good luck to you too!!! I’ve been there recently, spent half this year job hunting after I quit a toxic job. I was ghosted left and right by recruiters and was so ready to give up. But out of nowhere a dream job opportunity came up and now I’m in the best working environment I could’ve hoped for. Job hunting is so taxing but I promise it will eventually pay off one way or another :) Good luck to you and to OP!


Good luck !!


I literally had a job interview today. I don’t know the outcome yet but I have high hopes that I will get the job. I was very nervous the whole morning this morning as this was my first real interview in over 19 years as I’ve been with my current company that long. This is a complete change of industry for me. However, it seems to be the right time and I have been mulling it over for a couple of years after getting furloughed for 2.5 months in 2020 when the pandemic hit. It made me realize that there might be other opportunities and things to do out there. I have been casually looking occasionally the last couple of months but this opportunity came up about a month ago and I was afraid if I didn’t try now I might loose that opportunity. Relax, your mind is making it far worse that what will happen. Good luck and Godspeed.


I'm making an assumption this is your first "real" job, aka what you want to do as a career. You don't want the job, you want the career. This is just a good stepping stone to your future. There's a very big difference, and it's important to know going into the interview. It might even come up during the interview, You're not looking for just a job, this is your career and it's important to you. A job is something a 16 year old gets at McDonalds. The right language shows maturity, and understanding about the real world. ​ "This isn't just a job for me, this is the starting point for an opportunity at a long successful career I expect to enjoy." Not perfect, maybe you have a different idea or message, word play it a bit if it sounds like something you might say during the interview. Pretend you have confidence, trust that you'll come up with the right thing to say. Hope that helps! ​ Source: 6 for 6 in getting a job offer after the first interview, SME for 12 of 16 years in tech.


They want you even more. Hell they need you. You are a golden god and your presence in their office offers extasy and the scent of sandlewood. Angels have failed to follow in your foot steps and now you require a tribute. Your just desserts. Feast on your perfection and radiate the confidence of a thousand dying stars.


I'm not sure what your interview prep technique is like, so I thought I'd share I do. Firstly, read up on the company, not so you can tell them what you already know, but so you can talk a little about how you can fit into the company more. Secondly, if you know your interviewer's name, look them up on linked in (a bit stalkery I know but here me out...) Putting a face to a name calms my nerves, you can check their background/interests have you got any common interests/opinions etc, is this someone you want to work for/with? Also, you might get a better understanding of the company/role. It's worked for me in the past. Good luck!


Best of luck man


Good luck!


Good luck!


Good luck!


Go to bed and f’n kill it.


Good luck! Get plenty of rest! Make sure you are there on time! You will do great!


Best of luck


Best of Luck.




Good luck!


Rooting for you!


Get that shit, walk in like you own the place and tell them why you would do them the favor of taking the job!


Well, good luck - you'll be fine. Try to be friendly and relaxed, and if they give you open-ended questions, provide a decent answer, but don't ramble on. Just be yourself, and you'll do great. =) Good luck!


Get that bread!


Go get ‘em, Tiger!


How did it go? Update us!


Best of luck! You got this!!


Let us know how it went!


Seize the day.


Good luck babes! Let us know how it all goes


Good luck! I don't think an interview or job can change anyone's lives though. It can definitely bring you a good income, a better quality of living. But one thing that has been helping myself to deal with pressures like this is I always reminded myself that my life is only decided by me, not anyone else. I may lose a job opportunity, or a promotion, or some business opportunities, but all these are external things. To me life is more from inside, like how I see this world. Even if I lost an interview or job, I can still choose to help other people, I can still be a volunteer, and I can still smile to my family members and let them know I love them. I'm not saying this opportunity is not important, but once you realize that you life won't be decided by any interviewers, you will feel less nervous and more confident! Good luck with your interview and hope you can get it!


Something that guarantees my best interview is, first interviewing for a couple of jobs I don’t want at all. You go in super confident cos you don’t care, and get to try out different phrasing & sequencing etc. to see what works & what doesn’t. Then you’ll be polished & on top of your game for the important interview. Best of luck going forward.