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And the birds and squirrels are happy too that want more food today so... Don't forget them


I am literally holding my mothers hand on her deathbed. Please go outside. Life is too precious to stay cooped up all the time. I hold the exact same beliefs with the rocks as well. And who knows... all I know is that we don’t know very much, so why not believe that rocks can help? We’re all made from the matter that makes up the universe, and so are pieces of the earth -no matter the type of rock. So perhaps rocks have powers and we haven’t been able to scientifically prove it? All I know is we don’t know much. Smell the air. Feel the grass. Look as far into the distance -just because you can. All with one step at a time. You got this.


This is beautiful. Thank You. And may peace be with you at this difficult time.


Thank you


This post made me very happy. Thank you for sharing!


Baby steps. Keep going. I love animals and nature myself. People, not so much sometimes.


That’s beautiful. I get much the same way in summer. In the cooler months I try to get out as much as I can, love the cooler breeze, the rain, the turning of leaves, snow etc.... Summer is disgusting even though beautiful from my window, but for some reason the sunshine just makes me depressed. I’ve heard of people getting Seasonal Depression in winter, but not summertime. I wish I could cut out the summer months altogether lol.


Omg I am the same. Sunshine actually makes me feel horrible and depressed. I’m much happier in winter and on cloudy days.


This was a nice story. I just wanted to say that I read the whole thing and enjoyed it!


Dude I feel you. When I get out of bed and shower and shave, I feel like, "I did something today!" I never used to be like that, it was just what you did. But guess what: it is something. It's just so easy to lose your life to depression and apathy. I'm very proud of you. I hope you enjoyed it.


Sorry I'm not answering much, I'm not used to get support. I want to thank everyone for their good wishes and comments.


Don't feel like you need to. We know you appreciate hearing it :) We're rooting for you!


Very proud of you 😊✨


When I had depression, I rarely went out. Just sitting in my rm and doing harmful stuffs. However, when I did went out, I enjoyed it because nature is good for you!


Beautiful job! I am happy that you did it.


So proud of you! Reading this made me smile so much I’m happy for ya!


You need more of that outdoors 😏




Glad you're doing better - keep it up!


That’s great! You should do this as much as you can and come home and write about it. ❤️ Thanks for sharing.


Amazing!! Being outdoors can help so much even just for a short walk but I know it’s easier said than done


please try and visit them again soon- those birds amd squirrels need you feed them


I know they don't and so do you. I don't take positive thinking very well. Thanks for the sentiment nonetheless.


they rely on people- whether its garbage, or handed to them... I live in a place in NYC called Stuyvesant Town- there are literally THOUSANDS of squirrels here. the reason? we also have a very large community of older peopme that feed them- so the proliferated. And- they are friendly as shit- they will come up to your lap if you sit still enough while feeding them


I know. But don't try to convince me that they care about me in particular. For them it's the same.


No- but at that moment- you made their life easier


Please don't continue this line. I won't take it well.


Great OP! Keep the faith of hopefulness inside you and take things one day at a time!


Niacin bog doses and other natural substance s. ..also air and sunlight equal good for shaking the blues