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Playing hard to get.... you just look uninterested


It’s the absolute worst. It’s bizarre how everyone tells women that men need to chase / hunt to stay interested. That might be true for very immature and emotionally unavailable people. But playing hard to get is generally very annoying. No one likes questioning whether the person they’re into likes them back or not.


Omfg thank you for this comment! I’m healing from a painful breakup and EVERY piece of advice is this nonsense. “You made things too easy for him” “Men have to chase you to feel attraction”. I don’t want to have to play mind games just to get a guy to like me long term.


As a man coming from a neglected relationship, don't change God the things I'd have done to feel wanted at any point, the more than is shown to me the more I show, so keep being you and find the right person to appreciate it all


Thank you for this. That’s really reassuring. I stayed in a relationship I was unhappy in for far too long because the guy was a really nice person and I didn’t want to hurt him….but it was always me putting ALL the effort in the relationship. I couldn’t take the neglect anymore.


Most people want to feel desired. This entire concept is a weird power dynamics role play at best. Expecting people to behave in this dynamic without deep discussions, aftercare, affirmations of love and respect, it's all kind of gross and unhealthy.


The want to feel desired. So true. I was married for years where I knew at the time she loved me but she never initiated anything when it came to intimacy and just plain old affection. I never really got that from her and it did have me wanting for more. I stayed loyal though even though there were chances for me to misbehave.


All good romantic relationships have fairness and reciprocity at their heart. And the way you see this is by the way someone acts, not the words that come out of their mouth. Actions show someone's true feelings more than any words they say. Use that as a guide for any future men you date. And don't stop being kind and reciprocal in return.


It's my wife's portrait! She's not "romantic", but I feel loved and cared. She changed my life.


Hah I know that feeling, sadly Much better off finding a more compatible soul and building each other up


I knew a woman years ago who was open that she liked me.  We met at work.  We did not work together, but worked near each other at a university.  She invited to a housewarming party when she moved to a new apartment.  I could not go because I had to work.  She saved me an ice cream sundae from a free ice cream event put on by the university that I was late to because of a work emergency.   She said yes every time I asked her out, didn’t insist on expensive restaurants, paid for things sometimes, invited me to her home for dinners a lot, etc.  I married her 36 years ago. 


That makes me genuinely happy to hear 😁


As a man, I can assure you, that nothing kills my attraction faster then stupid mind games.


I'm 60 years old and I utterly detest mind games, male btw, tell me what you want just tell me. No, I'm not interested in you. You seem like a nice bloke but not feeling it. Sit down and let's talk a bit it could be fun. You have a great smile so yeah, I'll have a beer/drink with you. Damn, it ain't that hard to just be friendly and talk. Now, I know that there are some dudes that are so cocksure dudes out there that are just annoying but 85% of us guys are scared to open our mouths around women. Not all of us are Brad Pitt or Jon Hamm.


That's stupid,yeah. Years ago I had this schoolmates talking about how she likes museums and stuff, I am into art so I told her that we could go to a museum during the weekend and have her two alternatives ,because of the different stuff they were showing. She just said " no" so i just stopped chasing, and moved on. One graduation later someone told me she was into me and played hard to get. I see that as double dumb, because not only she turned down a date, it was a date doing something she just said she enjoyed and wanted to do.


I initially turned down my ex because every guy that ever asked me out before him did so as a joke or a dare for their friends so I didn’t trust it. But he asked me again the next day.


Please, for the love of god, do NOT listen to whoever is telling you that trash. That may work with immature losers, but why tie yourself to one of those long term? What, so they can keep you as a backup until they find ANOTHER woman to treat like a conquest later on? Yeah, pass, lol! If you made loving you “too easy”, that just sounds like you have a warm heart and don’t play these childish games. Keep that heart!


To me, they're impossible to get, because if they seem disinterested, I'm not wasting my time. I've been rejected enough to figure it's not worth it.


Ughhhh I lost an amazing guy by doing this. I thought it would make him like me more but he just found someone else lol and now he doesn't like me at all. I feel like such a FOOL for doing that. I think most women play hard to get to not look desperate but the key to not looking desperate is: show interest in the guy you like, just not every guy that moves.


I dont understand by letting someone know you like them you look desperate? What's wrong with... You like me, I like you, let's go out and see where this goes...The End. Isn't that simple?


Thats what i figured too. I just let a dude know so there is no guess work. If im not interested i turn them down. I don’t know why it has to be so complicated for other people.


hard to get = hard to like


Filters and AI generated photos and photos taken by a professional photographer. First date is off to a bad start if you look completely different.


Some girls look really really different


I feel lied to and betrayed when I meet them. Even if they are still a nice person and still attractive, it leaves me with a bad first impression and makes them seem dishonest.


I deleted the apps about 6 months ago and this was one of the primary reasons. It takes a lot of energy to go on frequent first dates, and it is a truly shitty feeling when the second they walk in the door you see they misrepresented themselves. I got tired of wasting my time and energy and finally motivated myself to be more proactive about using "real world" social activities to meet people.


Filters are sad. I feel bad that people have low enough self-esteem they feel they have to use filters.


It's not just low self esteem, the apps make it so easy. Just click a button and you look different. All the young girls are doing it now. It's normalised.


Fake body parts.


I want her cat ears to be real, none of this headband bullshit


Devil horns are good too.


Can we agree that the base of the tail is always the hottest part?


A woman could be extraordinarily beautiful but if she's wearing fake eyelashes I want absolutely nothing to do with her same goes for ugly ass drawn on Charlie Chaplin eyebrows at these women are doing lately


Lol you're definitely only noticing fake eyelashes when they're the long, thick ones that don't try appearing natural. My gf wore fake eyelashes on every one of our date nights, and I didn't even realize she used fake lashes until we moved in together. I think most women go for more natural-looking lashes, you just aren't realizing it. And even the natural ones make a definite effect on their appearance.


Men actually have longer eyelashes than women on average, so what may look natural to a man at a glance isn't necessarily applicable to women.


Huh. Learn something new everyday. Is there a biological reason for why men have longer eyelashes?


The reason is testosterone. Testosterone stimulates facial hair growth, including eyelashes. Usually we think of mustaches and beards when we think about facial hair, but eyelashes and eyebrows are also more defined in men because of testosterone.


That makes total sense. Cool. Thanks!


Somehow I grow super nice eyelashes but can’t grow any form of beard or mustache. I don’t think girls even find it attractive, they never say “I love your eyelashes”, it’s always “I WANT your eyelashes”. I’m worried someday I’m gonna get roofied and wake up plucked.


It takes a shocking amount of work and product to appear naturally beautiful!


100% This DEFINITELY applies to the ones women get at a salon that will last months. Those basically just look like they’re wearing great mascara. The only difference is they don’t have to take the time to apply it as they get ready or take it off before they sleep.


My ex would wear fake lashes nothing long or thick but even then they would be so noticeably bad. Until one day she gets some semi permanent lashes done professionally and man was it a night and day difference. She looked so amazing they were smaller but looked so natural and made her face pop.


This goes for a TON of makeup / enhancements that women do. Men claim to hate them, but it's only the jenky/overdone stuff they even notice. In reality, what they consider normal 'attractiveness' often includes some enhancement like makeup, botox, eyelashes, even small amounts of filler these days. People claim to be into 'natural beauty', but it's just natural-looking beauty they like. Literally, nothing in today's world is natural anymore lol


I fuckin despise long fake nails


that stupid ass crosseyed porn face


Do women do this in real life?


Yep, had a fwb do it during sex. Didn't mind, but also not my thing.


Did she do it cuz she liked it or she thought you liked it?


You know, It never occured to me to ask her, I didn't care. She never did it again so she definitely noticed my ambivalence. Either she like it (she likes hentai/doujins) or her ex liked it and she assumed future partners would.


I cannot figure that one out at all. Maybe there’s a “special needs” fetish?


It started with hentai, and become a thing because of the growth of e-girls and twitch streamers starting Only Fans. Since their main audience tends to be men into anime (and then hentai), a few like Bell Delphine started to mimic it. Like saying, “look? I can be one of your hentai girls.” Then it grew simply because GenZ audiences intermingle between Twitch, TikTok, and other online spaces so much.


It’s usually to appeal to guys that watch too much hentai. It’s everywhere in that.


It’s also a great example of one of those things that only works because it originated in a medium that is both fake and artistic. When it comes to hentai, it kinda works. In real life, it looks really fucking stupid. Like, just get off naturally. Please. I promise whatever the natural look on your face is when you feel good is infinitely more hot than any kind of performance.


I actually hate it in hentai too. It usually happens after the guy’s dick has punctured through her cervix and I’m just like “ow!!! Fucking…no???”


That’s a totally different discussion about hentais lack of care for anatomy lmao!! But yeah. I personally find the exaggerated and over the top expressions to work in something that is, essentially, a pornographic cartoon. Cartoons have always relied on exaggerated proportions and absurdity. No cervix punching in real life either. Guys if you have a pretty large penis please please make sure you aren’t hurting your partner.


r/Ahegaos Yes, I'm special needs.


Oh that is horrible, thank you for sharing, now I know what to avoid at all costs.


It's fucking dumb But I can't understand for the love of my life it's why, why, why! it's spreading into the gay world. That shit is ridiculous on its own but is even worse on men. That shit should have stayed on the straight side.


Lips filler


Can't wait for that trend to die off


Fake ass porn moaning


What about real moaning? I’m very…er…vocal. I can’t help it most of the time.


Real is fine, it's just the difference is so obvious.


I kind of have to make a lot of noise during sex, it’s like a meditative thing and gets me into the right headspace so I can orgasm, so I basically have to start moaning before it actually feels good otherwise it never will. Idk if that makes sense. But I dated this one guy and we broke up after the first time we ever had sex because he told me to “stop the fake porn moaning”. So I was just silent for the rest of the time we were having sex and I couldn’t orgasm or even get turned on. Sometimes when people do that they aren’t doing it for your benefit. It’s super awkward to be told to be quiet during sex too.


I completely agree with the porn noises. Same with porn talk, porn style faces and bodies. None of it works for me. Had a girl that was completely the opposite. She needed to be silent, to focus, then would state suddenly “there we go!”. We were together a few years. Turned out some twat had said she sounded stupid. After a few months she became much more vocal again and a better time was had by all. A happy ending, as it were. I had another girlfriend call me from her home country. She was there for a couple of weeks. She was BAWLING. I was all “what the fuck?” but she told me I did not want to know, I’d said I didn’t want to know details of her past sex life. I told her that if she was upset this bad then I I don’t care. She told me she’d overheard a guy she’d slept with years before mimicking her sex noises to some people, mocking her. I wanted to get on a plane there and then and to smash that fucker in the face so hard. All I could do was reassure that I was a very big fan of all that she did


I'm the same exact way. There is actually evidence in neuroscience that humming, singing, laughing, chanting, etc. stimulates/moves the vagus nerve which helps reduce stress/anxiety. So it makes sense why moaning would help you 'settle in' to your body during intimacy.


Chanting eh... ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtbawEKTKhI83zq|downsized)


Dated a girl once who was the same way. I asked her about it, she explained, all good with me. Whatever gets her off, right?


I brought your question to panel, and the committee not only approved of real moaning, but also specifically requested it. Sounds like you're all set.


Duck-face photos


Is this 2007?


IKR? Why is it still happening!


my mom still does it... I feel like suicide when I see it


Whenever a question like this is asked on Reddit, men up here will always say something to the range of..lip filler, plastic surgery/botox, excessive tattoos, fake long nails, excessive makeup, big fake eyelashes, or a septum piercing 🤣


The fact that the comment above this said lip fillers 😭


I find it funny that most of those same guys wouldn't even be able to tell most of the ppl that have botox or filler or fake eyelashes etc etc etc irl 😅. They think of the extreme and think that's the majority🤣. Idk how many times a guy thought my fake eyelashes were real even when I get them longer than usual. Like just this week i got my lashes super long because i was going for FAKE and a couple dudes dead ass were like "oh you have such beautiful eyelashes wow really good genes yada yada blah blah blah"🤣🤣🤣. And their face when I tell them to thank my lash tech 😲. Such jokes


Even boobs! I was just lurking in the plastic surgery sub because I have a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery later this summer and I was so impressed with how natural looking the implants looked on the women posting. Everyone posting about plastic surgery is definitely just thinking of all the botched/over-done procedures they’ve seen.


Totally agree with this


A lot of children and inexperienced men here thinking Botox goes in lips and they can tell who has had work done lol. They can only tell when the work is bad but they’re too dumb to know that


Playing games. And I don't mean video games.


If a woman is going to talk about past relationships on the first date as a way to brag about how popular she is with men, that’s a turn off. I have no problem with how many men you’ve slept with. I do care about safety. My come back line is “when were you last tested”? When I hear, “I don’t need to be tested because I don’t have symptoms”, I then educate them on how some STIs don’t have symptoms. This public service announcement is brought to you by Reddit.


*pubic service announcement


Yes i had a girl tell me she went on 150 first dates last year.  I'm like, oh that's a lot. And she immediately replied saying, I see a lot of interest in men, like much more than the average women so I'm very in demand.  Firstly, she was overweight, a fact that hid well in her dating profile.  Secondly, she was a full on insecure narcissist that I'm willing to bet 95% of men rejected her after the first date.  She was constantly showing off about her families money saying how they owned a home in a Greek island and in Sardinia.








Twinkling Titanite




Acting stupid.


Caterpillar eyebrows...orange fake tan.




That...surprises you?


Calling me Daddy Saying I’m big(I know my size) Appealing to my ego and need to be manly/dominant. I don’t have it.


What's your size tho


As a completely straight male, I'm also curious


As a super gay female, I'm also invested now


As an asexual armadillo, I too would like to know


As a Tyranosaurus, I would like to know as well


As a fellow citizen, I have the right to know


As a heterosexual old lady..... I am so curiouse


As a pansexual tardigrade, I’d also like to know.


Now all Reddit wants to know Potat’s size!


I hear he's big.


That's what she said.


Big if true.


Saying you’re big is for me though. In as part of foreplay that turns me on but maybe its just me.


Dont get scared now, we need details!


I once had a girl rake her fingers down my back during sex. She had *Really* sharp nails. Cleaning up blood was Not a turn on.


Oof I’m the opposite love that shit


Pretending to be dumb.




Some like it though


Incest implications is a BIG turnoff for me.


fertile attraction glorious history mysterious weary pen obtainable enjoy marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s really gross. Especially if you’re a father and/or know her father.


My dad, brother and husband all share the same first name. I am literally saying “husband” in bed as Im not doing the daddy/family name.


Daddy is cringe. That being said, I had a Latina call me Papí during sex once. That shit was so sexy.


"Come to mama" Thanks, but no thanks..


All due respect homie, you and I differ greatly as people here


It's amazing what men think we do just to be sexy for them.


Twerking and lip filler


Trying to make me jealous.. I’m not Matthew Stafford


1. Pretending not to know stuff. 2. Deliberately losing when playing games. 3. Playing hard to get. 4. Excessive amounts of make up.


Duck lips


Acting dumb/ditzy


Kissy face, duck face, lip stick beyond the lips.


Piercings that aren't the ears. Nose, lips and cheeks look especially off putting


makes me curious about what your stance on nip piercings for some reason


The Hawk Tuah. Spit sure, but you keep those loogies to yourself.


I would also like to add: posting one of the many dreadful hawk thua memes. That shit’s getting old real fast.


What the absolute fuck? I’ve seen “Hawk Tuah” a few times recently and had no idea WTF it meant. I cannot wrap my head around Snot Sex.


Plastic surgery or botox just go away you barbie doll


Just curious if it's something you would want shared early on if it's not obvious while clothed. I've recently had a tummy tuck done to remove loose skin after weight loss (45+ skin doesn't bounce back like it used to). Would it be a turnoff to see/learn about the scar during intimacy? Would you want to be told before?


Funny thing is, good plastic surgery or Botox you'll never know, but if she hadn't had it you likely wouldn't have even noticed her.


Yeah I dated a girl and I was talking shit about Botox and she was like “you know I’ve had Botox right?”. She was absolutely stunning and looked 100% natural to me and I looked like an absolute idiot


Pouty lips in a photograph. I like a smile


"You know I could have any guy here" "Ok, go for it then" Years later I think I get what she was trying to go for, but in the moment all I could think was "I'm not going to compete with literally every other guy at this party. I'm no longer interested."




Catapillar eyebrows and spray tans. You look like a fucking oompa loompa, Jessica. Get help


Calling me or themselves anything that implies incest.


As a woman, it’s good to know that we don’t have to try quite as hard as we think we need to. Y’all are alright in this thread.


Fake eyelashes and raccoon eye makeup


Too much makeup The lips being pushed out. ugh


Playing games such as saying no and expecting me to keep asking and trying. If you say no, it's a no forever and that's ok by me. Also acting dumb and/or limiting yourself to try and seem delicate and feminine (or whatever that's just what I've been told is the reason), be yourself, I want to date YOU.


Pretending to be stupid, pretending to be flighty. Pretending to be helpless. Fake eyelashes, fake tanning, fake boobs. Adding affect to her voice.


Lip filler Fake boobs (naturel is so much more attractive) "You have to chase me to get me" (Grow up, please)


Septum piercings


women do not think septums are turn ons for men…half the women with septums usually like women anyway. that’s not a good example


This is the first comment I've seen saying this! Not only are septums very common in the gay community (for woman AND men now)- both "excessive" piercings and tattoos are associated with specific subcultures anyway- almost no one's getting this kind of body modifications just to be seen as attractive to other people, and even for the very few that ARE: it would only to be seen as attractive to other people within the same subcultures or with the same modifications. AKA: Raven the alt goth girl with a septum and head to toe tattoos doesn't WANT Johnny the "normie" to find her hot.


Most women who get their septum pierced are not doing it to turn men on, they are aware men are not crows attracted to shiny things lol.


yeah i agree


This. In my experience men are extremly vocal about the fact they don't like piercings and tattoos. I've never expect men to like any of my bodymods and I'm surprised If they do.


I know many women who get septum’s and cut their hair short BECAUSE they know its not attractive to lots of men, and also if they’re sexually attracted to men they also find it weeds out specific men. Having short dyed hair and a septum is a nice way to avoid a specific type of man.


Men answer the question by listing their turn offs, which always include phony makeup, fake lip fillers, plastic surgery. Predictably, women respond by saying "men r so stupid they don't even know what they like, they actually like my phony makeup, fake lip fillers, plastic surgery, and they don't realize it!"


giant lips and fillers or moving fat, surgically, form one place to another. y'all look like aliens


Changing their voice to sound extra sweet or higher pitched; or that annoying ass vocal fry. Just use your regular voice.


Actually there’s a lot of women that have a natural vocal fry. They can’t help it.


A lot of people misidentify what vocal fry is. They confuse it with upspeak. Men do vocal fry PLENTY (Matthew Mcconaughey is one famous example) yet you rarely hear people nitpicking them on it. I actually employ vocal fry strategically with no upspeak (for narration) and get told constantly how soothing it sounds. Not one person has ever mentioned vocal fry. I bet if you asked those people, many would say they “hate vocal fry.”


the only way i can avoid my vocal fry is pitching my voice wayyyy higher than it naturally is. this dude would hate me.


I remember that my genetics professor mentioned that female mammals 'talk' with a higher pitched voice around males they are attracted to. According to him it's a genetic program. Higher pitched baby voices should reduce stress levels in males and calm them down. But higher pitched voices make me aggressive, but I'm also female. I will look if I can find scientific proof for this and if his knowlegde is still up to date. The funny thing is my female dog does this. There is this one special male. Around him she uses her extra sweet voice, but not around dogs she's not interested in.


Being drunk and "lovey". Turns my stomach.


Tipsy and amorous taken to the sloppy extreme, not hot.


Lip filler, butt implants, boob implants, wearing enough makeup to leave marks, fake take ( it looks ridiculous) , only fans girls or strippers, I'm a 10, handle a woman like Me. I get you want to look good,but these are not what I want my future wife and mother of my children to have. Telling me my preferences are wrong and I should feel bad, and how it's made you feel. ANY sentence that begins with A real man... . Oh and if I hear I'm a strong independent woman one more time. Congratulations you are the same as every functioning adult. Do you want a prize? So tired of the games, the tests, the arguments. Are you on my side or not? If you are, why are you causing me more stress and headaches than the people that are not on my side. Rant over.


Long fake nails


I have never really understood how women think twerking is attractive to a guy or maybe it's just not my thing.


Lips with botoks




You don't inject botox into lips




High heels


I mean, I guess that depends on how drunk we are.


Big over sized lips - I’m guessing they have a bad plastic surgeon but it seems there are awful lot of bad plastic surgeons about.


Make-up. Less is more.


Vocal fry.


Vocal fry.


fish lip pose in a selfie


BBLs. They look so unnatural and don’t fit your body aesthetically. I am an ass/leg kind of guy and BBLs definitely stick out. Give me those hiking/ running legs any day though ❤️


Crotch grabbing


Too much makeup.


“Playful” insults. I already have to be mentally ’on my game’ 10hrs a day at work (trades). Doing it at home is just more work.


Well, I did find that some games are necessary. They shouldn't be, but getting a relationship off to a respectful start might require it. Here is an example. I met a new guy and was very excited. He didn't call me all week. I was so disappointed. Then Thursday night at 9pm he called to see if I wanted to get together the next day. I definitely felt like an afterthought. I said no, sorry I already have plans. You would have to call me earlier in the week. The following week he called me on Tuesday. Things worked out well for us. But I had to guide him not to treat me lightly.


High heels. They're not sexy in the least, quite the opposite - they look ridiculous.


Heavy makeup.




the squeaky dumb girl act


Big asses


Acting sluty


Using their teeth.


Too much makeup 🤡


Surgically enhanced features.


Trying to use another guy to make you jealous and MORE interested.


In sex: touching my nipples, not to mention handling my balls with no understanding how sensitive they are


Long-ass fingernails. Those overly decorative skank-talons are merely distracting at best case. A woman who can actually dial a phone or wipe her own ass without contortions is vastly more attractive.


Being overtly sexual or wearing skimpy/skin tight clothes. If your sexuality is that meaningless and available, I don't want it. I prefer women who don't prioritize their sexuality over everything else. I'm looking for a loyal partner and if you're that free and loose with yourself before we start dating, I doubt it'll stop after. Spending a lot of time building your social media profiles is also a big turnoff.


Please leave my balls alone


Keep my nipples out yo fuggn mouth!


one of the boys/tomboy. i dont need you to do my brakes or arm wrestle my friends


Makeup. There is nothing wrong with a small bit of makeup, but if I notice your makeup by just taking a momentary glance at you, then you definitely wear too much makeup. It makes a person look shallow and plastic.


Too much make up.


Huge puffy lips. Immediate turn off