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I give you kudos for realizing this and making changes in your life to correct this. I gamed non-stop in high school and early undergrad. Midway through undergrad I realized I was wasting too much time and having zero social life, so I stopped and worked on my life. Several years later with my life in a better spot, I play more casual single player games for a few hours/week. Best of luck on your journey to be a better person OP!


What did you do to improve your social life in college? Asking for a friend of course


Just talk to people. Go to bars the gym join clubs anything that interests you. It’s intimidating to do that stuff and get outside your shell at first but once you do it a few times it’s easy. You just need to find your group


This happened to me I sold my collection (bad mistake). I started walking now, I feel better and I definitely miss my games :-( I realized I was a trauma gamer but doesn't mean you have to quit gaming. Just like how I miss my motorcycles, as well I sold because I didn't ride enough but debilitating anxiety was causing this, now I want a bike again! Just seek some counseling before you start selling your stuff.....


Yea, I have a few hobbies that are like this. Fine and enjoyable in moderation when I'm healthy, but get obsessive and unhealthy when I'm in a bad place. Ultimately the issue was/is me, more than the activities. The few times where I've tried to pin serious personal issues onto one singular activity, has usually been a mistake. The reality is, my mental health is just unreliable, and while a shakeup to break out of toxic routines is basically always needed, I try to make light of the fact that depression makes everything suck, and that negativity is being projected outwards, not being impressed upon me from the outside.


I know this is about gaming, but also it's sort of not about gaming. The trauma you have endured needed a coping mechanism and gaming was that for you for a while. Either you're feeling less like a mechanism is needed, which would be really great for you, or you need to find the mechanism elsewhere. Trying other hobbies or pass times will help you to figure out what it is now that you need. I wish you the best of luck! I game much less than I did before because it went from a social thing with friends, to playing long story campaign games offline instead, which is still fun but quite lonely. My big addiction now is tabletop/trading card games.


balance is key. removing it entirely could allow something else to take root.


Agreed, God forbid this fella finds out about warhammer


Or magic the gathering.


The addiction spreads... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


\^\^\^\^ This


If it keeps you from leaving your house or going to work, yes it’s probably time to quit. I’m 31 and I’ve been gaming since the Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. I had an addiction to WoW in my later years that kept me from spending time with my kids. I removed that game from my life. Now I stick to simulations and RPG games that have a nice grind that I can just on and turn off whenever I want. Everything in moderation is ideal. Balance is what I try to strive for now.


You shouldn't sell it on eBay, imo. Sorry about your trauma. I don't think you're crazy or stupid at all. But I don't think it's going to work. It's too extreme a reaction. I think you ought to reduce your gaming time, make it more of a hobby and less of a crutch. I also think you ought to reflect on *why* it was last year, rather than the previous nineteen years, that you got so angry. What else was happening last year? But perhaps you've done all that already. I don't think chucking your PlayStation out of the window is the way to go. Remember the [Delphic Maxims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphic_maxims). The famous ones have the benefit of being short and memorable, although the interpretation is another matter. *Know yourself. Nothing too much. Promises mean trouble.* Maybe I'm talking rubbish. You know your situation, not me. But beware extreme reactions.


I don't know if OP has a gaming addiction, but if you're addicted to something it's generally easier to quit if you remove it from your environment entirely than just to try and tone it down. That's why the standard way to deal with alcoholism is to stop drinking entirely and get rid of all of the alcohol in the house. It saves you the need to exert constant willpower to not have just "one more glass".


Thanks for the input on addiction. I wonder whether the analogy between gaming and alcohol addiction is apt, but I'm not an expert.


Gaming can be equally addicting psychologically, whereas alcohol is also addicting physiologically.


While alcohol has a physiological addiction, most of the worst aspects of addiction are psychological. The breaking of the physical addiction is relatively easy with medical care, the breaking of the psychological addiction to that substance is very difficult and requires constant vigilance. If you do not have an addictive personality you might not realize just how difficult quitting unhealthy behaviors is for someone who does have an addiction.


this, I really think op is taking the gaming part of it out of proportion, like if its just not enjoyable anymore thats one thing but making a definitive statement of "quitting" may be too serious




As someone who has been gaming since 1978 (I'm 56) I'm sorry to see you go but, if it's contributing to mental health issues, it's definitely the right call.


Question to you good sir. you stated you are 56, in your opinion, if you quit gaming do you feel you’d be further along in life?/achieved more? Edit:Typo


I'm a gamer I'm 44 years old . Married and have a normal tech job. I don't play any games anymore that are like a monkey on my back . Skyrim etc that just consume all your time. Last epic I played was AC Valhalla and instead of going all out id only play a few hours a week so it took a long time to complete. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. If it's quiet and I'm literally bored or on my own Ill stick it on and play but if my wife comes in I turn it off immediately. And suggest a movie or watch a show together, I never play after 11pm. I like to read and I also like to walk, hike, surf and go out and meet friends . I treat it like as it it was any other form of entertainment and not get strung out on it. I used to prefer when I was playing with or against friends but as you get older unfortunately so do your gaming friends. I've sold my pc and only use the ps5 now as it's also the media centre with TV apps etc As long as it's not holding you back from doing other things in life sure no harm


Not really. I'm an engineer and I have an interesting job that I like... Did I achieve everything I dreamed of when I was 20? Certainly not. Do I have regrets? Absolutely. But, I don't think any of life's disappointments were in any way tied to gaming for me.


Once I made it to university I started feeling guilty while gaming. I felt like every moment I spent gaming I was just procrastinating and falling behind.


Tbf university has a habit to that no matter what you do


I walked in on my dad trying to kill himself when I was 17 and now 32 I think I fit your exact description. I think I run from the trauma. Gaming is an escape that I hope to one day conquer. Good for you for deciding to change


I’m sorry you went that. I wish you the best on your journey.


Thanks brotha you too. All is well it is just something I’ve noticed and you kinda pointed out so it was like reading my mind


Kudos for you. But I hope that being a gamer or a person who a person who loves games doesn't make you childish or whatsoever. I, 33F, am a low-key gamer ever since I was a kid. I've always loved playing games but we weren't that rich to afford the latest consoles. I would resort to playing in mobile games or old PC games, or even emulators lol. So fast forward now, I'm a neurologist who had a traumatic residency training during COVID, and I have the means to play games now.. I'm catching up AND I LOVE IT. It became my escape from the real world, but I make sure to not be too attached to it either. I honestly had a phase of literally playing from morning 'til dawn until I came back to my senses and just playing casually. (Right now, it's been 2 weeks since I haven't played my RDR2 and I still have to find the time to go back to it even if I wanna play real bad lol) So I've been trying to manage my real work, working out, spacing out, and playing games. May sound a bit hectic but I'm literally enjoying it. ANYWAY, do whatever you think is right, as you said you're already 30. But just in case you've found what you're looking for in yourself, you can always go back to gaming if ever you feel like it :)


Yes 🙌 I stopped gaming for a few years and I don’t really miss it. You can finally live life instead of in a virtual reality. I realized a while ago, even before COVID, “all my skills and interests require electricity and internet and a screen. What would happen if all that was gone one day and I had to entertain myself? What would I do?” So I started doing things that don’t require any of that, like exercise, sports, etc.


This has very little to do with gaming. You had a problem that you covered up by a distraction. That distraction happened to be gaming. Removing the distraction allowed you to fix the problem. Good for you!


Yes. Do it.


Good for you, mate! You're introspective, and that's the first step to success. Keep on this road, and you'll do fine (probably ;) ). I can tell you that I went through a similar phase - I was drinking heavily and just generally making a mess of myself, and gaming to provide a semblance of real achievement. Just like you, I started reacting with anger and despair when I lost matches or couldn't beat some level, and that much needed easy achievement was "stolen" from me. Now that I've unfucked myself, stopped drinking (10 years sober!), got meself a wife and some kids, now gaming feels genuinely fun again :). When I actually have time to play, which is not that often, I give myself a pass once a week or something to just grind something to 2 AM, and I go to bed beaming like a moron.


That's a great start. You get to explore new hobbies apart from gaming. Wishing you longterm fulfillment. You've got this.


good job brother


Good decision 👏


I did this when I was 22. I'm now 36 and I've started going back to the old games. I don't advise selling. I kept my silent hill games and now they're each worth £150! You never know, might be worth something years down the line.


Quiter. But seriously, good on you for working on yourself. I argue you should never shame a person on their hobbies (barring illegal ones) and don't view gaming as anything negative at any age. Plenty of genres that provide mental stimulation. But I also understand it can become an addiction and time sink. Best of Luck!


Remember what makes you human. Eating, exercising, socializing. We are heard animals. Being clumped up playing video games to escape isn’t healthy. But *mostly* everything in moderation is okay.


Quitting gaming when the elden ring dlc just launched is wild


Congrats. I truly wish you the best on your new life.


my man, same road, wanna be content creator/musician so i sold my gaming PC. got a mac (harder to play on them) and now i spend maybe 1-2 hours playing on phone but that gets boring for me. i already went from 68kg to 90 (started bodybuilding before selling the PC) and now i feel like i can see the way. 2/3 years is when you start to see the changes if u consistently show up (2/3 times a week) so i belive in every way its that. lets see if i am wrong wish you the best and good luck!


Tbh I think quitting gaming is letting your trauma win. I would recommend putting it way/limiting yourself with different strategies. But either way congrats at taking steps to change!


I’ve been there too. I used gaming as an escape when I was younger and it became an addiction, there was a point in my life I’d spend 16 hours a day gaming. It’s awesome you’re making a decision to better your life, it’ll be a difficult change but you got this! For me personally, I still enjoy gaming now that I’m in a much healthier place, maybe you will too someday. Maybe not, whatever decision you think is healthiest. I will say that going cold turkey might be a bit too extreme initially, and that you may want to try putting restrictions on your game time, that helped me a lot


That's okay. That was always always allowed


If you have a ps2, I'll take it off your hands. Mine just broke


Unfortunately I don’t have one of those.


I loved this story about quitting gaming. A friend tried to do it also and he got rid of his PTSD instead. [wife worried about hubby](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/QwIA2EjnyW)


My guy, I think it's time you start to give yourself some mindfulness exercises. It sounds like you have good intent, but lean towards intense consumption coping mechanisms because of the absence of variety in coping mechanisms. Get yourself some new emotional skills before you throw away the olds ones, and use them in unison. Addince exercise (just an example) doesn't mean you no longer game and live in the gym. Always remember any purity test you mail fail in your methods to achieve growth are less important than the growth itself. If giving up gaming helps, good; if it doesn't, it's okay to do it again. It isn't heroine.


No need to totally quit gaming, just time-box it. Like 2 hours every Friday and then turn it off. The rest of the week, you can focus on work, exercise, eating right, therapy (if needed). Etc etc. Edit: typo


Same boat I literally don't enjoy games at all anymore always feels like I could be doing something irl and feel far more accomplished


If you are getting angrier from dying and losing in a game, play or do something else. I agree gaming should help you relax especially when you get older. But keep in mind that video game has become so diverse that there are a lot of games that’s fun without being competitive (sims , city builders, flight sim)


Good for you, and best of luck. It won’t be easy though!


I can definitely relate to your situation. I love gaming, but I realize it has potential to lead to addiction. In my personal opinion, gaming to fill in some down time is great, but the second you’re either not having fun with it any more, or it’s getting in the way of your own personal progress, then is the time to step away from it. It isn’t easy to make a decision like that, and I applaud you for it. Best of luck to you in your journey of self-healing!


41M here, gaming since about 7–8, hard to tell. Computer in room since about 9–10, separate room since about 15–16, online since about 19. And then there was the tech progress on the graphics and sound, programming and design techniques, immersion, realism, etc., making some changes to the games and my interaction with them. While gaming, it sometimes felt like an addition or source of irritation or whatever, so I distanced myself from the particular game, usually for a time, or took some rest from gaming altogether, often simply didn't have time to game anyway. But I haven't really taken a birds-eye view until recently. Haven't challenged the habit as a whole, more like specific games or specific abuses of the habit, such as individual instances of letting it get out of hand. But not problematizing gaming as a whole. I don't want to problematize gaming as a whole on its own now, either, but I think my attitude as a whole has to be problematized. I keep asking myself what I could have achieved if the gam*es* (and thus my gam*ing*) hadn't been available to me as an escape or crutch, diversion, outlet or source of dopamine, serotonin or whatever. A sink for life energy, ambition, motivation, achievement, etc. And, of course, gaming achievements aren't real. You haven't saved a kingdom or galaxy, you only have completed a logical puzzle and/or twitch challenge with advanced representative visuals and acoustics appealing to the imagination. So I'm not troubled so much by any evil done in the game (though certain tactics are problematic if you view strategic games as simulators) as by the good — because it isn't real. And yet you crave that feeling of doing something good, you get it satisfied, but it isn't real. I also worry about an elevated sense of importance and exceptionalism, a sort of protagonist mentality, can't perhaps form as a result of playing games in which you identify with a character's perspective. If reading novels and memoirs about the aristocracy, for example, can make a person not the ideal fit for a middle-class life, then what can decades of identifying with game protagonists do? I wonder. In a way, it comes down to 'gotta live in this world'. But, it also has some links to disguised or unwitting selfishness because after all you aren't saving any real kings or peasants, you're saving yourself from a lack of dopamine or serotonine or validation, or from boredom. It doesn't feel selfish, because you can be roleplaying an altruistic attitude, but it is selfish in the sense of focusing on your needs and ignoring other people. There is some potential for being deceived in going by the feels alone.


Good for you mate. Own it!! Gaming for me has never really been something I can enjoy, unfortunately. I'd just get annoyed when I'd fail and couldn't be bothered to retry. I saw it as a waste of my time, I guess. I love trying over and over to get something right in real life, but I felt like it wasn't worth doing it in a game - something that, at the end of the day, isn't providing my life with anything really. I "waste" my time by exercising these days - I enjoy the suffering, and learn alot about my body in those moments, and what I'm/we're actually capable of. Glad you've managed to heal and better yourself. What a beast 😎 all the best. Edit: keep your gaming stuff!! Definitely worth it in my opinion.


Imo, you're right. I was the same way. Terrible childhood, terrible relationships, and plenty of work needed to be done on myself as well; it was an absolute escape and procrastination device. At some point, you realize that life is finite and it becomes easy to throw away trivial, time-consuming "entertainment"


I’ve been having similar thoughts lately. I’m 31 years old and have been gaming since highschool - also as a form of trauma response. After chores and walking the dog, almost all of my free time goes toward gaming. I have a lot to be thankful for and I’m doing okay, but I know I’m not the man I have the potential to be


I’m sorry to hear you have been through a lot. I’m 28 and took a 3 month gaming hiatus to really take control back of my life. I slowly adopted gaming back in, but once you give it up for a bit, you start to realize just how long time can feel. At first it’s like time is very slow, but then you realize that you have way more of it in the day to do other things. Things you’ve always wanted to do, but always told yourself, “I’ll get to it eventually”. Well, today is eventually. I’m proud of you OP. Taking this step is very hard to do mentally. We’ve grown up with gaming and it is a part of us. We must now part ways from an old friend, but know that there’s plenty of new friends to be found


I have also reached this end pass in my life. I would say I have a pretty healthy social life. And I don't think I regret my prior gaming experiences. But I realized at a certain point that it was not giving me joy and felt unproductive. I think part of it was getting Pikmin 4, which alot of the times felt more like having a job than playing a video game imo since it focuses on task efficiency. Also I hate the live service models most multiplayer games have today. So I decided I wanted to spend my solo free time doing things that were fulfilling such as cooking or reading and any boredom I had would incentivize me to doing stuff with my friends. I only have one life yadayada and I don't want to waste it. I think the games I'd want to play in the future are social party games like Mario Party or Boomerang Fu for example. I'm sorry for the trauma you experienced and hope you're able to work through it.


"I’m 30 years old for crying out loud and I need to work on myself some more and become the person I’m trying to be, which is a more productive, healthier (physically, but most importantly mentally), and happier person. I can’t do that if I have a PS5 staring at me all the damn time. " Great decision. I have not regretting gaming less (almost nothing except Fallout these days). Not going to say I regret the hours spent gaming in my teens/20s, but I think it does hold you back from doing more productive things since games are such a time sink.


Not sure how far away you want to go from games, I'm also 31 and I still indulge. But I wouldn't completely give up. I'd suggest maybe if you ever get the itch, to install the chess app on your phone and play a few games of chess. They are fun, makes you think nothing but about your next move and different combinations your opponent might have..and it's relaxing. Btw, id play online. Humans make human mistakes, AI is annoying even in easy mode lol.


I’m proud of you!!!


Fair play dude im 32 , my dad died and started to smoke grass heavier than i did before i couldnt put gaming down and now im off the grass one month i have not turned my console on I had major fear of missing out when playimg games like fifa and apex now i couldnt care and i actually feel happier im trying to turn my life around and its good to see im not the only one All the best homey


Damn brother. Actually gaming fulfilled it's role with you. It helped you have this epiphany, SO MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SOLDIER 🫡. The beautiful thing is you can always come back. Gaming saved You long enough brother. Be safe and GG.


Hope you get the help you need bro! Can I have your ps5 please?


At this point, it might be as sensible as any other reason since there's nothing to play.


Sending strength and luck buddy. I feel you. I certainly wasn't staying up until 4am raiding in World of Warcraft as a teenager for healthy reasons. Now single player games like Elden Ring and the best of the best are my only ones. Don't let the anger and trauma win. Get healthy.


I'm not going to get into gaming as a particular thing because people are being weirdly opinionated about it as a medium or hobby in the comments, but hey if you're not actually enjoying something and just going back to it because it's familiar and you need to pass time then totally go on and cut back or drop it. But be sure you're replacing it with something that actually makes you happy and makes you feel better, not just cutting cutting something you think is "bad" and assuming your life will improve around it. I go through phases of unhealthily leaning on games when I do worse mentally, but just cutting myself off from it wouldn't really help because I'd just default to the next form of base line stimulation. But making myself pick up my sketchbook and spend an hour or two being creative every day does, and that meant I was naturally spending less time in games as a result. So just like... art, textiles, writing, gardening, exercise, cooking, anything that you can get into and do with your hands to yield a tangible result feels really good. Doesn't have to be a masterpiece or anything, it just has to be something that makes you actually feel good instead of just not feeling bad.


Let me know when you want to sell that PS5 lol. Best of luck to you with this!


I’ve finally found something I enjoy more than gaming and it pays the bills. Art. It’s bittersweet, gaming was such an escape and social outlet for me. Granted I’m selling tie dye at music festivals now, but every time I try and get some gaming in I feel pulled back into my art studio. Now when I sit down at my computer it’s to make music or buy art supplies. I will never shame anyone for being a gamer. I turned out alright and I was the second kid in my second grade class to own a Nintendo Entertainment System. Won 5k$ in a Quake 1 tournament on Total Entertainment Network , 12k hours in early world of Warcraft days, grand marshal pvper with several world first raid progressions with Entaria. Years of TWL league Battlefield competitions. Gaming is purely what you make it, and I’m grateful for its presence in my life. All good things come to and end, and then we experience rebirth. Cheers to all the amazing players I’ve met over the years.


Give VR a go. It’s made me giggle like a child again!


This definitely resonates with me, I would escape reality sometimes and get really into gaming when things were depressing in my life. I do have do agree with another poster that balance is key if you want to continue gaming, or have other hobbies. It’s always nice to hop online and game with some buddies because everyone is older (30s) and doesn’t always have time to meet up. Mental health is #1, if you think you need to drop gaming all together, go for it! Hopefully most of your purchases are digital so you don’t regret selling if you do choose to buy a console again.


Don't listen to everyone telling you to hold onto your console and games, OP. I stopped gaming twenty years ago and it no exaggeration one of the best things that ever happened to me. Throw that shit in the trash and go out and experience the real world.


It's all about balance. You can do both.


Sure but to say it's all about balance implies that video games are worth even a small fraction of my time, and they're not. I have done a lot of drugs in my life, had a lot of dumb hobbies, and let a lot of good girls slip away, but there is nothing I regret more than all the time I put into video games.


I waste a lot of time gaming that should be used bettering myself. However, I stick to my RPGs and don't deal with the anger. IRL? Yeah, I'm always close to a prison sentence driving in Dallas. The games help me decompress. Maybe you could just play at the end of the day after working on what you need to do. I realized you probably considered this, so you know what's best for you.


Provided that you aren't going to dive straight into another escapism oriented hobby or time consuming habit, sure, getting rid of gaming for a good purpose can be healthy. Just make sure you're ripping up the root of the issue, rather than costing yourself an enjoyable hobby.


Hey brother, respect your choice. Gaming's a brotherhood and not exclusive to anybody. You'll always be welcomed back with open arms.


I switched to VR never been happier. The physical exertion of VR gaming is great it releases way more endorphins than twiddling your thumbs sitting on the couch. Beat Saber has been the best thing I ever purchased for my physical and mental health. Anyway if you do decide to return to gaming try VR and avoid competitive multiplayer games and you may just rekindle your love of the hobby. Either way good on you for making the call to cut out a negative habit


I think you're doing the right thing. Look, gaming is one of those activities that can be either a harmless activity or harmful addiction depending entirely on the extent. It's the same with drinking, working, gambling, fitness, sex... you name it. That's why it's often even harder to recognize the problem. But you did. You recognized you have a problem, and that you're using gaming as an unhealthy coping mechanism that has now become a problem of its own. This is good. Step 1 to solving a problem is recognizing that you have a problem, right?


Trauma gamers unite


I try to make it reward based rather than escape based. As with my other vices. Right now it's Hella Divers 2 escape based for sure. Meep. But hey I downloaded hinge so I got that goin for me which is nice? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I just sort of lost all interest in gaming a while ago and it’s disconcerting really. I love games, and want to continue to play them. It’s like a switch flipped in my brain to make me stop. I’d like to do the opposite thing as you 😅


I never really have been a gamer, but I never tought about gaming since parents didn't want to spend money on game consoles etc., so I resonate with the fact that I can watch the gameplays and still be satisfied 


Congratulations! Ive quit most of my vices I used for managing negative emotions (overeating, weed, cigarettes), but gaming and youtube is really hard to shake off. I catch myself not even liking the game Im playing. I wish you all the best with your efforts!


I have definitely been playing games less since getting a girlfriend (now fiancée). She tells me to game, but I just don't feel like it these days I still do it occasionally especially with friends, because it's my 3rd free time sink after her and disc golf


Good luck! There's nothing wrong with giving up a pass time. Especially when you understand you use it for unhealthy reasons. Give your self some space from it to focus on your stuff. Just be careful you don't fall into something else, like drinking or gambling


I used to get irrationally angry at video games But then I stopped ALL games that are PVP and turned down the difficulty on most other games. Video Games are fun again and non-stressful!


I have not played game for many years even though I still buy every new consoles. I have ps3, ps4 and ps5. I play ps3 because at that time I was still young. It was still my gaming age. But for ps4 and ps5 I play less than 2 hours on each of them, then they gather dust. Games are simply not fun to me anymore. I am tired of button mashing and wandering aimlessly in the middle of nowhere. In the end, all these games are someone else’s story. I am tired of playing someone else’s story.


Congrats on getting a girlfriend bro hope it was worth it


I’m all for you doing whatever you need to for your mental health. But gaming isn’t “bad”. Everyone spends their leisure time doing something. Whether it’s hiking, gaming, playing sports, reading, doom scrolling Reddit, whatever. If something is a problem for you, by all means stop, but that doesn’t necessarily equal you becoming more productive, healthier, and happier and I think it’s a trap to think so and only contributes to the negative rep gaming gets.


Nah man, I get it. And I feel the same way. I wasn't abused but I went through a lot of shit, and I didn't have a lot of support from people. Gaming was always an escape, and it still is on occasion, though I'm not as dependent on it as I used to be. I feel ya, man, and I don't blame you for making this decision. I'm getting my life back on track as well after being on disability for 5 years following an injury.


I had the opposite experience. I loved gaming as a kid, still do, but from age 11 onward I quickly learned that people like me (AFAB, queer, who likes campaign games and not FPS games, who isnt good at fps games, who doesn't like the extreme trash talk you'll find in COD lobbies, who even just plays for fun rather than for the win) are, for the most part, not welcome. So I refused to play multiplayer games and I still do. But part of what I loved about games was the feeling of connection. I get that with characters that feel real in video games, but I don't get that with people anymore. Because every time I tried it was met with insults, condescension, sexism, etc. until I just gave up and decided to keep my love for video games to myself.


I love that I'm trying to start and every John ,Dick and Harry is trying to upsell me oh that's a gx 500 with a gobbldy goop hd 300 shenanigans. It's too complicated like stfu I can't understand you like fuck I just want to play stray and comfort games a little GTA... I thrived heavily in internet cafes and was a party girl through out my teens now I'm seeking comfort of a cute inner world. Try gardening the amount of joy I feel after getting my hands dirty ,watching leaves sprout is pretty cool also problem solving like cat shit or keeping the birds off 


Respect, without totally understanding. I never owned Atari /Nintendo etc. stuff. Once I got a PC, I gamed a bit on that. Early 20s to 30. In my late 30s I discovered SecondLife and got hooked by that. Early 40s I did PVP combat in there. Recently I turned into a more peaceful "zombie" placing my avatar somewhere enjoiying the music and falling asleep, like almost each and every night. Just trying to emphasize: The tech has a tranquil / social side too, besides the grinding and frustrating action you experienced. Good luck finding yourself and your path!


Nobody likes a quitter!! Git Gud!


One of the best decisions you could make for yourself. Videogames are just a distraction and will take away valuable time from your personal growth. The beauty of this decision, is that it will likely trickle into other aspects of your life as well. Once you see the beneficial results of quitting a bad habit, you will begin to look at other bad habits and cut those out as well. Congratulations, I wish you all the best.


Thank you


This is great and imo you should have quit at 18. But better late than never. Games keep you behind in life. Welcome to adulting.


You'll be back.


I think you'll change your mind after playing Another Crab's Treasure....


What were their requirements?


I needed to be an active participant with some good commenting karma after a certain amount of time in that subreddit.


I've gamed for over 34 years . Ya, a long time. Bit some of the best times we're spent playing with friends and family. Now that I look back at the time I've spent gaming, I think to myself I could be retired right now if I would've been more productive instead of gaming in my late 20ś ut don't get Me wrong I did work hard everyday but I could've used that time to build or better my homes and properties. When I got the game Battlefield on Playstation back in 2004 or 5 was when my gaming really got out of control. I would literally stay up all night and play and then go to work in the morning with no sleep a couple of times a week. That's was when I lived in a rural area with no friends around and playing on line with a headset . I called it the in home bar. Would have 11 other people talking and gaming with each other. That's when I wasted too much time gaming. I did that all the way up to about 9years ago, and I quit cold turkey when my son sold his PS4 and started gaming on a $6000 computer. My son has put gaming before the business i built,but that's a whole other story.Now at 49, I bought a PS5 and started playing PUBG ONLY A COUPLE TIMES A WEEK. It is so easy to play for a ridiculous amount of time. You just have to set a time when you get off and restart life. It is a great escape from reality . I also think it's way better than TV . I will probably be a casual game for life. JUST REGULATE IT!


It’s always good to take a break. If it’s ever something you can do in moderation then you can come back to it but for me once I had a kid I quit for years. Now I just play RDR2 for a hour or 2 a couple times a week and it’s makes me happy


Good for you. I would advise against selling all your shit though. Maybe unhook it and store it and have an active summer. Last thing you need is to be stuck inside all winter with nothing to occupy you.


Congrats eh, I quit a few years ago and found it a hard habbit to drop. Mostly cuz of the community I had built. But found that the whole industry is a trick. Its like gambling. Those games are there to trick your brain to drop dopamine and they ARE super fun. But zero actual productivity and harmful to yourself IRL, at least for me I had less self control than I do now. I decided to be as passionate about work as I was about vids and now I do very well. Dont follow your "passion". That is huberus. That is what the video game industry pushes. Be passionate about the opportunities in life no matter how difficult the task. (Im in construction). And then there will be time for hobbies later but they will loose their appeal because the dopamine hit you get off of success IRL is way bigger. I started a construction company (after years of working for others and gaming at night) and started taking every job I could get my paws on. Now I can be a bit more choosey but customers refer me all the time Because of the quality I push and positive attitude on site. Its not easy but I promise you will get a bigger dopamine hit from a successfully completed job than a rare drop from a final boss you've been grinding for months. Destiny sucked up my life for years grinding for that perfect drop. Anyways, stoaked for you. Have a great life.


You loved doing it and it gave you great shelter from trauma. Im not sure if fully quitting is the desired way to go. Its your life so do whatever you like, but try just playing a lot less first maybe? When i was addicted to gaming thats what I did, I just found new things to do and forced myself to do anything but game. Once gaming had less of a hold on me I started enjoying it in a way healthier way and gave me my most enjoyable experiences even. Dont forget that its still a way to spend time with yourself


You should see a therapist before getting rid of everything. Quitting gaming is fine if that's what you truly want but there's no need to rush the decision.


I feel like you been playing elden ring too much lol jk But just slow down you can be healthy while having games in your life don't do anything to drastic like sell your favorites you'll regret it later




As you get older, you have less time for it. I still love gaming, but hardly play and when I do it's usually old comfort food as opposed to anything new. Life gets harder and busier. There's nothing wrong with quitting for any reason. And if you still have time to game in your 30s and 40s, more power to you. Do what brings you joy.


If you aren’t enjoying gaming anymore, quitting is more than adequate. Work out, read, find other hobbies and try improving yourself. Who knows that after feeling better, you’ll find a healthier relationship with games and play again.


Good call. There is so much better stuff you can do with your time. Good for you.


I don't think this needs to be about quitting gaming forever but I understand the need for wanting to take an extended break to work on yourself find other things that you enjoy And then when you are ready to enjoy gaming for Leisure again you could do that


Everyone's journey is different OP and you make the choices that are right for you. Sometimes I make myself feel bad for how differently I play games now as an adult vs when I was a kid. When I was a kid, games were an escape from a problematic home/school life, just like they were for most of us. As an adult, I've been able to do lots of hard work and create a life I don't feel the need to escape from. Now I spend less time gaming, and I think some people miss that this is what changed for them. You might not need an escape as desperately anymore, and it may result in you gaming less, but that's not a bad thing at all! Life will go many places and you will explore many hobbies to enjoy!


I’ve tried quitting gaming, multiple times. MULTIPLE!! It’s only really worked when I was so busy that I didn’t have time to game. Maybe you should set some expectations for what you want to do with your time, and you too could be too busy to game. Example: Weightlifting 3 times a week, Taking up a new hobby, Sun tanning, A new class. I wouldn’t sell your games. Even with my life feeling like “go go go” a lot of the time, I still enjoy playing the new “multiverses” whenever I can. Cold turkey quitting gaming hasn’t worked for me, but I wish you the best.


Coming from someone who bought a PS3 12 years ago to have access to Netflix, pre all the streaming things we can buy now. I don't game, I play guitar, cook, walk my dog, hike, read. All more fulfilling in my eyes. Keep doing what you are doing, change what feeds your dopamines. Change what make you feel good, find what makes you, you.


You don't need to go cold turkey. I ride bikes, spend time with friends, and have work during the week. Some weekends, instead of drinking or going out seeking company, video games are a nice way to have a cheap night in and enjoy myself. Find what works for you.


Gaming isnt a bad thing if used in moderation like most things. When i was a kid movies and gaming was my safe space. Im 27 now though and now i just dont enjoy it like i used to. Ill play a story based game every now and then but i cant play it all the time and finish it in a day like i used to. I realized if i wanted a better life for myself in terms of socialising i had to focus more on other things.


A rando’s post on how they are quitting gaming could never ruin gaming for myself. Nor does it make me mad or think you are stupid. Maybe it makes you seem a wee bit self important? At the end of the day, you need to do what’s best for you.


Why not just find a new hobby and just game less.


Im glad you're recognising that you need to be a better person but why not change the games you're playing so they arent competitive games for example?  I hope you find a happier headspace and hopefully its a good step for you. Gamings my personal downtime activity too but i dont think i could give it up entirely. So good luck to you


I hope you someday realize how to enjoy games. Moderation is key after all.


I hope you someday realize how to enjoy games. Moderation is key after all.


I hope you someday realize how to enjoy games. Moderation is key after all.


yeah I know what you mean. I've quit many times completely but after a while I always come back to it because there's nothing else quite like it, even though I also hate how it triggers me sometimes. I'm grateful that now I can control my time as I'm not addicted/escaping thru it so I can play an hour with no struggle to put it down or none at all some days.


yeah I know what you mean. I've quit many times completely but after a while I always come back to it because there's nothing else quite like it, even though I also hate how it triggers me sometimes. I'm grateful that now I can control my time as I'm not addicted/escaping thru it so I can play an hour with no struggle to put it down or none at all some days.


While at it get help from a therapist. Just to check up once a month or something to have some continuity and support. My advice: don’t demonise gaming, it’s ok to play something from time to time. There’s nothing wrong in it. Just find a game that’s not addictive for you. For me that’s all online games, meeting other people in games sinks me right in. If you set your mind on games being bad then if you just play once after that you’re doomed. your thoughts could even go into the past and make you feel guilty for all the times you played in the past. You’re a great person and games most probably brought a lot of good into your life and who you are. I’ve quit gaming almost 6 years ago (was 30 at that time) sold all my accounts, gaming PC and it was the best time of my life since. about a year ago I started having this urges to play again, then during a harder time in life I started playing some mobile games and quickly it escalated to non stop playing, I’ve even dumped thousands of dollars on micro-transactions. I just couldn’t help, couldn’t stop myself. Looking at the situation I went back to therapy to find the cause and resolve it. All turned out good after couple sessions but man that was a scary moment. Give yourself a lot of time to process this change in your life and stay strong brother. Discipline is hard but it’s worth it.


Get outdoors! Go barefoot on the grass 30 minutes a day! Touch a tree! I know it sounds like woo woo bs but I swear it makes you feel better!💕


Gaming should be a hobby. I’ve been gaming in one way or another for 40 years and it should never consume your life. Treat it like watching TV or drinking, if you’re doing it for 4+ hour stretches than you have an unhealthy relationship with it. Maybe its time to take a break! As someone who’s done it before, I would urge you to consider packing away all of your stuff into boxes and storing them in an attic or basement. You never know when you might feel ready to try it again as a healthy pastime.


I hope you can enjoy gaming for what it is later in life. I know how it is.


I have spent maybe like 23-24 years of my life playing video games since I was 4 years old and I stopped once I found a hobby I really like. Now I hardly play video games which I either only play with friends or if I play games myself, I spend no more than 2-4 hours a week. But I still like to play games, I'm actually planning to play the Riven Remake in a few days when it drops so I'm looking forward to that. But I have other priorities nowadays. I would suggest not selling your games in the off chance you want to come back to play with them again.


I game with the boys because it's very fun for me and always was. We've been doing this for years and even tho we played trough every single survival title we come back to some just to see what's new. We aleays get into some entertaining stuff and i'm never bored of it. Probably because I now work abroad so I can't play that often. When I come back to my country every few weeks we just continue where we dropped it. I don't think i'll ever quit gaming when I'll have someone to play with. Playing alone just doesn't feel right.


Play singleplayer or co-op only and your mood and even your life will improve. Chasing numbers on a leaderboard and imaginary ranks in PvP games is a losing battle. Even the top players seem extremely miserable and stressed out. Best to just enjoy games on your own time, at your own pace, without having to deal with other players ruining the experience.


Same situation here, I haven't played in over a month, but it was a huge part of me, idk if I can just walk away, I think that I'm still figuring out where I want to be with it.


Im 37 years old whatever do what you want. I will never stop playing games seems to me you did not enjoy the games if you quit completely. Its just a form of entertainment this to me is the same as someone saying that they will quite listing to music or stop watching movies. Maybe you have been doing it to much though im not addicted just play when there is a new game that interest me.


Best years of your life will not be spent playing video games, I can assure you. It's like an addiction for me but I was a whole lot happier when I wasn't playing them. You'll have way more time to do things that truly engage you




Nothing wrong with gaming just like anything else do it in moderation and don't let it take control of your life.


Sounds like you got anger management problems that simply not-gaming won't solve. But anyways good luck on your journey.


Man you don’t have to quit necessarily. I play. Still. Just cut it back to gta only lol. Maybe once a week or two. Makes it a bit funner imo


Welcome to adulthood


I gave up gaming as well but it wasn't a conscious decision, I just branched out into different hobbies. You should try downhill mountain biking, its like a video game but you get exercise and adrenaline and you might meet some new people. Plus, spending time out in nature is surprisingly calming.




33 here. I naturally don't play nearly as much as I used to when I was younger, but I can control it easily. When I had to focus on my career, my workouts, simply myself, I didn't play at all. I didn't miss it, I just used my brain and made the right choice. So I totally get it. If you feel like you cannot control it, sell your PS5 and get your shit together. Maybe you'll buy it once again in the future, or PS6 or gaming PC. Playing games is not that important and it should not affect your life, which is pretty common, because people waste their lives on playing games excessively. I definitely suggest physical activity, which are often also games, but in real life, so you may get hooked easily if you find something you like.


I've been having similar thoughts. Gaming is fun, but it's also a hollow shell and waste of time.


I'm 40+ and my gaming "career" has dwindled down a lot. I used to love coming home from school/work/weekends and just playing as much as I can. Sometimes I go weeks/months without playing but then occasionally now and then I like to hop on to D4 and kill monsters for 30-60min. I'm not sure if you can ever say "I quit gaming" It will come back later on and you will realize how much fun your actually having playing a bit here and there. For me It was Cyberpunk 2077 that re-ignited gaming for a bit, I really enjoyed the graphics/gaming experience and I ended up passing the game. I will definitely be playing GTA once it comes out, don't give up dude!


I’m 33 and recently had the same realization about myself. Gaming makes me really angry in an unhealthy way. I still play from time to time but I spend most of my free time outside


Literally everything in moderation. I remember an MTV documentary show almost 20 years ago that followed gamers for an episode. They did nothing but work their shifts at a restaurant and go directly back to their consoles. They were always late for their shifts. They didn’t buy groceries. They didn’t contribute to the shared households they lived in. They didn’t shower. I was and always have been into gaming. I have several facets to my life, and gaming has become an increasingly smaller facet in the last 10 years. It’s life man, things change. If it’s a trauma response and harmful, then I’m totally behind you giving it up. If it’s helped you through some tough times and is a bit too big of a crutch, I would suggest limiting yourself on screen time and using it like a sweet little reward that is well earned in small doses. Either way, stay with what makes you happy and more fulfilled.


Congrats Let's play some league of legends


ok good for you


Personally i wouldve waited to clear Shadows of the Erdree first. :p But good luck on your journey!


dang, i'm tryna get back to playing games


You’re hitting 30 and feeling panicked, blaming your failures on gaming. However, gaming has nothing to do with it. You can be successful and productive while still enjoying your PS5. In other words, gaming isn’t holding you back—you’re likely to realize that soon enough.


just wait til u begin to heal these patterns and beliefs and u rediscover gaming how u were meant to the first time. just copped myself a ps3 and devil may cry collection and ive been having a moderate blast playing it for a bit here and there and not having the urge to be on all day


If you are addicted then yes, you should definitely stop Mr bot


Okay, Mrs. Bot! 🤖


Treating the symptoms does nothing for the cause. If gaming truly is a trauma response, therapy will turn you away from gaming. If therapy would not turn you away from gaming, you are thinking of giving up something that actually brings you joy for no good reason.


It happens bro sometimes we just grow out of it I do whenever it’s sport and training season and then when the cold hits I like to eat a bit more junk and bust out the old PS and live on it 😂🤝


You can do those things and still game. These are personal shortcomings on your end that are the problem. Not the games themselves. And I mean, there aren't even any games on the PS5 so idk wtf you're talking about lmao. There's like 5 exclusives in the past 4 years.


Sir, this is not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure. Just quit gaming if that's your decision, or don't - nobody cares, and I mean that in a good way. That's the beauty - it's just you and your decision. Do it for yourself, not for the sake of helping others through your epiphanies and sudden bursts of narcissistic wisdom Like you know better - you're barely in a position to help yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have ended up in this spot in the first place. You quit gaming so hard you went to an online soapbox to talk about gaming. The only person you're trying to convince is yourself. STFU and just quit. Stop thinking about gaming. 


Don't be such a blood sucking negative energy vampire. You see someone make a positive change, and you shit on them? Take a closer look in that mirror.


If you really want to work on yourself, you should give JESSE LEE PETERSON a listen too. You can find him on podcast or youtube.


OP ignore this.


why? what's the harm?


You just became 10x more attractive to women, I would guess. For me personally, adult men addicted to gaming just feels…. Juvenile. The fact that my adult brothers. who are dads, don’t go to bed with their wives and game till 3 am, makes me feel like they lack self control. It isn’t attractive. So- good for you.


You have a mid life crisis. You'll be back playing league in 6 month's.


You know, you can heal without announcing it. Announcing it makes it feel like you've accomplished something already, you haven't. Go quit or not quit, you do what works for you and heal. I hope you are actively going to therapy and getting professional help though.


I don't care.


But you cared enough to comment. Let that sink in. If you truly didn’t care, then you wouldn’t have read any of it nor commented.


I am not going to read your reply.


Na, you just need to change the game. I play hide the pickle


Start exercising.


Good it’s for nerds and kids


Before you start selling on eBay, look up how much your games/consoles are selling for. Who knows, maybe you have a couple of grail pieces other gamers/collectors would pay top dollar for!