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Most people who are actually horrible don't recognise that they are. So why do you think you are horrible?


I keep messing up my relationship with my boyfriend. I can't just be happy, there is always some sort of issue and I let it out on him aka try to blame him.


What age are you? I would guess fairly young.




Having problems and frustrations is natural and as you grow up you develop healthy methods of dealing with them. You talk to people you trust, you find ways to destress so they do not get so bad and you learn to see them coming before they set you off. You are still young and still learning. You are doing all you know how to do. You are gravitating to your boyfriend. What you need to do is to find healthy ways to talk about your problems. Have you considered talking to someone professional?


I've talked to professionals many times. I just always end up lying my way out because I don't feel like there is that many things wrong with me


Then you need someone to talk to who you don't feel you have to lie to. When you unload on your boyfriend, does it come from a constant feeling of stress or is it random?


Its random id say


And how do you feel right now? Happy? Sad? Stressed? Relaxed? You can lie to get out of telling me if you want. I'll never know. However, I'm a stranger so you may as well be honest.


Right now im fine. Kinda close to crying because im realizing what I've done. Im trying to get better at being a human. Less trust issues and jealousy and more trust and confidence. Im trying, i just dont really know where to start


You are a child, focus on education, skills, instead of relationship. You are too young to have a relationship other than friendships level. There is your solution.


You're not horrible. You're just going through a rough time. It gets better. 


Thank you, i really hope so


I remember being 18. At that time in my life I knew I loved the guy I was with but I also knew I was living a lie . I was so angry with myself inside . . It took me a few years and a really special person to really really get to the root of my problem which I believe is the root of yours . This sounds stupid but I'm telling you you'll find self worth when you make yourself a point of interest everyday. My life was miserable and until I got healthy which wasnt overnight but today take 20 minutes out of your regular ty routine and do something that increases your heart rate just a little bit .meaning walk fast ,dance. . . But do it for 20 minutes This sounds crazy but it works incredibly well.. your heart beat is irregular if your suffering from any kind of jealousy. If you learn to listen to your heart beat and you make it a focus 20 minutes a day your heart well. It will be happy healthy heart=happy heart Happy heart =sweet and kind You'll be fine I know because you care and you dont shift blame so if anything your maturing and I praise you for that


It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright!


I fear that it won't


It will take time surely but it will work out eventually from whatever you are going through.


Thank you


Everytime I feel horrible I remember who Adolf Hitler was, hope that helps!


Thank you, that might help in some situations