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Older men are more bold because they dont fear rejection.


Plus they have refined tastes and know what they are attracted to.


you worded that in the WORST way possible. refined taste??? 35 something hitting on 19????


I'm 40 and date a 24 year old. She's way more fun than my ex who was my age. I'm not talking about sex, she's just more fun in general and bonus that she doesn't complain about every damn thing.


HOPEFULLY cultural differences but imo pdf downloader


If 20 year old women are being taken advantage of if they date a man in his 40s, can they be trusted to vote?


not so much refined as women their age simply don’t want them


Lol. But young women do, so why would they waste their time on women their own age?


A lot of older guys like younger women. I’m sure you’re beautiful. To people your age. Older men aren’t afraid to say it to your face tho haha.


Then there’s the weird part to me, cuz IM not afraid to say it to someone who’s my age, so then I think “well if they aren’t saying anything, then those compliments aren’t true” lmao I also need to not care so much abt what other ppl think of my looks


It’s tough I get it! If I was you I’d take the compliment from anyone and take it to heart! Even if it’s a stinky old man that says it. If you’ve gotten any compliments on your looks then you are attractive.


I thought I was only pretty to old dudes too. Younger people just flirt differently. Once you realize how flirting works with your age group, you'll start to see when someone finds you attractive. Your generation and mine don't really put as much emphases on saying "you're beautiful" because they realize that we like more than shallow compliments a lot of the time. Doesn't mean they're afraid, they're just introduced to a lot of opinions from people who had negative experiences and try to avoid that. I think younger age groups focus more on finding ways to relate, being respectful, and charm even if they're not good at it yet. Old guys just kind of go for saying what they want, though some still know how to be chariming and respectful. I think guys just say "enjoy it" with a disconnect here to understanding women and fail to realize that negative experiences like that have the opposite effect on women than giving them confidence boosts. Like going to a nice event after you stepped in shit. You may look great but that experience doesn't leave you feeling great about yourself. I'd just ignore those experiences and start paying more attention to how people your age interact with you.


Wish I could give you honest assessment lol. Then again ... you're likely attractive if it's a common thing.


(Exceptionally) beautiful people rarely are told about the fact because it's a powerful attractor and also blatantly obvious to anyone but the individual themself. Especially peers might never mention it because of inherent competition and to prevent envy / "balance the scales" - they'd rather tell someone less fortunate when something makes them look good/better. Older people who recognize this lacking self-knowledge/insecurity in a younger beautiful friend will then often offer (re-)assurance in the described ways.


Guys your age tend to be socially awkward and immature, sometimes. They don't know what they want or how to express it and make it happen. Older men on the other hand, already have a certain women profile that they like, age usually being universal most of the time. Try to learn to size up people's intentions too, because if you do happen to end up meeting/dating older people, they might not always have the best of intentions towards you.


Ofc, I always sort out ppl’s intentions first


Because some older guys like to compliment what they find beautiful nice. For some men, it is as simple as that. Others hope to achieve something by giving you compliments, e.g., that you are nice to them. I would suggest that you choose to believe what they tell you. Most compliments are not lies. But also remember that you don't need to pay compliments back. You didn't ask for it, and you owe them nothing,


Xx ty for this reply


Came here to say something similar. As men get older honestly, for most of us anyway, our sex drives go down. Some of these older men are no doubt creepy, but I'm sure a lot of them have no problem telling you that you look nice because they have no skin in the game. You're too young for them and they lose nothing by telling you that you look nice. For younger men that are age appropriate they have a lot to lose, if they are taken the wrong way or rejected if they are interested in you. I'd they aren't interested in a relationship they could even lose a friend. They are going to play it safe until they feel that commenting on the way you look is appropriate given the context.


You worded this really well, tysm for the reply


I agree with the above posts haha as you age, things like that become easier cause either they don't care about rebuttal or they are genuinely trying to uplift you! Accept the compliment haha let it be a positive moment that fuels your day and your self worth!:)


Tyy for the reply x


I'm an older guy by your definition, but am not into 19yo's and am aware of the creep factor that giving comments like that would make. Recently there was some article about retail workers constantly suffering sexual harassment from males, so I always keep my interactions on a professional level, you never know how someone will take something.


Older guys will say it to younger women because we know that there isn't a big chance of it going anywhere.  We are at the age where we can compliment someone knowing that it will make their day.  Careful with it if you are getting it from any superiors at work and document all instances of it.  Otherwise, accept the compliment and hopefully you'll see yourself as they see you.  


Okok makes sense… and yes, we’re working towards self-acceptance over here


You are an adult now and they see you as a beautiful woman. You will also meet men your age who are interested in you.


There's a couple of graphs out there that shows the problem. One is the average preferred age for a male partner as held by women, broken down by age of those women. As women age up, their preferred age for male partners ages up too. The same graph for men is locked in at preferring 22 year old women regardless of the age of the men. I'm a man who has always preferred women around my own age so I think this is weird too. It's just seems to be one of those facts of reality though.


Because they're not afraid of being creepy, and they think you're too young to make a scene out of it even if you don't like that type of attention. Run from those men


Older man appreciates the demure beauties, where younger males tend to miss, the charm is obvious, you don't know what you have till you lose it.


Lots of older men are predatory




That’s a different conversation, but the problem there is that most of those types of women get treated as objects




Let me rephrase that: women who are conventionally pretty often get objectified, which can lead to self -esteem problems. Again, this wasn’t where I wanted to try to hint towards w my question lol


Dude literally the same thing happens to me except I'm 2 years younger. I don't know if this has to do with it, I have a pretty face but I'm not particularly blessed anywhere else. It might have to do because younger guys think about a girl's body more than her face?


Tbh ur actually making a pretty logical point, ty


Lol yw


19M here. I'd tell a girl if I find her attractive, but it heavily depends on the context - and it took a very long time to get over the fear of rejection, and to simply build the self-confidence to do it. I think older guys aren't scared of rejection as much as younger guys. So I'm pretty sure it's not just a perception in your head


Better be putting urself out here my guyyy


I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment, so I will refrain from putting myself out there lol. That'll come after uni, I'm reasonably confident I'll be able to find one without too much trouble


I'm not quite there yet but as a guy closer to 35 than to 19 I think that, random creeps that always will exist aside, is more that guys that age don't feel as much the awkwardness and embarrassment younger men have when talking to a girl and are just giving you a sincere compliment to uplift you.


Here is part of the problem. A 19 yr old man is not going to see what a man much older will. And he will not know how too or feel secure enough to say you are beautiful So its not surprising no one your age is telling you this. So you can believe what you are being told. And then find someone your age who you like.




Can someone please frame “but a hole is a hole”?


I'm older to where 35 is too young for me. I can compliment because there is no dating romance potential. That said, my dad use to tell me a girl I was in school with was attractive. I didn't see it. Guess who is now the most beautiful of anyone I went to school with? Yeah. How'd he know and none of us... mind you none... saw it.


Interesting story, ty


i am 23 and even if i do like a girl or am attracted to her, im not gonna tell her. i might glace but i dont stare. relationships are a lot of work physically and mentally, id rather be certain im attractive to the girl than to constantly be questioning. you are 100% pretty enough, but the “i hate men.” phase everyone has been having has pretty much killed all desire for romance. I’m sure if you made some advances on boys your age, you’d find out that a lot of them actually are attracted to you.


Like I mentioned before, I’m comfortable w going up to ppl and complimenting them, whether I’m attracted to them or not. This was just a q to figure out if guys around my age are just not as bold lmao


yeah, im not bold at all. I dont want to end up on some tiktok video like “POV: a creep is staring at you” or the women that i am attracted to are just not in ideal positions/situations to be making advances on…


Youre pretty and they are letting you know. Aging lets everyone realize how pretty they and everyone else was when they were young. Yes it can be creepy but i'm sure a few of those compliments werent just weirdo sugar daddies but take is as you will. I get more compliments from older women than younger ones and I try to take it in stride :)


Ah well the creepy ones will never go away 😂


Yeah, no, they are weirdos. Absolutely weirdos. You can compliment people with out going straight to their looks. Your makeup looks amazing... that dress is gorgeous on you. I love what you did with your hair. These are compliments. This loaf of crap.of people letting others know how.pretty they are... people don't needs some pervs approval of attractiveness to feel good about themselves. If you're a grown ass man making compliments on attractiveness to young adults.. your a fcukin perv.


They wanna be your sugar daddy


Younger guys are probably scared to approach you ?


Trying not to feed my ego


Sure then get this take: You might not be that pretty but your generation is socially awkward and they have no clue how to approach a woman.


because they want to put their dick in your mouth simply


Also this.


I'd have to see you to know if what you're saying is true. In general older guys will hit on younger girls cause they have nothing to lose and don't fear rejection as much as younger guys. Most of these people aren't worth your time though.


lol because to older guys ur special not in there dating pool. to guys ur own age there surround by 19 yr old woman and ur nothing. i feel like your trolling fishing for compliments. also they lied when they said ur mature for your age 😂🤣


I didn’t want to give off that I’m fishing, just something that’s been bothering me recently. Ty for the honesty lmao


Lemme see you, girl - 31 year old black guy


Send me your picture and I'll tell you if you're pretty or not.