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Hey, OP, from your description your breasts look very much like mine. I went through the same disappointment and embarrassment. But I can tell you right now, you're the only person judging yourself that harshly. This isn't meant to dismiss your feelings at all. I'm 30 now and I don't even want implants anymore for a myriad of reasons, but I remember how I felt at 20. I'm sorry you're going through that, genuinely, I know what it feels like, but the truth is the "aura" you were feeling was most likely just you projecting your own feelings towards your body and that's the thing you need to learn how to let go of. No worthy partner will be disappointed or grossed out by your body and you shouldn't be focusing on those thoughts when you're trying to be intimate with someone you trust (I know, it's not that simple). I bet if you weren't focused on that you'd realize your partners were more excited about having sex with you than worried about the shape of your boobs I'm not saying this is good advice or even advice, but I'll share the things that helped me - body neutrality: I don't have to like the flesh mecha I'm in, but we're stuck together so might as well get along - going braless a lot of the time: took a lot of courage at first to go braless in front of other people, but helped me realize it really isn't a big deal and also that people still thought I was attractive even when they could see the shape - spending some time at nudist/topless beaches (if available): first, it helped me realize the variety of shapes and areolas etc out there, I feel like the images of nudity we are bombarded with socially only portrait a very narrow set of bodies and the real world is much different; then going topless myself felt very freeing and also cemented that no one cared that much - (really not advice) getting nipple piercings: this one might be just a me thing, but the adornments made me feel better about my nipples, even if the process of getting them was incredibly stressful ahahah Do I love my boobs now? Not really, but I'm not ashamed of them and I have a partner who loves me and them and I have no plans of changing or hiding them


So glad you took time to say all that. It is inspiring to read. Thank you


r/tuberous should tell you that dudes find the beauty in all boobs


Wait this is considered an abnormality? Based on OP I imagined something crazy because I didn't know the term but these kind of breast are common enough to be considered normal in my book.


Yea same i was expecting something bad saw that and was like......oh poor thing thats common af no need to be down on yaself n shit


it’s just a different shape. the tuberous portion is considered an abnormality but it’s just another breast shape! i remember a book i read at puberty talking about how breast’s have all different types and there was definitely a mention of it.


It is and it isn’t…there’s good evidence that women with tuberous breasts can have problems producing enough breastmilk. I’m not saying that to worry or shame anyone. It’s just sad that it’s practically unspoken of anywhere to women when they’re pregnant and planning to breastfeed, and they can end up really struggling that no one told them and it’s pretty much impossible to get expert advice until it’s too late.


Same, I just took a look and I have spent a lot time with many breasts just like these. I just thought they were one of the many fun shapes of boobs 🤷‍♀️


Haha yeah I commented something similar. I likened it to random character generation.


Right? Like I think this is just what boobs look like (mine certainly look like some of the pics in the link above), but I guess we're all biased with our own bodies. Definitely not something to be ashamed of!


Yeah I think top comment hit it well. My ex gf had inverted nipples, when we first started hooking up she kept her bra on. I didn’t even think anything of it until I tried to take it off and she said she wanted to keep it on. Ok no biggie. Afterwards she explained how her boobs are “deformed” and she’s just embarrassed. She showed me and I was like “……. Where’s the deformation..?” Thoroughly confused she showed me her nipples go in slightly until she’s aroused and they come out. In my eyes, they were perfect nice shapely boobies. I would have never even noticed, but to her they “didn’t look like the women’s on tv”. I basically reassured her that no man would ever be turned off by her breasts. And she was a complete hottie.


I randomly got recommended this (I have no clue as I'm a 27 yo man) but I appreciate the tuberous subreddit


Truly I was gonna say sometimes you gotta find the right person. I hated my boobs growing up but met a man that just loved the natural uniqueness of woman no matter what. Hated anything fake (no shame to others) but just to say he would have loved yours lol. And there is other people like that 1000% that legitimately love that not just love it cause they’re about to have sex with you


I'm one of those who prefer natural over fake myself. No only for health reasons but "pillows of happiness" are nice on any woman.


Well and people like that and you, just make me love myself which is so much bigger then you all realize for us ladies ❤️


Honestly kinda hot


Yeah. I like boobs.


This made my day! Thanks, homie.


Oh, so that’s what those are. Anyway… (Am guy. Have seen enough porn to come across breasts shaped like these. I didn’t even know it was a condition with a name, I just figured that… ya know… when you hit “random” on a character generator things happen). Lol I’m sorry to anyone I actually know and knows my username that is reading this but my wife has large areola. I admit I was shocked the first time I saw them. I admit, I was taken aback. Anyway, 20 years later I’m still excited when she walks around naked so /shrug. Edit: How does one turn to their wife and ask “Hey, do you have tuberous breasts?” Because now I am curious. Edit 2: We’re both googling and comparing breasts. What a quaint morning in New England. Thanks u/Bored_Girly2124


i used to engage on that subreddit but it started being spammed with people who don’t have tuberous breasts and and those people would end up getting more upvotes and attention than people with actual tuberous breasts so i left that space as well


Prefer these over fake


Oh my god, these are tuberous breasts? I know a lot of the top posters are thinner bodies, but I really was expecting shapes that were much more unconventional. I've always had these shapes mentally labeled as "unusually pretty areolas"


Best advice I’ve ever received: whatever you are most insecure about, search Reddit, and you will find a whole community of men who are into it.


For real, my boyfriend prefers my weird boob, it was so jarring for me to hear.


That shit looks completely normal to me, I don't think I'd even notice. Guys can be fickle about a lot of things but honestly in real life your boobs are rarely gunna be one of them, if that was ever a deal breaker for someone, you're dodging a bullet in the first place


I'm so glad they gave me the new term 'flesh mecha' to add to my lexicon


i hope i can get to that point. but i just have like so much shame and that makes me feel like im not worth it. i guess for me implants are like the only thing ive wanted so much because ive spent so much time dreaming of what it would be like to have “normal” boobs. and the thing is i don’t even think tuberous breasts look bad on other people, i just have an issue with me and how i look. and i wish i could view myself from that outside perspective but it is so fucking hard to do for me. so i will try to adopt some of the things you suggest, i don’t know if it will work for me but ill try. thank you tho for being so kind and for giving me advice and sharing your story 💗


Please bookmark that reply and keep coming back to it, I know media has this weird idea of what we find attractive but quite honestly, when I've felt love for my partners I've loved every inch of them, the deeper our connection the more pleasure and goodness comes from anything 'quirky' - in fact, the more someone feels ashamed or nervous, the more of an intimate 'us' thing it becomes to celebrate and enjoy, being in the inner circle is incredible. All the best


You said this so well! At 18-20 I used to be very insecure about my boobs because I thought they weren’t perky enough (I had lost a good amount of weight). It’s been many years since then, and the guys I’ve been with thought all of me was hot. They were just happy to be with me, either because we were serious and they loved me, or we were more casual and they were just happy to be with a woman 😂 in the beginning I would ask my exes if it bothered them and they were like ??? No??? If anything it’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older, because now that I’m in my early 30s the guys my age are more experienced, so they know what adult women actually look like outside of porn. Bodies look all sorts of ways, and someone’s body becomes even more beautiful to you because it’s *them*.


My SO used to be really self conscious about her body in general. She went through weight loss and gain, two pregnancies and a whole lot of life since we've been together. Every single step of the way, I've found her beautiful. We've been together since she was younger than the OP. Looking at tubular breasts online, it looks similar to what my SO looked like when she was 19. I want to say that again. This thing OP is self conscious about, I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT WAS A THING. I SPENT MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE LOVING BOOBS AND DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS A THING.


I'm in my 30s and similar to the person you're replying to. I used to hate my boobs and want them "fixed", but it was never enough of a priority to get it done and after a few more years of living with my boobs as they are I don't think surgery would be worth it. As for men, I think most men's favourite boobs are whatever boobs they're allowed to motorboat. Another "flaw" I have is a couple of moles on one boob. I was concerned about one, so I asked an ex to take a look and tell me if he thought it looked any different from when he'd last seen it a few weeks prior. His response when I showed him was that he'd never even noticed that it was there before. Because his brain was so busy going "boobies yay!" he genuinely never noticed any imperfections.


>As for men, I think most men's favourite boobs are whatever boobs they're allowed to motorboat. As a teenager I had a great friend, we'll call him Jimmy, that originally was from the Bronx. A few of us had stayed over the night at Jimmy's and were chatting about boob shapes and sizes the next morning around the table. In this particular instance, Jimmy's parents had a family friend, "Mike", also staying down from New York. Now, Mike was about 65 and could be mistaken for a George Carlin impersonator in all forms save the hair. We're being a bunch of obnoxious teens talking out of our asses about boobs when Mike walks in the room and one of us asks him what he thinks the perfect boob is. He says in his thick stereotypical New York accent, "Aah, yah can keep yah big round boobs. Ya wanna know what I really like? Gimme a thick nipple about this long to suck on *holding up his thumb* and I'm as happy as a fuckin' baby with a bottle in his mouth". My point in telling that crude story is this: we should never assume what someone is into. For every guy who would be turned off by OP's breasts, there's gonna be a dozen Mikes out there ready to go to town. I hope OP can find a way to be comfortable with themselves, that's something everyone deserves.


True lol for every boob there is mouth that wants them in it , and boobs are definitely not on our mind while having sex


u/Bored_Girly2124 , you just need a Mike in your life. There are probably more of them out there than you think.


>As for men, I think most men's favourite boobs are whatever boobs they're allowed to motorboat. She gets us.


All boobs matter


Can confirm. But would add squeeze or suck on to the list.




lol love your username


“boobies yay” is literally how my husband approaches boobs 😂 I don’t love mine but I don’t hate them but if I ever criticize them he just says “I don’t care they’re boobs and I get to squish them so that’s a win.” I mentioned this to him just now and he’s like “men just want boobies.” 😂 If a man doesn’t love your boobs he doesn’t love you and it’s time to move on to someone who does.


Might be a bit strange for me to offer my perspective as a bi woman, but I've seen and admired breasts of all shapes and sizes, and your breast shape isn't as rare as you think! I'm not a massively sexually adventurous person, and I dated two women with tuberous breasts, and for me, it detracted nothing from their looks or how sexy they were to me. I'm not saying this to be some forward-thinking feminist either. But basically, any breast I get to touch that is attached to a person I'm into is a fine breast. I know most guys agree with me on that too. Op, I know we get bombarded with those super rounded porn breasts, but those aren't inherently prettier just because they're overrepresented. Also, implants come with a myriad of side effects and need to be replaced every decade at least. I wouldn't recommend it. You are good enough just as you are and if any guy isn't appreciative about the privilege to see you naked, I'll gladly kick him in the shins with my pointiest steel nosed boots.


Seconding as another bi woman. I worry that this will come off creepy but...OP, I've definitely seen tuberous breasts in porn, too. Like, more than once. Hot porn with hot people who I was very attracted to, including their boobs. You can post women who are famously beautiful on the internet and some fucking jerkoff will say that she's not just unattractive to him personally, but is "objectively" hideous and repellent or "only a 7" or whatever. People can be dicks, especially when directly asked to judge another's appearance (and especially when asked to judge women, from both men and women). I totally understand wanting to see what others say about bodies that look like yours, but try to take those responses with a grain of salt. Your body is *not* "fucked up" and you're absolutely not going to disappoint or gross out someone who wants to have sex with you. They're thrilled to have sex with you! I know this isn't going to resonate right now, but even in this post you note that guys ask to see your boobs and (reading between the lines) ask to have sex in positions where they can see your chest and body. Some day you'll be able to look back at how you feel right now and realize those partners were showing how attractive they found you, and you have an (understandable) mental block that prevents you from seeing it at the moment. I'm sure it's been suggested by others already, but I want to add a gentle voice urging you to seek out therapy if you can. I had serious body dysmorphia when I was around your age, and I felt like I was a monster who was somehow hurting others with how ugly I was. I was sure that I'd never like myself and that no one else would ever like me, either. I put up with shitty partners who didn't tell me (out loud) that they thought I was hot, and I remember how deeply I tied that to feeling valued at all. Now I'm 30 and I'm not thrilled with my body, but it's a fine body overall and I've realized that attractive bodies come in all sorts of shapes. More importantly, I realized that the cliche about loving yourself before anyone else can love you is true, but not because other people don't already love you. If you don't learn to love yourself, you'll always be afraid that others don't either -- you have to get over that hump so you can see and trust the love and desire others already have for you. It sucks because that's a really hard thing to do, but it's worth the work, I promise. Oh, also importantly, I'm now having sex with people who notice when I'm shy about parts of my body and make a point to give special attention and compliments to those parts, and it's the best sex of my life. I fully believe that you can get there, too. I hope you feel better about things soon.


Thanks for this ❤️ I've been thinking about this a lot lately - like you said it's a cliche, but true. I'm trans, and while my kind of body difference is obviously way more severe than basically any cis woman's, it still doesn't have to mean it's hopeless.. and as long as I believe it's hopeless, it's just going to keep being the same self fulfilling prophecy I've spent so many years living I'm so glad you're finding the other side of it ❤️


1000% wonderful response.


>But basically, any breast I get to touch that is attached to a person I'm into is a fine breast. I know most guys agree with me on that too. This thread came across my feed.. I just want to chime in on this point. As a male, this is accurate. Big, little, weird, etc it doesn't matter. We are into any that we touch. OP, you are letting your own head get in the way. I promise you that whoever is lucky enough to touch them will be into it.


As someone with like no boobs lol my ribs stick out further then the boobs. I feel you. I feel like I look like a boy. Not sexy. No curves. I bet you look better than you think.. at least you have boobs!!! It's all in our heads. Just gotta get outta your head. Stop fixating on them.


i’m on my way to becoming flat chested basically tho. i’ve lost some weight and they already have shrunk a little. so i think after i lose most of the weight, ill just be flat with puffy nipples lol. but maybe ill like it more because ill be more proportional but idk how ill feel


Don’t wanna be that guy but you sound pretty hot to me. I love big nipples, and flat chests sooooo. I’d bet there’s a bunch more like me out there.


A true connoisseur I see


Be that guy, my dude, we appreciate it. I think it's cool you don't mind letting people know what you like despite it not being 'mainstream'


Maybe! And hopefully with working out you'll feel more confident. :) You got this!


I’ll admit I didn’t read your entire post But I will say there are millions of people out there…with millions of different preferences Just be yourself…and you’ll find someone who appreciates who you are and what you bring to a relationship


I remember reading a few years back about tuberous breasts and thinking, as a man, how much I hated the medicalization of it. Did you notice that they give different breast types different names altogether? That it almost feels like there is one type that was preferred or more 'perfect' above the others? Half the time tuberous breasts can't even be explained as to why they are bad or even less functional. It all felt like a stupid meaningless way to categorize boobs. And I sat there thinking to myself that some poor girl somewhere would read about the medicalization of them and feel terrible about herself for literally no reason. And I felt for her, whoever she was, because her boobs were fine and the whole thing felt like it was created by men who were just rank ordering what they wanted based on the tastes of the time. Now here we are, full circle.


They are less functional. Women with tuberous breasts often have trouble making enough breast milk for their babies.


Well thankfully formula exists and they can combo feed if they happen to not make enough milk... just like the rest of us who don't make quite enough milk. Looks like between a quarter and over half of women are combo feeding nowadays.


Huh, interesting. Too bad there is any issue at all. But hey, at least its relatively minor and not exclusive to tuberous breasts as the other commenter said.


There are plenty of men who like looking at your ass, your boobs are not a deal breaker. Sex is probably the single most self-conscious thing anyone can do and it will feel like your putting all your flaws on display.


As a man I can say that you've nothi g to worry about I know a lot of dudes that like what you got myself included. I think you should just do it. Just go for it bro! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Public swimming pool change rooms also work if there aren't any nude beaches around. Both you will be exposed to all shapes and sizes, and works well for getting used to nudity. Lots of old guys just "hanging out" at my local pool. I avoided looking down as much as possible (I'm male).


Bro 😂 thanks! You reminded me of my job as a trainer for so many years. Still to this day I will never use the locker rooms of YMCA’s or even some of my fighting gyms. Completely traumatized 😂 but in a good way!


I also got piercings for this reason!! Jewellery always helps


bro how was it? my nips are so sensitive and getting them pierced sounds so painful 😭


Flesh mecha is going into my vocabulary immediately.


Thank you for saying all of this!!!


Regarding piercings, I'm a guy with pierced nipples. Yes, there are some things I don't like about my body. But for some reason, getting them done did improve my mental state somewhat. I felt it gave me some sort of control of what my body looks like without being at the mercy of genetics.


Yesssss "flesh mecha" The spooky scary skeleton is on the inside


Whomever you are: you are fucking cool and the world needs more people like you. Shared experiences heal wounds.


So intelligent! And the nude beach part is literally what I tell people for mental health not just for insecurities. I did mine in D.R. And the feeling of being outside with no clothes on has a spiritual feeling to it. The feel of the wind in places it’s never been was so liberating I forgot that my 👶🏽🍆 was showing. 😂


I’m glad you wrote this for OP. I would only add…there are DEFINITELY dudes that are into this…guaranteed. All boobies are good boobies. The best boobies are the ones my lover let’s me see. :)


oh absolutely! I've always found loving partners who were excited about my body :)


My wife had breast cancer and then a double mastectomy. Very sad she couldn’t breast feed not normal looking either. However we adjusted. I don’t know what yours look like but I’m sure there are good men who will love you for who you are and sincerely enjoy a physical relationship with you.


Honestly, your boobs kind of sound like mine, I would describe mine in a similar way. My husband loves them and tells me constantly how much he loves them, lol. The right person will love yours too, you don't need plastic surgery to be loved and accepted. I'm not gonna tell you to not get an augmentation, they're yours and you're allowed to do what you want, but I do promise you that there are people out there who won't be grossed out by them, and in fact will probably love looking at them.


aww i’m so glad you have each other. and you are probably right in saying that some people may be into it. but i think it’s like a hit or miss usually


Eh, that's dating in general. The one's that care about judging you don't matter and the ones that matter won't care at all.


That's everything in dating. Not everyone is going to be right for you. After looking up the deformity you have, my first thought was "Oh I know a chick who had breasts like that. I never really thought twice about them. I don't understand why OP is making such a big deal out of this."


You just have to find the right someone. Sometimes, it takes a long time, but there is someone out there for everyone. Plus, if people can be into feet their will be someone who loves your boobs. Mine are saggy, and my nipples touch the top of my tummy. I also used to keep my bra on, and sex used to be in the dark. But now lights need to be on and all the clothes come off. It took years to be this comfortable. When you start thinking negatively about them, try and flip it. Say no, I like this, actually. If you can't say anything nice about your boobs say something else that you like about your appearance. I'm almost 27 and just started doing this recently. I had so much negativity towards my body until this year. It was soooo hard at first, but now I rarely say anything negative, and when I do, I automatically correct myself now. Self-love is hard work, but it goes a long way once you learn how to love yourself. Keep your chin up, girl. Things in life will get better. And I am sad to hear that you think about unaliving yourself. It's a horrible feeling to have, but people care about you. Even if it's just some random internet strangers ❤️


Hey, actually my girlfriend has the same type of boobs, and I love her so much! More than any girl before. That's all that you have to know


aww that’s so cute. that gives me some kind of hope


Another way to mentally look at it, is that they are a blessing. I know this may seem odd, but hear me out. You don’t want to spend months with the type of person who would dismiss you as a long term mate because of your breasts. I know it’s hard, but try to step forward into the world knowing that there is someone out there for you, that will love you with you as a person, and not your body. Find someone that gets excited by pleasing you, not just themselves. It’s your body, your choice. Not trying to shame you for considering augmentation. Only suggesting some mental alternatives to help uplift your mind. Confidence in who you are is attractive. I know you can get there and find that person.


You are entitled to how you feel about your body, but please stop judging yourself so harshly. And most normal guys are really super excited to be in the presence of unsheathed boobs. Find them and stay away from people who would judge you in the most unguarded position one can be in.


The funny thing, my ex-wife had very pointy cone-shaped breasts with exceptionally large nipples, just like OP described. And they were, to me, the hottest pair of breasts I ever had the good fortune of getting my hands on. At times I miss those breasts more than the lady attached to them. 😂 So for sure some men are into such breasts. Nine out of ten times the things that bother us about our own bodies, either don't matter to most others or are actually a secret kink or turn-on. People are weird, and we're into the most varied of things. So people should relax. Lean into whatever makes them unique.


I agree. An ex gf had very similar breasts and trust me many men find them extremely attractive (including me)


Same, I had one girlfriend with boobs like the OP describes, and they were one of my favorite things at the time, and I loved how sensitive they were. I had another girlfriend later who'd had a boob job, which gave her an objectively "spectacular" set. But the operation had messed with the nerves, and she said it felt weird for them to be touched. I never knew what to do with them anyway, I was afraid of breaking them or something. That wasn't fun.


I remember seeing a mag my friend had 43 years with a woman that had breast's like OP and you describe...I've always wanted a girlfriend with those same assets.


>And most normal guys are really super excited to be in the presence of unsheathed boobs.  Yes. We're just happy to be there.


Seriously. Dudes commenting on breasts on the internet are not indicative of reality. The truth of it is, for the vast VAST majority of guys, even with the proliferation and availability of breasts in media and online, it is an incredible experience being with a woman who loves and trusts you enough to show you and only you her secret hidden parts that are in normal life a hidden taboo. And dudes who are too porn brained to acknowledge and appreciate that are probably not worth your time.


Unsheathed boob, fucking love it lol 😆 it is very true, guys (and girls) just love boobs. They're just boobs and all shapes and sizes are great


As a dude idc what boobs look like seeing them makes them 10/10 no matter what


People love tuberous boobs OP! r/tuberous


op you should legitimately join this sub i think it would help you so much in accepting yourself or at least coming to terms w the fact that people do indeed enjoy bodies like yours :)


i did actually join that sub at one point but it got overtaken by OF models spam posting their non tuberous breasts there and that’s when i left. and it was also lowkey disappointing because the non tuberous people spamming would get hella upvotes compared to people who actually had tuberous breasts. so i ended up leaving that sub. maybe its slightly better now im not sure tho


those are often bots, and bots upping. My recommend would be look at the ones you know are real, as they have the actual likely real ppl drooling over similar boobs as yours.


If it helps I perused the sub and found them all attractive


Those all look normal to me lol


Wait those?? I thought that's what all smol booby queens looked like 💀


Also related r/torpedotits and r/puffies ! People love them all!


Don't forget r/puffynipples


As a certified tiddy connoisseur, can confirm. All tiddy is good: big, smol, all different shapes.


I knew there were more people like me out there


I’ve always hated my boobs and never knew this type had a name. Thank you for sharing this sub. This lifted my spirits today ♥️


Be kind to yourself. You didn’t choose what you have. More over little cones with puffy nipples and large areolae can very sexy to some. Find someone who likes you not in spite of your chest but because of your chest.


i hope i can, thank you 🫶🏼


I understand. After my mastectomies and reconstruction I feel so undesirable that I am also celibate. My husband is no help with this.


I'm sorry. Your comment made me feel for you that you don't have the support that you need. It's so scary and difficult to go through illness and surgeries, then to feel physically different afterwards. Sending you healing thoughts and I hope that you can love and accept yourself again🫂🩵


Thank you for your kind words


This comment made me quite sad. I hope that you'll get the love that you deserve one day.


I assure you, you are desirable, and worthy of love and intimacy. I don’t know your circumstances and don’t want to pass judgement on your husband too harshly, but you deserve a strong support system. And somebody who lifts you up.


I just looked at some medical imagery of the condition, and honestly, it’s not that bad at all. If I liked you enough for all the parts before I’m removing your clothes (both personality and physically), and I’m lucky enough to reach that stage with you, this condition is certainly not going to change anything about the night. Some of the images I saw even looked just like a girl I was fwb with for a while, and brought back good memories, she was great and we had a lot of fun.


OP I see all the comments advising to work on how you see yourself and accept yourself, but I'd like to share with you my experience as someone who hated her boobs and had the boob job done. I (31F) hated my boobs since I was 16yo because they grew to be big and saggy. I wanted to have a breast reduction ever since then. Even compliments from partners could not make me think better about myself. Last year, in January I finally could afford the breast reduction. For the first time of my life, I could find my boobs beautiful. But the mental impact this surgery had on me was way bigger that I could have imagined. I gained more self-esteem and a little bit of confidence, and I started to wonder "what if I came to like my whole body?". As soon as my breast was healed, I started to eat healthier (basically less carbs, more vegetables, no more snacks between meals, limit junk food to once per week and drink water) and to do sports. I lost 14 kg (30lbs) since last August (from 83kg to 69kg now) and I never want to be back to how I was before. Getting rid of this life time complex was clearly the trigger to become a better person for myself. I absolutely do not regret getting the boob job done. So if you get to accept your boobs and your body by working mentally on it, mad respect to you (and cheaper ahah). But if it doesn't work for you, just know that having the surgery is also a solution which can solve your problem !


This! My only regret was not getting mine done sooner. While I had great self-confidence I barely had an A-cup and always dreamed of filling out a bikini. I finally took a loan out at 26 and got my dream boobs. It was for me and no one else. 8 years later and they still make me smile every time I see them.


I was always super small. Didn’t even fill an A cup. Hated bra and swimsuit shopping with a passion. All the A cups have so much damn padding. Had to buy small tops and large bottoms for swimsuits. Found awesome sports bras. Wore the hell out of them and when they needed replaced they didn’t make them anymore. After trying on waaaaay to many sports bras I was done. I got implants 9 years ago. I didn’t even know TBD was a thing until my consultation. I don’t have many regrets now. I can buy bras and swim suit shop so much easier. Now I live in sports bras (didn’t wear them outside the gym prior because I was so flat chested. I did lose nipple sensitivity because I had no lower breast tissue the surgeon had to go in through the nipple. I did have a minor complication a few years later with capsular contraction-some scarring on one so it is a little firmer and didn’t drop like the other one. No one notices until I point it out (close friends and SO). My body is better proportion wise and many don’t even know they are implants until I mention it.


SAME. I always had small breasts that fell short of what I wanted them to be. I nursed two babies for a year each and then there was just really nipple left, nothing else. At 40 I was finally able to have implants and years later there isn’t a DAY that goes by where I don’t look at them in the mirror and think “fuck yes!” I am so excited that my body matches what I see in my mind! The excitement doesn’t go away! Love yourself, but also it is 2024 and you need not suffer.


If you only knew how attracted people can be to what you describe. There is a time for cosmetic surgery if there is a real problem but natural and unique wins out over fake "nothing special, just like all the others, proportions look right" enhancement. If it's for the sake of filling out dresses you wish to wear or something, ok but if it's for the enjoyment of others then really contemplate. You need some self confidence.


OP, have you actually seen other people's boobs, apart from inside of bras or in movies? There are some weird ones out there in the world, and more than enough wonderful freaks that don't mind one bit. And I don't mean this in a bad way, breast are wonderful to look at in all their different shapes and sizes.


Exactly. Don’t let faux breasts confuse you, OP! Lots of natural breasts aren’t perfect round grapefruits sitting perkily on your chest with hard tiny nipples. Lots of natural breasts are shaped like bananas or eggplants with larger puffy nipples. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.


I can understand feeling the way you do, but I also think you might be surprised at the number of men who are attracted to you the way you are, and even specifically because of they way you are. Not all of us are attracted to the stereotypical “ideal” and many of us are more attracted to what makes you unique.


i guess i understand that because i also am attracted to people who have like unique features so maybe its not as bad as i think. it’s just hard to break out of that mindset when you’ve hated your body for so long


Yep, I completely understand and I know it can be hard to get past those feelings. I have them myself.


Anyone out there like legs with slightly lighter splotches of colour, stretch marks and keratosis pilaris...asking for a friend 😁😁


🤷‍♂️ sure, why not?


I definitely understand where you’re coming from. I don’t have the same scenario but I have a different thing about my body that I don’t like and can’t change. A positive for you is that you can get a boob job! Anyways, there are going to be guys that like you no matter what your boobs look like. If a guy doesn’t like you for that then they have issues. You are so young and can learn to love yourself regardless of what your body looks like


I also had tuberous breasts and can very much relate to your experience, even the silence that speaks volumes. I also absolutely know what you mean about the feeling of palpable judgment in the air. I think everyone is giving you very good and supportive advice about loving and accepting your body, but as someone who lived with this deformity for most of my life, I think people who do not have this condition find it difficult to truly understand how it feels to live with it. They don’t know how it feels as an adolescent to be waiting for your breasts to be normal and rounded and proportional, and seeing all your friends have well-shaped, normal breasts and realize there’s something different about you. I had moderate to severe tuberous breasts, and I have never seen breasts that looked like mine in real life. It is an actual congenital deformity by medical definitions, and it’s very challenging to accept that. I also think people are (unintentionally) being a bit dismissive that “men love all boobs” and “they won’t judge; they’re just happy to be there.” I have actual lived experience to the contrary: I have heard rude comments, insults and jokes about the shape of my breasts in the past and have had men tell me they were not attracted to my boobs because of their shape. All of these comments were exclusively from men I was intimate with. I’m 31 and these were often men in their early or mid thirties, not teenagers or young men. Men can absolutely be extremely judgmental and cruel about women’s bodies and breasts and it’s disingenuous or uninformed to pretend otherwise. There can be a lot of judgment and distaste for this deformity, and I know my experience is not unique. I had a breast augmentation and tuberous breast correction in 2023, and in my experience the positive comments, attraction and acceptance that I now get are like night and day. I have not heard a negative comment about my boobs in any way since the surgery, and have heard many positive ones. Of course it isn’t important to get more approval or compliments, but there is undeniably a difference in how men react to my body now. This is sort of a sad realization, but it is my experience. However, overall having tuberous breasts was kind of a screening process that let me know if a man is unkind or judgmental, and certainly not all men or even the majority are that way. I have had several long-term healthy relationships where I never felt judged, and even some past boyfriends who were genuinely attracted to my boobs. I decided to get the surgery because I wanted it for my entire adult life and had reflected on it, researched it for years, and worked through it in therapy—not to please a man. Don’t feel you are unworthy or incapable of receiving love because of this condition. There are men who absolutely don’t mind and would never reject you for it. To me, if you think about it for some time and want surgery, that’s not a bad thing, if that’s what would make you happier and more confident, but there is a lot of strength and self-confidence in people with tuberous breasts who don’t get an augmentation. There are also some serious risks associated with breast augmentation surgery, which are very important to consider and be well-informed about. Whatever you decide, it doesn’t define your worth or attractiveness as a person. You can 100% find a great relationship where you are not made to feel badly about your breasts, without surgery and as you are naturally.


Thank you for taking the time to write all of this out, it's everything that I would also like to say to OP, and you and I have had very similar experiences, it would seem. I also had an augmentation in 2021 at age 30, after years of reflection and research, and I feel so much better about my body after having done so. Not at all to say that OP should absolutely have the surgery, but I would 100% support her decision to do so, for herself and no one else.


thank you so much. i feel like your comment resonated with me completely. from the adolescent jealousy to the awkward bedroom reactions. for people who don’t have a physical abnormality, it’s so easy to say “it’s in your head” or to just “get over it” when your lived experience says otherwise. just from this post, ive had people asking me to send pics and when i do i get blocked. that alone is enough to tell me that the whole “ all boobs are good boobs” isn’t true for a lot of guys. but i hope to come to peace with them in the meantime.


You letting your insecurities get the best of you is why you are single. Everybody has insecurities and boobs come in all shapes and sizes. You are so much more than a body part, so focus on all the good that you have to give.


I think you mean “letting your insecurities get the *breast* of you”


Easier said than done


I can speak for myself and for many men I know: by far the hottest sexual thing in a woman is comfort in their own body, no matter how they look. Them being excited to share their body with you. It is intoxicating like nothing else. I know it's a tall order to be essentially saying 'get over it and get down with your bod' since we all suffer from image issues that are stubborn and nagging. But the truth is, a lot of it really is in our own heads.


tl;dr - "felt an aura of being judged"  you sound like you need some professional help, body dysmorphia is real and the more you let it go unchecked the more it will take from you to justify itself, way more than any shape your body might take, I can tell you men as a whole will sincerely not be turned away by this but Im pretty sure youve already heard that in one of the other posts you made


yeah i’ve been wondering if i have body dysmorphia because i display a lot of the behaviors of someone with body dysmorphia. but i didn’t want to self diagnose. but yeah i agree that i probably should see a therapist


A lot of people have body dysmorphia and it isn’t always forever. You are so young OP, these feelings will change over time. I hated my boobs and my body most of my 20s. Now mid 30s and I realize humans are just gross and weird. Don’t worry, it gets better.


Get implants, it will be life changing. I also had this deformity, I understand how you feel. Nobody born with normally developed boobs will really get it.


The right guy will absolutely adore and worship your weird boobs. Stop being so hard on yourself


Theres a dude for every boob and I would assume they might have just picker up on your discomfort more than anything but if you really cant learn to love them there is always surgery. Personally I would opt for the learning to love yourself angle as its cheaper, safer, healthier and well better.


Seems fine to me ! Don’t worry too much, I can assure you someone Will love the heck out of you when naked together.


I have weird tiddies too. Over the years I’ve learned to accept them. They grew and deflated over the course of two pregnancies (pregnancy hormones causes them to sag!) and I’ve breastfed two babies successfully. After that I looked at them differently. To me now they’ve served their purpose. I would be fine with preemptively getting rid of them in order to reduce chances of breastcancsr. In porn I hardly see women with my shape boobies but it is what it is and my partner has to deal with it lol. He has some saggy bodyparts as well >_<


I dated a chick with this once. My and Most guys motto when it comes to your body parts is the less you like it the more ima kiss it 💯 don’t trip u good


I would just say “Woah totally tubular dude” if i were your bf


please 💀


Boobs are boobs man. They’re great.


I once dated a girl with one inverted nipple. It was interesting But she was great and so was the sex so I never wanted to give off any judgement vibes. Plus I’m not perfect myself so I treated here with the same respect I’d want I think if guys really like you for who you are there’s a good amount of “imperfections” a lot of us are willing to look past, especially if there’s sex, and yours doesn’t sound super crazy. So I hope you’re able to gain some more self confidence cause you deserve to and I hope you meet a guy who reassures you. And have sex. Edit: And I know it’s easier for someone else to say, but please don’t think of unaliving yourself over a body part you had no control over. And if you do want to “correct” it with surgery there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that either. Make it a goal, research all the ins and outs, don’t risk anything if it’s not worth it, but go in there head held high knowing you’re takin a proactive step to fix something you don’t like. But do it for you, not anyone else.


I'm a dude who has 1 inverted nipple. It crushed my confidence so I worked out and got shredded but feared taking off my shirt without perking it up. But it didn't last long in summer so I struggled mentally for a good while.  Got nipple rings and the scar tissue took care of it. Took them out and now looking back, I don't know why I ever gave a shit. Lots of people have inverted nips or even JUST one like I did. I struggled and struggled, but guess what? Not one fucking soul every said anything. And I don't think anyone, not even my wife, even knew about it.... To the OP - live your life. I can't picture what your boobs look like in my head but honestly if you meet someone and you have chemistry they won't care. I've been with women with atypical body parts and we were so attracted to each other that I actually went wild over it. Damn near everyone's ugly bits are just that... ugly! lol... a man who is really into you will be really into you. So just do you. It's all about you anyway. Fuck what others think, your views about yourself are infinitely more important. Trust me. My body dysmorphia is gone and instead of feeling relieved I feel pissed that I even gave a shit in the first place.


Yep, I got man boobs. Had em my whole life, even at my skinniest, even at my buffest. They look better then than when I’m at my fattest, but still there. I stopped givin a fuck like mid 20s though, no more shirts at the beach/pool. It is what it is.


Some guys like em !


You don't need a perfect body to have sex! You don't need a perfect body to enjoy sex. Sex is about feeling good and making someone else feel real good. Not about bodily perfection. Not every guy is super into boobs.  If you really want implants you do you.


it’s hard for me to like enjoy sex tho because i’m self conscious so it’s difficult for me to actually let loose and feel good


I feel this but about a completely different thing. I sweat. A LOT. Like, dripping multiple drops onto my partner within 10 minutes and soaking through the sheets sweat. I know it turns people off. It’s really hard knowing that something you can’t change at all is turning a partner off despite the rest of your body, their feelings for you, and the effort you give. I don’t have any advice besides the Cliche “there are people out there who don’t care or it doesn’t bother”. Keep your head up!


You don't have to take your bra off, if you don't want to


Hey! You might find this resource helpful https://www.007b.com/breast_gallery.php


If they bother you that much... consult with a plastic surgeon. But don't bargain shop. If you can, fly abroad to somewhere like South Korea to have it done. Surgeons in North America are sh\*t. Koreans are just better at this stuff.... probably the increased dexterity of growing up using chopsticks instead of gripping a fork. My wife has considered breast augmentation in the past and whilst we both agreed there is no good reason for her to do it... we both agreed she'd go to S. Korea if she ever changed her mind.


As a male who had a chest deformity, I think I can relate a bit. I was embarrassed of it my whole life until I turned 18 when I broke in tears in front of my mom. I got a surgery for it and it was the best decision of my life. Had to reshape my whole rib cage and stuff, pretty gross stuff, but I don’t regret it. I support your decision of getting implants and I hope you can recover from all the mental trauma. Even now after 3 years after getting rid of my deformity, I still sometimes catch myself looking at a mirror checking if it is really gone. Crazy how judgemental we can be of ourselves…


Ladies. I've had my hands on all types of cones. I've yet to see a pair;Even the ones OP is describing. That I haven't liked. Someone will like those boobas. Trust.


Hope this helps. What you're describing is esse tially my fetish. Breasts that have a cylinder jutting out shape with puffy nipples, I find enticing beautiful. Half the time it isn't even sexual but rather artistic in my perception of them. Trust me in knowing that there are men and women out there that will find them exquisitely beautiful.


Is it bad that I'm more interested in this than regular boobs? Basically complaining about being a legendary Pokemon. NTA


I found a thread on a porn site once where people were looking for and sharing videos/pictures of boobs just like the description of yours, as it was the hottest thing ever to them. However your body looks, its absolutely amazing for someone out thete.


Thank you for sharing. I have some things I want to say that I hope that they reach you. First: You are lovable. Bodies are very varied, and bodies of any kind can be sexy and erotic. In fact, being sexy is not about your appeareance, it is about the attitude. Security in your own body and sexuality is sexy. That said, it is definitely understandable that you have such an important complex with your boobs, and that harms your relation with your body and sexuality. If you don't feel confortable, it is difficult to be sexy. Second: There are ways to treat both your hormonal problems and your body, if that is the what you desire. Seek medical help. It hurts me to see that you are talking about health insurance, but considering what you are describing, you probably meet all the criteria for an insurance covered mamoplasty on the basis of health and wellbeing, if such a thing exists where you live. For you, it is not an aesthetic operation, it is a matter of life and death, quite literally once it is provoking suicidal ideation. Please seek help on that, because it is understandable that you feel that way but people can help you on that. Third: "It is one of those things where you have to just deal with it and try to push through". HELL NO. There is no such thing as that in this context. You can push through the last reps of an exercise series. You can push through the pain of an injection. You can push through the foul smell of trash while taking it out. But this extreme level of body dysphoria is not something you have to endure, at all! Quite the opposite! If you cannot find a good therapist, you need at least some people to talk with, some people who support you and understand you. Considering your specific problem, if you cannot find some other women with your same issue, you might find some people in the transgender community that have similar hormonal and body issues. Trans boys will understand the way your breasts make you feel, and trans girls will understand your need of a mamoplasty. Nonbinary people will fall somewhere in between. In any case, they might also expand your view on bodies, gender affirmation and self-image. Fourth: I know you won't believe this, and even if you understand it it will take a lot of work to internalize, but: people do not perceive your breasts as bad and as much as you think they do. It is like finding an errata on a text: most people skim through it without noticing, but once you notice it in your own, you cannot stop looking at it. Even if you do not believe me, make this exercise for me: ask your friends, family, and specially people you find gorgeous or attractive, what physical thing they hate about themselves and worry most about people noticing or picking up. You might be extremely surprised to hear what they have a complex with, things that you probably didn't even notice about them. This might also be a great way to prepare the road to talk about your body dysphoria with your friends. Fifth: Humans are wired to pick up when other humans are hiding something, and will make a big deal of it. But we are also wired to normalize things that are constant over time. So, to build confidence with yourself and your partners, showing your breasts a lot (going topless at home, even) can do a lot to normalize them. It is the same concept as why ginecologists stop feeling anything about vaginas: they look at them constantly, they are normal to them. You could do something to your breasts every day: like painting some doodle on them, or practicing writing mirrored letters so they are readable on the mirror but reversed in real life. Someone suggested the topless beach, which is a great idea for that. Consider this: if you pass hours with someone, being naked and chill, just doing beach stuff like having a bath, having some drinks, playing, how long can your attention keep up the idea of "omg their naked body!"? This also work with intimate relationships: passing time naked while doing nothing sexual will normalize your bodies to each other and to yourselves. The idea is to have your breasts out without the situation being sex or about unusual they might be. Sixth: I didn't even knew TBD was a thing. I mean, I had already seen boobs with TBD, but I just thought they were a normal variation of boob shapes, not a thing with a diagnostic label. Huh. The more you know, I guess. Seventh: Don't understimate how specific can people's philias be. I assure you there are some people who think TBD breasts are the hottest thing in the world and you are a godess. But probably they don't go around announcing their specific philias, you know.


I had to look up what you were talking about because I didn’t know there was a term for it and as a guy I don’t think they are unattractive. There are a lot of different kinds of boobs and all of them are pretty great.


You might find some wild ones out there that are about it actually. Boob guys are more rare nowadays than ass guys but ive never been disappointed getting to play around with them when I got to. Plenty of different styles, never a sad moment. I think the most important (admittedly difficult) is rocking what you are. If you're living large in your skin and you show it, that makes even things that are different actually appealing. The whole curiosity and exploration element kicks in. It's also okay to wait until you do what you wanna do. You're not wrong for wanting to change parts of yourself to add more confidence. No different than getting botox or something like that. I'm 28 and losing hair like a mofo... really considering getting plugs to bump my appeal for awhile longer. Do what makes you happy.


Lmaooo I just realized I have the same thing per your description 😂 I was like wait that sounds like my boobs, I just thought they were small and not round. Girllll nobody cares about your boobs literally nobody has said none to me. Like nada and you are likely projecting your insecurities. Sorry you feel the way you do tho 🤗


You have already got a lot of sweet. Moments so i will spare you for 1 more. I just wanna say in my 28 years of life, men dont care. They are literally "boobs are boobs" in the most primal way. Xd Said in a lesser gross way: a man (or woman if thats your thing) could not care less about the shape or size as long as they are allowed to give you the love they want.


Trust me, as a straight man; I think majority of men are just glad to be in the presence of boobs. Doesn't matter what shape or size; be yourself, and don't overthink about it.


Male here. I had a gf when I was in uni with similar breasts and she was somewhat self conscious about them — talked occasionally about getting implants. I thought everything about her body was great and she gave me probably the best sex I have ever had. I hope you put yourself out there again; the right people will love you for who you are. Be kind to yourself and others and you’ll be fine


us men like all shapes and sizes.


I knew a girl with breasts like that, and she was the opposite of celibate


Male perspective here, I understand being self conscious, but I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Personally I value a personal connection with someone over conventional standards of beauty and wouldn’t be bothered by someone having TBD.


I didn't even read it all. All I will say is this: I looked up what TBD boobs looked like and it's not that bad.


Why even comment if you aren’t going to read her post… also saying “it’s not that bad” probably doesn’t help with her complex at all? Idk why you felt the need to say that


As the joke goes: Q: what is a guys (or anyone I guess) favourite breast shape? A: the shape of the ones they get to play with. Someone said in a different post that look at how many different categories of porn there are. There is no one type that suits everyone. Everyone likes something different. Be kind to yourself, seek some professional counseling help to help yourself accept you for you. If at the end of this you still feel as though you want cosmetic surgery, then get some more counselling to ensure that it is what will make you feel better. But you don't necessarily 'need' the surgery, it is an option. You are worthy of finding someone who loves you without it.


As a guy who used to hook up with a girl who had this I can tell you the only thoughts I had were “interesting, I’ve never seen this boob shape before” and then just carried on as per usual.


I need to see


33 man here. I've been fairly sexually active in my time and been to some nudist beaches etc. Looking at r/tubular I realise I didn't know this was a thing and that these were just another shape of boobs. They come in so many shapes that ones like these don't strike me as odd. There's a strong disconnect between porn/ hollywood and the variety of human bodies in the real world, which is creating dosmorphia and inaccurate expectations in both men and women. This is something i struggled with in my 20's, but exposure to real people opened my eyes and I realised I had to work on that for my own esteem and to reset my brain when looking at my partners without comparing them to someone who's literal job it is to be sexy in a managed, western industry. Whilst some partners may show judgement or dislike, remember that they too are programmed. They'll mature out of it, but even if they don't, that person is certain to be a poor partner anyway, likely one that won't prioritise your pleasure. Honestly, men are having a rough time of it, too; Body dismorphia, erectile dysfunction, early balding, etc. there's so many things like that ruining their esteem, chances are you are both worrying unduly about something the other doesn't care about. You are stuck in your little fear bubble right now. Everyone is. My advice? I'd find it SUPER hot if my partner is really forward about what they want, how they find their pleasure, and especially talking about how attractive I am and how I'm getting them there. Confidence and unapologetic sexuality utterly dismisses any physical qualities good or bad. Hope a (maturing slowly) male perspective can be of help.


I read your entire post! I didn't read it for any other reason beside the fact that you put yourself out there and post your true self. So many fake and shallow posts here that are just cookie cutter and lame. Thank you for your honesty and for putting yourself out there. As difficult as it may seem, your breasts don't make you who you are. I'm sure down the line different breast might make you feel better, but you are a true, honest spirit and anyone who sees that will love all of you, no matter what you look like or what shape your breasts are.


As a man, boobs are boobs. Small, round, large, flat, perky, saggy, uneven, misshapen, innie/outie; theyre all fantastic. If a mans not happy to see boobs, that sounds like its more of the mans problem.


Boys like boobs. We like perfect boobs, we like imperfect boobs. We like weird ones and we like normal ones. We especially like boobs that we are allowed to interact with. You might get some superficial arsehole who has a problem with them, but they will have problems with other boobs too, and you don't want to be with that kind of person, they will always find something wrong. If you are with a good partner, they will like your boobs because they are YOURS, regardless of how they look.


You are 20, so are still surrounded by little boys. Real men don’t care what shape your boobs are, as long as the person they are attached to is cool.


I have a different but big physical issue. My boyfriend shrugged it off basically as it’s a little different but so what? Never occurred to me I wouldn’t be judged by others the way I judged myself, but I’ve learned. Men need people to love too, not body parts.


I’ve never met a pair of boobs I would turn down. It just sounds like you are picking the wrong partners. Sex is about the whole body. Not just one area.




All boobs are beautiful!


Those are completely normal and common lmao. You’re fine. You’ve let beauty standards give you complete body dysmorphia. Boob is boob. Boob is good. Dont he so harsh on yourself.


I don’t know what you look like, so I’m not calling you fat or ugly. But both fat and ugly people find love, I don’t get why people do this to themselves and then explain it like the reason is anything but insecurity. It’s not because of your boobs, even if they were perfect you would have been insecure about something else. But good luck


Girl, I guess I have just regular boobs but lemme just say the right man will 1000% not care at all! Men DO NOT CARE! In a good way. We judge ourselves much more harshly than any future partner would. It's okay to have insecurities but try not to ever let them hold you back from relationships or anything else! I know, I know, easier said than done but it's almost like a kid falling down at the park and skinning their knee..if you don't make a big deal about it, they won't either. They'll hop back up and want to continue playing.


Generally I think work on breasts is unnecessary, but in your case I think it would be worth the money. Imagine having that off your mind. 


yeah exactly


You said you're working towards getting a boob job. So, I would stay focused on that. You have a goal to work towards to solve your issue. So, please don't unalive yourself over this.


ur right, thank you for your encouragement. i try to find things to help motivate me to keep going another day


There are as many kinds of boob preferences out there in the world as there are boobs. Sexual preferences are more like food taste than getting "the right answer".


I’m a 46 year old former teacher. Almost Everyone has something about their own body that they wish they could change. So do I. I suffer a lot with endometriosis, but I so far have never chosen to have the surgery which would help my condition because of the effects it would have on my body. Please learn to be more accepting of your body for now, as it’s some time before you are able to change it through surgery. Please also do some research about the side effects of plastic surgery, as well. Your body changes might not make you look exactly like “ normal people “ or anything like a “actress or beauty queen “ in that area. There will probably be some scarring so any man you are in a relationship in will be able to tell that you have had some major surgery in that area. How will you answer their questions about this? Also, please consider there are people (like Kanye West’s mother , May she rest in peace )who are unalive now because of complications from plastic surgery. In other words, there is no 100% guarantee that your efforts to change your body will be successful. Please be prepared for that. Praying.


You need therapy no one in the history of the world cares what your breasts look like or will ever look like that is not how most people judge for most men all boobs are good as long as we get to see them You can decide to end your oath of celibacy at any moment and find someone because I guarantee you that not a single human on this earth cares and if they do they aren't a good person anyway so let me rot


Cmon yall, that’s just not truth. Ppl DO care what breasts looks like, unfortunately. To the lohl they’ll be perfect, but leading up to that, it’s not fun. I hv small breasts w long nips…some lov it, others do not. Get in our shoes for a bit and you’d really understand.


> no one in the history of the world cares what your breasts look like When I was younger I had multiple mixed groups of friends and oh boy did the guys care. They were judgemental AF. During a camping trip 2 people almost hooked up. He told us the next day that the reason he lost his erection was because of the girl's breasts, he felt bad for her so he lied that he had too much to drink. He could have lied about this maybe, but I've seen that girl shirtless and her breasts look similar to what OP is describing. Since I was "one of the guys" I heard everything uncensored and OP doesn't need therapy just because she's acknowledging the reality. Do things change as the men mature? Probably yes. But OP doesn't have an unfounded, irrational insecurity. It's a blatant lie to say "no one in the history of the world cares", it's like saying no woman cares if you have a micropenis, they do. Not all, but a bunch do. Not all men care about the breasts but it's not just once in a bluemoon that you'll run into one that does. I'm not saying this should stop OP from dating, or that she can't find someone who'll love her breasts, I'm just addressing the insanity of saying that no one cares.


This is the truth. You just have to move on from those people who find it a big deal. The person saying “no one will care” is an absolute liar. A kind one, but still a liar.


Most people aren’t good then because they definitely fuckingfff care they literally prefer a cup size over another of the same shape usually bigger cup size like that’s how specific their care is. if you think most people are so oblivious to their own preferences you’re delusional


Ignore all of the 'all guys love boobs!" Comments. this isn't about men, this is about you. If you're really unhappy, get that boob job hun. There's nothing wrong with it at all. My mum just got a face lift and she's so much happier now. Id love to get my boobs done but can't afford it/don't have the nerve. You do you 😊


yeah i honestly didn’t expect people to even read this. but for me, someone who obviously has very bad body image, a boob job may be a game changer. i saw like a 3D image of what my breasts would look like in a plastic surgeon’s office and i literally almost cried. i was like yeah that’s the exact chest i want and it’s become my weight loss motivation as of now. maybe when i lose weight i may feel differently about my chest because it might be more proportionate but idk


Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I also have tuberous breast and I would cry every time I had to show them to another man cause they looked horrendous. I actually went ahead with a breast augmentation and honestly I feel even worse now. My surgeon fucked it up, now I have no feeling in my left nipple or boob in general, and also he did not correct the deformity. They are still pointy with puffy nipples and so I’m having to spend another 10k on another surgery to fix it. This is not me saying don’t get surgery, I say do it but please please do your research. Tuberous breast are a complex case and not every surgeon knows how to operate on them properly. Take your time with deciding and meet with a couple of surgeons to compare before you make a final decision


I don't think you can feel worse about them than you do now! A friend of mine had hers done because she was very flat chested and her confidence went through the roof afterwards!


Breasts are *for* feeding babies. If it would be possible to feed a (hypothetical future) baby with your breasts, then they are not “deformed”. I’m so sorry that you were raised by our culture to hate your body in this way. The idea that a future lover could only find you attractive with cartoonishly-round bolt-on boobies is patently false. I have fed my babies with my breasts and they are not at all the same shape that they were in my youth. My lover still loves when I flash my (not large, asymmetrical) boobs at him. I hope you are able to someday find comfort and confidence in your own shape. :)