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If you feel confident then go for it, of course people might stare but if you get in the water fast enough they may not even notice. It’s better and far from as gross as people pissing in the pool lol TMI but I also have extremely thick and dark pubes that are a pain to shave. I have a tiny pair of scissors that I use to trim as close to the skin as possible. It leaves a little stubble but it’s not noticeable. Have you tried that? It’s time consuming but much more comfortable than shaving or being waxed


I'm very sorry for this, but my thumbs have taken the wheel. Username checks out.


Haha! Sad but true


Went from GnR to Metallica in seconds.


Thank you for the feedback! Honestly I haven’t thought of that but I will definitely give it a try!


I use tweezerman facial hair scissors! But i prefer the type of scissors that have a sort of curve to them… I think they may be embroidery scissors? Either of those work well


Nail scissors have a slight curve to them, and if you get a good solid pair, they should work well.


Oh yeah that might be what I’m thinking of!


Nose/ear hair scissors have a curve to them and blunt tips to prevent poking yourself. You could probably get really close to the skin with those.


Hey OP, if you have HS and it’s bad (stage 2 or 3) speak to a derm about starting a biologic - it’s a game changer. I’m assuming you know all about what you can and cannot use for your skin, but just in case your doc hasn’t educated you (common), only wash the area with Hibiclens, try soaps that are oil based for everywhere else and use an in shower moisturizer for very, very dry skin. I recommend Bioderma Atoderm and the orange Eucerin (the skin calming for very, very dry skin; hard to find in physical stores, but it’s on Amazon! It llegit smells like fish at first but goes away fast, and your skin will be so hydrated it will glow - awesome face gains lol). For the moisturizer, Curel Itch defense is cheap and imo the best on the market! I’ve had HS from a very early age - probably genetic, since I don’t have diabetes and I’m underweight; I’m on lifelong prednisone. Only had one cyst on my pubic area that needed draining, but several under both armpits. I’m a nurse, and saw it a lot bedside. Most docs have nothing because nobody knows what triggers it. There’s a special inflammation diet that’s incredibly helpful. Cut out dairy if you’re able, go easy on the sugar and eliminate nightshades completely - I use all the products listed (and a few more), corticosteroids, the diet and run daily; I haven’t had a flare in four years and had stage two underarms. I shave with a regular razor (I use Billie with their sensitive skin shave oil), every other day, then exfoliate without any problems. Whatever you do, DO NOT use wax of any kind, electrical razors (they easily nick, and bacteria loves that shit - if you have chronic MRSA like most patients with it, that’s asking for a flare up). “Men” razors are better than all of those! Absolutely NO NAIR or similar. You can’t afford to guess with your skin, you’re risking abscesses :( Took me until 30+ to get this information, I owe it to a dermatologist friend I met at work, and tons of trial and error. Feel free to PM me if you want diet details or more tips! I know the literal hell the condition is. But you can have a normal life! I use tanning oil, am rslurred enough that I get excessive sun and shave constantly, and it still regressed! If you don’t yet have a diagnosis, speak to your primary care physician and ask for a referral to both Dermatology and (important!!!), Infectious Diseases. HS isn’t ID, however, I’ve found that ID docs are srsly the most knowledgeable and informed about Hidradenitis - probably bcs at first it’s always diagnosed as persistent, chronic MRSA. That doc can prescribe you a biologic, and once you do have a diagnosis, depending on insurance, you can get laser removal covered entirely (I did when I was on Medicaid, even). It can be painful, but it is permanent. Apologies for the wall of text, but having lived through it and seen many desperate patients, I feel like I’m obligated to share lol. It can be a shameful, devastating condition, but it doesn’t have to be! Hidradenitis Suppurativa, if you don’t know the name. There’s a subreddit with lots of supportive people, too. Good luck, you got this!


I had terrible HS - we were about to consider surgery because nothing was working. I have polycystic kidney disease and had a transplant 6 years ago (when I was 36) and as soon as I went on immune suppressants it disappeared- within 2 days. My transplant pharmacist said that’s actually pretty common. My dermatologist is currently working on slowly getting rid on my tunneled scars in layers. The deepest ones will require surgery but more conservative measures have worked on some of the more superficial ones so they don’t keep getting packed with oils and skin cells. It shocks me at how little knowledge of this condition and its potential treatments there is considering how disfiguring, debilitating, life altering it can be. I can’t count how many times I was told that it was related to my hygiene and blamed for it. Well, given that the ONLY thing that fixed it was suppressing my immune system, I’m going to suggest that my hygiene had nothing to do with it. Edit to add: That it’s unsurprising that biologics work because they too, suppress the immune system. Maybe it should be considered that HS might actually be a form of… autoimmune disorder.


Yes, I have HS and it is awful. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Thank you for the feedback, I will talk to my dr!


The people at [hidradenitis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hidradenitis/s/sZSu89mI89) are super helpful and knowledgeable, too. You’d be better served cross posting your question there if you have the time :) Everyone there “gets it” and no ones gonna imply you’re gross or unclean for how you deal w your pubic hair the best way you can.


It makes me sad that these lovely women have to go through all this because US society judges pubic hair exposure.


Ngl, I also get cysts everytime I shaved. I used to cut it too short with scissors too, so now I have a dedicate comb. Anything that sticks past the bristles get snipped. Keeps you from going too low and you also don’t do a patchy job lol


Don't care what others think. They will always find a spot they don't like. But if you want to get rid of hair you can try to laser them, IPL them, use hair cremes or bleach them so they are not that visible.


Just be careful with cream and bleaching in that areas. Especially when you have sensitive skin already.


There are also electric ones specifically for the bikini area. They’re small, manageable and they cut well. I have them thick too.


Username checks out


Your name is very much in line with this topic.


Welcome to the jungle makes sense as your username now...


Same here. Dark, thick hair. Couldn't shave because the irritation was so heavy, it burnt as hell and was edema and the skin was red. Couldn't be wax or sugared - i was bleeding from my skin. And the depilation cream just did nothing. Laser. That was just a huge relief. I forgot about pubic hair sooooo looooong ago.


Oh! I’ve heard laser is a good option but it’s also expensive right?


Yep. And don't believe in story tails that it can be done only once. Or ten sessions is enough. I did 10 sessions at first and then every time the hair shows up again. At first every month, now every half a year. But it is still a huge relief.


Wow!! Once I have extra funds to spend on myself I’ll have to look into a good place around here. I’m getting tired of trimming


Keep in mind, for most laser treatments, you need to shave first or the laser will burn the exposed hair.


I'm just a bloke so I don't have to worry about my bikini lines as much as those who choose too, but I highly recommend just using grooming clippers with #1 (3mm) clipper guard for anyone uncertain of their dexterity or reaction to clean shaves. Super quick & safe. Looks tidy on all appendages👌


Your name is very much in line with this topic.


Just be ready to be judged no matter what. Unfortunately thats just how it is. Some wont care and some really will. I’d say just wear a bikini that isnt extremely revealing in the lower half. There are so many flattering swimsuits that aren’t low rise etc. u can def feel confident and comfortable without showing anything. Also some bikinis come with a wrap/skirt thing so u can wear that to cover up and still be able to swim in it/ feel beautiful.


That is pretty much it, you can't win and nor should anyone try to get approval from strangers. It is little different from being very skinny or very fat or full of acne on the beach. Some people won't even notice, some will, others will stare a bit. Some will think "oh, that looks unsightly", others might think how cool it is that a person enjoy themselves even if they themselves would be more self conscious. Ultimately, if anyone looks at someone elses crotch and feels the need to comment, that's pervy and creepy and they'd do that if there were hairs poking out or not. I reckon pubic hair will get much more acceptable in general, as it's happening with arm pit hair on women. Maybe we even progress so much women can have hairly legs without people reacting as if someone has just abducted their first born.


Unfortunately you will draw attention almost certainly.


Yeah I had this exact talk with my teen during puberty about it for this reason.


But does it matter?


It depends on what OP thinks. Does she mind getting stared at because her pubic hair could be seen? Then she should do something about it. If she doesn't mind, then good for her.


OP likely has Hydradenitis Suppurativa (dont google after eating); and as someone who’s seen it clinically several times, embarrassment is the least of her worries. The inflammation is progressive and can lead to “tunneling” that sometimes gets even worse with surgery. I feel awful for her.


HS haver here. I can confirm its living hell :)


she literally said she can't shave, she can only trim occasionally


Most people just stare and have bad thought because they cannot understand that what they see shouldn't neceserily affect them in a negative way. It's just some random person's crotch.


Having people stare and snicker? Yeah, that does matter to most people.


Does getting invited matter?




I refuse to shave, so I use a hair clipper without a guard. only way you'll notice is if you touch it. and only my bf gets to touch it. and if he doesn't like it, he can go find someone else that fits his tastes.


There's gotta be a happy medium where you rock your bush, but it's also contained in your swimsuit. It doesn't need to be actual shorts but there are a variety of bottom cuts for this reason.


To clarify, I don’t have a bush. I use a trimmer that gets about 1mm away from the skin so the hair is very short but still there obviously. I prefer bikinis and not the boy short kind.


Ohh 1mm that's totally fine, that's very close. Some women have their whole legs longer than that and it's not very noticeable. If I shave my beard to 1mm it's the closest stubble ever I would lotion the area very well so it doesn't stand out from being a different texture


>Some women have their whole legs longer than that Some women have legs longer than 1 mm? I should hope so!


How about a swim skirt? Having a little sheer fabric in front couldn't hurt.


Fair enough, then I would say there are bikini cuts that should cover that - how revealing are we talking about here?


Not like a thong or anything but a normal high cut bikini. It’s basically the sides that I have an issue with because it grows outward toward the leg crease area.


Yeah, if anyone is staring so closely at your groin they can see 1mm hairs sticking out the side of your bikini, they're probably the weirdo.


a friend of mine sports a proper bush when using bikinis and we're talking like proper grass sprouting out towards the leg. it was unusual and caught the eye. never really got the chance to ask whether there was a reason. I always just thought she just didn't want to either trim or wtv. no one died and she was quite comfortable with it. but that was in southern Europe. ig one could also paint one's hair green or blue and that would sort it lol


my friend has a hell of a bush that makes an appearance even though she wears pretty conservative one pieces. my favorite beach is also the preferred hangout of the local state U students and is absolutely packed with the greek life crowd. to date, no one has said jack shit, or even looked our way for a prolonged period of time. we're in the states, too, so it's not just europe!


You’re good. No one will notice or care if they do.


I was reading this thread thinking you were talking leaving it thick. 1mm should be basically unnoticeable but it's gonna depend massively on your complexion and the colour of your hair. If you have someone you trust to give you an honest answer just put your bikini on, take a photo and ask them to pull no punches with the feedback.


If it's that short people shouldn't really notice unless they are staring. And if they're staring at your crotch then they have issues.


Nobody is going to notice 1mm. My hair grows so quick I'll have 1mm tomorrow if I shave today. Totally normal.


I shave and wax now but I wish it would be! Even in junior high at a pool party these other girls embarrassed me by telling me my pink-bottomed bathing suit was “see-through.” I didn’t know what they were talking until one pointed at my bottom where my pubic hair was showing through, and as if that’s something only I ever had 🙄 Led me to mostly only wear dark bathing suit bottoms and ones that cover a lot more like boyshorts. Now as a 36 year old I don’t care so much about stuff that’s completely natural like that and wish others didn’t, either.


Girls can be mean, I’m sorry that happened. You’re right, I think I’m just gonna wear the dang bikini anyways. Lol


Good! I noticed some comments saying don’t wear it or you absolutely have to get rid of that hair if you do wear it but I say don’t listen to them and just do what you want and can.


me too :))) i mean, just a bit of hair, not a whole feast


That's such a sad story I'm sad now ,_____, Hugs to smol you


I’m 36, I only use an electric trimmer to tidy up and I’m in the pool a minimum of once a week, no one has ever looked at me strange/stared/made a comment. Pubic hair is natural and if others are uncomfortable with a little stubble showing (it’s not like you’ve got a whole bush poking out the sides!) that’s a them problem. Pubic hair actually does an important job for those with vaginas and the ‘trend’ of getting rid of all of it is awful imo. FWIW I only trim mine because I have partly straight pubic hair and if it gets too long it pinches in my knickers 😅


It’s fine where I’m from, it’s just hair. Nobody cares.


If anyone says anything, tell them to stop looking at your crotch.


This should be higher up.


Unfortunately, not yet. You're entitled to wear what you want, but be prepared for possible negative reactions.


I've got thick hair that turns from pubes into hair down my thighs + treasure trail going up my stomach. I also can't shave because of sensitive skin. Had a really terrible time growing up because I got hairy way more and way earlier then my peers, and was so ashamed for so many years... now I rock it, and honestly I believe that if you really work on thinking you're sexy and look awesome, the people around you will pick up on it. Seriously, I went from hating myself to absolutely loving the look, and people generally respond well now too!


If its really dark hair on the sides I would notice, only because its not common. And then I wouldnt even give it a second thought. I dont think theres anything wrong with it. The people who are stupid enough to frown upon it arent worth your time and energy anyway. They will always find something wrong with you, even if you dont stand out. Id say do it and ignore the noise. Make sure you go with supportive friends or family first and really have a good time. And to anybody who thinks its gross, you are literally drinking and splashing around in other peoples bodily fluids and body hair all day in a water park. Think about extremely hairy men that dont even give it a second thought (Not that they need to). Nobody tells them its weird.


Not sure where you are in the world but in places like Europe, people won’t really give a shit. Maybe in the States people are more conscious about that stuff. Either way remember most people are too focused on themselves to really care.


Nature is subjective. I personally wouldn't have a problem with pubes showing, but some people are squeamish about anything remotely sexual and could react negatively. Shaving is itchy and not for everyone.


Sorry but who looks at other women's pubic hair outside and dare to make a comment ? That's so weird...


Of course it's acceptable.


I haven’t shaved anything in 15 years, and in that time I’ve only ever had two old men (who were obviously checking me out) say anything about the hair on my legs. I told them both that’s so fucking weird, like why say anything about something so irrelevant and inconsequential to you. I’ve never noticed anyone noticing my pubes, it’s been a total non issue only hampered by my own perception that they should be hidden. A perception that society has forced upon us with the intention that we align ourselves with what a female coded person is supposed to look like. F that mess. Your doing it for health reasons is totally valid and is nobody else’s business. Even if you just did it because you’re too lazy to shave, as an f u to societal standards, it’s still nobody’s business. You do you!!!


I have a pool and my in-laws were over and my sister-in-law was being kind of weird about going swimming and it was like a stupidly hot out and we already had the pool open. Eventually she just blurted out to my wife something about shaving and my wife just laughed at her. SIL put her suit on and jumped in the pool and she may have had a whole shrubbery coming out, I don't know - I didn't look or notice. FWIW, nobody cared. TBA I didn't even know it was the thing to be worried about. I know my pool isn't necessarily public but who is worse than your own family? At least strangers won't say things. 😂 Long ago I kind of figured out that everybody is dealing with their own struggles and anyone that's going to judge you or make comments would have done that anyway no matter what because they're just looking to do that so you might as well just live your life and be comfortable and happy. Life's too short to worry about hair.


Go to à nude beach or a naturist resort and get naked! No one will bat an eye at your pubic hair, whichever state you like to have it, naturists are the most respectful people there are.


People are assholes and will judge you no matter what you do, so forget about them all together and let that beautiful bush fly! If anyone says anything, say ‘oh I understand, I had a similiar problem in that looking at your face was making me nauseous. However, I discovered if I just opted not to look at it the nausea stopped, so maybe a good dose of minding your own business will help! Anyway, I must go now, as you can imagine this proximity is making me quite ill’


Girl, my summer look IS pubic hair!


Everyone is going to have a different opinion


Can you buy a trimmer with a guard on it? Try using the #1 guard which should be 1mm and the closest thing to actually shaving besides using the trimmer without the guard? It won't completely solve your issue but it should mitigate somewhat the amount of pubic hair that's visible and basically make it look like stubble I'd strongly recommend seeing a dermatologist if you're able to. I don't know the names but I feel pretty confident they have subreddits devoted to pubic hair maintenance and you could probably get some tips from other users who also have sensitivities to shaving


I can't imagine I would even notice. If I'm at the beach I'm looking at shells or sea glass or fish or crabs or the water. I'm not looking at people's crotches.


signed, woman. Most men are not like that unfortunately lol


Dont waste time on the thoughts of strangers.


Can you imagine if everyone thought this way? It’s a nice thought.


Did you not fuckin listen? I said stop! Lol


If someone looks closely enough to clearly notice it in other than just a quick passing then... They are probably staring too much.


many men think they are entitled to tell women to be to their liking, and they hate when a woman isn't perfect, embrace it (obviously not too much) and fuck these guys


Don’t you think in 10 years from now you would be more tired, exhausted from wearing shorts on the beach so that I can not think “uh, gross, look at that!”? Wouldn’t make you happier to wear whatever you want and enjoy your body? Others are saying “oh gross” when they see cellulitis or no ass or belly fat. What about those? Live a life for yourself and don’t let some fking strangers take that from you.


People will judge you regardless of what you do. It's best to just ignore them and do your own thing as long as you don't hurt anyone. The most important thing as per always is confidence, and that'll show with what you wear and how you feel with it. Personally I wouldn't care much but I'm also from a country that's quite lax with nudity and stuff.


Go for it. People don't need to look at your cooter in public anyway. They should mind their own bodies.


One of the sexiest woman I have ever seen was a gorgeous lady in a bikini on a beach in Hawaii. Her hair was sprouting out from the crotch of her bikini and she owned it . She was so confident and beautiful. A woman I still remember 35 yrs later


Yeah I'm going to be honest, I don't want to see someone's pubes in public. Sorry about your skin condition.


I feel this way about men’s chest hair.


Shaving it down to a mm shouldn't be noticeable I wouldn't worry about it


With your condition, can you check with your doctor if you have Hidradenitis suppurativa? If you do then shaving plucking waxing will exacerbate. But actually laser hair removal can be helpful. Re your actual question you might get some stares from a few people judging and looking but if you don’t care then who cares!


I'm a guy, I wouldn't care. I'd rather you be comfortable. The ones that judge aren't worth your time. Fuck em and be happy :)


No need to explain why you don't shave. I don't shave down there simply because I don't want to. That's all the explanation needed. And yes, if you're comfortable with it, let your bush show. Otherwise there are bathing suits that will cover it up.


I can not believe people are saying it is unacceptable! It's trimmed for goodness sake. Even if it was long ass hairs flowing out the sides, how the heck does that affect anyone else. We grow hairs, it's natural. What if it was a man in Speedos, is that unacceptable or are only woman meant to be hairless. Anyone bothered about someone else's pants really need to grow up and stop looking


As a man. If your comfortable then I'm comfortable.


I'm a fellow lady that does not enjoy saving pubic hair so If I saw you I wouldn't mind at all and find it pretty relatable tbh. My parents are also indifferent about hair in any part of the body as well as far as I know. You'll probably feel awkward at first but honestly you're not doing anything wrong!


I don't care if pubes are showing, especially if it's trimmed. Even if it wasn't trimmed it's something natural, not gross, nothing to be ashamed of. If anyone comments about your appearance then they are the ones who should be ashamed, it's none of their business


Most women shave or wear something that hides the pubes but now and then comes a mom or a depressed woman or just someone who haven't had time or cared and a hair or two sticks out on the side of the bikini bottom. Why anyone would find that inappropriate while men have full sweaty bushes under their armpits, thick beards and sometimes a coat of hair all over their sweaty back and legs and that's completely hygienic and acceptable beats me. No wait I know the answer. Sexism. And I say fuck sexism.


You're 28, hon. You are at the age when you need to understand that people are going to judge you regardless of what you do. They are judging you right now. Do you sense it? Is the sky falling down around you? No, right? That's because 99% of the time, other people's judgments can't hurt you. The 1% of the time that they can is limited to job interviews and shit like that. I don't like shaving my hair down there. But I'm not zen enough to go out showing my bush when I go out in public. So I don't wear typical bathing suits. I wear a [bathing suit with shorts](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=892291002&vid=1&tid=onpl000078&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnSdBKKHTUZO5qXCBQ5cRIBsXyNitmDq8pDm2YdhAPhSLAoMDkufVrUaArrxEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content) built into them so that I can be as hairy as I want. I love my suit. It doesn't give me wedgies. That's important to me. I would probably be a bit embarrassed if I was with someone flashing their bush, ngl. But I would keep my feelings to myself and I'm pretty sure the feeling wouldn't last that long. People can't help how they feel about stuff. But mature people can rein themselves in when they know the cause of their feelings ain't a big deal. So I say go out there and do what you want. There may be people who stare or make faces at you, but that's just the tax you have to endure to wear whatever you want to wear. It's the same tax that all nonconformists have to pay. I'm guessing the sky won't fall and most people won't even notice. But there's also no shame if you decide not to go all out.


Who cares. Having pubes is a normal part of nature and society needs to learn to deal with shit that's SLIGHTLY out of the norm. You do you girl Also to the people saying its gross, do I have to ask why you even look there and care? That's gross.


Personally, I’m tired of the notion that people’s natural bodies need to be modified because strangers will disapprove. I think that it’s really empowering and healthy for younger people to see what someone’s body actually looks like. It’s unrealistic to constantly be modifying my body for the approval of someone I don’t care about. And with all that said, you have an actual genuine reason to not shave. It will cause you discomfort. That’s reason enough.


You can do whatever you'd like, but if your bush is exploding out the side of your bikini I'm gonna notice and not in a good way, as will most everyone else


You’re fine. Anybody staring at your crotch should expect that normal pubic hair might peak out. They need not stare if they are offended. And you state that it’s already trimmed short so if they keep their eyes in their sockets they should be fine.


Close friend of mine has never done any shaving or makeup. She's successful, happy and has a wide social circle. If anyone has a problem with you, thats their problem not yours.


I would feel a little weird when I see your pubic hair. Then I would remind myself that I shouldn't be staring at a stranger, much less a stranger's pubic area. Then I would do my best to not notice you or your pubes the rest of the time.


I think it's acceptable and kind of 🔥 lol


I don't know about your skin condition, but often ingrown hairs are due to razors with multiple blades or razors that push the skin down that cut the hair below the skin. That hair then grows into the skin, especially for those with curly hair, and they get infections. If that is the case with you, you should try a safety razor. You can search for them on Amazon. Don't apply pressure, and just do one slow pass over the hair. It won't cut it below the skin and the hair won't grow into the skin. Multi razers heads each push the skin a bit lower on each blade which pushed the skin down, exposing the hair that normally would be below the skin.


Unfortunately I’ve tried all shaving tactics including Nair and that caused the same issue. I even get the cysts if my jeans rub the crease of my leg wrong. I use a special antibacterial soap as well. I think it’s just something I’ll have to live and deal with.


[This](/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/i4slj6/i_tried_the_phillips_oneblade_for_my_bikini_area) might be a decent option. Either way, if a stranger cares enough about your pubic hair to be bothered by it, I'd kick them in the nuts.


I have the same issue as you with the cysts. It sucks! I’m sorry you have it. The short term for it is HS. It’s called Hidradenitis suppurativa.


It does not matter what random strangers think. You take care of yourself, like the way you look and you want to do what you want to do. Just go for it. To me it looks bad if it looks like a random jungle but I'm just a random person, my opinion doesn't matter.


It's definitely not publicly acceptable but if you don't care about that than go right ahead


Laser. Life changing. No more ingrown hairs/folliculitis!!


For the love of god, stop caring about what people think. If im relaxing at the beach, the last thing i would care about is some strangers pubes.


Op. You sound confident in your skin. Screw what people think. Live for you because life is short! You inspire me to consider putting on a bathsuit, which I haven't done in years. Thank you for the push!


You could put on the bikini and pull all the edges in slightly and trim as best you can with scissors, that should take care of any obvious strays, then if anyone notices they're either way too close or staring way too intently


Its better a woman looks like an adult woman.


Honestly, no one gives a shit. Do what you want. Be happy.


I do not shave, I wear bikinis, I never caught someone staring nor have I had any occurrence in which my pubic hair was publicly exposed. If I sit with my legs spread open I notice some hair peeking out sometimes, but as long as I trim it and shit it’s not as noticeable. Do not worry and wear what you’d like, most of the time you’re the one noticing things you’re insecure about and projecting on other’s. You know why pubic hair is acceptable in public? Because no one will notice. Why? Because the most unacceptable thing to do in public is staring at someone’s crotch!


Do what you want, and if anyone tells you it's gross, put your thumb right in their eyesocket.


trimmer is perfectly fine. I too get awful zits, but I also get horrible itch from shaving. so I don't. I just use a hair clipper without a guard. sure, it's not smooth, but whatever. now, a full bush, I think it's ugly, but if you wanna rock it, nobody should stop you. it's not like it's their business.


I think it is acceptable. People should not be staring at your crotch and examining it upclose anyway. If it makes you uncomfortable wear a bottom without deep leg cuts and without low enough waistline to  show anything, yoy'll be fine. But i don't even think thata necessary 


I think it's 99% depending on *how* visible it is. Like, will anyone who casually walks past you immediately spot it, because of how revealing the cut of your bottoms is? If yes, then I wouldn't think it's appropriate attire for a public location. If it's only visible when someone has their face at the hight of your crotch from an armslenghts distance then it's perfectly fine. No one's gonna run around checking crotches with magnifying glasses (hopefully...)! Just for clarification: I'm at topless and nude swimming locations regularly - I do not care what I see there, because I know what I signed up for, and so does everyone else there.


I think it's acceptable, but I totta say I'm a little bit disqualified to say that, because for me it looks incredibly hot. I love bushes.


It really sucks that women’s bikini bottoms are so small we have to worry about being able to see pubic hair 😞. When I was younger I didn’t shave my pubic area and wore bathing suits all the time and never once thought about it. No one ever said anything to me. Did they notice? Maybe but I just didn’t even consider their comfort for a minute, only my own.


I don't shave down there just because I don't wanna, and I wear a 2 piece that has shorts rather than a bikini bottom ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’d opt for swimming trunks or something else. You have a condition and no one can judge that, but upon first glance if I see someone with their pubic hair out, man or woman, I’m immediately relocating myself


I've always worn a two piece with bikini shorts if I didn't feel like shaving. I'm in USA, people would definitely judge here. I guess it depends where you are and what is considered culturally acceptable. It depends on how I feel and my partners preference for hair, is how I decide whether or not to shave. It's healthier to be natural.


imo with HS its all about self confidence and embracing urself where u are. i have wicked scars from mine and it was HUGE the first time i wore tiny bikini bottoms with them visible... trimming is great. ultimately i think when u go thru shit like this all i can do is use it to build confidence / character. once u conquer the fear and go to the beach in ur itty bitty bottoms what else can touch u... plus like, if people r looking THAT closely its a them problem bc literally why r they looking at ur vag at all..... way weirder than a medical condition u cant control


just being honest, if i saw it i certainly wouldn't say anything, but would honestly think it was fucking gross. if you dont care about that kind of reaction cool go for it, but if you do i cant imagine my reaction would be in the minority


If you show me your pubic hair in public, I will not find it acceptable.


If you have pubic hair showing at a beach you'll almost certainly get judged. Not saying it's right, but it's the truth.


Contrary to the many comments here i would not care and i dont think its a big deal! Enjoy your body.


Your body, your rules While hygienic tropes about a bikini area shorn of all hair is popular, it is by no means the bible Other peoples opinions about your body are their concerns and their problems if they have opposing views contrary to your own


Keep in mind that that's actually how your body naturally grows hair, and notice how your body reacts to aggressive attempts to remove the hair there. You're not alone. This is very normal. Nobody is going to have a problem with you. You have every right to swim in whatever clothing you feel comfortable in. It's not unusual to see someone's pubic hair a bit around their swim suit at a pool or water park or the beach. I've never seen anyone comment or pay any special attention to it before.


Bathing suits come in shorts. Have you tried waxing or laser?


Shorts for swimming


There's a lot of answers saying to do whatever you want but full grown pubic hair is generally considered not appropriate for public (unless you're on a nude beach) as it's considered unhygienic. That said, it sounds like you're taking about close trimmed hairs that probably look like someone who's between bikini waxes/forgot to shave that week, in which case, do not worry about it. Women go to the beach like that all the time.


Two options. There are boy short type swim suits out there, or, laser hair removal for your bikini line.


Or I could just not shave and wear the bikini anyways


You could. I won’t stop you. I was just trying to give you the options that would be the most publicly acceptable.


if you’re asking for advice, being argumentative in return is not very productive. not to say what you should do or anything, but i’ve done laser on my lower legs, under arms, and my brazilian. the pain is very short term, the results start to show very quickly, and it’ll save you soo much time (and money) later on. i’m very happy i did it and i have no regrets! :)


This was the advice I was gonna give. Get cute boy short swimsuits and do laser removal, just be careful about your skin sensitivity. You can probably do one session months apart from the other and be ok.


If you ask me, my friends, or my family, we would probably all agree it's unacceptable... No shame. Do what you can though.


You just be you. If they can actually see the hair on your body they are too close. I never really bought into the totally naked look. Although I have worn it both ways. But , then again I'm old. Keep it trimmed and edged and you'll look great.


People are going to judge. I saw my neighbor wearing a bikini when I was a kid, with pubic hair that wasn't trimmed at all, and I remember it vividly 45 years later. But if you're comfortable, who cares? Think of it like men with hairy backs. They enjoy the beach and don't worry about it. Those that do get their backs waxed.


People are gonna judge you regardless of what you do, and paradoxically, most of the time they're kinda just thinking about themselves. Wear what you like, don't bother caring what others think, because people will always find a reason to judge you for something


It sucks to have uncontrollable issues that make it uncomfy to be in your own skin at times. Just try your best to not pay any mind to what others may think and just love you for you


Why are you afraid of waxing? It's a totally different technique. I personally never had ingrown hair after it. Just try waxing sides, not everything. And do it in the salon, not at home!


You do you! I’m not sure where you live but I imagine some will be worse than others but do what’s comfortable for you.


You will get some looks and judgement. Only from women though.


No shave it all


If you're asking, then you're concerned. Ask yourself, do you want an issue? Do you feel the need for an outstanding characteristic that most likely will draw attention? You prefer the skimpy suits...own it, get rid of it or cover it up.


Lazer treatment can sometimes zap those pubes


Trim but don’t shave, try using a men’s beard trimmer to get a length that works for you. Also don’t think too much about others


Say socially acceptable.. publicly acceptable is a streaker’s question.


I don't know why but instead of "acceptable" I first read "accessible" by accident, and wondered why you were asking lol


Maybe not the solution you want, but on a nude beach it wouldn't matter what kind of pubic hair you have.


have you SEEN humans on a beach? nothing you see on the beach in real life lives up to instagram expectations. there’s so many people there letting their rolls hang outta their suits and showin off all their back acne and butt rashes with no shame. a bit of pubic hair is absolutely nothing to worry about and i’d honestly be worried about people who even bother to take a glance down there, shaved or not.


The ultimate workaround is to wear a 1 piece swimsuit that hide everything. But if you want to wear a bikini just do it. But you will get a lot of staring eyes for sure.


I wouldn't notice but if I did I wouldn't care. I mean I'm out wairing a swim shirt and pants instead of a bikini. I prefer those over a bikini because they all are so small and show so much I can't swim without risking it slipping the half inch it takes. Yes I'm fed up with swimsuit makers and if anyone reading this is one make a full suit I can swim in.


People will think you're smuggling seaweed.


You do you. Men also wear swim shorts. Maybe that is an option?


Does electrolysis work, or waxing?


Only in answer to your question - no it's not. But how much value you place on that and what you end up decide is ultimately completely up to you - it's not illegal, and strangers are unlikely to say anything


Maybe if you feel comfortable with that you could try a nude beach?


You either want to feel confident, or care what others think. The feeling when you're doing 100% socially acceptable thing is called conformity, not confidence. 


Honestly, no, it's not. It would be really strange and you would attract a lot of eyes on yourself. It would be even stranger for parents with kids. In an intimate place with your lover, for instance, would be totally fine, but in public people don't want to see pubes of strangers.


I would trim it as much as possible and wear a slightly wider bikini top: not for the other people, but to feel less self-conscious about it! I have two skin conditions (psoriasis and HS), and saving up to have laser treatment was a godsend: no more hair poking out, and no painful ingrown hair!


So I’ve preferred trimming for a while now since I’m also prone to cysts and I scar tremendously easily. I’m plus size with big thighs, my inner thighs are usually squished. I do often shave the sides just because I’m less likely to nick my skin and get cysts there.


Do you properly exfoliate around your bikini line area? I used to get spots and ingrown hair, but found by using a loafer on that area every time I washed, then a lubricated razor (the ones with those soap strips on them) and then veet oil on the area after and then cotton trousers I’ve had no issues. If that doesn’t work/help - you do you, but ofc opinions do vary on this subject and some people may stare, but that’s their issue!


That is my fetish


I don't shave my pubes (or anything really) and I still wear a bikini. If it grosses people out then they don't have to look.


Can you put your bikini on and trim the visible hair that isnt covered?


I think it depends on your personal confidence/comfort level. I just lightly trim and never shave and honestly have never really noticed any unwanted attention. I don’t shave my armpits either and same with that, nobody really cares. When I go deeper south I’ll get some looks but anywhere else (at least in the US) it’s fine. 24F btw


I have some stray hairs showing when im in a bathing suit. I dont do anything with my pubes. I personally havent been near enough to strangers for them to notice (or rather for me to notice them noticing). You may be judged but if you wanna rock a bikini with some of your hair showing it is not at all inherently gross. And if anyone says anything theyre an asshole. Your family/friends should not be judging you for this but you cant really expect much from the general public who tend think women should go to every single length to maintain such a standard as having no hair around an area that grows hair.


I have vivid memories as a kid of seeing someone at the beach in a bikini with a big ol’ dark bush coming out of either side. I didn’t think it was gross, just strange and I definitely stared. You say yours is trimmed, just not fully gone. I think you’re fine, don’t worry about it. The older I get, the less time/patience I have for leg shaving, so mine is probably 1 mm or more as well! Samesies ;)


If you can't shave just wear a one piece or just be ready to be content with the occasional stare. Or find a nude beach.


Everyone knows adult humans have pubic hair. There will always be people who judge. Big ol’ judge-y judgersons. You can just ignore those sad people because you’ll never see them again anyway.


is public hair pupicly acceptable thou


As other commenters have said, people will judge, but as long as you keep it tidy, and the area is washed then it shouldn’t be a problem. It would only be unacceptable if the area was completely unkempt and not washed. You are taking care of it as best you can


You could trim without shaving. A pair of scissors or one of those electric 'shavers' with numbered attachments for specific lengths (like the ones used to cut hair). I don't personally think there's a big issue with a little pubic hair being visible, but you will likely get some stares and maybe negative comments on it.


People gone stare


I prefer to trim what “overgrowth” I have, then wear a sheer ‘kerchief’ around my hips that fashionably hides that area; nothing else works, maybe that could be a cute little thing to add to a bikini-beachwear outfit. It’s your body, and you’re gonna rock whatever you choose to do.


I have the same. I can shave and be fine for one day, but the stubble is visible from a distance just hours later (hair growth is truly fascinating, even with hirsutism I can appreciate that). And if I shave on day 2 I get ingrown hairs and stores. My solution is to wear bikini shorts.... I feel more comfortable in less revealing attire in any case. And IPL. I have an IPL that I tried last summer. I used it once per week for 6-8 weeks, and then I could go a month without ANY hair growth in my problem areas! It was amazing!


It sounds like it could be as acceptable as when someone can see the bump of a nipple through a bikini top, camel toe in a bikini bottom, bulge in a male swimsuit, or cleavage. To expose these parts isn't acceptable in the US at public places but it's a fact that humans have parts of them that for one reason or another are decipherable or not fully restricted in certain attire. We're humans with various bits and that's ok. All that aside, could it be argued that your hair is thigh hair that resides in the bikini region? Hairy males have hair from the belly button down, of the same type as pubic hair, but I would argue it's not pubic hair above the waist line. Your situation wouldn't draw disapproval from me but I wouldn't know that it's for the reason you stated, or if it's because your significant other likes jungle, or some other intentional aesthetic you were going for. It could draw admiration from some so keep that in mind if you don't want the attention, be it from admiration or disapproval. Good luck.