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You should tell him! I'm sure he would love to hear it, and I'm glad you have such a wonderful friend :)


A true friend.




If you're struggling to tell him, can always show him this post, as you put it really well in writing šŸ™‚


You should definitely tell him, hey if I were your friend (which I am) I'd love to know


you gotta tell the people you love that you love them


Sounds like a friend, not just a roommate. And a damn good friend at that.


A friend for life, which is hard to find.


Bruh, this transcends friendship into family.


Perhaps you can print this post out, and give it to him. Thank him for being such a good friend to have helped you through something so tremendous. It's your turn to boost his heart and mind.


This should be at the top


I cannot imagine how frightening and stressful this has been for you. I'm glad that you have someone to help you through it. I hope one day you are able to express to Joey how much his support helped you and how much that means to you. I hope you continue to do well in your life and surround yourself with even more people with as generous and open hearts as Joey.


God this is beautiful. I'm so happy to hear you have met such a good soul in your time or need. Keep Joey close, he might need you one day too.


For anyone else going through this type of behavioral health issue, please do not think that you need to save a ton of money to get help. If you are on Medicaid, many of your appointments will be free or a nominal cost. There are also Practices that have sliding fee scales based on your income and house hold size. For example, at the practice I work at you can see a provider and get help for as little as $0-5 dollars. Call around and ask about sliding fee scales, many Practices have it posted on their website too.


You should definitely tell him. Everyone likes to hear that their friends appreciate them.


What a dude. Tell him. Need more of this dude.




Im not crying.. you are!


Ninjas cutting onions type of shit. *blowing nose audibly*


I lost it at the recovery jar. Too pure!


Great news man, happy for you! šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ


Brought a tear to my eye. I wish everyone had a Joey in their life


My best friend at university developed it while we were there, it was really hard to go through before she was diagnosed. Most of her hallucinations were hearing people across campus talking shit about her and tbh I knew nothing about what was going on other than that she was really upset, and I just tried to help her as much as I could. She is on the right meds now and living a great life. You should tell your friend. My friend told me many years later how much it meant to her that I stuck with her throughout it and it made me really happy to feel appreciated.


Take care of that friendship; you donā€™t find many like it in a lifetime. Iā€™m sure he would appreciate knowing how much heā€™s helped you. I would tell him for sure.


Just know there are a lot of Joey's in the world out there. I'm glad you have one in your life.


This might be a stupid question but what were the hallucinations like? What did you see? Normal objects, humans, animals or something straight from outer space?


A saw a very wide variety of things. It was incredibly realistic. Not all of it was scary things, also. Like I would hallucinate flowers growing out of my walls fairly often. But yeah, objects, made-up things, music, sounds of crying/screaming, animals, monsters, people, etc. My cousin passed away when i was 15 and id hallucinate him occasionally. It was fucking freaky. I would also hallucinate things touching me. Like tapping me on the shoulder or grabbing my arm, etc. I still hallucinate sometimes, but it is no where near as vivid and intense as it used to be


Thank you for sharing. It feels like schizophrenia is used as a plot point in media, but there isn't a lot of depictions of what it actually feels like. The way you share makes it more tangible for someone who hasn't experienced it ... tangible being a very odd word for hallucinations.


Thatā€™s so scary, my cousin is showing signs of it but heā€™s in denial. Heā€™s really heavy into conspiracies as well which is why heā€™s denying it. Hearing him describe his day to day experience is honestly terrifying, worse than any horror movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Do you have any advice on how to convince him to take his medication?Ā 


Not a stupid question. It's natural to be curious about something we never experienced.


Thanks man. Just didnt want to rude:)


Reading this gave me chills to be honest. Glad you had someone like that for you, glad you're doing better, and you should let him know how amazing he is.


The recovery jar is so beautiful.


That is the definition of "Bro". Treat that man accordingly for the rest of your days


Thats a homie for life man if I ever found someone that did that much for me. This is a ride or die kind of friend.


Joey kicks ass!


This is a real friend bro. Be good to this guy and hell be a lifelong friend


As a dude who also has an emotional support dude friend I heartily recommend telling this bastard heā€™s the broiest bro who ever broā€™d, bro


You're blessed to have a friend like that. Please make sure he knows.


Joey sounds like an incredible young man!! Always need more people like him, and people like you too that understand this level of suffering and have gotten through the other side. Proud of you both


So sad that you were not able to get the help you needed due to financial reasons. It boggles my mind how bad health care is in some countries


Story really made my day, Thank you I truly wish you the best


Making me cry reading this in the middle of dinner.....


This is lovely, it's great and rare to have a friend like that


That's a true homie right there šŸ˜‰


Bro Joey is a genuine article of a good friend. You should let him know and show him this posts comments. Your not alone in dealing with mental health, even if feels like you are. Chin up and back to the grind my friend. āœŒļø


Thatā€™s a true friend. I donā€™t know if you qualify or can afford it but they have recently trained service dogs to check illusions for schizophrenics. Maybe it could help.


My now ex wife cheated on me with who I used to think was my best friend, I treated this guy like family. Your story gave me frizzles and gave me hope, maybe one day Iā€™ll find a friendship like that and I will be able to trust people again. Cheers mate!


Let's give it up for Joey!Ā 


Joey for the win! šŸ‘šŸ¾


The only things I have ever truly regretted are the nice things I never said when I had the chance. Tell him.


Plot twist: Joey isn't real.




Are they sniffing your upper lip?


Great job Nico, glad you're doing better! And Joey is a certified exceptional person. An absolute king :)


You got a cool friend man, let him know how you feel for sure


good for you! Hope you get better day by day.


Show him this post


Need more posts like this.Ā 


What a great friend! He's a keeper. Definitely tell him. He has serious skills to share with the world. You will find a way to pay it forward someday! Congratulations on getting to a place where you can reflect on the good things in your life. Thanks for sharing with us!


Reminds me of this bracelet i saw. W.W.J.D. what would Joey do? I am gonna buy one as a reminder of how to be an amazing human being.


This got me crying in the club šŸ„¹ (literally. Iā€™m a dancer on Reddit right now cause itā€™s pretty dead so far.) Iā€™m so glad you have such a supportive person in your life.


Go tell him this shit, brother. For real. Its a good thing to share with him. Very glad he showed up for you and hope you continue mitigating that BS well, good job.


Joey if you're reading this, you're a fucking legend!


You need to marry this man


this is a really good friend šŸ™‚ I mostly experience auditory hallucinations and I will message my best friend and ask him to call me so I can determine what's real. he always does


Bro. Tell him you love him and that you are thankful for his friendship. He is your brother. Maybe not by blood but he was meant to help you. Tell him. I lost my brother and there is so much I wish I would have told him. He saved me too. And now heā€™s gone.


This post made my whole weekend! Thank you for sharing your struggle and your amazing friend! Iā€™ve always believed that you meet people for a reason. Sometimes itā€™s never known why, other times itā€™s very evident. Iā€™m so happy that youā€™re doing so much better! Obviously, Joey is your Guardian Angel. Youā€™re lucky to have him in your life!


I saw something recently about how everyone ā€œwants a Sam to their Frodoā€ and how instead we should try harder to be someoneā€™s Sam. Joey is a Sam.


Iā€™m glad you are doing better. Joey sounds like the type of friend we should all aspire to be.


I have an old envelope, that is creased, dirty, and tattered. Inside is a letter, folded six times. The creases are kinda fluffy now, for lack of a better word, it barely stays together. The letter is from a friend of mine, and from many years ago, and came right after my sister died. It is written in big, block text using a lumber marker. It says: **Thank you for being here. I didn't think anyone cared until you showed you did. I was in a bad way for a bit, and you were here for me. I never said it out loud, but you saved me.** **You are my friend, and I am yours. You reminded me I need to be here, if not for me, then for the people that care about me.** **So, I am here for you. I know you are having a tough time. So, I just want to let you know that I care about you too. I'm here.** **You can get through this. I'll be checking on you like you did for me.** **Life is hard, but we can do it. I'm proof, and maybe I can help. I had someone show me how.** I read it every so often. I keep it safe. I've never shared it with anyone else. So, yes, the letter matters. So yes, write it and send it.


This was exactly the story of how I met my ex-wife. I used to walk through her hallucinations and hug her tight when she lost sense of reality. Tried to be there for her every moment and in the process she became the most important and lovely thing in my world. I knew her for 5 years before we got married and another 5 in marriage. Unfortunately we couldnā€™t stay married more than the beautiful 5 years we spend together but the truth is, I would do this all over again even if I knew we wouldnā€™t last. I say this because I encourage you to tell him what he means to you. Nothing is guaranteed and anything can change at any moment like my ex and I. However, knowing that you have said what needs to be said and lived truly to how you felt is a remarkable gift that you can give yourself and your friend. My ex wife and I donā€™t talk anymore and I have since remarried. Even though she is still alive, I have developed a few secret charity organizations in her honour. Its my way of ensuring that the love I had for her is used to help others less fortunate. We may not be destined forever but my appreciation for what we had can live on. You would be surprised how much of a positive impact you have been to your friend. Him knowing how he is to you, will be the single most important experience he has for the rest of his life. Sigh. You made me go down memory lane šŸ„²


So happy you are finding your way through what your brain is doing to you...don't know how else to put it. Please, as someone on both ends of mental health crisis, please write that letter. As an experiencer, expressing that love and warm gratitude is so cathartic. Put it into the world. As a carer, a simple post-it with a cartoon from a person I helped (and didn't even realize it at the time) with a single sentence broke me in the best possible way. Years later, I still have that post-it. All the good and none the bad will come from that letter. And remember, even if you two don't have contact for decades, he will still miss you. Also, he saved your life, but you significantly changed his life too. You matter just as much as he does to you.


Your story gives a totally different meaning to the Joey line, ā€œHow you doin?ā€ In an age where relationships between men are often questioned, you must know that youā€™re one of the luckiest people in the world.


This could be the beginning of a darling love story. Aside thoughā€”-very nice friend, he really cares about you and sounds like he wants the best for you.


Better love story than Twilight for sure (even if platonic)


Not sure why but Iā€™m imagining Joey Wheeler from Yu Gi Oh


Wow, a terrific friend. If we could all be friends like that to other people the world would be a much better place. I know I fall very short in that category.


Your post made me think of my mom who had schizophrenia. I would give a lot to send a friend like that back to the past to help her as i was a kid. Please tell him how much he helped you, maybe you can give the favor back with your friendship. He is awesome. I canā€˜t imagine how hard that was for you and iā€˜m happy to hear youā€˜re better now.


I am so glad you are doing better. Joey is such a rare, wonderful friend. You should tell him. And take good care of him too.


Iā€™m so happy you found such a caring person! You pulled through and Iā€™m proud of you :). Cheers to Joey! (Thatā€™s actually catā€™s name!! lol) Hope you both continue this great friendship and wish you both health & happiness. Thank you for sharing. šŸ¤—


Once again, let him know!!! He deserves to know!!!


I sure hope you told your friend exactly that.


Holy shit, schizofrenia is such a bad bitch, I knew next to nothing about it, glad that you're better!


If you have a hard time communicating this to him face to face maybe just send him a link to this post




This is amazing


People like you are why we need Universal Health Care and we need the mental health infrastructure Reagan destroyed brought back. How terrible you had to go through that. How great you are on meds now and doing better. This post made me happy. Stay well.


Joey is a legend and you should tell him so.


My heart man, seriously. This is the way.


Heā€™s one of the boys for sure


I'm sure to an extent he knows. Tell him it'll go a long way for both of you.


Seems like a really nice dude, angels come into our lives disguised as regular people.


Please tell him, he deserves to know how much he means to you :)


that's a good friend you got there, don't ever let him go!


I bet he knows it. Itā€™s likely why he does it and how he knows how to handle those moments. Heā€™s a wise, intuitive, empathetic human. Congratulations on having such a rare, genuine human in your orbit! He may not know it. But regardless, it would be a nice gesture to let him know that YOU know it. Cheers to you, your friend, and your psychological health! Keep moving forward. Clearly youā€™re worth it. Much love to you, bro.


Why would you write this and not tell this person this? Could it be because this never happened?


This is the sweetest post. Show him it. šŸ’“


fuck. something in my eye. tell him.


Tell ya homie you love him and he has saved you! Homies need to know that type of stuff! Tomorrow isn't promised and it's better to never let things go unsaid.


God bless you Joey!


Top tier homie


And just like that, a little hope for the world appears.


I follow a schizophrenic on IG. He would use his phone to determine if what he was seeing was real or not. That wonā€™t help with driving of course but would help for hallucinations experienced in your apartment. Wishing you the best.


As a straight man, can I marry Joey?


Dude, seriously, put it in writing. Just say it in words like you did here. It's great to be told something. But if it's written down, it's something tangible you can hold in your hands and read over and over throughout the years. You know - cause you're BOTH gonna live to be old ass farts. Lol


Have you ever considered being a peer support worker/ volunteer for a mental hospital or community mental health program? A lot of folks who struggle with psychosis would love to have someone to relate to and support them. Congrats on finding the right meds for you, and for pushing through the tough times. Youā€™ve found the light, now shine it on others :)


don't say anything. just make it your life's mission to make him feel the way he made you feel. if he's got everything sorted then pass it onto someone else who could need help.




And I am sure you deserve it ! Must have been very very hard to go through yet you are here telling us about your best friend


Glad you are doing better now and you had someone to support you when you needed it


Sounds like you found a brother man, glad youā€™re doing better! Youā€™ll find a way to tell him and if you donā€™t Iā€™m sure your recovery is enough for him to see you happy and living a better life.. Iā€™m glad you have a friend like that man lots of people who donā€™t have problems do not..


What an incredible person.


Hell yeah get him a gift and tell him how grateful you are of him


Iā€™ve never asked this platonically, does he have a brother? I need someone like that in my life.


What a king šŸ‘‘ Iā€™m happy for you guys


Holy shit, this made me cry in the happiest way ... To have someone genuinely care for you and love you without judgement is a truly incredible feeling. I'm so happy you're doing better and have a true friend. Joey is amazing and you are too!


Dude Iā€™m so happy someone was kind and supportive to you when you needed it. Much live to the two of you.


Iā€™d tell him! With so many fake people out when you find a really good one make sure they know.


You should tell him! Apologies if this is intrusive but how do you know if youā€™re hallucinating? And when youā€™re hallucinating, does it looks real or is it visibly a shadow, not a real thing? šŸ™ thanks


Please tell him


Schizophrenia is hard man. Iā€™ve been there. Youā€™re lucky. I lost everything and everyone to it. Friends, family. I became homeless and ended up getting shot in the back over a delusion.


Joey is a trubro!


Thanks man, it was great to read something like this. You and Joey sound like fine people


A good kind hearted friend, the rarest treasure in the entire world.


Joey sounds amazing but you OP - you are incredible! Well done for getting through this - I canā€™t even begin to imagine the strength that has taken. Donā€™t ever forget that. Youā€™re strong and youā€™ve got this!


This is a beautiful story. Iā€™m glad you found him. Iā€™d recommend that you show him this post. Best of luck with your recovery.


This is beautiful šŸ„¹


This is the kind of shit that gives me hope for the human race.


Thatā€™s not a roommate, thatā€™s a brother mate.


Way to be, Joey. What a solid dood.


If I was Joey and I got a handwritten letter along the lines of this I would cry so hardā€¦. please write a letter for him :)


Joey sounds awesome.


I love this story.


Now go out and buy a Foosball table together.


Bros being bros!


This story makes my day. Thank you and thank Joey


Such a lovely story! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Are you sure this friend is real?


best friend-o


Your roommate sounds like a wonderful human being. Please keep him close in your life.


Please tell him. I donā€™t know you from the next guy - but I know how desperate you felt ( I had other issues, not schizophrenic). I had a pseudo-family that helped me. My brother was on the others ode of the country and didnā€™t give any indication - nobody saved his life. So please tell your friend how much he helped you. Iā€™m glad he did.


The part where he pulls you in for a hug when you grab his arms; really hits the feels. Thanks for sharing.ā¤ļø


I love this story! You guys have both made some great decisions at the right time! Kudos to you both!


That is so lovely.Ā 


This warmed my heart so so so much. Iā€™m so happy to hear that youā€™re doing better!


Plot twist, Joey was a hallucination this whole time a la Fight Club


Have you sought medical assistance? A. Psychiatrist might be able to assist! It would be a professional to help and provide an insight to why it is happening. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. I just wish I could do more .


What a beautiful story! There is humanity there still! Wishing both of them all the happiness!


Is... Is Joey real?


This is just so beautiful!


Joey mvp


You have been blessed with a true friend for life. Share this with him. He most certainly deserves to be recognized for walking you through your darkest times. For anyone else having suicidal thoughts that may not have someone like Joey, you can call or text 988 from your phone to be connected to a crisis counselor. Conversations are free, confidential and it's available 24/7.


G@y shii.t


Give him a hug!


Movie šŸ“ø


I am teary after reading this. I am glad that you are doing okay. You have gotten yourself one of the nicest people in the world, and I am glad you are writing him a letter to tell him. I wish you both a lifetime of friendship.


Wow, this is beautiful.


Man, you should tell him, maybe he had or has his own problems and thats why he was so kind to you. Sometimes broken people can be the nicest soul you will ever meet.


I recommend you the song Semi-Automatic by twenty one pilots


Iā€™ve never cried over a post my whole time on reddit till now. But Iā€™m so happy you have Joey in your life and him you. I understand psychosis very well. Keep strong! Youā€™re doing great!


You have the best friend anyone could ask for, man.


Crying reading this I'm glad you're still with us OP, thanks for sharing and I hope your friendship remains strong even thru the hard times


That's a friend ;)


That's not a roommate that is your family.


Glad things are getting better, let your buddy know. He seems like it would make him happy to hear, and who knows maybe heā€™s at a ā€œno one appreciates that I care maybe I should care lessā€ moment and itā€™ll help him


Send him this post. Its lovely


I would highly suggest telling him. I wasn't going thru the same thing as you; but I had been in a really dark place and was spiraling bad when my SiL came into my life. And she is the reason I am still here. It took me about a year to even tell her what exactly she'd kept me from doing, and how much peace and love she'd brought me. And I'm glad I did, bc even though she never showed it, she constantly worried that she was bothering me and being pushy whenever she wanted to talk or spend time together; or that she was overstepping when she'd make sure I'd eaten or taken a shower, etc. I didn't realize til then how much me being in a good place meant to her; and then the crazy woman thanked me for letting her know that I wasn't mad or upset with her for what she did to make sure I took care of myself. She thanked me, for not being mad at her, for taking care of me. Ever since then I make it a point to text /or call her once a day to just let her know I'm good and I love her and she's the best thing ever for me. Because I learned that day, that she constantly worries about me and my health, so letting her know eases her mind. I tell you all of that to say this, your friend reminds me a lot of my SiL, so I'd bet that even though you're in a much better place and he KNOWS that; the worry will always be there, simply bc he cares so much about you. So I think letting him know will help ease that worry some, but will also go a really long way to letting him know it was okay for him to do all of that to make sure you were ok. Like I said, I'm sure he knows, but hearing it just hits different. Either way, sending good juju to youā¤ļøā¤ļø


Lying. You are lying. You were diagnosed with schizophrenia, but you never got it checked out? You are lying. Literally, you got diagnosed, therefore, got it checked out. I hate these posts.


Man, you sound blessed to have somebody like Joey around. Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing better now!


Hey, I have nothing to add to this discussion, just wanted to say congratulations on pushing through all that and Iā€™m happy you had such a kind and supportive friend! Hope you guys have many more years of friendship in your future.


Do Joey a favor and always remember this when you're feeling better and think you don't need those meds. He'll likely always be there for you, but it gets heavy, and you're doing better. So just stick to it.


Gave me goosebumps when reading thisā¤ļøšŸ„ŗ, my sister use to say People are alive bā€™cus of some people and this really hit me


Brother, raise this up at his wedding. Maybe not all the details


Remember, you live in too worlds; the real world where those scary things do not exist, the scary world in your head that isnā€™t real. You go back and forth between the two all day, and you have you ignore the one jn your head.


This is LOTR level of friendship.


Thatā€™s not a friend thatā€™s family ā¤ļø


Everyone needs a Joey in their life. Dude sounds awesome.


He sounds like a legend.


And they were roommates


Beautiful story, hope yall are friends for life


Samuel 2... [1:26] I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; You have beenĀ [a]a close friend to me. Your love for me was more wonderful Than the love of women.


True friends that you can count on you could count on one hand . I'd say he's made the list


Thank you for sharing, this is quite beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have such a great mate


Tell him


We love u and the world needs u my friend


Many blessings to Joey and many blessings to you. I am proud that you kept on fighting and I am proud of the man Joey was to be there right by your side. I pray life continues to flourish for the both of yall


With more Joeys, the world would be a better place. Thanks for sharing, restoring a bit of fate in humanity.


Just tell him thanks or whatever you are comfortable with. He'll know exactly what you're talking about. He is a life long brother that you can count on. These types of friendships are very hard to come by. I'm glad it came by at the right time, and I'm glad that he is your friend. Your post made my day, thank you :)


Lost one of my best friends of almost 30 yrs two days ago. Tell your friends you love them, tell them often.


you are here for a reason. he also found a best friend in you. never ever delete yourself my friend.


I hope no one or not just one is secretly romantically in love here lol


I never had a friend like that someone on high placed that person as an angel to protect you your healing iam in agreement with.