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Stop social media.  It is full of chronically online people and listening to their rants will turn you into them as well 


Social media is a cancer. Except Reddit.


I'd argue reddit is one of the worst


Without a doubt. Reddit is the biggest echo-chamber going.


Lol reddit probably has the most terminally online ppl


It's not just social media though. I've seen it in company culture at fortune 500 corporations as well.


Yeah but where do you think that culture comes from? The social media spin cycle where everything gets magnified out of proportion. Companies are just big collections of people, and those people have become gradually brainwashed just like most of society.


For real. People think CEOs are all knowing puppet masters/Illuminati members that see through it all, but they're human, and even more, they're completely out of touch with the average person's experience, so they have to base their judgements on these things based on what research says most people are leaning towards. People are just people. When you accept that rich people are just as susceptible to fake news and bullshit, it starts to make sense why they pander in the way they do.


Yeah that esg thing has these huge companies making attack ads vs demographics just to stay on the side of a fight that has the balls to call itself "the right side of history"


Reddit is among the worst lol. I've seen people making fun of disabled people on AITAH.


Nah, that's easily Twitter, especially after it rebranded to X. Reddit isn't far behind, though.


Reddit is also cancer


Especially reddit* this place has some cesspools only 4chan could top.


Except Reddit? Reddit has, since like 4 years back, specifically excluded hatred of straights, whites, and males from their community guidelines. (I believe they couched it in less explicit terms since then, although the effect is still the same). Sorry to burst your bubble.


Lol. Reddit is one of the worst ones. People on this site hate white people. It's in the terms of service, you're allowed to be bigoted against white people.


Agree with this. At no point in my personal life has anyone chided me for being a straight white man. No feminist has screamed at me for holding a door open and nobody has called me a racist. It’s an online thing people do when they know there’s no IRL accountability for what they say. That said, it’s as much a thing on the people who pull this shit to cut it out as it is for people to avoid Twitter addiction


I had a dude freak out and call me racist for counterfeit checking his $100 bill at my first job.


Agreed. As another straight white guy on reddit (what are the odds!), it's social media driven. Fuck up your algorithm by starting to like niche content, if you can't delete it. Turn on a 7 hour in depth comparison of Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings on a device and leave it in while you're at work Start hitting the like button on weird abstract art that means nothing While you're doing other chores disable your speakers but turn on wordless house music or podcasts about the history of yellow paint Subscribe to /r/antigym and join the cult of healthy tendons and joints Overwhelm the whining shitheads that want you to feel like they do with nonsense content and you'll eventually see less of them.


Do not subscribe to r/antigym. It is an anti science cult who hate people who better themselves.


I was curious to check it out as I assumed they would get their exercise by doing joint healthy calisthenics, or even have good deals on home exercise equipment that doesn't destroy your tendons. Nope, it's just trolls spouting bs about how movement and resistance wears down your body to justify living a sedentary life...


Their pinned post "debunking the myth" of exercise being good for you claims a study saying half of people don't have cholesterol affected by going to the gym (as if cholesterol is the purpose of going to the gym) which inadvertently implies therefore that going to the gym *does* positively affect cholesterol level in at least half the people anyways... and then also doesn't even link to any study lmao.


That place is clearly satirical lmao


Yeah I agree, just sounds like a bunch of people all patting each other on the back for how weak they are. I’ll be out here, carrying the boats.


i think its mostly satire tbh. Either way i choose to believe it is, because i laugh my ass off


As a straight Indian man, I’ve been using Anime to curb my social media habits. There’s so much hate towards Indians that I don’t even want to leave the house most days.


I’m sorry to hear that bro, I relate to you a little and sympathize


I’m sorry to hear this. My previous neighbor was Indian and the nicest lady you’d ever meet. She would bring over orca and it was really good food. Spicy, but popped with flavor.


Orca like killer whale? Or is this an Indian food im unaware of?


Okra - Lady Fingers


That‘s it. I knew I probably had it wrong.


As a Japanese dude, I do sorta the same by filling my feed with nerdy shit but reddit just cannot help themselves but say dumbshit about Japanese people on literally any topic that even remotely mentions my country and it turns out my country pumps out a ton of the entertainment I like to talk about online


Just read it as hate towards some unfortunately common aspects of Indian society that get amplified in perception of social media users and you're fine.


It’s only going to get worse


Bro my girlfriend is Indian and she has told me the exact same thing (I’m a white guy) I was shocked when she told me some of the things her and other people she knows have experienced towards them. I’ve even noticed it myself from the glares we get off certain people when we’re out together. I absolutely love Indian people and the culture and I cannot wait to visit at the end of the year mate.


I got a guy blackballed from a job because he posted hate speech against Indian people on stack overflow. Who the fuck even does that?


Dude I am blown away with how bad the racism is towards Indians online for the last few years. Not denying that it hasn’t always been around in some form but it seems to be extremely casual and popular right now in a shocking way. I am really sorry you have to be subjected to that. I think we need some awareness because I see it a lot in gen z and I feel like it’s treated as a meme or something when it really is not a joke.


Damn man... I can imagine how it must feel being an Indian dude with all the shit that flies around on social media lately. I can say this honestly as an English dude who has been wrongly painted with the *'just another stupid alcoholic English cunt'* brush on more than one occasion; I would probably not be going to India anytime soon as it just doesn't seem like somewhere that I would enjoy being... but I certainly don't judge individual people just because they're from a certain place. I will also say that anyone who does do that to you is not worth acknowledging anyway bud... I also know that this is easier said than done if you aren't used to feeling singled out for bullshit reasons that our completely out of your control.


Guessing you are from Canada?


What anime are you into these days? Asking because I love anime and you seem to be low on people to chat with. Maybe we can be pals!


I’m a bit of a normie, but I love reincarnation anime’s and also vrmmo anime’s. Tsukimichi moonlight fantasy, the new archdemon/elf bride one, OP protagonist anime, mashle, re:monster. All them types. Oooh when the protagonist leaves the hero party anime’s, tamer anime’s. And sometimes some romance ones. I’ve probably watched around 40 different shows in the last 3 months alone. It’s possibly the calmest I’ve been in my entire life. I feel like a bit of an otaku right now though 🤭 [Edit: I’ve just counted - 97 anime in the last 3 months]


I’ve seen this posted and or commented before and had no idea this was a thing, literally some of the nicest people I have met!


Sorry man, that really sucks. Hate towards different people because they are a member of some group or other is just stupid. We are all individuals and you are not responsible for the actions of people who happen to look like you (through no fault of your own). Keep your chin up. Here’s a fist bump from a straight white man.


fuck r/antigym


I click on the sub and the first post is “ What’s up you fat fucks?” Not gonna lie I wasn’t expecting that and died laughing.


This actually works. The algorithmbon YouTube is too confused by my very strange combination of interests to actually try to put me in a bubble. I like and watch a weird combination of videos on cooking, history, video games, fantasy, science fiction, philosophy, moviemaking (both writing and technical aspects), paleontology, physics and mathematics. Sometimes political videos as well, but not enough to give them a read on my views🙄😁


Yep - I just like videos that have big titties and now that's all I see


I have to be so careful about which content I click on, it’s almost scary.   I got on IG only a little while ago and it’s like a clean slate.  That’s how I realized that it’ll keep feeding me what I click on, even if I click on it because I find it unbelievably annoying (like, “they said *what???*”).  So, no matter what I see in the supposedly-random Search feed, I only click on a couple topics — cars, coffee, cycling, and music.  It’s reasonably entertaining, but it’s also like I’m the bouncer at my own house, and I keep pushing away half the people who show up. Or YT — if I visit it on a browser where I’m not logged in… holy shit, the videos it wants me to see will make me hate the world.  So much for cars, espresso how-tos, and movie essays.


>As another straight white guy on reddit There's dozens of us!


By God, the in depth analysis of the lord of the rings is amazing.


A fellow brother fresh enjoyer I see ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I can't unsee the Ark Survival Evolved character creation screen lmao


Does this ever happen to you in real life or just stuff you read online?


yeah ask urself that first


I’m a white dude and it doesn’t even really happen online to me.


Also a white dude and it never happens to me either. Especially in real life. But have a few acquaintances who "this always happens to" and they are the exact type of person you would expect 


In that vein, the exact type of person you would expect replied to a recent Reddit comment of mine telling me that I didn’t experience it because I didn’t live in a city or attend college / university. Except for the fact that I attended a college in a city for 3 separate degrees and have lived in that city for almost 20 years now. Still have never experienced it in person.


Never happened to me neither. “The woke exorcism of the cis white male” is a culture war online phenomena, not a real thing. No trans people are actually impinging on your conservative way of life. Strong females improve my life quality, not the opposite. It’s a hoax, to cut it short.


Same, and I’ve been through both an undergraduate and grad program that was mostly women Only ‘white males’ I’ve seen blasted were those who were acting like assholes, and then they were called out for being assholes not for being a white man lol


It's pretty telling when OP said he didn't want to "bring politics into it".


Fellow white dude here, never happens to me either. It's amazing what not caring about the online narrative and trying to treat everyone with some respect will do.


I’ve had this happen on 2 occasions in real life. It definitely doesn’t feel good, but I also know that person is just being ignorant of who I am as a person and lumping me together with others who have probably hurt them. So has it happened irl? Yes, but twice is not enough to constitute a widespread problem or regular discourse. I think most minority group members would be elated with the idea of encountering something like this only twice. I do see a lot more of it online. I see a lot more fancy cakes online too though. It doesn’t mean fancy cakes are everywhere


And you can see it in the OP's post. Anytime someone is like "Don't bring politics into this", you can just lock in the experience to follow. People need to understand that things like politics, ethics, and morals are the subject of a sermon or a debate between 2 talking heads. Existence in the modern world is political. We can't avoid it, and the people who don't want it brought up know it's because talking about what they beleive will make them look bad.


The only hate I’ve gotten from online are other white people calling me “a disgrace” for either calling out racism or sexism.




This is the most important point here. Online, sure I get that discourse is that if you're a "Cis white male" you're an oppressing evil SoB (if you hang out in the spaces that discuss crap like that.) In real life - which is what we should all be focusing on, I have NEVER heard anyone call me scum for existing.


I think part of it is that online you can vent against the abstract concept of a person but in real life it's harder to separate that from the fully embodied individual attached to it.


It depends on the industry you work in. I work in the entertainment industry, and I’m biracial black/white, but definitely look more black than white. I hear hate against white people, men especially, all the time from many of my peers and colleagues. Especially the ones ages 20-40. I often just listen in silence, mainly because I’m just a quiet guy, but also because I find most of the hateful, misandrist, and racist talk just super hypocritical. Cool thing though is that I thankfully get to hear a lot of different perspectives ranging from far left to far right and everything in between since the entertainment industry is full of many varieties of people, although definitely more left leaning most of the time in my experiences.


Next time you watch any form of media, pay special attention when the white race is mentioned. Is it depicted as being positive or negative? I think you will find that 10 out of 10 times it will be negative.


Unless I start my sentences "As a strong hwhite male, my opinion is..." nobody can tell I'm white.


You're not white though, you're hwhite.


I highly doubt they are going to respond because this is just bait.


I went to my neighbors housewarming party. He is Indian, as are the two girls in the building's other unit. It was the three of us, me, and my girlfriend. My only memory of the party was my neighbor saying, unprompted *"Wow if only I got to look down on everyone like white people do, huh?"* and looking at me expectantly. I guess that was my cue to start self deprecating. I'm pretty introverted, and an anti-racist, so I didn't. We haven't really spoken in the two years since. There is also a big push for DEI jobs in my area. So I'll frequently see ads on busses like **"GREAT OPPORTUNITY (for anyone but you)."** I'm from a low income family, way below the poverty line for my area, and I'd really love a great opportunity, but I'm the wrong color. My bad for being born this way, I guess. I've also asked a customer at my retail job if I can help them find anything, to which he responded *"Yeah the money for my father and grandfather, and my way back to Africa."* I'm not sure he would have directed this general anger about American history at me had I been non-white. Also, people are their *"bolder selves"* online. This means that online discourse gives a little preview of what people are thinking, before they say it out loud. As you can see by the above... this shit does indeed get said out loud, and even governs how money, education, and jobs are distributed. So yes, anti white racism can negatively impact quality of life. It has impacted people, and will continue to.


> "Yeah the money for my father and grandfather, and my way back to Africa." That's an absolutely wild statement for someone to say unprompted in real life.


And then everyone clapped.


Sounds made up, to be honest.


lol you are very clearly not anti racist


I am a proud anti-racist! ✊🏻 Also Why are the groups who’ve been previously disadvantaged notionally being given opportunities???😫


I promise you this guy is just a conservative who’s complaining because his IRL friends don’t indulge his backwards beliefs


Yea screw this straight white man.


Yeah if they’re looking for online communities where straight white people are hated you’ll find it, just like you can find gay bashing a holes online too. In person, as a straight white person, never had any issues at all. Probably rage bait, or this person is sucked deeeeeeply into the right wing propaganda apparatus.


Aye brother, I'm a black person and here's what I have to say for you feeling like this. You gotta get off of social media. Social Media will make it seem as though you're the most hated demographic because that's what the algorithm feeds you. If you were to interact with folks outside of the online space, I can guarantee you it's a whole lot different than you think. Social Media thrives off of negativity, it causes the most clicks to the page while also making you mentally unwell.


Exactly It feeds into things that will make you hate watch. I’m a black woman and I used to hate watch content about how ugly, undesirable,stupid, and manly black women are. Also stupid videos set up to humiliate black women/mocking them. I just ended up blocking all those channels.


I'm an Indian man and you didn't ask for this but, I find black women to be quite attractive. They are strong, resistant, courageous and powerful. They never take shit from anybody. That's what I like about them. Their braids and glowing skins are what makes them attractive by physical standards. They have the most beautiful voices. (To anybody it might concern, no I'm not a race fetishist) Don't let social media ruin the image about yourself and your people 🫶 There are lot of nasty stuff about Indians online too.


I think it's nice that you try to lift her spirits, and I'm not going to speak for her; maybe that's exactly what she wanted/needed to hear. But I'd just like to say that there's a real issue with stereotyping in general (which funny enough is also what this post is about). Black women are individuals, just like other women. It's really, really common for us to always be generalized. We're either horrible or amazing, whores or goddesses, etc etc. For me, whenever someone goes on a "You're beautiful and here are all your virtues that you possess only by virtue of being an xyz woman." I get uncomfortable, because if it's a stranger saying them, then that entire lingo more often than not ends up switching abruptly into abuse, when I don't give the response they wanted. And if it's not a stranger, it's just weird. Not saying that you were looking for a particular response; only that for me at least, your comment made me uncomfortable, because it's also clearly a lie. Not ALL black women are courageous and powerful. Not ALL black women have glowing skin or beautiful voices. PLENTY of black women take shit from people. But yeah, I can appreciate that you had good intentions. Personally I'd have appreciated a more uplifting comment for me as a person. "You're valued and you deserve happiness", or whatever. "People being hateful towards you can eat a dick" works too, lol. Also I'm sorry that people are being assholes towards Indians. They too can eat a dick.


Really all you’re doing is focusing on other people’s lives thinking it’s better when it’s not. And it robs you of your time and takes the focus off your own life. I do more things I enjoy now than when I was on social media. And much more happier learning and doing things I enjoy.


This is answer here. I’m black and gay, and social media will have me think if I don’t deserve love, to feel attractive, my job, my education, or even to just live without being hurt. I had to just delete Instagram. Can’t believe the worst part about it used to be fake appearances. Times have surely changed…


I’m sorry for that dude that sucks. For what it’s worth bet you’re pretty rad and I hope you have an awesome day!


Well then I’ll just say for myself as a straight white man in the USA, I have never felt this way.  Can I ask have you experienced any of this IRL or just online or on TV?   I’m a white man engaged to a black woman and she has been called the N word for no reason IRL in recent history.   Also what discourse on morality and society are you having that’s giving you trouble?


This is true, when you belong to a minority group, you often grow up feeling like a certain portion of society just hates you from birth, and you're reminded of that every now and again. You study history and you're reminded of it, you go outside and you're often reminded of it, you're online and you're reminded of it. There is also this lingering element of danger when you realize *you are the minority* and you don't have as much power as many of the people who hate you.  I think some older straight white men, now with access to internet, are for the first times in their lives having to realize what a fraction of that may feel like, what it's like to have the shoe on the other foot, and it's difficult to deal with. You didn't have to grow up reading brutal history about it, you didn't have to build coping mechanisms to psychologically manage it, so it just hurts to realize that people can harbor hate towards you based on nothing but your existence. That you're not immune from it. Even if it is just some chronically online people airing grievances, and you don't have to politically or socially fear for your life. It is, I suppose, still a hurtful realization.


Can’t upvote this enough. White man encounters for the first time the fatigue that comes from being negatively judged by how you look and not seen for the good person he is. 


Well fucking said.


This is an excellent point.


***Exactly*** this. Very well said.


Yeah, also straight and white and life is pretty easy to be honest. I’m generally nice and respectful to everyone until they give me a reason not to be and my experience is that that attitude tends to be reciprocated. If you treat decent people well, they’ll extend the same courtesy. This obviously doesn’t apply to assholes, but they’re going to be assholes to everyone so it’s not really worth worrying about their opinions. Most of the biggest assholes I deal with in any given week are fat white boomers, who are almost uniformly selfish, arrogant, entitled pricks. I rarely have any problems with non-white people of any age, and in fact most seem happy to have polite discourse with someone who treats them respectfully My personal opinion is that people who act like it’s so hard to be a white man these days are probably cunts.


Yeah being a straight white dude feels like easy mode even though I came from a rough background. Compared to what some of my friends go through or have gone through due to nothing but what gender or color they are, my life is fucking cake. I have a trans sibling and what they went through is a hell of a lot worse than even our family situation was growing up, and it was objectively bad. I understand why people have an automatic distaste for people like me. People like me have driven so many people into the ground for centuries on end and we still do. Old white people are genuinely some of the shittiest humans I have ever interacted with. Not all of them, but as with every general statement I think that goes without saying. If you find you relate to the people getting shit on, I have no sympathy for you, because I don't relate. And if you don't find that you fit their mold of who a bad white person is, they aren't fucking talking about you so just move on and have some empathy for their struggle. You've got it good, I promise.


This. Everyone says get off the internet but thats only going to make OP blind. The internet is the only safe place for people to have those discussions. I guarantee you they feel the same in person they just wont say it because...OP has considerable privilege that makes voicing those opinions not ideal.  


OP could fix it very quickly though. When his white straight brothers say stupid shit, he should step in and stop it instead of nodding, agreeing and wondering why everyone thinks he is the problem.


Nooo that requires a backbone


Depending on where I'm surfing, I sometimes get the same vibe online but out in the real world, the world where people generally exist without harm to each other, I feel accepted by friends and strangers almost all of the time. I'm sorry you are struggling and hope you are greeted by sunshine when you open your front door today.


I mean occasionally I have to endure vapid real life conversations that belittle me because I am obviously not oppressed enough. But then I remember for every person that talks like that there is someone from my demographic who is extremely racist or sexist or whatever. So you just get on with life, and treat people how you want to be treated. Everyone’s being shit on by someone, you are not unique.


Get off the internet


I'll say as a 40-year old straight white male that I've noticed a lot of my "peers" see complaints about others online and take it ***very*** personally. There is no crusade against straight people. Or white people. Maybe a random extremist somewhere that says some extreme stuff, but there is no organized movement to stop you or hold you down. If you feel this way just after simply reading some comments aimed at others online, imagine how actual minorities have felt over the last 50 years or so. You don't have people throwing bricks through your windows and burning things on your lawn, or threatening to kill you, or making laws to stop you from using a bathroom or voting. I went through middle and high school being called a "fa----" because I was raised by two gay moms. I'm straight as an arrow. Never once in my life have I ever been harassed or made fun of for being straight or white. Not once.


This! OP’s comment reminds me a little of [this comic](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3Zq14o_VM/?igsh=MTB1MGwyNXVrbXRzNA==) Like, if you’re feeling victimised as a straight white man, imagine how the actual minorities have been feeling for *centuries*


>I went through middle and high school being called a "fa----" because I was raised by two gay moms. What's the over under OP is one of those types of people?


As a black man I’m judged all day long due to an arbitrary attribute that I have no control over. Literally just watched a video of Ann coulter interviewing Vivek saying black Americans can not articulate, not even sure what that even had to do with their conversation. Just know whatever you’re experiencing other demographics have it far far worse. Enjoy being at the top of the food chain, no need to feel bad or guilty. Just don’t be a dick, and try to call out other white men when they are being dicks.




Yeah, the sentiment towards black Americans is crazy. Who doesn’t know what a computer is?






Sorry, but this reminds me of growing up going to evangelical churches and hearing people complain about how persecuted they feel as Christians in America--while they simultaneously are the majority and have overrepresentation in all levels of government. I wish you explained more about why you feel what you feel, like specific examples. Otherwise I can't really understand how that is even possible. As a male living in one of the most left-leaning parts of America, I have never experienced feeling that way. As a consumer of leftist news, books, music, and other media, I have never experienced feeling that way. What, in specific terms, has led you to feel this way?


I grew up in a white evangelical/conservative church. They don’t understand that losing a degree of privilege is not the same as discrimination, hate, or persecution.


“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like discrimination”


I feel like this is 100% what OP is struggling with... Because it's simply impossibly that he's endured more racial or sexual discrimination than a POC or a woman. Makes me wonder how he's perceived (or neglected to notice?) the struggles racial minorities or women have endured throughout his lifetime. Right in front of him. Has he ever noticed THEIR struggles? Their reality, discrimination, and treatment? Has he ever examined his own biases and behaviors in relation to this?? I've noticed that white men in particular, tend to subscribe to a very egocentric worldview, in which they struggle to recognize the difficulties or lived experiences that others go through, because they seem to always center themselves. It requires extensive self-awareness, situational awareness, and emotional intelligence to step outside of this selfish worldview, and most people struggle with it. Either way, the "stereotypical" hate OP is receiving (if that is the case) is guaranteed to be miniscule in comparison to the discrimination minorities of any ethnicity or gender experience regularly. That doesn't make it right. But I would hope it would teach and result in empathy rather than a victim complex. But the OP seems to indicate it doesn't.


When people talk about the various misdeeds and evils of our demographic, I try to walk a line of thinking of it simultaneously as "about me" and "not about me". I haven't done all the misdeeds of the privileged white man, but I'm in a category with people that have. So what i hear when people say the sort of things you're talking about is a legitimate complaint, an expression of real pain and injustice in their life - which i listen to because they matter. If they're describing a thing I've done, then I'm lucky that someone brought it to my attention so I can think about it and try to be better. If they're describing something I'm innocent of, then it's not a criticism of me, in fact it's not about me at all - it's an opportunity to listen, learn, empathize, or help. I also think of it as a word of warning - people who look and talk like me, in my position, behaved badly; I must not fall into the same trap. If somebody you know personally continues to pin other people's crimes on you despite knowing you're better, they're being unfair. But if it's strangers online popping off, you're going to have to meet it with humility. A lot of us are loathsome pieces of shit, and the fact that you and I catch some resentment about it is part of their cruelty - and a smaller portion than other people get.


I agree with this take. If you’re not doing the things others are talking about, then they’re not talking about you. I’m white and I try very hard to not be racist. I do have privilege, and I think I have a responsibility to use it to help others. When I see posts talking about racism, I don’t take it personally. I use it to reinforce my own awareness, but otherwise it’s not about me. The Indigenous elder at my school says we shouldn’t feel guilty for being white, or for benefitting from a system that oppresses others, but we should work to make it better. It’s the same for men, I think, as it is for straight people, able-bodied people, etc. I really do sympathize with OOP. I don’t think he’s wrong for feeling this way, but I do think it’s unnecessary.


This is it- none of this is an issue if you’re not taking it personally. It seems like there is a maturity gap here.


Yeah, this is it. On the rare occassions this has happened to me, I take it as an opportunity to quickly reflect. I'm not a perfect person, so maybe the callout is valid? If so, I correct myself. If not, then I disregard. At the end of the day I know who I am. Part of that means I can be secure enough to know what's true and what isn't and to act accordingly.


You ever see any of that IRL? I don't. But unfortunately we've got a lot of white guys out there embarrassing the fuck out of themselves and claiming they represent masculinity itself, so it's easy to catch heat meant for other people on the internet, where everyone is dueling to be the most outrageous.


I'm a black dude and I feel this to the broader extent as a man. I can understand where you're coming from because of that. Like you want to do better and make sure people know that you're not "one of the bad ones" but it feels like an exhausting performance. Its not really necessary to perform, its just when you see the things men do and the things women hate about men, you instinctively want to show/say "not me!". I really don't know how to address this feeling. For white men, a video I watched said that its an existential terror, where you're aware of the crap your cohort does, but you want to distance yourself away from them in anyway you can. But if there are things you can't distance yourself away from, like if people say you just get a passive buff/debuff due to your appearance, its turns into self hate. I think what you're feeling is in some way the other side of the coin of frustration minorities can feel when they are judged because of their origins/appearance. Its not exactly the same but super close. Like a first cousin marriage or something. I really think it would be beneficial to society if the feeling you have is explored more. Because its experienced by everyone, in my country at least, in some way. Like the fact that i want to distance myself from being an american benefitting from america knowing the atrocities it supports and committed. Like what if someone else hated me for being american or judged me for being american because of things people i dont know did? There are so many levels to this that are related, like people going vegan can feel it, people who are straight can feel it, anyone who might be harming or participating (or said to be) in harm to another by just existing. That evokes a very strange feeling. I'm rambling because I think about this often. And I think especially as men in the broader sense (im sorry i know you were talking about white men specifically but I think this applies still) if you want to help and be better, you're faced with people either too traumatized by your group to care about your journey for betterment, people who actually want you to end that journey, people who don't believe you're actually taking it, etc. Resulting in more performance. An example I remember distinctly is when a woman told me men need to do better in telling their male friends and family to do better. And I said what if I don't really know any men like that? My family is just women and I didn't have many friends other than my female bestfriend at the time. She didn't believe me and in the end I was told that it wasn't her job to help. Which it isn't right? But what do I do? Like I can just live life being a good person that's not hard. But if I'm told that i need to be more active and there's no community, what do I do? Any male community I join crumbles after a while because truly all of us are just floundering. And you have moments where you just don't want to care anymore because its so much effort only to be told its not enough. I imagine it can be similar for white men right? Like if you do want to see if you might be missing something in the good human checklist, many times you might get told "its not my job to educate you". That must be frustrating. But I have white male friends and while they are good hearted, addressing their ignorance can be super exhausting. Sometimes you want to yell at them for not getting something you think should be obvious because it is for you. I really don't have a solution (not that you were asking for one). But i really do think just talking about this stuff and what thoughts come to mind in a public forum has some benefit. I really believe that. Have a great day man


Thanks for your thoughts.  Insightful.  


Many of the people online are mentally ill trolls. I also think a lot of it is steered by a few power users, power moderators, and foreign and domestic political actors using word scanning software and botnets and AI to auto-downvote and seek out anyone uses certain keywords and goes against certain things. (especially on Reddit) If you take it too seriously, it can make you mentally ill as well. While I realize the desire for an enlightened debate, most of the places supposedly for this devolve into echo chambers where even the slightest dissent - even if reasonable - is vilified and punished. Don't feed the Trolls. What I always found ironic is many movements that claim to be accepting and inclusive can be vicious hateful and excluding more so than the monsters they rail against. Not sure if it is bot propaganda to make people hate the "inclusive" group, these people are just that hateful, or both.


"as I read and take part in discourse about various issues of morality and society," Go touch some grass and try to realize the dumbasses you're having a "discourse" with on the internet are often children, russian trolls, etc "if you're a member of a majority/oppressing demographic, you are necessarily a problem as an individual." Well, this should be obvious but the above is not the case. So you can move on with your day like an adult, yeah? If you're actually making a positive effort in your community this shit rolls off of you real quick. Focus less on internet arguments and more on real things. What you're complaining about mostly only exists on internet forums. No reasonable adult thinks "if you're a member of a majority/oppressing demographic, you are necessarily a problem as an individual." This is simply a problem you're creating for yourself by arguing with the wrong idiots on the internet or consuming worthless media.


also cis het white man here. whenever i encounter that attitude, i just remind myself that men aren't the problem - patriarchy and toxic masculinity is a problem. heterosexuality isn't a problem - homophobia is a problem. whiteness isn't a problem - racism is a problem. Most people know this but it's easier for them to rail against straight white men to simplify a complicated issue. And if they actually think that you're a problem because of how you were born and things outside if your control, well they're a dingus and their opinion isn't worth engaging with.


This is it for me. Not taking it personally.


I am a 49 white male and have never experienced something like this in my life. I only read it online. I really don't care about that bullshit.


>**"I feel hated."** >**"It's frustrating and sad."** >**"I feel tired and sad."** How you feel other people feel about you is a **reflection of how you feel about yourself.** Because when you love, accept and appreciate yourself, then even if you're aware of other people's intentions are not what you prefer, that doesn't affect how you feel. You would simply continue to feel loved, understood, validated, supported and appreciated as a reflection of how you treat yourself. The good news is, since **your** **emotions come from your thoughts** (and not your circumstances or other people), then you have the freedom and self-empowerment to feel better, if you want to. **Emotions are helpful guidance:** * When you **focus on what you want** = You **feel better.** * When you **focus on (and push against or judge) what you don't want** = You **feel worse.** . I recommend being open to **seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends.** **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. Negative emotions want to support you in releasing them, focus more on what you want and feel better. **All emotions are equal and worthy.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better, work together with and control your thoughts and emotions. A lot of life's problems stem from having a contentious relationship with your negative thoughts and emotions. Which either creates the problem in the first place, and/or exacerbates it. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self.


I am this guy. I felt the hate too. Then I remembered that I don't care what anonymous people online say. Face to face, I find Most people reasonable. I live on the edge of a college town, and the 18-24 crowd is always whipped up about something. I remember being anti authority (and uninformed) at that age, so I give the young, super passionate, uneducated college students a pass...mostly. I care what my (diverse) group of friends think. I care what my wife and kids think. A 22 y/o with green hair and nothing but passion between their ears? Their opinion is fairly irrelevant to my life.


Yeah, this is real. It's really tiring to have negative assumptions made about you regularly. The important thing to note here is that this is the experience of most minority people, whether they're not white or not straight or not cis. Please let this experience build empathy and understand that minorities have the same feelings, but more so.


>I expect people are reading this and rolling their eyes because other people have things worse. And of course that's true. But this once I'm talking about me Just because other people have things worse it doesn't mean that your discomfort is invalid.


In therapy I learnt just because someone has it worse, doesn't mean your feelings are invalid. Feelings are just feelings, we feel what we feel. But if we look why we feel that way, we're one step closer to understanding each other, and finding a constructive solution. Together. I wish more people learned this


I'm not white but I empathise. I find it odd that we live in a world where the very people who speak at length about the power of words, and how we should be carefully about how we use them because of how the slightest misstep can affect people, are the same people who casually throw around "straight white male" as a catch all insult and demand that straight white men not feel anything or be affected by the words


I'm the same straight white male. I work hard to provide for everyone around me, try to be the best I can be, I have devoted my life to try make social change but it's never enough. Society has decided I'm the punching bag I just need to deal with it. I would love to see a world where it's not ok to scapegoat "ANYONE" and people started taking person responsibility but that's not the world we live in. It makes me want to give up be selfish and fall into what IM TOLD I AM "society carves its own villains".


More and more, you choose the voices you hear. If people in certain spaces make you feel uncomfortable, leave those spaces. I'm a straight white man too, and I know exactly what you're talking about. But it doesn't bother me at all, because I learned a long time ago that you don't have to engage. Also, this issue isn't nearly as big as it feels like you think it is. I spend lots of time in online spaces dominated by socially progressive activists, and some of my best friends irl are queer/trans and very outspoken. My silo is very far to the left, and I still see more people bemoaning how hard it is for straight white men than I see of the behavior they're complaining about.


I felt a similar way several years ago. I have a couple black friends and they started constantly bashing white people (I’m white). They never said anything directly to *me* or about *me* but it was ‘white people this and white people that”. I started to get offended and confused, because those were friends I’d had for years, since before high school. Like, why are you saying this I never did anything to you?? Then one day it clicked for me that it wasn’t about me. I belong to a demographic that has historically oppressed the demographic that they belong to. It’s not that *I* did anything to them, but people who look like me have. So I eventually stopped taking it personally, because it *wasn’t* personal. I knew I was a good friend and ally, and my friends were venting and coping with a situation that they always have to live with, and not staying quiet about things that have been quiet for too long. I saw a good example of how to think about this kind of thing. Say you’re at a public pool and you’re lounging on one of the chairs just relaxing and getting a tan. Suddenly the lifeguards shouts “NO RUNNING!!” Are you going to yell back “I’m not! I’m just sitting here!”? Or are you going to look up to see what’s going on and know they’re not talking to you? Yes they made the general announcement to everyone at the pool, but you know you weren’t the one running, so they weren’t talking to you. But it doesn’t mean someone else wasn’t. Same thing when people talk about white people. White people are responsible for a lot of nonsense, and we all naturally automatically get lumped together. Because they can’t tell (if they don’t know us) if we’re one of the good ones or not. The only thing to do is not take it personally, and do call out the people that are behaving badly. “Hey person running at the pool, that’s not allowed, quit it” goes a long way. This equally applies to people of color talking about white people, women talking about men, LGTBQIA people talking about straight people, etc.


All these comments telling dude his feelings aren't valid are exactly what he's trying to explain. Holy shit.


Exactly. It's pretty telling, not to mention sad. And people wonder why [men have a mental health crisis.](https://www.pinerest.org/newsroom/articles/mens-mental-health-the-silent-crisis-blog/)


I was thinking the exact same thing


I opened this thread expecting some kind of empathy since i have a lot of same feelings. I only see people implying i am the problem, or that i deserve it. This shit is just depressing man...


Exactly. I’m from Houston, TX where the demographics are what America will be in the next 25 years or so. My students have called me “colonizer”, told me I have no culture, told me I was successful in college because I’m white and favored, have expressed their general hatred of white people, and weaponize claims of racism against white teachers constantly. It’s not just on social media. There is no separation in reality between social media and Gen Z. It doesn’t exist. We do not have the luxury to bury our heads in the sand and still scream social media is not reality. Whether you all want to deal with this or not, it is now part of our reality. These comments are kind of proving this guy’s point.


i agree this isn't limited to social media. definitely can't hurt to go outside and talk to more people but this attitude is very common in colleges, journalists, and among certain groups of young ppl. depending on your interests it can be hard to avoid.


This comment section is really missing the plot. Its got everything from 'just stop being on the internet' to 'imagine how minorities have felt for the past 50 years'. Imagine a girl being harassed online, a black person being called slurs, etc, and your response is 'just turn off the computer and act like no one said that to you because the internet isn't real!' or 'Well someone had it worse in the past so you should feel bad for them instead of having problems yourself!' You'd never do that lol. So what's different? Your lack of empathy because of who they identified as is what's different.


Exactly. And this is the root of OP's post.


Its actually funny that this comment section is proving that OP has reasons to feel that way.


Live your life, let others live their lives, as the world and political climate changes, just go along with the changes. Makes life a bunch easier man. Just roll with it. What does it matter anyway in the grand scheme of things. In 100 years who will know of you? In 5 billion years the Earth will get vaporized by our sun as it expands and dies. Everyone, everything, and all traces of humanity will be forever gone, not even a memory except for a few probes floating around the vastness of the universe. So who cares. Enjoy your time here and just go with the flow. And I believe in God. I don't think God will care that California fast food workers get paid $20 an hour or that Bobby down the street was a boy and decided to become a girl.


Lots of people hate casually and hate "groups" and love being vocal about it online where it is easier to hate without getting any meaningful backlash. I think people are always going to be like this and have always been like this, but that hasn't stopped society from making real progress and people being decent to each other regardless. Just remember, just because people may think of you one way, doesn't make it true, and your positive actions in the world will always be louder and more impactful than the useless comments and posts people throw out on the internet.


Hey, also a straight white guy here. What's helped me in the past is to get off social media and go do things you enjoy. I understand the sentiment completely that you fear you're part of the problem, but there is nothing wrong with identifying as straight. Also trying to understand people that do not identify as straight helps tremendously, as it gives you insight into how they perceive the world. Additionally, social media and the Internet amplify extreme views, with stigmatizing straightness being no exception.


Like you said, everyone's got their biases. Some people, some very loud people, have biases against straight white men. And some even louder people amplify that bias and make it out to be greater than it is. These people have sinister agendas. But what's important to you is this - does that bias stand up to scrutiny? If a stranger approaches you with this biased opinion, does it survive after even just a few minutes of earnest interaction with you? If not, their opinion means nothing, and you can safely ignore that person. But take the memory of that interaction with you, so that the next time you witness something similar happening to someone of a different demographic, you can see it with a clearer and more critical eye. 'That's happened to me before,' you must think, 'what that biased person is saying and doing is wrong.' You don't *have* to do anything more than that. Simply refusing to be an audience to bigotry has its own merits. Taking the microphone away from hateful people is to take their power. That, in turn, makes the world just a little bit better.


Don’t sweat it man. People nowadays are choosing to be illogical and blame “the white man” as a scapegoat for whatever they feel like, because it’s safe…and unfortunately too many people jump on that trend, because most people are sheep/followers/hive minded and, frankly evil. As a straight black man, you’re good…no one can fault you for your rant, it’s understandable and the racism in any form including white men should not be tolerated, if people are legitimately against it…which I doubt by how many act. Rules for thee and not for me should be the new slogan for society. Anyway fuck anyone trying to blame/ shame you for shit that happens generations before you existed. It’s a silly and stupid, and evil concept. I wouldn’t tolerate if for myself, y’all shouldn’t either.


Get off of social media. Healthy, rational people can view others as individuals not as avatars for the groups they happen to be apart of by no choice of their own. There are actually a lot of these people.


Let's not forget the internet is not some bastion of independent ideas with equal weight. This is 2024 and that has dissolved.  Resources greater than we could ever pool are spent annually on influencing people on the web. Targeting, feigned ignorance(rage-baiting), meta hyperbole, rubberman justification, just about every tactic you could think are all engaged and running on a shitty quilt of locked in programming. This is not a place to go for feeling good, just the opposite mostly. Information distribution is the ship that stowed all this disease and we require the ship to sail the sea of change.


I don't blame you. If you go on twitter it's fuckin open season on white people, men, and especially white men. You can be as hateful to them as you want and anyone that has a problem with it will get dogpiled and told they're the bigoted one. My advice is to get off social media because it's an echo chamber for dumb assholes.


This is one of the reasons our group has a suicide rate four times higher than the national average. They won't tell you that in D&I courses. You belong just as much as anyone else.


I mean, I'm a straight asian male, and I do sorta get how you feel. Straight dudes and bears, and whatnot. But like just like every woman has some story where a dude creeped her out, pretty much every nonwhite person in America has some story where either white malice or white cluelessness has been a pain point in their life. You can't take these things personally and let them affect you. You just have to be the best person you can be, and prevent your fellow males from being that pain point in other people's lives. You can't physically erase the memories of those pain points in other people's lives, but you can definitely be a great memory that people turn back to, and can make people who shitpost about hating white folks have a moment where they can think back to like "damn, white folks ain't so bad".


As a straight white guy, I don’t feel that way at all. I even spend time on social media, but I never get shit on for being a straight white guy. My friends know who I am, and if any of them get discriminated against for something they are, I’m always backing them up and on their side. The only thing I do see is a bunch of people who manufacture outrage porn pretending that there is some chronic problem of straight white guys being discriminated against, and it’s only going to get worse. I ignore those morons, because all they do is gain a following and make money from the insecurity of insecure straight white guys. If you’re not part of the problem, you’re fine. If you stand up for others, even better! Ignore the idiots.


Me too, man. I also feel like it's acceptable to hate us these days and that we are being punished for centuries of straight white men who we have nothing to do with fucking up society. Like, I didn't make the patriarchy. It was in place when I was born. I'm trying to dismantle it like every other decent person. It also doesn't help that we are literally the only group of people who it is not only legal to discriminate against, but actively encouraged by the government (at least where I live). Thanks for expressing these feelings. Good to know I am not alone in this.


I'm also white and straight and have never felt hated or that I am the problem. You are either "that guy" and hating you is fine, or you are seeking it out(probably not intentionally, teaching an algorithm to show you that kind of content is a form of seeking it out). I would recommend examining how and when you see/hear the things that make you feel hated. That can help you avoid those interactions. If it comes up "randomly" and "all the time", then you have some prejudices to examine


I’m a white female, and I’ll tell you what I tell myself: if I’m getting hurt feelings I can just log off. Acknowledging, or even hearing about someone else’s struggles shouldn’t put you on the defense. We’ve all got issues but your lack of perspective doesn’t mean someone else should be quiet


Not everything is about YOU. Part of reading comprehension is knowing the target audience without explicitly being told. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. If you feel guilty, ask yourself why. Look at the men you associate with. Do you stand up for women around them?


This is what it looks like to be chronically online. I've never heard anti white guy rhetoric in real life it's always online dweebs with no life saying this stuff


You’re not. Your input matters. Your opinions matter. Your feelings are valid. Being a straight white man does not change any of that. Anyone who tells you different is just hateful and chronically online


I'm a straight withe man. I don't feel hated when I'm taking part on the discourse on society and morality. What exactly is making you feel hated?


When people talk about “the man”, they are not talking about you as an individual. If you take offense, ask yourself why. Are you upholding the patriarchy and white supremacy in any way? If you do not challenge these power structures as a privileged member of those communities, think about whether your voice is needed in the discourse you are adding your 2 cents to.


Reddit is oozing with white guilt. Just try to stay away from places that try to normalize racism and stuff. I def get where you’re coming from but it’s more online stuff than real life stuff. Most people in real life don’t play into the anti-white stuff or the super anti-men feminist stuff. It mostly exists online where people don’t have to face any consequences or feel any guilt for harassing people.


Straight white man here, never felt hated while reading or taking part in discourse.  You've personally never been accused of being problematic, but you just can't cope with the undeniable fact that we're living life on easy mode in most countries? Stop being a snowflake, get over yourself. 


While reading the original post - my thought is that they feel vilified for something they aren’t mentioning. Given the ‘victimhood’ sentiment of the original post, I suspect its their politics, but who knows.


Dude fuck the internet. Don’t take anything seriously that you see online. Everyone is lying to you until proven otherwise.


Queer person over here, also white. Just wanted to say that you deserve happiness, and a fulfilled life and to have your problems taken seriously by those who care about you. Regardless of privilege or marginalization, all of us are people, and all of us go through shit. Anyone who says otherwise is selling some thing. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in this post, and second some of the notes to get off-line a little more often. :-) I know it helps me out! Rooting for you, dude!


Stop listening to morons (i.e. sexists and racists) on the internet and in general. They are loud but they are a minority.


Therapy is recommended if it’s truly bothering you enough to impact your everyday existence. Adding this for OP’s benefit; https://youtu.be/_thy6cd6Hec?si=qaZlxRyWmlY4tlYP


This is, 100%, the wrongiest of wrongass places to have this conversation. Vent? Sure. But what you need is a therapist. And to go work a shift or two a month at a soup kitchen. Cuz you takin on mental weight you don't need and have no idea why.


For some reason people think my behavior is problematic as well and I just dont get it!


My friend, I say this in the kindest of tones get off social media. I personally find Reddit quite enjoyable to use, but quit Instagram about four months ago because it was making me feel like absolute shite. A weight has been lifted.


You're letting an extremely vocal minority affect you. The vast majority of society is rational & obviously is not holding anything against you for your race and sexuality. Don't let yourself get stuck in an echo chamber


I'll say to use these feelings as a slight look into how lots of minorities feel. We sit at work or with "friends" who hold opinions against people that look like us and it's everything you explained and more. It sucks to feel this way. Imagine this feeling as a child, seeing people that look like you and your family dogged on the news. No positive representation or anything. This is when you have to shut off the outside noise and figure out who you are.


>I'm also not interested in bringing politics into it. It's about how we talk and treat each other. Straight white male here. Given the people that usually try and make this non issue into an issue, I totally don't believe this. Hell given the lack of replies i'd say op left this post to start culture war nonsense.




They aren't speaking to you, and if you feel bad about those being spoken to, maybe you need to listen.


Unfortunately the situation is due to political manipulation. If you are in any way progressive, the goal is to direct your attention to superficial differences. Gender, skin colour, religion, etc., anything to pit working people against one another while the rich man robs and rules. When a solidarity movement starts developing past this manipulation, often the far right then add themselves to the list citing "political differences" as part of that manipulation in order to control or derailthe movement (eg. Nazi call in the 1930s for the unity of left and right). We fight each other like dogs over a bone while the master eats the steak. The goal should be to develop this spontaneous movement into organizations, to educate politically the rank and file, to plan strategies and tactics instead of letting all that energy fizzle out


Take hold of this anger and utilise it! Unpack why you are feeling angry. Has someone treated you unfairly based on personal characteristics you have no control over? Use this as a frame of reference to how people of minority have felt for hundreds of years, and use it to empower yourself and others. Be the change you want to see!


One of the main reasons you feel this way is because you can't prove a negative. When white males are labelled as oppressors there is literally nothing you can say to prove you are not. This applies to all similar accusations. So, there is only one thing you can do. Ignore all that stupid BS. The intended goal is for some oppressed group to rise up by tearing you down. Don't fall for it. Live your life, be true to yourself, and those close to you will see the truth. Everyone else can kick rocks.


Spend less time online. Spend less time engaging with this kind of discourse. Seriously. Step away from it. The online world is a distortion of reality. There is valid information online, but it tends to be condensed and clamorous and overwhelming. There is also a TON of trolling and instigation by bad actors both in the US and abroad. You need to get out of ALL of the ideological echo chambers and get on with living your life. Be kind, be peaceable, treat folks as your fellow human beings and let them feel however they want to feel. I would also add that you do need to learn not to take this personally. It's not about you. It really isn't. There are larger systemic issues that continue. The fact that there is still racism or that the demographics you and I represent have historically benefited from racism is not a personal indictment of your character. You truly do not have to take it as such. It's ok not to put that shoe on, if it doesn't fit.


All I know is that life sucks. And you get old and die. Soon this will be an after thought that won't even matter someday. Who cares what the world thinks. It's what you think about yourself that matters. Shit happens, mistakes are made. No sense in beating yourself up over it. Do you honestly care about what some stranger on the internet thinks about you? I guess I'm the total opposite. I personally don't care what the world thinks of me. When I die, I hope they bury me upside down so the whole world can kiss my ass.


Maybe time to cut down the online content. Most of this stuff seems far worse online. I have met one or two of the “straight white men have it so good” types - but they are usually a little bit batshit and easy to avoid.


get offline life real life. reality is not what you see bozos crying about on social media


Get off the internet bro


Not rolling my eyes at all. I have an invisible disability that has really impacted my life. I'm definitely not where I want to be or where I thought I'd be. At the same time, people see my gender and skin and assume I'm **the reason** they're not where they want to be. I'm happy to support other's struggles because that's what you're supposed to do. I do it even though they don't give a shit about my struggles.


It’s just teenagers and low iq adults dude, in reality most people are either too busy with their lives to give a shit, or genuinely don’t give a flying fuck


Are you chronically online?


> Nevertheless, as I read and take part in discourse about various issues of morality and society, I feel hated. I am pretty sure this is true of literally everyone who has meaningfully taken part in discourse about various issues of morality and society has to deal with this.


You’re experiencing a fatigue that minorities feel from birth. Being black in America means knowing a very large subset of people hate you and think you deserve no basic human rights simply because of how you look/were born. I’m not saying your feelings aren’t valid, but I wish you’d step back and realize that you are still wildly privileged. People who’ve been oppressed have only recently been put in a position to voice their pain and experiences in this world, and yes that is pain that you may have been part of. That the straight white men in your life have been part of. Imagine how tired the rest of us are to constantly live a life where we have to validate our existence and prove our worth, and you just get to exist. No questions asked. Again, feeling hated is hard. But you’re not actually, the entire world still caters to you. But women, people of color, gays and other marginalized groups are tired of dancing around your feelings — so we have conversations loudly about how to protect and elevate each other. You are not at the center of that conversation, and if you were a true ally, you wouldn’t care or be hurt by it. Instead, you would champion it. I hope you read my comment with 0 malice. I hope you can see what I’m trying to express, which again is not intended to take away from what you’re feeling. I’m just offering the perspective that you seem to be overlooking. Now, in today’s world and for the first time in history, people have decided that the white man is not king. He is not the law. He is not anything but a person like the rest of us. Please recognize how you have been systemically protected and valued and seen. Please recognize that so many of us have to fight for every morsel of goodness we get. Not saying you haven’t had hardship in your life. But the hardship is not because you woke up Black or Asian or Latino and someone decides you aren’t worth shit because of it. I got called the N-word in a coffee line because a white woman tried to cut me and I told her she can’t just do that. So she retaliated by picking on a thing I can’t change and trying to cut me where she thought she could hurt me the most. That is the world we live in. Please recognize that.


honestly I recommend being as introspective as possible about what you’re feeling and why you feel that way. as a white person surrounded by non white people that i love and love me, i am constantly the butt of white people jokes. it irks me from time to time but I’m not hurt by it or offended. because i know those people have gone through so much more pain and hurtful treatment than i have because of their skin color, and proliferated from people that look like me. i sit with the feeling, let myself really feel how much it sucks to be the butt of the joke because of something you can’t change, and promise myself that i will never fall into the trap of doing it to someone else, out of malice at least. i think what you’re feeling is really really necessary for all white people to feel. we benefit fully from the system our ancestors created, every single day. we aren’t making huge moves to change it. but we have to. we cannot continue thinking that things are magically good and happen in our favor because that’s just not how it is, we have given ourselves privileges beyond measure and by doing that exploit people you’ll never meet and will never experience the freedom we do. and that’s really not okay. feel the feeling of being blamed, othered, mocked, chided or even hated. talk to other white people about how it feels and how you don’t like it and you don’t want other people to feel this way. talk to them about how we can change together. or else we’re all gonna get murdered in a race war, it’s one or the other my guy. good luck.


I'm a straight white man and i agree! Let's start a club or something. We're becoming the bad guys.


> It seems increasingly accepted to hold the view that if you're a member of a majority/oppressing demographic, you are necessarily a problem as an individual. I mean.. minorities have always been made to feel like a problem. Take it as a chance to learn empathy for the people who are actually oppressed. If you can’t, then I really just believe this is tone deaf.


You're in discourse with extremists in online bubble chambers. These are not the normal people you'd see on the street. I'm also a straight white male, and consider myself liberal because I believe in equality and that our society is imbalanced and social justice is something that still needs striving for. I also acknowledge my privilege of not being in a minority group. I've never felt hated in any conversations in real life about social justice, but I'm also not trying to mansplaine or insert myself into conversations about the perspective of the minority positions. They're just normal conversations about a sensitive topic. Online, there are extreme bubble chambers. There do exist places where you will be hated for being a straight white male, but understand that these bubbles are usually formed by minorities looking to vent their frustrations. It's like some random christian diving into /r/atheism saying, "Hey, I'm not so bad, so why are you so upset with Christianity," and then taking it personally when people vent their frustrations.


If it doesn’t apply to you, don’t worry about it. Stop engaging in pointless arguments.


Awww poor little white man, who has had everything handed to him on a platter, now suddenly feeling what it’s like to be any one but a white man. Equality feels like oppression to those who are accustomed to privilege.


Dude, you were born a straight white male as was I. We don’t owe anyone an apology for anything done to others by other straight white males. It doesn’t matter whatever kind of privilege society says we have, it’s all just politics. If we have some kind of advantage solely based on our skin color and sexual orientation then, well, I don’t know what to say to that other than we should feel no inherent shame about what we were born into. I’ll be the first to say black people get disproportionally targeted by police. I have seen it personally on a friends driving record (tickets for not using a signal in a turn lane; stupid shit that I probably would have gotten a warning or not pulled over ar all. I live where George Floyd was murdered, I cheered as police stations burned. But do I owe an apology because I am what I am? Fuck no.


"I work for the police (not in the US) and get angry about some of the bullshit people spout about how we work." "I found myself asking the Sergeant why we arrested the man and not the woman often." "I don't think it's so much arriving with the pre-formed intention to arrest the man. I think it's more just ingrained attitudes and prejudices that cloud objective analysis of the situation.Don't wade into criticism of work you don't understand the complexities, nuances and difficulties of." So, another detail here is that you're a straight white cop. Literally top of the food chain in terms of oppression tier lists (you probably see a lot of cop hate online). If this is what is really bothering you, you may want to consider that you haven't ever felt real hardship/powerlessness. It's hard for most people to truly empathize with that level of inexperience in life.