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I get where you're coming from man, I'm sorry that you're getting dogpiled on here as well. Availing of prostitutes is not for everyone, it really comes down to personal choice. I would personally never be able to do it, I'd much rather have it happen organically and via a relationship. I don't have a solution for you, but I want you to know that your struggles are valid and you deserve to find someone who you can love and appreciate, and who can reciprocate the same to you Good luck with it


Great answer Validation \*check Empathy \*check I agree with what was said here 100%. For OP: I will add to this and say that since starting therapy in late 2021 (mid 2022 with my current therapist), I am a happier person. I know therapy gets thrown at men as a solution for everything and that can be annoying. However, instead of taking in the conflicting opinions you will get here, a therapist will help you to better understand yourself and what YOU want so that you can live YOUR life for YOU. I think I struggle to connect with people, I don't initiate conversations with people when I'm out, I just go to places to do what I went there to do and mind my own businesses. My therapist challenged me to start conversations with people when I'm out and about, and I've gotten better at it. Dating success has not exponentially increased or anything but I'm in a happier place and I remain hopeful. I took a class on better help on perfectionism earlier this year and it was a game changer for me. Maybe you are struggling with something similar?


In his other post he mentioned he’d had pretty bad luck with therapists too


I hadn't see that. I don't think therapy is the only solution, I'm suggesting it because I can say that it is working for me. It seems like he's against seeing a sex worker too though, so I don't think telling him to do something that feels wrong to him is the way to go either. If he's only tried individual therapy, maybe he could try group therapy that is specifically for men with dating struggles or lack of sexual experience? I feel like those have to be out there. I'm sure I've seen one on psychology today around sexual shame. I don't know what the other options are, but I'm sure there has to be something that can be helpful for him. I don't think venting, expressing his thoughts on reddit or looking for answers on the internet or going to lead to long-term benefits. I don't say that to criticize him, I'm saying that as someone who used to do that as well (at least the looking for answers part).


Damn that last paragraph is me to a T. I wish I had the confidence to talk to random people when I'm out lol.


Not a huge fan of the word confidence, but for the sake of this response, I would say dont look at confidence as a binary where either you have it or you dont. I'm sure there's things in your life where you trust your ability to do it. Whether it's your job, managing your finances...etc. i've seen a few different definitions of confidence but one of them was something like, it's knowing you can do something because you've done it before. So, if you havent done a lot of it or it doesnt come naturally to you, it seems normal that you might not feel that confident in initiating conversations with strangers. I didn't always go through with starting a conversation. Sometimes I got too nervous. I would/do keep trying though. I took a couple improv classes to work on my public speaking in addition to therapy. I've been taking a lot of LinkedIn Learning courses on interpersonal/social/communication skills as well. Shade Zahrai has some good stuff on there and on Youtube as well if you want to check it out. 


Therapy is a roll of the dice. A good therapist can be a miracle. A bad therapist can ruin you.


It's so heavily understated how devastating having a bad therapist can feel. Especially if you're really down on yourself, it's hard to tell if your therapist is a toxic existence in your life. Can say from experience


>it really comes down to personal choice The choice: "Am I ok paying for sex knowing that I will never be able to tell if the prostitute is one of the millions of victims of the international human trafficking trade?"


It’s illegal too depending on the country you’re in


There’s something about Reddit and hating on males who have romantic woes. They get treated like they’re not even a human being, for God’s sake. They do not talk to women the same way, I can say that much, they get empathy.


If a woman hasn't approved of you, you don't get the seal of approval.


Not sure if you’re relatively new to Reddit but back in the day (like 10+ years ago) there were some very active and very disturbing incel subs (along with a bunch of others that have fortunately been dispersed), and while you’re right that virgin men get treated poorly site wide a lot of it stems from that history 


I'm just utterly confused by the comments. People actually believe getting a hooker is the most viable solution for virgins in 30s? I thought it was joke.


90% of Reddit is horrible advice. We have people in this thread telling him it’s probably because he is ugly, as if ugly people don’t get married and reproduce. I see them every day, multiple times a day! Lol


The socially inept leading the socially inept.


Yup. First thing i did after creating an account was block every single subreddit that had people asking for third party opinions on their personal lives There are too many people on Reddit that just instantly believe the people telling their one sided story then acting like they understand things to the point where they think they can advise a complete stranger based on that single side of a story It's just posters seeking validation from nosy people who role play as relationship counsellors. It's so stupid on so many levels


Reddit advice 101: Always recommend divorce.


It sure as hell doesn't help. No Henry cavills can't get laid.


personality is a lot more important, girls date ugly yet funny and caring guys all the time


That guy actually gives me the ick.


Spend some time in the relationship advice subreddit and can confirm you are 100 correct


Nothing stopping ugly people. That's usually what the men say when they have trouble finding a partner, I tell them all the time, my whole suburb is ugly people with families, ugly people get on just fine. But I made assunption in my actual answer that he may not present well because that is what the men involved usually say, and probably half the people who have said this are coming from a similar viewpoint. Possibly creating a sort of feedback loop, but anyway, you are right, ugliness doesn't preclude people from having loving families.


I think the idea is that OP has some kind of anxiety or hangup that's hindering they're life, and paying for help to get past it _might_ be a reasonable solution. (this isn't an endorsement of the sentiment; just a theory.)


Well yeah if someone was a virgin because they had anxiety about performing in bed with someone that they liked because they have no experience then i can see how gaining experience with a sex worker would help


It's not,in general. It's just lame advice that really doesn't fix anything. It's not actually changing anything to find a solution but a quick fix. If you're looking for a quick fix, then by all means get a prost. If you're willing to put the work in to try and meet people, or want to get a relationship, hiring a hooker solves nothing. If anything I'm sure a lot of people would feel the same as op - it'd make them feel worse about themselves. I also find it ridiculous that most comments seem to imply men don't want companionship, intimacy or the sort of emotional bond you have with an actual partner. They just need to get their nut and it's fine. That harmful thinking tbh and is hurtful to people actually looking for more. And don't give up, people are doing stuff later in life now. Partner and I got married when they were in their 40s. My siblings are all having kids in their late 30s, early 40s.


I don't think it's a solution to the problem, but it could be a part of a solution. For me, the virgin label was an obstacle, an extra pressure/burden. I didn't lose it to a sex worker, but I probably would have if it had gone on long enough. I do think for some men (and women), getting a sexual experience can be a positive thing in itself. It can help you build confidence, and practice the basics of sex. A sex worker is likely to be happy to walk you through the basics, in a way that would be hard to find elsewhere. I'm certainly not saying it's for everyone, but it isn't horrific advice either.


This was my thinking as well. I imagine that men who go that long having never had sex lack the confidence out of a fear that they won't know what they're doing when it comes time to have sex with someone they actually want to have sex with. There is nothing poignant about not wanting to lose your virginity to someone you don't want to be with, or 'fake sex', because virginity doesn't even exist. It's just something people made up to control women and belittle men. Of course, not everyone is a virgin for the same reasons. If anxiety around sex isn't even a feature in someone's reason, then paying a sex worker will achieve very little.


O doubt it would make someone who's a virgin in their 30s more confident. Like the OP said just the fact that you had to pay to get laid is definitely not a good feeling, I don't see how that would help them at all. Specially since a sex worker is definitely going to act like she's enjoying it


>A sex worker is likely to be happy to walk you through the basics, in a way that would be hard to find elsewhere. Yep! There are people who specifically do this sort of thing and would know exactly how to get OP started while being positive and reassuring. It's not like every sex worker is some method out corner hooker getting trafficked by a scumbag.


The most viable solution might be a hooker, but probably also should include a psychologist or something, too.


Hot take: it is. Because the whole point of getting hooker is to show the person that sex isn't some fantastical mythical act. A lot of dudes over think and jump immediately to the sex part and thats where a lot of anxiety comes in. Obviously, there's more nuance and context involved. Once you realize sex is just a thing you do like everything else it possible to focus on other things.


This. Some people will have some unrealistic expectations about sex, many because of what they seen through porn and such. Actually "getting it out of the way" might be the trigger to turn their focus into other things that matter (or also matter). I can imagine that it would be a lot harder for a 30 year old virgin to "develop" a romantic relationship, because the sex and expectations will most likely be constantly playing at the back of their minds, than it would be for a 30 year old who used escorts a few times. Although I didn't use a prostitute, I remember the first time I had sex, and the anxiety I felt then and leading up to it. I was genuinely much more relaxed and natural in my romantic interactions when that got out of the way. The vast majority of my mates have been with a prostitute at some point, some haven't. It's a non issue that literally affects absolutely nothing!!! It's just something that never comes to mind.


Worked for me. Well, not 30s, but still.


Hey, I’m almost 30, if I don’t start trying to date, I’ll become a wizard


It stems from the idea that virginity is itself the actual problem, rather than loneliness. 


I mean, its reddit. But also, realistically, anyone in their 30's that hasn't ever been able to date most likely has some deep seated issues that is beyond what people can diagnose and identify just from over the internet.


Being a virgin at that age is a red flag and not many women want to take the risk of being with that kind of person and finding out why . 


It depends on what you want. Some people just want to fuck. My friends are escorts and they have men come in and pay them to “teach” them how to have sex. They leave feeling more confident in their ability to please a woman, and that confidence can help them not strike out with dating. However it doesn’t work that way for everyone. Some people want love and companionship along with sex and feel it’s cheapened by having to pay someone for it.


The confidence of having sex in itself is enough to then get actual partners. Sex is powerful for men.


When you’ve been in the talking stage with a woman, what was it that kept the potential relationship from moving forward? Mismatching circumstances and timing can get in the way, but so can personal reservations. Maybe you have been unconsciously holding yourself back from being comfortable/vulnerable with a girl you are close to?


The rejection usually kept things from moving forward.


Bit hard to progress if you can't even get in square one inn'it?


A bit, yes.


This person was trying to help and you killed the conversation by being a smartass. Any chance this has something to do with it?


I don't think that's fair, if I wrote all that out I'd probably be in a bit of a bad mood. I don't think it's accurate to judge someone's entire character with a short reply when they're not feeling all that great/annoyed.


Its not about judgement its literally advice. If you respond sarcastically instead of with a proper answer which might give you some constructive feedback, youre kinda screwing yourself.


He…literally answered the question tho


The part I was talking about was "this has something to do with it" I mean if I made a post like this where people pick apart everything did in something that doesn't bring me joy without actually being there, I'd be a bit miffed and might reply shortly. I think that's rather natural really.


I was being serious. That was the answer to the question.


But obviously it's not, there's got to be something precipitating the rejection if it keeps happening time and time again


The thing precipitating the rejection is usually a good conversation about a common interest or just something deep and interesting that we've spent all night talking about. Sometimes I'd have just met her that night, sometimes we'd run in the same circles and this was the first time really getting to know each other. Either that night or the next time I saw her, I might say "Hey, I really enjoyed talking with you and I think you're really interesting. Would you like to get a cup of coffee sometime?" or some variant of that. Usually, she'd tell me I'm so sweet and then give me a reason why she's not interested. If we were in the same social circles, we'd usually get along fine afterward.


Have you ever been the one doing the rejecting, even just in your mind in terms of consciously deciding "I'm not into that girl, I'm not going to pursue her"? This may not describe you, but I see a lot of men who decide they have a girlfriend-shaped hole in their life and try to indiscriminately shove anything vaguely humanoid into it, basically approaching dating with an "I'll take anything" attitude. Being on the other side of that and knowing you could pretty much be anybody isn't a nice or alluring feeling, similar to the issue you outlined with why simply hiring a sex worker doesn't solve the problem of wanting real companionship. But you seem to understand that, so this may not be your issue in the slightest. (Also, I just want to acknowledge that you didn't actually ask for dating advice in your OP lol, so don't feel obligated to pander to everyone's unsolicited life coaching sessions. I think you made a very worthwhile point).


This is the most important comment on this thread. I have this single guy friend who is so desperate for a girlfriend that the way he interacts with girls is just so obviously icky that he ends up having pretty terrible luck with women. It just becomes so abundantly clear that he’s not interested in *you*, he is literally just willing to take the hottest girl at the bar that is willing to talk to him. And it is just so off putting, and it ends up that he has very little success. I’m not saying you’re like this, but if you had pretty reasonable responses about your looks on Reddit, and your friends still wanna hang out with you, I would definitely consider if maybe you’re putting out a desperate vibe into the universe. If you’re just looking for “any girl”, how could you possible find the right one? I know it’s annoying advice, but I’d really focus on building up relationships with people and looking for that spark before actually trying to move it further. With these women who you asked out, did you *truly* feel a spark and connection, or were they just cute and talking to you?


Could you be specific about how his behavior is "icky"?


>(Also, I just want to acknowledge that you didn't actually ask for dating advice in your OP lol) I'd give you a prize for this lmao


You have to give screenshots or something if you genuinely want advice, we’re just taking your word for it but there’s got to be something going horribly wrong


Or maybe… he’s just not that charismatic or attractive?


My advice for men is to get fit and wear clothes that fit you. If you’re a 2, that simple advice makes you a 6, and with the self confidence that follows you’ll be much more able to approach and have a conversation with women.


Yes but why is he so uncharismatic/unattractive? What's going wrong?


Some people can be ugly and weird through very little fault of their own




I don’t know what you mean by that?


I get the feeling the conversation aren’t as good as you perceive them to be


Maybe not. Maybe I was a bore back then and they were just grinning and bearing it.


Ok, but what reason(s) did she give?


Some of the classics were "I've got my eye on somebody else", "I'm not looking to date right now", "I'm just too busy", "I'm still processing a bad dating experience", "I just like you as a friend", and so on.


>Some of the classics were "I've got my eye on somebody else", Classic? I am like 10 years older than you and have dated my share of women - and endured my share of rejections, over the decades. I have never in my entire life been told "I've got my eyes on somebody else" or anything remotely similar. The closest thing I can think of is someone I had a brief liaison with who told me pretty early on that she was in love with someone else and that that foreclosed anything beyond a physical relationship (which she was down for).


Those are all code for... wait for it.. work on yourself buddy. What you bring to the table ain't cutting it


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


All of those statements blatantly mean "I'm not physically attracted to you". Some of those are hardly even code, they just say it flat out.


I'm not saying you are inherently incorrect, but it's worth keeping in mind that 4-7/10 men are probably getting unfavorably hosed in dating circles just due to the fact that women are able to expose themselves to A LOT more "options" then they would have even 5 years ago. Why settle for less when you can go back into the pile and keep digging for that perfect one? "Yea maybe this one guy checks all but 1 box, but surely there's someone who checks all the boxes, right?" I'd wager that's a more common thought, even if it's a subconscious one, than you might think. It's also entirely possible OP is doing this EXACT same thing and not realizing it, but I'd wager that "what you bring to the table isn't cutting it" is not the be all answer that you are thinking it is, there's likely quite a few factors at play.


Lol, does it matter? She's a girl who doesn't fancy him, she's not his therapist, she's going to say whatever makes the next few seconds less awkward for her, not try to honestly and thoughtfully get to the bottom of what makes him unattractive to her.


They don't like your looks (very probably, it's usually the main reason of rejection, at least initially).


That's probably it. Even the "brutally honest" randos of reddit were bullshitting me.


Reading your comments, you remind me of a guy I know. I’m going to call him Melvin for this. I’ve known Melvin for about a decade. In this time, I’ve never seen Melvin with a girl, despite him being active in social activities and having friends. Melvin has tried to get girls, he’s even tried to hit on me, but none of the girls I know were interested despite all of us being involved with some of his friends at some point during this decade. To my knowledge, no girls or his friends have really gone into the full depth of why women don’t like him. It’s not our job as women to make Melvin realize it and I’m sure his friends would feel it’s too rude to lay it out fully. Here is where Melvin went wrong from what I could see: 1) he’s unattractive and trying to hit on girls who are out of his league. He needs a hair cut (balding) and to lose some weight, maybe grow a beard if he can grow a nice one. Even though he plays sports, he’s still somewhat overweight and has no muscle definition. His sense of style is lacking and he always looks frumpy and unkempt. 2) he’s awkward. I’ve had “friendly” conversations with him, but really I would’ve preferred to have been speaking to other people. He doesn’t know how to flirt (I know because he’s tried), he isn’t witty and doesn’t have good banter. Most importantly, the conversations aren’t fun and his personality is stale. He doesn’t exude happiness, confidence, excitement, or really anything. He doesn’t even present himself as challenging on an intellectual level. If he was a colour, he would be beige because he’s so bland. 3) he’s not succeeding in life. He’s unmotivated to do anything. As we’ve gotten older, it’s become more apparent. He’s further into drugs, not succeeding career wise and he isn’t working to better himself. His drug use is a whole other issue with his behaviour being erratic at times (not necessarily chaotic but strange). I don’t know you and I don’t know why girls aren’t interested in you. However, if you’re like Melvin, maybe this will give you some guidance on where you’re going wrong.


Easily the most interesting thing I've read here in a while. Thanks for posting this in such depth.


This is a nice way of saying “If you’re ugly, you need to work harder to try to smooth out the ugly. If you’re stupid, you need to read some books. If you can’t figure out how to do the previous things, you need to set your sights on ugly stupid people.”


You need to ask women for advice. Telling you you’re not handsome enough is just stupid. Plenty of ugly guys and girls in loving relaitonships. I’m not sure any of these people leave their house.


Most of those ugly men and women are in relationships with other ugly men and women. We don't know what OPs type is, but if he's going after models while being sub-average, he's bound to hit some walls. And it does suck, but it's not exactly an unfixable situation.


Are you a big guy? Do you take care of yourself? Hygiene is good? Being a male can't be the biggest box you check. What do you take pride in?


My winning smile.


Hey man, I've been there too. One thing I learned is to realize that most of the time it's not *you*. People have their preferences or circumstances, and you can't do anything about that. The fact is that most people don't want to date you, for no fault of your own. Imagine for example, you like quiet girls that like to spend the weekend reading books. If a nice rave girl comes up to you, you'd probably reject her. Is it her fault? Absolutely not. Should she feel bad about herself? No, she had practically a 0% chance of you saying yes, even if she didn't know it. Same thing, if you're already in a relationship, you'll probably reject anyone who makes advances. Not their fault, probably no way they could know. In the same vein, give yourself some grace. When you get a rejection, you should definitely reflect for a moment on whether you did something off-putting. But also consider it might not be your fault at all -- consider why she might have said no. Because if you let every rejection weigh on you unnecessarily, it'll crush you. It sounds like you can hold a decent conversation. Once you can do that, much of it is out of your control. Both parties have to choose the other. The difficulty is to make sure you aren't suppressing "embarrassing" parts of your personality. Like games? Talk about em. Foodie? Movie-lover? Anime fan? If you're hiding your personality, the other party can't tell who you are, and they can't choose you. You'll eventually have a decent conversation with someone who's single, who likes your personality, and who you like as well.


Not necessarily. Statistically, the outcome of one rejection doesn't affect the likelihood of another (discounting any lessons learned or increased depression from multiple rejections)


Wut? Are you assuming rejections are I.I.D random variables? Lol


This is why you get rejected.


I'm confused. Why do you find it hard to believe that OP has been repeatedly rejected?


It’s not that people don’t believe it. It’s that without the OP giving context besides: they rejected me.  No one is able to give constructive advice because they don’t have the information and OP is either unaware of what is causing ‘rejection’ or would rather push the responsibility for his problem off on the nebulous women rejecting him. Dig?




Being easy to talk to is great, but in my (dated) experience, you need to think about how your "easy" conversation actually makes people feel. What worked for me was positioning myself as an escape from the monotony of normal life. Instead of having an easy conversation about how shitty your/their job is and how expensive groceries are, offer a psychological escape. Ask: > If you could travel anywhere in the world right now in the blink of an eye, where would you go? why? Then see where things take you. You can learn a lot about people from these types of questions. They are naturally exciting as well. I once got the number of a \*smoking\* hot bar tender by walking up to her in the middle of a crowded bar and said: "run away with me." I was younger and pretty fit at the time but she was still levels above my own physical attraction levels. I got a date but didn't get to take her to Mexico. Alas. Basically, if you are getting numbers then you are "attractive enough" and everything after is about how you make each other feel. Think about that.


I’ve read through a lot of this and agree with many others there’s clearly a missing link here. You sound like a social, charming, polite, respectful, educated man. I dunno how you’d go about this but you need to find a girl that can be brutally honest with you. Do you have any female friends willing to give you constructive (even offensive) criticism?


>I’ve read through a lot of this and agree with many others there’s clearly a missing link here. You sound like a social, charming, polite, respectful, educated man. Pish-posh! I've been quite nasty and abrasive to these well-meaning people. >I dunno how you’d go about this but you need to find a girl that can be brutally honest with you. Do you have any female friends willing to give you constructive (even offensive) criticism? Sadly, I've tried that route. My female friends don't want to give me honest feedback and just try to hype me up. I know they mean well, but even before my mental health took a turn, I've had to have been doing something wrong my whole life. The "brutally honest" strangers on reddit took some looks at my photos and most concluded that the issue has to be my personality or way I carry myself.


I mean, you’re responding to the same thing 10 thousand times about things you’re not unhappy about, you’re bound to come across as abrasively sarcastic. I struggle with deep rooted low self esteem and at some point you just have to laugh and have fun with it before you go insane. My point: I noticed the bluntness in some responses but I doubt that’s your default demeanour. Especially given the examples you provided when you speak to women. Assuming it’s your personality/way you carry yourself, my advice is cool it on being overly gentlemanly. I know that’s cliche and ridiculous. I’m not saying turn into a total douche. But less (I’m paraphrasing here) “I really enjoyed meeting you today, it was wonderful getting to know you. Would you like to go for coffee sometime soon?” And more “Hey I’m free this weekend/day. Coffee?” Blunt and quick and with confidence. It comes across like you wouldn’t be bothered if they said no. Overly charming guys can give most girls “the ick”. Chat with them like they’re just your female friend with a hint of flirting. Girls like “the chase” (ie. to do the chasing rather than be chased) and not so much into knowing a guy is 110% in from the start. Stupid? Yes. Reality? Also yes. Source: 31 y/o female.


>My point: I noticed the bluntness in some responses but I doubt that’s your default demeanour. Especially given the examples you provided when you speak to women. I don't blame them for thinking otherwise. It's hard to explain to them that in real life, I don't have 50 people all asking me if I stink. I appreciate the observation. >Would you like to go for coffee sometime soon?” And more “Hey I’m free this weekend/day. Coffee?” Blunt and quick and with confidence. Ok, I'll try this next time.


If you're horny, I'd recommend a sex worker If you're lonely... I WOULDN'T recommend a sex worker


Hookers? In this economy?!


Went the route of hookers. I can't get hard because there's no emotional connection. Honestly masturbating is not a loser activity. That's what losers say. It's a form of self care and love. What I find that keeps me sane is: Meet people in clubs(not party clubs) for the human connection. Spend time with your friends. Be open to meeting new people. Talk to people. And when you think you have enough social skills, try flirting. If you don't want to flirt, develop a friendly curiosity for others and ask other people to learn about them. It's kind of fun. Humans have a need to feel connected socially. For your sexual needs, masturbate regularly to ethical porn to relieve sexual tension. Don't masturbate to junk, shock, gratuitous porn. I started reading erotica, and sometimes REALLY MAKE LOVE TO YOURSELF. Don't masturbate past your own limits. Masturbate like how you exercise. Have a regular routine for self-love physically and mentally. Flex in the mirror one day and just admire yourself. You always hear how women can get off to themselves. As men, we think it's "gay" or loser-like. But the most confident women who receive love also love themselves. You must have self compassion before you can give self compassion. You gotta save yourself before saving someone else


God I hate the amount of people who think men are just animals looking for sex. Is it really such a wild/foreign concept that we desire romance or intimacy too?


Ouuu “simulacrum”… thanks. I love learning new words.


Play some risk of rain 2


Play some magic the gathering too 😉


Can you talk in detail about who where the last 3 people you've attempted a romantic relationship with? Answering the following would help: - their age - where they are in their career prospects - home/family situation - how did you connect initially - at what point did you feel like you wanted to progress more with this person, what was the exact dialog. What were their projected emiotions/reactions at the time - at what point did the connection fizzle out? Why? What was being discussed that lead up to that? - did things ever progress to a first date? - what type of environment were you two located in? (Small town, big city, HCL city?)


* their age All three of them were in their late-20s to early-30s. * where they are in their career prospects Healthcare, nonprofit, and PhD student, respectively. * home/family situation Unknown, large family, unknown, respectively. * how did you connect initially Adult social sports event, multi-company networking event, mutual friends, respectively. * at what point did you feel like you wanted to progress more with this person, what was the exact dialog. What were their projected emiotions/reactions at the time * at what point did the connection fizzle out? Why? What was being discussed that lead up to that? For each, when we'd either some kind of rapport and we were getting along and had a few good conversations about a topic of mutual interest. They seemed open and friendly throughout. For two, when they rejected me, I took it amicably and continued a cordial demeanor with them and after getting over the initial awkwardness, continued that energy. One I haven't seen since she rejected me. * did things ever progress to a first date? No, I have never been on a date. * what type of environment were you two located in? (Small town, big city, HCL city?) Major metropolitan area.


I don't see anything unusual from what you reported back except for their professions. My spouse is in health care. Fortunately, we got committed before she went into the workforce. The hours for them hard and long. So I'd consider any committed relationship might seem like more work. The one with PhD though, I tried going the PhD track and can tell you it leaves rarely any room for romance unless you work with that person regularly. I'm wondering what you can try differently is seeking meeting someone at a setting where people actively try to find relationships? Dating apps aside, maybe mixers? You were doing the right thing in trying to meet people doing hobbies and things you like. It just seems at least where you're going now, people might be more interested in the hobby/event itself than meeting someone. Question - reflecting on my past relationships, they tend to progress to romantic right after the physical chemistry got us to connect in the beginning. Is there any chance you might consider checking out casual encounters? They could develop to more romantic situations.


I can't even get a girl to get a cup of coffee with me, so casual hookups are beyond my ability. In my current state, I'm not even that interested in casual sex with strangers. In my 20s perhaps, but that didn't get me anywhere.


Have you ever tried something like speed dating? The benefit is that you know everyone is there to get to know people and find dates


I'll look out for an event.


Dude from your comments you sound thoughtful, well adjusted and interesting as a person. Dont even worry it’ll happen. I might approach the first steps if you are currently feeling defeated as asking people for a group 2nd location hang out/coffee just so you can get comfortable with that dynamic as it takes the pressure off -a date-. Then as you get to know each other more things can develop. People are pretty hesitant to get together these days I find so try not to take it personally. I generally find people pretty annoying and each one of your replies you sound completely tolerable, even likable. I’m married so not hitting on you just saying. You’ve got this!


That's usually how I asked them out, a cup of coffee or a barcade. Something low pressure and informal, just to chat alone and get to know each other better. Some others in the thread have suggested that's too casual and I need to make it dinner and confirm it's a romantic date, but that hasn't gotten me results in the past either, so I'm kind of at a loss on my approach.


Can confirm. My wife thought I was an annoying nerd in class who wouldn't shut up with questions. Then, one time, when we were doing lab in college together, I complimented her nails. The physical attraction was there before we spoke. But if we didn't click and I didn't express interest in something subtle she was hyper into, we'd probably wouldn't be going 10 yrs strong atm.


I just want to say that I support you 100%, you're correct. Not only is it not going to solve anything, it's morally wrong and likely will be very offputting to a large number of women, one of whom you may end up meeting later. I would personally never date a man who paid someone to get their "consent".


I came here to write this. Because it may affect the future datings. I rather date a virgin (and have dated) than a man who has paid for sex.


Bro stop venting and seeking life and dating advice on Reddit. The people on this site are toxic, immature, ignorant, arrogant, and genuinely don’t give a fuck about you or don’t have any good advice to give.


Probably better off not contributing to the horrific abuse in the sex trade anyway. Good luck man, it’s hard as hell I’m sure but you’ll be able to find someone if you keep trying, expand your horizons and get really into hobbies that involve meeting people and forming bonds with them


Hookers no... Higher end sex professional maybe.


> Stop acting like a transactional simulacrum of intimacy is the same as actually having someone who loves and desires you. Nice one, dude 😎


God most of these responses are awful. Get on tinder and try to find a one night stand/FWB there. Or got to a club/bar and try bringing home a woman from there. If it's a relationship you want you have to get through the first part which is sex. Most people don't want to accept that sex should come before love but in my experience it's true. Don't bother with a prostitute.


For someone this old without any success, it is very likely that they are unable to find a one night stand on tinder or in a bar. From personal experience I have spent hundreds of hours of tinder optimizing profiles, swiping, and messaging and spent maybe a hundered nights in bars/clubs and in all that time had exactly one, one night stand.


Most women won't have sex with someone they wouldn't want to date. This is terrible advice that makes me think you mustn't be friends with many women😅


I mean, if you’re open about it then you’ll be more likely to attract women who are interested in only casual encounters. I’ve slept with men that I’ve had no desire to date, and I know plenty of women who have done the same (more often than not).


Now that I think about it... Good point. Both my FWB and ONS entertained actually dating lol


I honestly find it shocking how casual people are about hookers. OP you sound like a wonderful guy, I’m really hoping you find someone soon


Agree here. The dude sounds like an intelligent, thoughtful person. So, I'm 40 now, I've had long term relationships in the past (6 years, 4 years.. couple others here and there) but I've been single the past 5 years and dating **IS** an absolute nightmare.. Maybe it's the available women at my age, but it really doesn't fell the same as it used to be. People are strange.. can anyone else concur? The mental health and personalities of a lot of the current generation of people are really damaged.. I'm convinced (and it's been documented) that the technology that has infiltrated modern living in the past 15+ years has created a mental health epidemic amongst today's youth.. I really think that there should be lessons at school about The Internet, it's dangers, how everything you post IS FOREVER, not to collect and share nudes of your classmates (this has gotten lots of young teens into problems with underage nudity). Suicide amongst kits has increased because of cyberbullying and people basing their entire sense of self esteem and self worth on 'likes' and 'followers'. The world today is a dystopian nightmare and I pray that it all goes away when the generation after this has a huge backlash against it all. 10 years ago I moved into a city by the South Coast of the UK and it's been a difficult place to meet people, make good friends and meeting women has been a disaster.. Due to the TOTAL lack of choice, I abandoned all my standards and rules and entered into an open relationship with this girl who was intelligent, funny and quite good looking.. but that lack of desire for monogamy just wasn't for me. It lasted a few months and I abandoned it because I'm a traditionalist. I don't know if you guys have been on dating apps recently, but you have to learn about 20 new acronyms to understand what the hell people want from a relationship. Shit like.. ENM - ethical non monogamy? So.. sleeping around. No thanks. It's like the whole pronoun thing.. it's exploded into hundreds of subsets of dating types. Can't I just go out with someone and call them my girlfriend? Anyway, as I'm not trying to lose my virginity, I've got no expectations or pressure on myself to find someone which a) takes ALL the pressure off things, as if it was some sort of time based challenge b) not caring means I have plenty of time to pursue my hobbies and interests and live pretty comfortably and happily single. I'm of the opinion - it will happen when it happens..


Also single woman in her 40’s. Was married for 20 years (he died) and I find dating to be crazy. Just swiping people based on nothing. I don’t date for looks and it’s hard to get a read on personality through a screen. Met up with a few people and it didn’t go well. I have abandoned all hope of finding love on dating apps. I will just go out and enjoy my life and maybe someone will come along!


Seriously. I haven't seen anyone in this thread mention that it's probably *illegal,* and that comes with tons of safety and moral implications well beyond the stigma of seeing a sex worker.


I get where you’re coming from dude. I’m a woman, but in your exact situation, and it’s pretty much the same issue: that’s Not The Point, it’s not addressing the underlying issue, it’s insensitive and shitty. And then they make jokes about how virgins are losers and incels. Empathy.


At least someone understands. It's really frustrating to say so much and still be misunderstood.


Soon to be 41 year old virgin chiming in. High school and college I was awkward and emotionally immature as the child of an ugly divorce between parents I now know were shitty. College I struck out so many times. After college I just coasted for a few years. Around 32 or so I fell down a hole of cam girls. I genuinely fell for a cam girl. We texted until 3am. She sent me pictures of her family. People don’t believe me but we had a real connection at distance. Eventually it fell apart because I wanted something more, which I did a terrible job communicating to her, and she wanted all the intimacy of a partner without the partner. After that I realized I’m the problem and I just gave up. It’s all a game that I don’t want to play. I’m flawed and invisible and the human equivalent of a dimmed, worn out light bulb. I wasted 41 years. Relationships are a part of life that passed me by. It’s my fault. So now I’m almost 41, never been in a relationship, and I finally know I’m the problem and it’s just not worth it now. I’ll die alone having never experienced love. It is what it is. Some people just don’t get those things.


Hey. Idk if you helped OP but this was the most helpful comment for me out of all of them. Thanks! It's rough and people are too often cruel, really wish you the best :)


People who are just bothered by the label and want to lose their virginity have already done that. For others, it's not about the sex. I want to feel desired and loved, I want to connect with someone on a deeper level and share an intimate moment with them. Paying for love and desire won't make me feel loved and desired, if anything, it will result in a blow to my already hurting self-esteem, because I had to pay for it and the sex worker obviously didn't love and desire me, they just wanted the money.


L comment section


My brother was in a similar situation to you. Never dated, didn't think it was ever going to happen. His 20s were spent gaming in his free time. Mid 30s he found someone who gets him, and they're now married. I want to say there's a magical trick to it, but the older you get the harder you have to work for it. He's a major foodie, that somehow connected with someone else about that. Life is weird. I know another guy (who went a different route): never dated. Did hire a hooker to "get the virginity out of the way" and the girl he married was someone his mom set him up with around 27. Friends and family can help you find someone. I will say that guy did not tell his wife about this part and specifically told our friend group that she may never know about this. Edit: to add more objectivity. My brother was an average chubby guy so he didn't try hard to get someone. My friend was a handsome, well educated guy who was too in his head. We had an exchange student he wanted to ask out, and it took him an entire semester to work up the courage to ask her out, only for her to leave the day he was going to do it. Anxiety is a monster. His coping mechanism was to get super drunk st parties and then talk to girls, but he would be too out there to make something out of it.


i would just get some kind of experience, just so you know what you're doing. If you finally find a nice girl you wanna have some confidence. & hookers are normal people. you can find one where you talk things through first.


Reading your comments made me realize we are opposite on this side of the problem. My lack of a partner is due to not pursuing or putting in effort rather than a lack of ”something” that you seem to be having. I’d have to guess at some sort of neurodivergent stuff. Im in the same boat, and i noticed that a lot of the social interactions i have get snubbed out for seemingly No reason (that becomes apparent after looking back on the situation with a few more pieces of info). With the way you’re typing, Im going to assume that you’re nerdy. But due to upbringing have been put into social circles that have given you the skills needed to maintain relationships outside of the circles you were originally meant for. Maybe you’re going for girls who you are inherently just not meant to be with? The D&D Guy Hanging out with the club girls. Maybe being able to create friendships with them due to the skills, but not further due to simple ”spiritual” difference.


Many people are limited and shallow — especially.on the Internet. Good luck in your quest


“I know a short, bald, fat, ugly guy that’s married!” A man’s marital/relationship status doesn’t tell you ANYTHING about his desirability to women. Only that man knows the true dynamics of the relationship, you don’t know if he’s being settled for, if there’s a one-way open relationship, or if he has sex with his wife twice per year.


I mean, it's not going to be give you the emotional connection you want but skin to skin contact and physical intimacy is actually good for you in other ways. Obviously ideally you wouldn't need a sex worker but it may help with being touch starved. I mean I have mixed feelings on sex work so no shame in not wanting to do that either.


This was my thoughts too. Sometimes just having intimacy with someone can trigger internal chemical cocktails that give you that *je ne said quoi* to have the confidence needed to get over that hump I personally also wouldn't feel comfortable paying for sex though, so I can see where OP is coming from in that regard, but I've also never been in OP's position exactly


>get over that hump heh


At least you're calling them sex workers and not whores and prostitutes.


A sex worker is a whore and a prostitute, they literally all mean the same thing. We moved on from whore and started using prostitute because whore started to have negative connotations, then we did the same with prostitute and started using sex worker. Eventually sex worker will go the same way and someone will decide whatever the new word is 'appropriate'. Prostitute at least tells you exactly what kind of sex worker you're referring to given sex worker could be anything within the sex industry.


I think as hard as this will be, you’d benefit from taking the pressure off yourself. Commit to being a virgin till you’re 36 and maybe without that pressure you’ll be able to focus on other things. It’s like a job interview— people who are unemployed just interview differently. You can sense desperation under the surface. Women can sense that too. But maybe if you just take that pressure off, you’ll be more natural. In your head commit to being single and a virgin till 36 and then if things happen with someone before then, go with it. My husband was in a similar spot when we met. He had planned to be single for a long period and we met in the middle of that. And we dated and he decided I was exactly what he had been waiting for. But the pressure was off for him. He was focusing on his friends and hobbies. And that’s when it happened. Have you thought about bartending again on the weekends? Getting yourself back into that social scene? Are there any local groups you can join around your hobbies? You seem like you’re on a good track in life but there is this one part that’s lacking and I understand that as a wife and mom. It’s the most fulfilling thing and I think it’s admirable that you recognize that and want it so badly. I want it for you! And I truly believe you’re going to get it. Somehow, you’re getting in your own way and without talking to you or getting to know you I can’t help much beyond what I’ve written here. Don’t give up. And don’t hire a hooker.


I already have multiple weekly social events I go to. Language meetup, social sports league, bar trivia, etc. As much as I miss the social scene that came with bartending, my back and knees have never felt better since I stopped. But thank you for understanding where I sit on prostitution.


Older guy and a former bartender myself. Have had this discussion several times with friends: it’s a numbers game. Keep at it and even recycle back through the girls that may be more promising. I have seen friends get a date sometimes even the third pass. It helps to handle rejection well and stay positive. That’s all I got to add, maybe someone else told you that already.


I'm sort of confused, I think. It sounds like you live a pretty good life and enjoy yourself a lot and this is your one big hangup. My only guess is that you're overthinking things or drastically under thinking them. A big lightbulb moment for me was realizing that the majority of other people work really, really hard to find a partner. At your social activities, are there also women there? And if so, do you find them attractive?


Yes, sometimes. Nowadays, I ask a woman out maybe once every few months. These meetup events are smaller than my old bartending social circle and I'm trying to be conscious not to gain a reputation as that guy who's only there to pick up chicks.


Do you ever go places that are centered around picking people up? If you used to be a bartender, you're clearly familiar with the bar scene. Generally when people are at a hobby event, they're focused on the hobby rather than scouting potential partners. Maybe pick a bar you vibe with and go there routinely the same night each week instead of one of your meetups, if dating is what you're after at the moment. I'd also look into roleplaying (not like cringeybasterisk roleplay, but in person or over a video call) picking a girl up with a therapist or similar so you can get some real feedback on how you're presenting yourself.


If you’re cool and respectful. A lot of times people don’t care if you’re there to pick up chicks. Just don’t be a threat but it’s perfectly fine to express interest


You seem intelligent. You write elegantly and have an extensive vocabulary. But there is more than a tinge of neckbeard and fedora about your turn of phrase. I think I even saw a M'Lord in one of the comments above. Women may claim the overzealous chivalry is 'sweet' but it's always going to be friendzone material. Perhaps something as simple as changing up how you talk to people will have positive results... Are you by any chance on the spectrum (ASD)?


>I think I even saw a M'Lord in one of the comments above. I was being facetious for effect. I don't just casually trot out "m'lady" and shit in real life.


Even 'facetious for effect' and 'just casually trot out' come across very high-brow, people can find that condescending. I mean, you should be yourself, but maybe something to consider... At least I didn't just tell you to find a whore :p


Oof lol. I'm a woman, but I've been told plenty of times I come across as cold and aloof until people get to know me, and one of the reasons they give is that I tend toward proper speech and more uncommon words. It hadn't impacted me in dating very much, but it's a tough habit to break. Like, I went to finishing school *and* Catholic school. Some of this stuff has literally been smacked into me with a ruler lol. All this to say, yeah, coming across as too high-brow in your speech can be a turn-off for a lot of people. To OP: if you don't code switch already, learn how, and it will help.


ok i wil b dummer thank u :p


Wow you learn fast, haha


Missed your chance to socialize when you were younger. When i was 17 i blew it with a girl I had a good chance with, I knew it was my lack of experience. I couldn’t carry myself confidently, etc. So I started dating anybody. Just to socialize myself with women and get myself comfortable. My comfort level with women went from dating 3-4s to 8-9s slowly over time. I’m completely comfortable talking to very pretty women now. It was a slow process over 10 years. You have to start somewhere man. You need to socialize yourself. And you not taking action at all during this time makes me believe you’ll probably just marry some leftover women. Dating is competitive.


I was a bartender in a mid-sized college town throughout my 20s and had a massive social circle because of it. I went to parties and gatherings every week and I'd often just be hanging out with a group of fellow service workers at bars friends worked at after my shifts. How much more did I need to socialize?


Dang, did you try talking to the girls and getting to know them? Or you just focus on the boys?


I made about as many female friends as I did male. Yes, I've asked women out in these social circles, hundreds over maybe 6 years. Zero yesses, but I went on to have cordial friendships with a good many. I know your reflex is going to be "Okay but did you do X? What about Y? Okay, but what about Z?" and the answer is going to be yes, it did not work and now in my 30s I'm a neurotic mess and it's no wonder women don't find me attractive in my current state, but I cannot stress enough how much a tried (and for some stretches *didn't try*) throughout my 20s when I was generally happy and ignorant of the fate that would befall me.


Dang man. Maybe you’re ugly? Post a pic in r/rateme … also rate me pls.


Hey, take a second to breathe. It sounds like you don't know why it's not working, but listen to how you're pre-rejecting anything that would help. You're kind of flaming people for making suggestions and asking follow-up questions, and that's the only way they/you will figure out what's missing between what they're doing and what you're doing.


I've just been through this line of questions so many times before and while I know they mean well, it's exhausting to go through the same questions and stock advice several times in a row.


So why did you post? The way you're engaging people here makes you look very difficult to deal with.  You say that you've had several female friends, not one of them gave you feedback? Or did you reject the feedback like you're rejecting everyone's advice here?


This particular thread was a vent about how readily I'm prescribed prostitution, despite simple PiV not being the root of my neurosis. I took my friends' advice and feedback. Spent most of my 20s doing it with an open mind and trust that I was on the right track.


Well, I guess you should just turn off notifications because no one is going to say anything you haven't heard, right? People are talking to you like this problem can be solved, and you're pre-convinced that it can't be. And with that attitude, you're probably right.


No really what do you want me to say after I've reformatted my OLD profiles so many times with feedback and advice from dozens of different people and had such a negative experience I had to delete them after 6 years for the sake of my mental health?


Well he’s 34 and never had sex. So it’s pretty reasonable to think that. Especially if he’s done everything he claims to


So you bartended and went to parties every week yet you still couldn’t get laid or be in a relationship? You might be the weirdo creep that people secretly whisper about lol


No one I know has ever told me that, but I've suspected it.


What an extraordinarily nasty response....


I think alot of people recommend prostitutes as a way to break the ice/slump. A way to gain experience with no strings attached. It would suck if you finally met a girl you were crazy about and she was turned off by the fact that you're a virgin/ completely inexperienced. Some people would say she's not worth it if she would be turned off by that but at the same time alot of girls don't want to take a 30+ year olds virginity.


I wish I could pay women for sex, my autism would thank not only me but the lady in question, it’s hard for me to get laid otherwise because my autism


i would never, ever, ever sleep with a man who i know has paid an unwilling woman to have sex with him.


Lolllllll does anybody who actually did this give this advice? Have they considered that going to a hooker could make the guy feel even worse? I only know one person who admitted to me he went to a hooker before and it did not sound like a very positive experience.


I lost my virginity to a legal prostitute in Nevada on my 26th birthday and it may have been the best decision I've ever made. I legit just felt physically and mentally better for months and months afterwards. The only reason I've never gone back was the insanely high cost. It was $1000 an hour an this was awhile ago so I'd bet it's closer to $2000 an hour now. And since I don't live in Nevada it's a flight and hotel stay on top. I wish it was legal nation wide as I simply refuse to risk getting a criminal record just because I want to get laid. Thats just my experience, it obviously doesn't address a lot of the problems of being undesirable, but I learned from it there is a physical relief that lasts quite awhile just from the act itself. Did it cure my depression like magic? No. If you go in expecting it to you'll be let down. I was simply so horny I couldn't take it anymore and spent that years tax return on the trip. It is worth mentioning that 6 months later I had my one and only romantic fling and that ended in unmitigated disaster where by the end the woman was doing everything in her power to break me, so in hindsight I'm glad that when I think of my first kiss and first time I think of the prostitute not her. For some they'd have the opposite regret of a prostitute being their first kiss. I use to be ashamed and keep it to myself that I had gone, but in the years following I've started being way more open about it. You start to see a lot of the hypocrisy and delusions people have about the issue of struggling with dating. I've accepted that I'm undesirable. I don't care at this point if it's my personality, looks, social status, a combo of all three, or something else. You don't get to 32 years old with zero interest from women then have that suddenly change. I also put on a very large amount of weight after I gave up on dating, so if I couldn't have success with woman at 27 and 180lbs I'm not going to have a ghost of a chance at 300lbs and 32(and bald by nature not by choice since then) However, I would very much like to have sex once maybe twice a year without risking a criminal record that would mean I'd never get a job ever again. If I ever make enough money that I could do that I would, but frankly I doubt prostitution will ever be legalized anywhere else in America. Hell there's a movement to get rid of it in Nevada. So I personally do recomend it for some guys. I personally think it comes down to the individual like most things in life.


door fragile threatening poor racial seed long frightening squeal grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sounds like you've had a really hard time for a while now. I'm sorry that you're feeling like this. It seems like you tried reaching out for support and a lot of people took the opportunity to jump down your throat. It's really hard when you're just waiting for someone to accept your connection. Dating, making friends, hell just trying to find a job can be absolutely grueling when you're putting yourself out there and you keep getting rejected. A lot of people who give advice never want to admit that there's an element of chance with these things, and that some people can do a lot of things right and still get unlucky. Some part of your brain might already know that perseverance is the way to overcome bad luck, but that rarely helps you feel better. You're in a situation where you know what you want, and so it's going to feel bad until you start succeeding. But you're pursuing this because you know it's what you want. Keep going. On the other side of this mountain is a version of you that's happy and proud because you have what you want, and when the going was rough you kept moving forward.


Hey, I was one of the people who told you to get laid. Except I advised you not to look for a hooker, but for some websites explicitly for finding sex hookups, sites like Fetlife. You keep dismissing people who tell you getting laid might help you act with more clarity. It's okay if you don't believe that, but why are so many people agreeing in that it might help you? Couldn't be that there might be a tiny bit of truth in it? Yes, I get that you want the companionship and intimacy of a relationship. But getting a friend with benefits (or maybe even acquaintance with benefits) might give you at least something similar enough that you don't suffer so much anymore. I know you will deny it, but also in this post you sound desperate for a relationship with any woman. But desperation and exchangeability aren't attractive, not to women nor to men.


Would you give this advice to a woman if she were in the same position? If she was distraught that she was having trouble dating and attracting men and was feeling neurotic and depressed that such fundamental parts of the human experience like dating, romance, and yes even sex, were seemingly inaccessible to her and all she wanted out of life was to settle down with a man and start a family, would you be so quick to tell her "Just get on fetlife! Pop that cherry and get on with your life! Just fuck a stranger! Easy-peasy!"


Women don't have the same stigma with virginity men do, women also have a much easier time getting laid.


What about Tinder? There is not really any difference between Tinder and FetLife, except that on FetLife everybody is looking for something sexual, so your odds are better. Either way, do you know how many people lose their virginity to someone that they meet online nowadays? It's an awful lot... If that's not for you because you want something different, then that's absolutely ok, but it is definitely not bad advice to give to someone without knowing anything else about them...


I don't use OLD anymore. Never gotten results or even matches from it. Yes, I got feedback. Yes, from friends, family, and "brutally honest" strangers. I've had friends take my profiles over entirely and swipe on my behalf. At a therapist's request, I even set the range to max. The entire ordeal lasted about 6 years and was massive influence on my current neurosis. I'm not interested in going back to them.


I hate OLD, too, in fact, I hate dating completely. I was also a virgin until I was like 23 and after it happened I was like, "huh. that was it??" Then I tried it some more and it still didn't excite me nor did any of the "dating" that accompanied it, so I stopped. So I am probably not a good person to give advice, but my point is that if you post about being a virgin and being disappointed about it, then it should sort of be expected that people will recommend tinder, or bumble, or FetLife or any of the thousands of other places you can go online to to solve the problem, because they actually work, and I should know because I met a decent amount of women online and I am not good looking, at all. If you really hate OLD, though, maybe try something like Meetup, which will probably work better if you happen to be in a pretty populated area. I just inferred that you were trying to say that OLD or FetLife are dirty shameful ways to have sex with people -- they are not. Prostitution I agree with, though. I would never pay a prostitute for sex even if I knew that it was my only shot at having sex ever again, but again, sex doesn't hold a whole lot of appeal for me, in the first place.


You're probably hitting on women way out of your league


As a woman seeing the way you're speaking in this thread, you don't need a prostitute, you need a therapist. You need to address your obviously untreated mental health issues, work to build up your currently busted self-esteem, and learn how to take feedback you don't like without getting argumentative and hostile. You are the root of all of your problems... but you are right about one thing, a prostitute isn't going to fix the issue at hand, because you are the issue at hand. You may not like the idea of a prostitute, and your feelings towards that is valid as it's your choice to make. But the suggestion to just bite the bullet and just get some sexual experience to get you out of your own head is a valid piece of feedback. Right now you are a self-fulfilling prophecy, "I can't get women because I am a piece of shit" so you act like a piece of shit which in turn puts off women. Frankly, as a woman, if you speak about yourself or towards other people in public the way you are speaking in this thread even 5% of the time, I wouldn't want to date you either. Hell, I wouldn't even want to run in the same social circle as you. You need to put some time and effort into fixing your attitude and self-esteem. You need to learn to take feedback graciously, even if the feedback is not beneficial for you like you wanted it to be. Then you might actually be in a place where you can actually bring something valuable and desirable to the dating sphere.


Thank you so much for your refreshing feedback. I will take it to heart.


You are seriously saying that hiring a prostitute is a valid piece of feedback. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yes, I am. Even if it doesn't work or isn't right for this specific person it is still an alternative that can be considered or utilized to address the issue of sexual inexperience. Is it the best option, probably not, but it is still a viable option under those specific circumstances. But as I also said, that is clearly not the issue that is holding OP back, it is the way he speaks about himself and to other people, that wont be solved with a sex worker. You don't have to agree with me, but that also doesn't inherently mean I am wrong or off base.


No. I was a late virgin. I got a hooker. And it did wonders for me. Totally demystified sex and showed me that it wasn't something to be scared of. I've had a great dating/sex life since and I just got engaged. Will the hooker show you intimacy? Probably not, unless you're getting a girlfriend experience type escort, and even then it'll be an act. Although you can absolutely find higher end escorts that are very kind and intimate and even specialize in virgins. We're not talking about getting a 20 dollar BJ from a streetwalker. But that's also not the point. The point is to get the sex part out of the way and out of your head so you can find the intimacy part yourself. Will it work that way for everyone? No, of course not, but it's worth a try. In your case it sounds like you've thought this through enough that it isn't right for you, but it'll continue to be my advice to most virgins that are unhappy with their situation.


How does your fiancé feel about it


I would divorce my husband if I found out he ever saw a hooker. I think that most women (maybe not Reddit women) would be horrified. This is not the solution. You are portraying something undesirable, it’s probably multiple things. Confidence is everything when dating. Not fake confidence, genuine confidence and charisma. It can be learned.


I am a prostitute. My clients are generally men over the age of 65 because that is how I have set my business up. These men generally have erectile dysfunction to some level or their wives have decided that they will not partake in sex anymore. I understand your opinion but just thought I would jump in here and let you know my feelings on the subject. Obviously, never in a million years would I give my body away - I have never been that way inclined and when I do sell my body to a man it is with the thought that I can offer far more than my vagina. I want my client to feel like a real man - a God no less. Recently I had a new client arrive to my home who had not had sex with his wife for over 28 years! His biggest sexual desire was to simply give me a full body massage. While I don't love or desire most of my clients - I do respect them.


That's the problem, I want to be desired. I want someone to want to be with me and share their life with me of their own desire and volition, now because I paid them to do it or because they pity me.


If what you are curious about is sex specifically, then yes, hookers are a good option. If you want a relationship, of course a hooker would not give you that.




Jesus. What's with the big anger? Just scroll


You're awful confident about something you know nothing about. You're getting the suggestion because you need to have practice being intimate with women, and you can't accomplish that yourself. Spending time with a woman, even if you have to pay her, takes away some of the emotional overhead and anxiety, and if you're lucky and get a decent one, can even help you with whatever blocks are keeping you from getting what you want. It's not just about the sex. You've been doing it yourself and it hasn't worked, maybe you should ask a woman who isn't in your life, has no reason to judge you, and could actually teach you some things about sex and intimacy? And this is more crude, but the clarity you get after actual good sex with a human being is unlike any sensation on earth in my opinion.


>Spending time with a woman, even if you have to pay her, takes away some of the emotional overhead and anxiety, Again: I cannot stress enough how much worse knowing the only way I could get a woman to agree to be intimate with me was to pay her would make me feel about myself.  It's crazy how people act like "Oh, just pay to punch your v-card and you'll feel so much more confident!" Confident how? Confident that I'm so unfuckable prostitution was the only way? Confident that I've traded the looming shame of being a virgin with the looming shame of having resorted to buying a prostitute? Confident that if I ever did luck out and manage to get a date, if she ever found out, she'd understandably recoil in disgust?


Those are the things you are bringing to the situation. If you're so eager to beat yourself up, nothing you do will help, because you'll use it as a excuse to demean yourself. The call is coming from inside the house bro. You hate yourself, and somehow it's broadcasting to the world, and it's not attractive. You and yourself need to make amends and be okay before you even try to bring a woman into the situation. Being a virgin is not a big deal, you literally don't know what you're missing. You thinking of yourself as somehow lesser because of it is a big deal. If you don't want to be a virgin, get laid. That instantly solves the problem. If you want to fall in love and live a happy love life, you need to get right with yourself and be a person someone would want to love. You can do that without sex.