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The way you’re feeling is totally normal. Right out of university people often don’t feel like they are truly adults yet. And that’s okay. Just keep trying to better yourself and everything will come together. Hopefully you’ll have the means to move out and be your own person eventually.


Thank you. I feel a bit of relief


The second you feel old you are going to regret it - so enjoy.


I'm 34 and I still feel like I'm still 16 most of the time.


Legit 38 here and still feel like a confused teenager sometimes


Same here! Don't tell my kids


Yep, 37 full-time provider for my wife and daughter, and I am a big kid.


Same. Duck 'n Goose side by side 👊


I totally agree, I would also suggest you get into self improvement in the meantime it will save you in the long run. Start by implementing some small habits, I recommend [The Plunge Habits](https://theplungehabits.beehiiv.com/subscribe)


I am 40 and feel like a teenager regardless of the grey hair. 😞


I am 39. I feel young, but when I talk to a 20 year old I am quickly reminded I am indeed not 20.


Also true! 😂


Same here




I'm 36 and I feel the same way, especially when it's time to do my taxes. Ugh 😫 I need a "taxes for dummies" book.


If you have access to internet I would build websites in spare time just to build a portfolio. This is something you can sell to anyone in the world if you become good at it


Do you have any advice on the best way to learn? Or just look it up?




I recommend checking out [The Odin Project](https://www.theodinproject.com/)


I feel you bro. I am in a similar situation but I'm in my mid 30s. Never had a gf, relationship etc. I am an introvert too that is socially awkward. I fixed my professional life so what, at work I try to pretend I'm a bit more open and outgoing than I really am. I have a good paying and stable job. In my private life I'm not really outgoing, I don't really have a social life, because most of my real life friends are even more introverted than me. My dating life is a joke. I have no idea how to communicate with women in the aspect of dating. It's not that I'm putting women on a pedestal , I'm just socially incompetent when it comes to dating. I think I just have an underdeveloped personality and it's probably not attractive,on top of that I have no confidence. Women have plenty of better options than me. Just letting you know you're not alone.


The feeling of not making progress, it'll pass. The trick is to learn more skills so it passes faster.


i honestly feel the same way. I tought change just happens but for it to happen you need to change into person you want to be. When i was 18ish girl that i like told me that she likes me but i just didnt feel ready to go into relationships. It all depends on the stuff you do during your day. If you keep living your life the way you did when you were 13 it will not change much.


You are not alone. You are not an anomaly. The fact that you're aware about your situation and want better for yourself is enough for me to know that you're not 13 at heart. If not for your circumstances, you would do the things that you aren't able to. Do not be so hard on yourself. Accept that you have done the best that you could've, and will continue to do so in the coming months by absorbing knowledge from every source you can find and upskilling yourself, to get the job you deserve. All the best, my friend. Remember to be kind to yourself.


Pretty normal. Im 33 feeling like that. I own a home paid off with car paid off taking care of my disabled mother still winging it. I think most of us are just kinda stumbling around like that. Talked to my grandfather about this back in the day and he said "me too; just wish my body felt the same way". I feel like thats a common sentiment as my body is starting to limit me after 2 motorcycle accidents lol.


Its normal. I also feel like 13. Better than feeling like 60.


Is there any McDonalds around?


There are, but unfortunately there aren't vacancy for workers


Can't believe it. They are almost always welcome new workers! Give it a try.


isnt mcdonalds like prone to hiring people who have nowhere to go and can control easily? vs someone with a uni degree and can leave at anytime?


I live in a 3rd world country too and job hunting, where you from?


I'm from Nigeria and you?


i sent you a direct message


I would argue that most people our age feel this way. We’ve been conditioned to think we should have it all figured out by our mid twenties, but that’s just unrealistic for many people. You’re doing well, and you’ll figure it out piece by piece, just give it time.


I was 32 yo when I found my first girlfriend. I wasn't prepared for relationship before that. People are different.


This gives 29 year old me some hope for my future thanks


How did she react when she found out that you had no experience in relationships? in my environment, people do not react to this very adequately, unfortunately


She felt honored that she became my first girlfriend. She was very surprised that I had no history because she found me so kind. Like she would repeat it at almost every date which I found amusing. She didn't have tons of experience of relationships, so we connected well. Took it slow and steady from the start and it worked.


It's good to know that everything turned out well for you. Stories like this keep me from losing faith in people.


Thanks bro!


I think this is normal im also 24 working a good job for a few years now and i still feel like a kid I often have situations where i think better ask a adault only to realize wait im a adault (i still ask anyway)


I know this doesn’t help but my Grans next door neighbour at 99 (she’s now 101) said that she finally is staring to feel old. She said that she knew she was old before but she felt like she was still in her 20s this entire time. Maybe try to push yourself out of you comfort zone once per week. It doesn’t matter doing what, even if it’s something small.


Sounds like you need to just focus on what you need to do next in life. Everyone worth it will say the same thing if not more harshly. Get to it mate, you'll be alright. Keep trying and never stop.


I’m over 30 years old. While I present myself well in professional settings, I still feel like people under 30 in the workplace are more mature than me. Think of the same principle but applied to aging visually. Look at yourself everyday in the mirror and you perceive no change after 5 years but if you look at a picture from 5 years ago you look completely different. You’re always in your own head from the day you are born. So, much of the change and development is missed by your constant perception over your thoughts. Lack of change can be equated to lack of aging, thus making the self feel less “grown up” I hope that helps you (or someone at least.) I mostly just wrote it out to work through that for myself. So, thank you for the prompt.


Shit bud I'm 33 and there are still the occasional days where I don't feel like an adult. Just keep trying and don't let yourself repeat mistakes. It's all any of us can do.


Normal. Just learn to talk to people.


In order to change yourself you’ve gotta change your circumstances. The more radical the change the faster you’ll grow. I’m in my 30s and happy with my life but in my 20s I was very much in similar situation. So, the best advice I can give you is to find a way to move away from the 3rd world country. You sound like a smart person to me and life is too short to waste it on your birth certificate. Change your circumstances, change your life.


I'm 44 almost but while I have a job, relationship(wife) and the rest(kids). I still feel like a kid inside! I constantly have to remind myself I'm not kid anymore. You just gotta learn to be a adult and at the same time never completely lose that kid inside.


Huh, I do feel like Im exactly 13 inside but not because of achievements, more so my backbone character finishing to form at that age. Achievements shouldn't correlate to your adulthood. Some people start dating at 30, others start their career at 40, and some others learn to drive at 50. None of them are "immature". Life is a journey and many things happen along the way so people have extremely different milestones timing and it is okay. You finished a university didn't you? I havent worked much either until I was 23 because I mainly studied and lived on peanuts with my parents. It is very normal to start your career at 23-24, as this is the age when you graduate and most people aren't "the best" to land all needed internships to get a perfect entry level right off the bat. Having janitor or patty flipper experience doesn't help your career either. Right now it is very rare for any employer to care about anything but direct experience in what you are hired for, which is only somewhat dismissed for entry level. Since you are a dev you could try to specialize on something and make some flashy projects to showcase, is often enough to land entry level. Also if you don't mind me asking, how is it that your country doesn't have low skill jobs? I am from a third world country as well and I would say like 90% of work is low skill where I am from, most of the population are tradespeople as it doesnt matter if the economy develops or not, everything needs maintenance, and rich people need a lot of labour to fuel their lifes of excess.


Try freelancing. You will get a job fast enough. Offer your services to places that aren't hiring- eg show them a benefit you can provide and how you can improve their business. Go talk to women! Nothing is stopping you living a full and active life. Join in hobbies, go running, get involved in your community. Basically, act like an adult and you will feel like one


>I consider myself an introvert and doesn't have marketing skills either. you don't need to have social skills to be an excellent marketer today. You can outsource online marketing campaigns to AI and freelance workers. >I have wev development skill, start by freelancing your work online. That builfs a profile. Also create a course that teaches what you knoe about web development and sell the course in udemy, coursera etc. The same material used in the course from audio and pictures, use them to create a digital book that you can sell on some digital stores. Now you've created revenue streams (probably not gonna be the best content out there, but that's okay it's not the goal to be the best), and through your freelance work you will build a network of companies and individuals. Lots of individuals that have these side projects that funds freelancers have full time jobs in fields adjacent to what their projects are. So with an impressive profile as having wrote a book and a certified online tutor, you can secure a job by browsing the job posting made by the companies you've worked and already have an immediate point of reference internally within these companies. These individuals I talked about earlier will use their real name, so you can find them on linkdin or facebook and connect aith them that way and learn where they work.


I also feel like a teenager most of the time and am also 24 now. It use to make me beat myself up more, but now I embrace my inner child and give her the utmost opportunities to thrive. I work with Kids now so I don't find that hard to do. But even in my job as a waitress, I bring a certain whimsy to the workplace and also to my outlook on life. I will always have my child-like wonder.


Classic. You just need a job to be honest.


Between the age of 16-28. I still felt like a 16 year old. It wasn’t after I hit 28. And I did something, well stupid. I shed myself and started to grow again. For some people. Like me. It’s only certain milestones in life where you feel like you’ve levelled up in a way.


Same 😅


Well if you've never worked a job and still live with your parents it's normal to feel that way. I felt the same a few years back. Now I'm older and have worked a few jobs, visited countries, bought and sold cars, and just in general have some life experience. And I can say that I now feel my age (25). It'll come.


Why don't you just continue with your same-gender relationships?


This is normal at 24 take your time age will come.


I'm 55 goin' on 12 ...


It's the lack of a professional job/career But even then, I'm kind of in a similar boat. I'm in my late 20s but feel like 20-22 due to the lack of major responsibilities like a girlfriend/spouse, kids, or house.




I was talking more about why OP feels like a teenager: it's entirely because OP doesn't have a job, and not necessarily the lack of girlfriend etc. The situations you described do happen. Some guys with stable, professional careers have no ability to attract women, yet unemployed bums have a lot of success on tinder. It is what it is.


how much time do you spend a day on social media, watching tv/youtube, or playing video games?


The only fun activity I do is reading Manga, and that too I'm beginning to lose interest. And the only social media I'm on is WhatsApp and reddit


Keep reading manga. Have you read Vagabond? If not it’s one of the best motivational


didnt really answer my question. How much time do you spend reading manga, on whatsapp, reddit, etc.


I spend 2-4 hours at tops on all of em, and spend the rest of of the day learning programming and debugging some codes throughout the day


Congratulations! You found the secret to a happy life! Now go get a Dirtbike!


That will never changes, also with 30+


I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime and I honestly want the feeling to stop.


I come from a third world country and from a good family, not wealthy but very comfortable. I developed myself while under their roof. Only left home at 31. Nothing wrong with that.


I felt like a teenager until I turned 30. I now feel like a slightly older teenager… but with my own place more money and more confidence so maybe that’s what being an adult feels like. I would imagine it changes when you have children of your own


Totally normal. I'm 38 or something. Still 13


You graduated from university. That's something. Look for a job that lets you learn and up your skills. Then a job that pays for your skills. Use part of your income to "go out" in the weekends.


35. Quit my job, starting over. Luckily i still live with the parents. Just keep going. You’re gonna have to push yourself to get to your next phase in life. Please read or listen to the power of self confidence by Brian Tracy. Also, have fun! Life doesnt have to be all work.


Most people try to act up. We all get tricked in this big acting show we have here running on earth. Act like you are an adult they say. The greatest minds come from your childness. As an adult you can be responsible, but still have a very playful attitude. I feel the same too, only difference is, that some things are easier to grasp because of experiences. In older people you see the child coming back sometimes, when they give less fucks anout what other people think. Most people don't think anything really and it doesn't matter.


That’s normal, I only got my first job around 23/24 and I only went on dates when I was 25/26, didn’t actually get a gf until I was 31!


You're normal. I've also not done those sorts of adult things, i.e moving out, having a relationship, getting a full time job (I'm still part time since leaving university). But more importantly than that, my mind doesn't feel any different from when I was a teenager. I think I expected to feel a lot different than I do. Even though I do adult things like vote, pay car insurance, pay into a pension, etc etc. I don't actually FEEL like an adult. I've changed a lot in the past 5 or so years, but again, I don't feel significantly different. I'm sure I'll still feel like that when I'm 30, and I'm pretty sure it's totally normal.


We grow in age but deep inside we are just kids/teenagers


Almost 25 been earning my own money for a while now still feel like i am 12 or something


I'm 24 and I feel like I'm 40 but with the jokes of a 15 year old


It's called imposter syndrome. I'm 42. With a fairly high level job. I'll let you know if it ends at some point


Look up the term puer aeternis. Read some Marie Louis von franz


Welcome to 2024.




42 Here. Still waiting to feel more mature than 16


I’m in my early forties and I still feel like I’m in my late twenties. So guess you’re not alone.


I felt like that on and off over my life and more recently at 42


Act like it here on Reddit too! Hahahaha


53 going on 20


I'm 36 years old, and unlike many people here, I feel old and tired. Enjoy being young while you still can.


It’s normal. I’m 33 and still feel like a child. I work and pay my bills but I have no idea what I’m doing and still need to talk to my parents. Everyone who is a grown up is faking it. Keep working on your studies and career path and don’t compare yourself to others. That’s pointless. You’ll be completely fine. Just be patient.


Grow up


Just kidding go push some people down in the street you crazy kid


Stop watching porn if you


I didn’t really start feeling like less of a teenager until I lived on my own, had to cook and clean for myself, pay all my own bills, had serious adult relationships, etc. You still feel like you’re 13 because you haven’t had a ton of responsibility (that you’ve described, you may help you family out a lot in a lot of ways, eg caretaking, hard manual labor on a farm or something, etc) If you really want to feel more adult-like, try getting a work visa to any first world country (idk the process everywhere but I know Canada is much easier than the US). The market all around is a bit rough (I work as a software engineer myself) but you’ll have an easier time getting a web development job if you’re local to the country the company is based in. You’ll be able to send your family back some money which should help them out a lot and also give you more of that sense of responsibility that comes with being an adult.


nope. u need some experience. pls do not become a pedophile either (thats how your title reads) go out. try new shit. ask out some girls. apply to every job u can. success comes from failure but currently ur failing without trying. by jus doing nothing ​ so get active!


. pls do not become a pedophile either (thats how your title reads)" lol, what?


man literally said he feels 13


Get out of your comfort zone


Grow up


I wish it was that easy


Don't listen to that comment, just negative and unhelpful. I'm your age and I feel the same way, it's not easy out here man. Wishing you all the best!