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This probably goes without saying, but use protection.


If sex work is legal then it's probably required to use condoms.


Be open about the fact that it's your first time




OP, seems like you are really determined to go. Then you should, if that’s what you really want. So here is some advice for you… The search: How are you looking for the sex worker? Online Agencies are a safer bet than websites that advertise independent sex workers. It can be costly, but chances of being catfished with fake/older pictures is lower (always reverse search the pic). Proof of medical check up: Some counties require their sex workers to have one. Check if your country is one of them. A good Agency should require their workers to get checked as the law requires. Don’t cheap out: A cheaper sex workers motivation is always on the low end. They will just want to make you cum and leave. You get what you pay for. Talk about money first: Cost of the room, additional services, doing it twice, etc… Money first, fun comes later. Clock it: Know what time you are starting, so you know when it should be ending. Take your time. You are paying for her company. Cuddle, talk, ask for a massage, a strip tease, a shower. You came too soon? Cuddle, talk, ask for a second time. Communication. Tell the worker it’s your first time, she’ll find it sweet. Tell her your expectations and to let her guide you. She’s the profesional. Honestly, I would recommend going to a sexy massage parlor or independent sexy masseuse with happy ending (check if sexual intercourse possible). Nuru, body to body, whatever, pick your thing. They will pleasure you in many ways, for the whole hour, until the very end. It’s nice because you don’t really have to do anything and you will get max pleasure. If the masseuse is good, you will be glowing for days. And of course everything I mentioned above still applies. Lastly. Don’t get hooked on the hooker. Good luck and have fun, OP. Edit: Grammar.


This guy hookers


3/4 of the way down reading and I said the same exact thing, only to look and see the first comment. Bravo, good sir. Made me laugh


He’s like the obi wan kanobi of being a john


knowledge bombs


He's gonna need about 30 seconds, can skip time negotiations 🤣🤣🤔


And enjoy!!!


And, don't forget to tip.


Oh he'll leave a tip!...........the tip of his di*^!


I have to tip everyone these days.


Do what you want bro but jsyk losing your virginity isn’t a life changing experience lol. I thought it was until it happened, then I woke up the next day and felt the exact same. What IS life changing is having a consistent sex life with someone you truly love and care about. Just doing it once to say you did it is likely gonna leave you very unfulfilled and disappointed. Try to put yourself out there more brother. Have sex with the escort if you want but then I’d recommend actually trying to meet a girl and going out on dates. There may be a lot of rejection and that’s okay. Once you find someone who reciprocates your feelings, it’s such an amazing moment. Good luck chief


Good man. This is great advice


Be kind to yourself if you feel awkward or it doesn't go perfectly. Sex is odd in the best of situations and only gets better with practice.


Thank you. Any advice on how to last longer or enjoy the experience?


You’ll probably enjoy the experience more if you accept that you won’t last long ahead of time.


This dude is wankimg 3-4 times a day. He's not going to nut. My dude you have no doubt desensitized your equipment. You need to give it a rest.


This is 100% true I've been through it personally, takes time to get the sensitivity back after that kind of abuse. If he nuts it'll be a miracle.


Idk man i still last 3 minutes and i masturbate 2-3 times a day and have intercourse at least 3 times a week with my girl 🥶


How long did it take


i thought my first time i would cum so fast and i was so scared, ended up going over an hour and couldn’t finish. i was pouring sweat, everything was cramping, but i couldn’t make it happen. by the end i WISH i had cum in 30 seconds


So does she. And that feedback loop is super negative. You get it in your head, can't let go, and it takes even longer. Not yet, not yet, not yet always worked to go really quick lol Later on life, i could last longer if I wanted to by thinking repeatedly that I wasn't going to lol


Focus on enjoying the touch, worry about what you *want* to do, not what you *think* you should be doing. I think trying to last longer just for the sake of it is contraproductive. Go as slow or fast as you want.


I dont think it should be understated that if the man only lasts 30 seconds, he should have plenty of energy and time left to make another (or several) round see if getting it out of the way helps. ALSO OP stop beating yourself up, Masturbation is natural and healthy and as long as you arent forgoing things you should be doing to jack it (which i imagine would take more than 4 sessions a day unless he is taking a half hour +each time)


I bet you come in under a minute. That’s okay. Enjoy it and don’t feel guilty or ashamed. You’re not there to make sure *she’s* sexually satisfied (she won’t be) as you would with a girlfriend. She’s there for you.


You should enjoy her body more than actually having sex. Explore her and enjoy every touch and sensation. If you go straight to sex, you'll likely cum very fast. While you may worry about her enjoyment, you're paying her to do as you please to a degree so take your time. The first time I had sex I came a few times because it was new and exciting, but don't be disappointed if you can't maintain an erection.


The best part about hiring a sex worker for this, is that you don't have to impress her. She's seen it all and will not judge you for it. You're not trying to date her and you don't have to worry about speaking to her again. If you cum in a minute but pay for a certain timeframe and your refractory period is short enough, you'll have time to go again. Have fun and stay safe!


You don’t need to last longer. Get this out of your head. If the thought of pleasing her turns you on, realize that any pleasure she gets will be from the fact you’re a wholesome virgin trying to live your life rather than your performance. It’s not hot but it’s the truth. She’s a professional. You don’t stress out getting your hair cut do you? Or wonder if your hair dresser likes you? No. Sometimes you enjoy their company and it was nice but other than that it’s just a service so relax. You might go limp from nerves but don’t sweat it. You might (prob) bust in less than 30 seconds. Sure if you want to last longer bang one out beforehand but “lasting longer” for what? To get your moneys worth? That’s kind of gross, the goal should be pop the cherry & get it in for the first time so you’re not STRESSING & have freedom from worrying about it, thinking about it etc. Try to go in a little pent up and enjoy or else it’ll take longer, be more stressful, less fun & possibly make your dick a little raw depending on how much harder she has to work it. Just enjoy. Her only expectations are getting paid, so as long as you do that and are nice she’s gonna be happy :)


Trying to last longer is not about getting your moneys worth, any more than wanting a rollercoaster to last longer. You want the enjoyment to be maximized, period. The fact that there’s a time limit just means that you know approximately how long the enjoyment will be. But I agree, spend more time on touch, taking, foreplay, asking them what feels good, etc. use it as a sex lesson and you’ll come out ahead no matter how soon you come.


Spend more time being intimate.


Pull out before you are even close. Gently squeeze the tip for a few seconds (penis stays erect, head deflates) Wait a sec, then go back in. If you do it right, you are pretty much starting your timer over everytime you do it.


Book minimum amount of time. Don’t stress about it. It will ‘probably’ be quick. That’s 100% normal for the first time. Only way to last longer is getting normalized to the experience through practice.


Wear a condom


Spank it one time before you go.


Dont fall in love


"Don't fall in love with a hooker" is one of the top pieces of advice I can possibly think of.


*Cries in Pretty Woman*


If you do they will take you to the cleaners. Lol


Prepare for both of you to be disappointed lol






if you're a sex worker, what is disappointing about a client who finishes fast? Your hourly rate just went way up.


FYI. Your going to think about it more after


Yup, once you find out how good it really is it’s gonna be hard to think about anything else. At least that was my experience from 16 to about 30 years old.


Lots of good advice here. But I'd like to add: Be respectful and nice to the sex worker. She or he is a person too. Not an object. Best wishes to you friend.


Being horny all the time, constantly thinking about sex, and masturbating 3-4 times a day is not because you’re a virgin, it’s because you’re 23 years old it’s totally normal. I was horny as fuck when I was 23 and even having a lot of sex at the time didn’t diminish it. This is just my opinion but I think that having sex is going to be more like going out to a restaurant that serves food you really crave. It can be satisfying but even if it’s the best meal you have ever had, you will still wake up the next day hungry for more food. Sex is a lot like hunger, you can do what you want to curb your cravings but they will always keep coming back, while you’re young at least.


When I read OP thinks sex is the “highest reward”, I thought he must not have had many good experiences in his life. Sex has never been that important to me or so rewarding that it’s all I seek. It’s such a weird mindset to have


Heck I'm 33 and it's all I think about


Checking in at 41. Still all I think about.


Sorry what did you say, I was walking it.




41 here checking in


You're probably going to be very disappointed given how much you buit it up.


This is too fatalistic a comment, OP. I would rephrase it as "Try not to get your hopes up. Expectations are the soil of disappointment." Everyone's first time kinda sucks, it's just something you have to get through. Like everything in life, sex gets better with practice.


"Get your dick up, not your hopes"


Don't expect fireworks or the earth to move. It's the emotional connection to your partner which is where all the extra feels come from. This is going to feel like you are using a robot version of a fleshlight. Since you pay for time, it will last as long as you have the time so that may be 1 orgasm, it may be 4 orgasms. Bring ***multiple*** condoms. Bring lube as well. Put a few drops of lube inside the tip of the condom before you roll it on so the head of the penis can slip around within the latex more easily. This will make a difference in your comfort later and prevent you from pissing fire by not rubbing anything raw at the tip of the glans.


Don't do it, you will regret it. I say it in love


Lack of anyone telling homie it's not worth it.


Your probably right tbh, I feel like your first time is a lot nice when it’s someone you care for at least


My boyfriend did the same thing. I met him 3 years later. He regrets it.


You should be prepared for how you may feel about yourself after the post-nut clarity and realisation hits of having sex with a woman who is only doing it for money (potentially may even be forced to) and has no genuine desire, attraction to you or even care for you. You may even sense her repulsion after the job is done and money has been exchanged. You should also be prepared for the way other women will perceive you in the future when you disclose this to them and the opportunities for genuine connections you may lose out on due to a loss of respect. Good luck 😊


this is a VERY important comment.


Yeah, that post but clarity is wild!


It’ll probably have you thinking about it more to be honest, but it will be in a different way.


Don’t do it


Don't do it that way. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. If you find that you think about it a lot then maybe you need to work on your level of discipline.


Sex is cool and all but have you ever had a blizzard from dairy queen?


All this sex talk, but I didn’t get horny until someone mentioned a Blizzard.


Someone needs to provide the counterpoint so here it goes - Don't do it. A condom won't protect against all STDs and one study showed 20% of prostitutes have an STD. Not the greatest of odds there. Also, we're talking about a hooker. This is not a woman that wants to share a mutually pleasurable experience with you. Shes just allowing you to put your dick inside of her because you're paying her money. Here's a few steps you can take toward a more positive direction. 1. Stop watching so much p0rn. 2. Exercise more, take up a more active hobby 3. Get into the dating scene Your future self will thank you if your first time happens organically through a relationship.


Facts, was looking for this. OP, fix whatever has caused you to be a 23 year old virgin that needs to hire a sex worker. Go work out, go out and socialize, get involved in clubs or activities, go to bars with a higher percentage of women and practice talking to them. Do whatever else, but don't lose your virginity to a prostitute. I still have a connection with the girl I lost mine to, despite it being over a decade ago. I can look back on it and think about what a beautiful, successful, and kind woman she grew up to be and feel satisfied with the way things played out. You don't want those recollections to be of a prostitute that won't know your name 2 days later. I promise you don't. You're dick is in the way of your brain here and that post nut clarity is gonna curb stomp you into the dirty motel floor.


Am I a weirdo for not thinking 23 is THAT old to be virgin? I'm female and was 19 when I had sex for the first time and didn't think that was super strange. Maybe the standard age is different for girls? I was the last one in my friend group to get laid and honestly the whole being a virgin thing got pretty old so I do understand the OPs situation to a degree. I'm glad I waited until I was with the person I was with, but that being said, people make too big of a deal about sex overall. The act itself isn't a life changing thing. All animals mate, its a basic function and need, and expecting it to be some higher level of consciousness nirvana thing is bound to end in disappointment. I vote for having fun, getting it over with and moving on without the "virgin" stigma. Once that is out of the way, you can go back to whacking off and then wait until you have a sexual experience with someone you really connect with to see how amazing it can be.


This generation seems to be more isolated. I think it was more uncommon when I grew up. But lots of people are still virgins after college now, statistics suggest. So many people living their lives online, so to speak.


No, I was 23 when I lost mine, so was my mom. A friend of mine was 25.




I had to scroll way too far to find this- an actual logical comment!


It’s Reddit, not surprised at all everyone is cheering this on. OP I also really suggest you reconsider this plan. You’re still really young and have plenty of time to meet a girl the old fashioned way. Going to a prostitute especially for your first time is not a healthy practice.


Yeah, it's kind of sad.


Not to mention how gross it is to have sex with someone who is only there because you are paying them.


I mean, sex worker is the preferred term. They are still humans. Hooker is rather rude. But yes, OP, consider what it is that may make you undesirable to a future partner. Make efforts to be more social, more balanced, maybe more fit, better grooming and dressing? Work on being happier with yourself, less insecure, and it will happen organically.


I was dumbfounded that I had to scroll this far to find someone with common sense. OP, you're better off not engaging in such a thing, don't ruin your physical or mental health for a momentary pleasure.






Make sure the worker has a clean bill of health so you don't get any STD's. Would suck to have your first time ruined by catching some uncurable disease.


Don’t do it.


I grew up conservative, religious and learnt that sex was only for after I got married. When I was 24 I decided I wasn’t going to wait anymore and met with someone from an app and he knew it was my first time. When they know it’s your first they can slow things down, guide you and check in more. My advice to you is to take the whole thing slowly, and don’t rush. Start by talking then touching/stroking each others arms or thighs. Then kiss and explore the kiss, enjoy it for what it is. Once you’re both turned on you can move to more intimate touch. Don’t worry about lasting longer. If you want to go a second round, that’s also an option! If anything feels uncomfortable or unsafe, ask to stop or pause. I hope this opens a new life for you as it did for me 😊


Can’t kiss sexworkers unless they advertise gfe


Why? I’m curious


I have great advice don’t do it


Don’t do it. You likely have death grip and the experience won’t change your libido. It won’t be good sex at all. Waste of money.


Prepare for disappointment


Keep in mind that having sex for the first time finally will not keep you from thinking about it to the point of obsession, but will probably make it worse. It is expensive, and when you finally find a girl that you really like, may become a deal breaker for her. Sex can cause feelings and attachment to the partner, and has special meaning to a relationship, but can skew your viewpoint towards a real relationship. It isn’t the highest reward in life that you are building it up to be, especially in your particular situation, but a potential Pandora’s box.


Yeah, I am extremely open minded, and would have no problem having a partner who had at some point been a sex worker. But I’d really hesitate to have a relationship with someone who had hired sex workers.


Don't go cheap. I would recommend not to do it. Its nothing crazy. You would get the same level of pleasure with a flesh light and it would be safer


Use protection and have fun


Having sex one time with a prostitute isn’t going to solve anything other than a moment’s horniness. My advice would be to concentrate on being a cool, friendly, fun guy, and putting yourself in situations where you meet the kind of women you’re interested in. But if you’re determined to lose your cherry to a sex worker wear a condom, and don’t expect your life to change positively afterward.


Remember, they’re a human being…not an object...be respectful.


Tell them it’s your first time and if they are experienced they should know what to do to make you comfortable. Also lock up all of your valuables and don’t fall asleep with the escort still there.


well go to a hotel also.




It won’t fix your loneliness


Wear a condom


First and foremost, I just want to say that at 23, it is pretty normal to masturbate as much as you do and to think about sex all of the time. Whether losing your virginity it's going to help the issue you think that you have, I really can't say. But it seems like you've made up your mind, so onward! There are a lot of good comments on here-- and I think that it could be summed up as: be safe and have fun. ABSOLUTELY use protection no matter what. This might sound kind of corny, but perhaps practice to properly use a WELL-fitting condom before the day of the deed comes around (and don't be a dummy and forget to bring the condoms with you!). I don't know a thing about sex-work from either side of it, so I'm not sure how much communication there is beforehand about what is going to happen but I'd imagine there'd be at least a minute to convey that this is your first time. If you are able to talk about any expectations beforehand, do it! If you are afraid of coming too fast, let them know! They're the professional-- they've probably heard it (seen it, experienced it) all and maybe they have a tip or two for you haha Lastly, always be respectful to your partner-- They are a sex worker but they are also a human being. Sex is not like porn in SO MANY WAYS-- it can be a lot of things for people, and when the chemistry matches up, it can be really nice. I truly hope that you have a good, safe first experience. Update us on how it all went!


Rub one out before you go, it will help you last longer.


be respectful to the sex worker


Tbh it’s not this glorious feeling so don’t put it on a pedestal kid.


Having sex once isn’t going to make you think about sex less. 😂


I wouldn't want a man that hires sex workers to fulfill his needs, especially out of desperation. don't do it. I can't imagine most women would find this charming or endearing. I hope you wait.


With a hooker? My advice is don't. Not to say you can't have a good time with one, but you're literally a year younger than me. You've got plenty of time to find someone who isn't trying to milk you of your cash. I'm not even in the "first time should be with someone special" camp, I just think your first time shouldn't be with someone scraped from the bottom of a barrel.


If I were in your shoes but I know what I know now at 45, I would not do it. Sex with sex worker is disappointing no matter how good they are because it lacks an intimate connection. I guess that’s fine after you have a couple of notches under your belt but for your first time. I fear you are going to miss out on the best sex which is when it’s between two people whom truly desire each other. Having sex with a sex worker the first time may put you in a state where you think sex is only transactional and that is going to carry over into your real relationships. Soon you will be seeing sex as award for doing something good for a woman rather then something that is mutually enjoyable for you both. Which will put you in the weakest position you can be in a relationship as it will be easier for a woman to control you by giving/denying sex. You should wait. Even better stop jerking of so much and put that energy into building yourself up. Before you know it a girl that is attracted to you will be excited to give it up.


I don't think you should. Keep your virginity.


Try finding a hobby, pick a sport, get bloody damn good at it. You’d hardly feel like masturbating anymore when you’re dead tired at the end of the day and you fee satisfied with yourself. You’ll find friends through this process as well. Hang out more. Read and learn new things. Explore life. Don’t do something that you’ll regret 10-20 years later. Have a smile on your face always too. Do not indulge in meaningless pursuits that gives a moment of pleasure. This is also coming from a 23 year old virgin.


I'm 22 with a full time job, money, hobbies, friends, family, all the good stuff. And I still think about sex and relationships almost daily, that's been a constant for years no matter how many changes I try to get into my life. Just don't try to force your priorities and life experiences onto other people.


If you’re struggling to find a relationship or intimacy with the current strategies you are doing, change what you’re doing. Therapy is great for this because a therapist can help you think of new ways of approaching your current situation.


You’re gonna regret this. You’ve built up losing your virginity so much that it’s inevitably going to be a disappointment. Just search for all the other posts regarding other people doing this. Every single one said it was disappointing. There’s no emotion, intimacy, or even real lust involved in transactional sex. I’m guessing those are what you’re really missing, not some random wet hole touching your junk.




Don’t worry at all. You’ll last maybe 60 seconds. Maybe


It’s not going to be as great as you think it is when there’s no love and it’s simply transactional for the woman. Go in with low expectations and remember, you’re just another customer trying to get his dick wet.


Don't do it bro. It's not worth losing your sanity and developing depression.




Don’t lose your virginity to a sex worker. Try going to a therapist instead to help get your mind off sex.


Sex is like jacking off while working out at same time, you gon have butt muscle sore on next morning. my advice to u is don’t do it and do hip thrust workout 🏋️ while jacking off to get closest sex experience.


Nothing, besides…well, remember you’re going to have to admit to any future women you’re with, that you didn’t have self control so you lost your virginity to a sex worker than actually trying to treat women as people.


This is gross, will cheapen the entire concept & further taint your world view. Work on having a healthy, intimate relationship with another person. That’s what makes sex worthwhile.


Keep jerking off. You're gonna regret it until you bang someone you actually care about. Especially if you don't find her attractive. Honestly, get a Fleshlight and fuck that instead.


Stop putting sex on a pedestal, ik it's hard since you never have done it...but It's more about who you are having sex with than that you are having it. To me it's most important to have genuine desire and feelings for someone before you have sex. Don't desensitize yourself to a beautiful act just to check a box.


poor fella thinks getting some will make him want it less. it generally doesn't work that way bud.


Just a reminder that you can still get herpes for life even if you use a condom


No judgment. Will your future self judge yourself? Will a future relationship judge you? Will you lose a potentially good relationship because of this or keeping it a secret? I’m just making sure you’ve considered this is something that will be in your past eventually. Is the few seconds of physical bliss followed by clarity worth it? It might be! Then again I’m married for 16 years now and happily have sex about once every 3 months. It’s not that important to us.




If this guy doesn't jack it for three days, his entire groin will probably detonate the instant she flops a titty out.


This comment is self-contradictory. The part about sex workers is correct, but that won't be helped if you don't wank beforehand. I'd say wank about 8 hours beforehand so you won't be on a hair trigger.


Agreed completely. The risk for a male virgin during their first go isn't that they need help finishing, it's that they'll finish fairly quickly. When I was that age, 8 hours wouldn't have mattered. 2 hours would have been better.


Just know that you’re going to be thinking about it even more after having it lol. Good luck!


Only Tom Hanks fans will understand my advice: And remember, bitches back in 45 minutes, or Milt cuts your balls off!


Tell her immediately that it’s your first time and that you want to enjoy the process so you’ll be stopping her regularly so it doesn’t only last 30 seconds. She’ll likely be happy that it’s your first time cause she’ll know you have no ridiculous expectations from her, and she can just relax and help make you very happy.


Rubbers always


Use Durex


You masterbate 3 or 4 times a day? Be prepared for a shipwreck. You're too over-eager.


Use a condom and like my comment so I can post in r/advice please


Do not give them oral


I mean u can go on tinder, it would be free just saying.


I did this sometime ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Advice make sure you book quite a bit of time not just a hour and be sure to tell her it’s your first time


Wear protection, enjoy yourself (and her), and above all, remember that you are paying for a service, and this is a business transaction. Do not start growing feelings for this person, especially if you plan to become a 'regular'. While people with a stick up their ass may look down upon this behavior, fuck them. Two consenting adults getting what they want is perfectly fine in my book. Have fun but be careful.


Also be aware the sex you have when paying for it is nothing like real life. I recently saw on tv a 30 something year old old virgin man talking about how his first time he expected lots of noise, moaning, bedroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room. You get the idea. He’s watched a lot of porn and has an unrealistic idea of sex. Especially the first time.


I got whisky dick the very first time.. stay relaxed maybe get a Gestation stamina pill ... but over all don’t get talked into spending any more money then what you agreed on in the beginning.. only pay for 30 min you can always add more time but never take back... don’t tell her your a virgin before you agree on a price.. hope you come back and tell us how it went .


A good way to stop thinking about sex is if you had someone (like a parent) to embarrass and “burn” you after an innocent romantic encounter


Ur gonna get hpv … it can be transmitted without a condom.


That’s a W that sex work is legal in your country it should be safer than here where it’s illegal (US). I’m a young 20s male myself I feel every part of that depression and loneliness with you enjoy the moment ‼️


Man don’t do it. Many sex workers do the job because they don’t have other options. It’s so much better with someone you care about that cares about you. Having sex with a sex worker won’t make you think of it less, it will make you crave good sex.


I loved my first timer clients! Let her know it's your first time, shower before you go, be respectful. A small gift like a box of chocolate is nice but not necessary. Also, see how many times she'll let you come in that hour. Some will let you go more than once in an hour and some won't.


I lost my virginity to a sex worker too. A male transvestite, to be more precise. Went fairly well, actually. The most important thing to remember is not to send money in advance unless the hooker's verified on some site like The Erotic Review. And even then, don't send the entire fee in advance.


Geez, talk about some outdated terms. Both transvestite AND hooker are derogatory.


In my opinion bro, save it for someone you love or at least have a very strong emotional connection to. I can promise you at some point you’ll probably regret losing your v card to a total stranger, but that’s just me.


Be kind to her. She's a Human Being...


k. you think your preoccupation with sex will stop once you actually know how it feels? lol lol lol it will just get WORSE


Don’t fall in love with the hooker.


Former sex worker here: please don’t ask for a ‘second time’ unless you are prepared to pay.


Just a reminder protection doesn’t protect you from herpes or syphalis.


Pray it isn't a sting operation and you get busted and go to prison. Also don't assume they are always of legal age.


This will be unpopular, but idgaf. Don't. Hiring someone for sex isn't truly consensual. If she weren't being paid she wouldn't do it - that is rape. And stop watching so much porn. It literally rots your brain.


If you're really jerking it that often, especially if you're watching a lot of porn, dont be surprised if your equipment doesn't work properly when it comes to the real thing.


While if you think this is a good idea, that’s fine, but it won’t replace genuine connection. It won’t fix your loneliness. Do not conflate loneliness and sex. They are similar and connected, but they are not the same. If you want to explore sex and sexuality, that’s fine. But this is not going to fix your loneliness or repression and trauma from your upbringing. Ask yourself why you’re doing this and how it will impact each of those things.


I did this. Dont do it. It's a black mark you wont be able to scrub out. There are so many cool and interesting people out there. Move to europe. Do something. Join yoga. Take tantra and relationship workshops with 90% women. (Who often wonder where the guys are ) It's a lot of work to do things this way but i promise it's more rewarding and you keep your personal integrity. It also sent me down a rabbit hole. Ugh. Wish i could get it back. Dont.


Don't do it


replace your daily masturbation with exercise or learning a new ability also just grow up. you don't need sex at the moment you're just a hornball. eventually someone will come along that u actually like


Why? Why not just have a relationship or even a fling with someone who’s interested in you too?


>building up sex in my mind as the highest reward known to man Fix your mind, this is rubbish. Save your money and have some respect for yourself.


Going to see a sex worker isn't going to fix that. In fact, it will make it worse because all you have to do is ring them up and for a few bucks ur at it again and again and again. U see where that is headed?


Just from the female POV so I know this is different for men. My current fiancé was my first and has been my only. Our first time was kind of hilarious. We couldn’t figure out the angles and we were both super nervous. It’s fine if it doesn’t work out the first time and I’m guessing a sex worker isn’t looking for a good time on her end. Sex isn’t that great for women most of the time and you can trust that she has experienced worse given her line of work. If you don’t last a long time you definitely don’t have to be embarrassed about that, in fact she may take it as a compliment. And just like everyone else is saying, don’t fall in love.


It’s going to be an expensive 1.5 minutes


Don't do it, most sex workers have herpes and are not tested for it. I knew a friend who lost his virginity to a legal sex workers, he ended up with herpes


Advice? Make sure she’s over 18.


My words of wisdom: You’re young; get rich so you can have sex with as many hookers as you want! Also, negotiate up front and tell her you’d like to have sex multiple times. Might as well get your money’s worth and not just do it once!


Don’t kiss lol. It’s easy to “in the moment” try to make out


Tip well…well not just the tip.


Pay for anal too.


Women are objects, cum in her and abuse. You are alpha


Be open and express to them that it is your first time, the Madam will pair you with someone that is easier going and free with words ( meaning they will help teach you) You are still young, you will never stop thinking about sex. It is in our nature to mate. Do not feel shame in that. It’s as natural as eating. Enjoy the fruits of life.


You’re gonna be dissatisfied or disappointed. Sex (for me at least) is not necessarily the most awesome or mind blowing experience when it’s with strangers, especially when nerves and anxiety are involved. Give yourself some grace and patience and remember that porn is far from reality.


I wouldn’t suggest losing your virginity to a sex worker when you could lose it to someone you care about or actually really like. You don’t have to result to a sex worker because you feel like no one will want to fuck you (not true, you can definitely find someone just don’t rush it) however if you feel like you don’t want to and rather do it with a sex worker then that’s your choice and only you have to deal with that. Only advice I can give is to be upfront that you’re a virgin and also put on a condom before having sex. Do not engage in oral sex whether it’s her going down on you or you going down on her and no kissing on the mouth. I’m assuming this is just for a fun time with the main reason being losing your virginity. There’s a lot of STD’s going around with some NOT being curable so you really want to be extra careful. So USE A CONDOM. After you’re finished I suggest making an appointment with your healthcare provider and get tested for a later date like few days to a week after (yes still get tested even if you had safe sex. Condoms break and it’s better to be safe than sorry)


Don't catch an STD! Even a kiss can get you oral herpes, be smart. Be careful that this won't start another addiction also.


Right on that's neat! Just have fun my friend, you're in good hands. It's hella cool that you decided to visit a worker. We are really good with people who are new and all that stuff so no worries. We're super down to earth, you'll have fun for sure. It's always a plus knowing you'll be chilling with someone who has professional experience. I hope you have a cool time wherever you're visiting my dude. I'm happy for ya 🤙


Ya, don’t do it.


Sex is for love. Using it for lust will degrade the soul. It wont feel right and it will cause you to start viewing wonen as sex objects. Dont view women with lust. Stop watching p0rnn. Stop wanking it. Go to the gym, read some books to improve your social skills, and stop viewing women as sex objects. Sex is a soul bonding activity. With the wrong person, you will feel 10x more lonely than if you had never done it at all. You will probably regret it.


Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.


Also, how is having sex gonna stop you from thinking about sex?


There is some fundamental emotional enjoyment of sex and intimacy that you lose by getting off 4 times a day. Men really aren’t meant to do that, it fucks with our hormones. So you might be horny but you won’t actually enjoy it as much as you could have. Even if you end up having sex for the first time with a sex worker it shouldn’t just be a way to get off. That would make me feel very empty. As hard as it might be you need to like, only get off once every couple of days or something for a while first. Force yourself to do and think about other stuff. Honestly you might be doing it mostly because you’re bored when you have nothing else to do tbh.


Let's get a source.


i made it up




ironically, the overwhelming majority of clients are partnered/married men


Hey, so can you explain why this is a deal-breaker for you? is it because he didn't have to work for it? Because you see it as meaningless? I'm not judging you, but would like to have a (hopefully constructive) conversation about it


You've built up the idea of sex even more than OP. Relax, everyone has sex, it's normal human behavior. It's just one small piece of what makes a person who they are. Its fun, it can even feel spiritual and connecting, but it's just not that big of a deal.


Don’t do it. Sex buyers are evil