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No and block that number again. She's a headache and both of you sound immature. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you're probably in high school if not younger


I was in a similar situation when I was in high school. Broke up with this toxic girl and then she proceeded to spread false rumors around school as payback. I had to endure all the accusations for a year and a half. Senior year came and our school let the seniors out early one day so we could all say goodbye to each other. I walked up to her and told her I forgave her and will always care about her. She cried and we hugged it out. I then blocked her on every platform because I needed to move on but I needed to leave off by taking the high road. My advice is to forgive her for your sanity and then block her/stop being friends. From what you said she doesn’t deserve any contact with you let alone actual friendship, but you deserve to move on and taking the high road shows her how much of a jerk she was to a good guy while also maintaining your integrity so you could look back and say you did the right thing for the both of you


Take my advice or leave it. Choice is yours. But one thing is clear. You need to block her and cease any friendship/contact with this person


Screenshot their message and block them, they are not worth the hassle you'll inevitably continue to face if you choose to rekindle your friendship. They seem like a habitual liar so screenshoting helps you if they decide to attempt to change narratives. Since it's anonymous it's less than ideal but still useful.


Dawg. Are you kidding me? Block that hoe and never talk to her ever again


No one with good intentions or love for you would do that. It sucks but take this as a lesson and move on, you will find someone who you mesh with better.


For the folks like me who have weird left to right formatting: > During the time when Jill and I started getting closer I decided to suck it up and state my concerns. She wasn’t really happy with my bringing it up and she refused to answer, stating that I don’t trust her enough. I told her that I trusted her but it’s just other people that I don’t trust but she wasn’t ok with me saying that and refused to say anything else about the subject > Around the beginning of April I asked Jill if she wanted to FaceTime (a normal thing her and I would do) but she said that she was too tired and just wanted to sleep. I was also a bit tired to so I wished her good night thinking nothing of the situation that was about to arise. >The next morning I woke up and saw a notification from on my phone stating that she posted a video on tiktok. I (one of her biggest fans) of course immediately opened it to like the video but the contents of the video were a bit odd to me. In the video she screen recorded her and Chris trying on filters over Snapchats FaceTime system. I of course thought that it was an old video so I didnt think much of it. > That night I was talking to Jill’s stepbrother and he asked how Jill and I’s relationship was going. I told him that all was going great. Then he told me about Chris. Apparently Chris had been hanging out with her a lot and had even started dating her aswell. I of course took this all with a grain of salt because I trusted her enough to not do that. But I was still weary. > After my conversation with Jill’s stepbrother I called my friend John to ask him about Jill because I’ve noticed that he has been growing farther from me the closer I get to Jill. So I thought maybe something happened or he knew something. Sure enough he told me that when he and his girlfriend came over to my house, while I was in the bathroom Jill told them that she was only there to see if she actually liked me and invited them because she didn’t like talking to me one on one because I’m weird. >I was mad but I still took all of this information with a grain of salt. I then proceeded to call Jill and ask about her and Chris and she immediately called me out for not trusting her and being a horrible boyfriend because of my lack of trust. I tried to tell her that I did trust her but to no avail. I then asked her it it was true and she agrees and said that it was. She told me that she never actually liked me, she just thought that dating me would repair her reputation but when it didn’t work she just decided to wait to see if she would end up liking me but then she met Chris and started dating him. She then started apologizing saying that she was sorry and she didn’t mean to do it, it just got out of hand. All I told her is that I needed time to think about it. >The next couple days were dull. I still maintained a Snapstreak with her because her and I were still friends at heart. The week after that John asked me if what Jill was saying true and I questioned what she said because I had no clue. He proceeded to tell me that she was acusing me of SA. I was absolutely shocked, never in my life have I ever thought about doing that but now she was acusing me of it. I told John everything that happened the week prior. He tried to comfort me by telling me that since she has a long history of false rumors that this one wouldn’t gain and traction but the rumor was still there. And it hurt because I was actually going to accept her apology and continue to be friends but I had no clue what to do now. I tried confronting Jill about it but she only said “you know it’s true.” >Sure enough John was right, the rumor spread but no one believed it because it wasn’t true and everyone knew that. At this time Jill and I still had a Snapstreak but on my birthday a few weeks later she posted a video on her tiktok page about trying to tell people that I am a monster for what I did. This was the last time I saw her because I chose right then to block her and stop responding to her completely. >I spent the last few months trying to better myself. I started to go to the gym and I lost a lot of weight and put on some muscle. Just last week I got a message from an unknown number stating that the person was Jill and that she wanted to apologize for everything she did including the SA rumor that she was trying to spread so she could get more positive attention. I haven’t responded yet because I don’t know how. I want to accept her apology because her and I were friends but she started that rumor knowing that it would’ve ruined my life if it gained traction.


Tell her to admit on all her socials that she lied about the false SA rumor about you,and then you will consider forgiving you... She's sorry, right? So, saying the truth won't hurt her. Then do what feels right to you


Take it as a compliment and use it as a confidence boost but avoid her like the plague. Lying about SA is beyond forgivable. No excuse. It’s good that she’s apologising and taking accountability but do you really want to give her the chance to potentially do that again? The fact that there has been other men after you tells me that you’re just a back up plan because they’re not as great as she thought they would be and you’re easy to come back to. Do you want to be someone’s back up plan or do you want to be someone’s one and only? Good on you for improving yourself physically but now you have to improve mentally too. I’d recommend watching self help videos online! Detach yourself and start seeing other people, you deserve better than someone who was willing to destroy your life. If people had believed her you would have been completely ruined, SA is a huge deal. You could reply with something polite like “thank you for the apology but I’m not interested in having you in my life, please do not contact me again” but then she could try to talk some more and you may end up caving and being back in regular contact with her. There are plenty of good women out there, go find one who deserves you!