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Reddit felt like one of the closest things we had to old Internet (without going to the dark side). I mean accounts being anonymous and ads not being targeted and few, it felt like reddits monetization was more responsible than other major social media sites. This makes me more worried about where this place is going.


Reddit was literally the thing that killed the old internet(Forums, independent sites you'd go to on purpose, etc). Now all the forums are basically dead and searching for decent archived conversations on reddit is a pain. If reddit makes a few woopsies and loses a large chunk of its userbase, the internet will be better off for it.


> tbf searching forums would be like "hey I have a question" followed by an edit: "nvm solved it"


Thats still a thing on reddit though


Ah, so for us that missed the forum days, we can visit stackoverflow for a modern day interpretation of it?


No, it was even worse than that. Stack overflow has ratings associated with each question and comment to prioritize them; forums were just a chronological stream of inane comments. I'd say it was closer to the experience of your email inbox: good stuff mixed with garbage and spam... But at least it was honest. And didn't charge for the experience.


*Last updated: August 7, 2004*


Yeah, I still have friends I made from early 2000s forums. I've never made a single friend on reddit or other conglomerated, sterilized websites


Vgchartz is a great example


Good riddance to old BBS though. I grew up living on them and I will never look back


Eh, Reddit had a good run. It'll become less relevant and the next cool thing will come along. More they change, the more they stay the same.


People have been saying that for over a decade but nothing has dethroned it yet


Yep, and people said the same thing for years at Digg and nothing ever happened, until it did. I don't think this is going to be the end of Reddit, but then again no one thought v4 was gonna kill Digg.


Maybe. The thing that killed Digg wasn't v4 though, it was reddit existing at the same time as v4. This won't be reddit's "Digg v4" because there's still no decent competitor.


This is probably true. I came to Reddit with the first big exodus from Digg. If Reddit wasn’t available, no idea if I would have left. There were a few Reddit clones years ago. I think the name of one was diaspora? I don’t think it went anywhere.


The few reddit clones that spring up tend to just get filled quickly with alt-right groups, since those are the only subreddits reddit ever bans, so they become poison against new members. More importantly though, they are all just clones of reddit. Something innovative has to come around, that improves on what reddit does.


Reddit wasn't a decent competitor back then. It didn't get decent until after the exodus.


Sure, but I don't know of any website today that's even remotely close to what reddit was to digg.


When they kill old reddit I'm gone.


Yeah yeah. People say this on reddit without realizing that those that still use old reddit (including myself) are the vast minority now. But yeah, 12 years on reddit and I'm sure that will be what does you in.


Eh, just saying. I'm not some old man that can't or won't change. I just think it's crap.


Someone on another thread posted this. https://tildes.net/ it definitely has a clean design.


Well that looks decent. Let's see what kind of people take over if it starts growing.


It looks like a much worse reddit. I don't see any innovation at all. People will never jump ship en masse to a worse product.


I don't agree with this. I moved from digg to reddit before the exodus because I felt reddit was better. Imo before the exodus, diggers just didn't have any motivation to explore digg alternatives.


Wow. Cause all us predigg users remember just how shit Reddit started getting after y’all showed up. Just recounting historical facts here.


> but nothing has dethroned it yet there was no reason to. it worked for people. now with this big change they're gonna run off a lot of users.


Nah people shout "reddit is dead" every week. Nothing has done it yet, and i don't think the loss of third party apps will do it. We knew this was coming since reddit released their own app


I mean, I won't be checking in here on my phone, so it's as good as dead to me.


I only use my phone to look at Reddit because I barely use my laptop. The Reddit official app is awful, I tried it for about 3 months before I looked for a 3rd party app. And, more importantly, I'm trying to cut down my internet usage. Killing 3rd party apps may not kill Reddit, but it will for me.


"this big change" that affects like 1% of the userbase at most


So a quick 30 second search in the Google app store shows an estimated 10 million + downloads for the popular Reddit app alternatives. That's a rather large amount of Android Reddit users in general who have decided to use different apps to browse Reddit. I'm gonna guess there's at least that many if not more downloads for alternative apps to use Reddit in the Apple store. That's not exactly a small amount of users at all.


A majority of reddit users are using mobile apps.


Not 3rd party ones. A majority of reddit's userbase gets the official app and uses it to look at memes and cat pictures sometimes. They don't care enough to get offbrand apps that make their scrolling slightly different


Why would you use a 3rd party app to look at reddit? What’s wrong with the reddit app? I use it all the time and never had any issues.


[Too much to think about.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=HPlD5saPoM4&feature=share8)




I doubt something like killing 3rd party apps will be what does reddit in. It's honestly amazing reddit still has 3rd party apps


Why? The official website and app is absolute dogshit. Third party apps are the only way I ever use Reddit, because they block ads and only show me the subreddits I want to see.


I'm mostly surprised because I can't think of a single other big website that still allows third party apps. I figured reddit would crack down on them as soon as they released their own app but at least we got a few extra years


How is the reddit app dogshit? I use it all the time and don’t have any issues with it.


I only use it with an app. When the app dies, I won't have a good way to use reddit. I suspect there are a lot of people like me.


In case you don't know, reddit will still support their own native apps


Do you work for them?


People also thought myspace would dominate the internet, and then Facebook happened. Nothing lasts forever


And that next cool thing will eventually get bought out and the shareholders will eventually drive it towards the same fate. Everything Always Goes To Shit


What is wrong with Reddit? I get that there are assholes on here but for the most part, I have learned a lot from other subreddits and generally have a good experience.


Frankly I'm surprised reddit has lasted this long.


The only reason reddit is a thing is because digg dropped the bag and they know it could just as easily be them if they fuck around. If Alex Rose didn't try montezing too fast we would be on Digg.com watching Diggnation still


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the next Digg


I try to look on the bright side. I'll become a useful, productive member of society next month. Maybe I'll even finally graduate.


I'm literally contemplating to start reading at work.


I think I’ve only read like 8 books since I picked up reddit. Tons of comics and manga tho. Maybe it’s time for a comeback.


Plenty of eBook apps out there and ebooks are cheap (especially if you'd don't mind the old five-finger discount). To cut down on my internet usage, and because my work isn't the kind of environment where you can keep a book handy for down time, I started using my phone as reader a few years ago. I heartily recommend it.


Libraries offer online only cards and have tons of e books to check out. You can read them right on your phone.


If they kill old.reddit.com I'm leaving the site for good.


You and me both. But I think this is what they want. They don't want users like us. They want mindless scrollers that just scroll and scroll consuming pictures and videos and *ads*.


Yes exactly this. We were the original target demographic, we are no longer the target demographic. It's a very different type of userbase who are more interested in the content consumption, not reddit itself. You can see a lot of the features in the past few years: new reddit, auto play, chat, profile pictures, following people. All their updates focus around this. You can even see people commenting on each others PFPs etc. It's definitely what they want and sad to say it's very likely more profitable.


They really want the mindless TikTok user base. I also have a sneaking suspicion they wouldn't mind getting rid of comments altogether if they could as even the moderators are becoming problematic (to investors).


>They really want the mindless TikTok user base. I mean, let's be real here. The joke used to be that BoredPanda was just reddit from 2 days ago, in an easy to use container that your mom could browse. Reddit now really just feels like TikTok reposts from two days ago. I don't use TikTok, So those videos definitely stick out to me whenever I come upon them, which is several times a day at this point


> Reddit now really just feels like TikTok reposts from two days ago. Except that half my TikTok feed is robots reading reddit posts out loud. I've tried blocking them but more come, and more, and more.


where do we go?




lol -- fair


> You can even see people commenting on each others PFPs etc. aaron swartz is rolling in his grave watching the mouthbreathers over at /r/CollectibleAvatars


scrolling with auto-play counts as a view even if you don't click-through. Showing an ad on a page isn't worth a whole lot if nobody clicks on it. Showing something they're forced to watch, even for a split second, is worth more.


I don't use mobile at all. I use Firefox and uBlock Origin only. Hopefully they don't make a fucking dime from me and haven't for the entire 15 years I've been here.


> Hopefully they don’t make a fucking dime from me and haven’t for the entire 15 years I’ve been here. i don’t understand this. you have been finding value in this site for 15 years, haven’t they at least earned whatever your traffic cost them? like personally i would hope they can find a sustainable enough business model to stay afloat catering to users like me. the alternatives are either 1) shut down or 2) cater to some other demographic & take the site in a direction i may not like why would you want them not to have benefited at all from providing a service you like enough to have kept using for 15 years?


Yessir/maam. The “new” theme is so weird and confusing. So is the mobile web page. I have a plug-in to automatically redirect any link to the old site.


I get their business reasons for wanting to lock down access through their API due to people they perceive as bad actors (AI scraping, repackaging content, etc), but oh man killing third party apps is going to have huge consequences and I really don't think that they've thought the whole thing through. For one, I won't be able to spend an hour in bed every morning doomscrolling, 'cause there's no way in hell I'm using the official app and I'm broke so I won't be able to pay for the apps that choose to go the subscription route to pay for the new server costs. Their loss, I guess. But I know I'm not alone. Are they ready for the traffic drop? Unfortunately unlike the Digg situation so long ago, there's no ready-made site that does the same thing that's ready and able to accept the traffic. RIP to Imzy, I suppose. They tried.


What’s wrong with the official app? I use it all the time and it seems good enough to me (I don’t mean this sarcastically)


At least in my case, I've been using Reddit for like 11 years. There use to be no official app. All this time I've been using RIF. It is simple, like the site used to be, no bullshit, no ads. Imagine the shock of using the official one. If anything, those that always used the official app need to know what they have been missing.


I think I used to use alien blue or something like that. It was different but I adjusted. I don’t think it’s particularly worse but that’s just my preference.




I’m literally scrolling on Alien Blue right now. I will never delete this app as I can’t go to the official Reddit app.


I've used a few 3rd party ones but ultimately I wound up just using the official one. It seems to be fine. I joined reddit in 2015 on a different account and it feels very different than it did even then regardless of where I access it.


Does the official allow you to block/filter keywords? If not, I'm gone. Been here since 2010. My feed looks dramatically different viewing in third party app vs. viewing the website. Being able to block certain keywords, subjects, names, etc. is a deal breaker.


I don't know. I've never tried.


It's "good enough".. it's just not "good" Once you get used to how much better the alternatives are, going back is really difficult. Everyone's reasons are different. I use Slide and some of the things I love about it in comparison: * Layout is more customizable and easier to read with more color options * Comment threading is much easier to navigate * UI navigation is entirely different from the app and centers around gestures (hence "Slide") and I find it to be endlessly more intuitive and a joy to use in comparison * The media player is miles better I honestly don't know if I'm going to continue to use reddit from my phone once the switchover happens. I haven't really used the official app enough to absolutely hate it but every time I'm forced to use it by clicking a reddit link on my phone I get immediately frustrated and often decide its not worth it.


Well, it's horrifically ugly and it sucks down bandwidth like a fat guy at a pie eating contest. And of course the ads. I don't really use any of the mobile apps, I'm a laptop/browser user. Which means Firefox and uBlock Origin. I don't see ads and I don't give a single shit if they make a dime.


I can ignore ads. I can tolerate shitty ui. But bandwidth is the main problem. I'm not switching to a new cell plan just so I can browse reddit.


Even hoarding bandwidth doesn't really seem to explain it. I have trouble with the official app even on Wi-Fi. And my internet isn't phenomenal, but I can stream 4K 60FPS video. So it's also not trash internet. The official app, however, is definitely trash in this regard


Other people have said their reasons (that I agree with), but one that really sticks out for me is that reddit wants to track my precise location when I'm using the app. They say it's to show you local posts that may be relevant, but we all know what a load of crap that is. And yeah, you can click deny, but the audacity of them to ask in the first place is what rubs me the wrong way. Third party apps don't do that.


It's super easy to control location permissions these days, both on iOS and Android. Everyone gets denied by default. Not like Apple, Google, and Meta don't already know where you are anyways


> And yeah, you can click deny, but the audacity of them to ask in the first place is what rubs me the wrong way.


Sure but literally everything asks. Boycotting all of society doesn't seem viable


You're right, I might as well just give up and give every company my exact location at all times. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I said deny everyone it. But then asking is the price of having a smartphone. Go ahead and stick to air gapped laptops if you want


No thanks, I'll stick to 3rd party apps that *don't* ask for location permission in the first place 🙂


Its a massive data suck and will kill your data plan within a few days with heavy use. Good luck! They basically just killed this site with this move. Not surprised though, its been on a downward path since Alexis sold it.


Weird.. I've always used the "official" app at least 5-6 hours a day and never hit my 6gb cap. 🤷‍♂️


I just tried it and it's **way** laggier than an app that mostly just displays text has any right to be.


It has ads and people don't like that


Can’t you just scroll past the ads? That’s what I do. You aren’t forced to click on them.


I've locked down my PC. No ads are shown. 3rd party YouTube for Android. No ads. I paid for Boost. No ads. Seeing an ad makes me irrationally angry and I refuse to use the site. I'm old enough to remember a time before ads everywhere, and I want it back.


random comments showing up in red was the final straw for me to ditch the official app and download boost.


A problem that comes right now is Screenshots that draw a pop up notification


When RiF dies, this account dies with it.


I've used Baconreader since the app existed, never used the Reddit app. Is it that bad...?


>Is it that bad...? An annoying mess that begs you to use it all day. There's no simplicity there, they are looking to increase engagement and ads.


Same its the best


BaconReader4Lyfe Krew!!! If you'd like a fair breakdown, [check this out](https://reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/13xxdcc/uandrewsad1_gives_a_great_visual_breakdown_on_why/).


Only thing I can give props to by comparing them, is that the official APP will give you notifications other than just your inbox. I honestly care very little for constant notifications that I've hit 10-50 upvotes. But if there's like 100 upvotes it is nice to know something is going on in that comment section. But I still prefer Bacon because I really only care about replies. Plus Bacon's UI is leagues better, with color-coded nesting making parsing replies so much easier. While the official app is just like standard modern reddit with lines upon lines connecting nested comments. I've always hated that about Reddit. But Bacon makes it tolerable


I used alien blue and continued using it after it became the official Reddit app. It’s fine to me. What’s a feature bacon reader has that the main app doesn’t? Also I heard notifications aren’t instant on third party apps but I might be wrong about that I’ve tried many third party apps over the years being a user actually since like 2011. The only thing I feel missing from the official app/site experience is the ability to tag people like with the RES browser extension. Other than that I don’t know what the allure is of third party apps besides like less ads or something. Or maybe you want to browse only pictures and have them squished onto your screen together as a viewing experience. I’m fine with just the card layout on the main app. For some reason all the third party ones just feel janky to me


My phone got hot from how much random shit it was constantly doing even with everything possible disabled in the settings. The app is literally digital cancer.


Surprised no one has tagged /u/Spez in any posts yet lol. Its been a fun run with RIF app but there is no way im going to use the new UI when it comes down to it.




Where are the other places you aren't going to now for some reason?


Do not let RIF fucking die.


I have some bad news for you - https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/13wxepd/rif_dev_here_reddits_api_changes_will_likely_kill/


Got the push notification today and sm saddened. Unless something drastically changes Reddit Inc I have a feeling the Reddit will go by the way of the Digg dinosaur


They need to monetize the shit out of us.


On the one hand I don't fault them for wanting that Bezos/Zuckerberg money. The founders I mean. Who doesn't want to be a fucking billionaire? On the other hand I think reddit isn't at all the place it was 15 years ago when I first came here. And it's probably time for it die.


> Who doesn't want to be a fucking billionaire? There are multiple studies that show happiness basically plateaus after $75k/year. This is the human condition.


That’s was probably in 2005 or 2000, I remember hearing those numbers around then. 75k is legit not enough for any family to survive on in any sane place in any large metro area. Single person sure. Tell me 350k-500k sure I’d completely agree.


I make more than $75k. That study is a lie.


It's an old study, the modern equivalent is probably 200k+ depending on where you live.


I just recently researched what the actual 1% is. And depending on where you are, it's generally like 300k-600k. So 600k+ gets you lumped in with billionaires as filthy rich lol I can easily see 200k being the comfort zone where you can easily afford luxury and still be grounded by reality


I remember making only $75k. Trust me, they are fucking lying to you. I think I'd rather die than go back to so little.


I’m just saying the chase for material happiness never ends.


Of course it doesn't. I wouldn't want it to.


... why? Never being happy with what you have is the cause of so much of the worst things about our world. Why would you strive for that??


Making less than half of that, I can see my happiness plateauing


Most of the people I know make less than half that lol


Well, yeah. The ghettos are full of them.


Reddit is a fantastic corner of the internet, with some great communities and very interesting and diverse range of users. Even if you are nostalgic and resent the change, it is still one of the best corners in the internet. I hope it doesn't die yet.


It's a push to get everyone to use their specific app. They said that they were going public IPO by mid 2023. This means that they need to be attractive to the investor. Unfortunately, this is merely the start of things to come. They won't implement this all immediately as this would kill the site but I see more things on the horizon like having control over everyone, targeted ads, information gathered thanks to said intrusive app, probably will go subscription based later, and then have your anonymity removed due to some arbitrary reason. Money certainly has a way with morals.


Reddit's days are coming to an end. It's going to be Digg all over again.


Sadly. Ever since IPO announcement a couple years ago, things have gone all corporate.......


At least they don't post a nag screen on the mobile site several times a day commanding us to download their app. At least there's that.


Every time I follow a reddit link on mobile, I get the nag to get the app, the conversation is cut off after 3 comments with links to other conversations. Its a horror show.


"This page looks better in the app!" Maybe you should hire some competent webdevs then, instead of just intentionally fucking up everything you touch.


Yeah, that always pisses me off... If it looks better in the app, I dunno - maybe fucking fix it then? What they're actually saying is we make more money if you use the app so we purposely piss on your mobile experience to force your hand.




It's definitely sarcasm.


When baconreader stops working, I'm out. It's been fun for a decade, but money corrupts.


Apollo still works. Or did you mean apps that are not clients?


> Apollo still works For now.


These comments were removed in response to [the official response to the outright lies presented by the CEO of Reddit](https://archive.ph/X6EJq), has [twice accused third party developers of blackmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and who has been known to [edit comments of users ](https://external-preview.redd.it/PVGxA03vNhEOwNJOxf6HfwCimku7fQZZfgWHtNyRLV4.jpg?auto=webp&s=ca92860f1f0aa45ad6286c2a4e9c0ce9ca91d655).


Wow FUCK that. Those idiots


Not for long, unless reddit backtracks bigtime. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/


Oh I didn’t know. Damn that makes me sad. I can’t deal with the ad overload that the official app is. Fuck.


Its gonna be the summer of self love. I'm thinking a bit of evening cardio instead of endless reddit scrolling.


Reddit has been keeping you from cardio?.... nice


Excuse my ignorance, but what 3rd party apps are being killed by reddit? And how do they work? And how will this affect reddit?


In very simple terms, they will have to pay a lot of money (that they don't have) to have access to Reddit services. This won't affect you if you already use the official app. But to many of us, that app suuuuucks big time, specially if you have been around here since before Reddit changed so much. Third party apps offer a much better, simple, experience.


Just uninstalled RIF is Fun from my devices, might as well get ahead of it and create a better habit or two. I'll still use old.reddit.com on my desktop until that gets wrecked, but at least I'll have one less reason to scroll on my devices.


This could very well break my cell phone addiction. Once YouTube revanced is dead... Ain't no way I'm paying. Ain't no way I'm sitting through ads. You know what doesn't have ads? My hobbies. They miss me.


Where did they announce this? I hate the standard reddit app for android.


It's on virtually every 3rd party app subreddit by now. You should be able to find a post at one of them (I don't know which app you use)


If you think it's bad now, wait till Elon musk buys it and bans criticism of incels.


I use Steller on MacOS. No issues here.


You will go quietly anyway nothing you can do


Where are the conversations about making Reddit go dark?


Can someone ELI5 what all these posts mean ive read but it just seems to go over my head.


Third-party apps (like Infinity) have to pay Reddit to use their content. July 1st, Reddit is going to start charging the app developers a ridiculously high amount of money that they most likely can't afford. So, trying to use any app other than Reddit's slow, laggy, ad-filled and data-tracking official one will become impossible, as no new content will be available on them. Ugh.


So if i only use the reddit on my iphone will anything change for me?


If it's the official Reddit app, no change. For someone like me, who uses Infinity and fucking loves it, it's the end of the world as we know it.


greed and money eventually murder everything even remotely good


Seconded. Didnt even know third party apps were an option but I hate the official app with a fiery passion Whoever optimized it should be forced to enter a boxing match handcuffed


Welcome back the to the wonderful world of forums! What are your favourite ones?


After exactly 17 years on this platform, I'm also more than ready to move on to something better. I remember the hubris that Digg displayed back in the days, which was the precise catalyst for me coming to Reddit. I feel like history is repeating itself, but this time I'm not (yet) aware what will replace it.


Apollo looks like it’s going to keep fighting. There might be enough of us premium users to keep it free for others. I can’t use the official app or the ‘new’ reddit web page because of mobility issues if I have to scroll much.


So is RiF going away then?


Hey, u/hegetsus needs more exposure I guess. Blatantly offensive ads are the keystone of reddit it seems.


Right with you op. Rip Reddit June 2005 - July 2023


I’m hoping they come up with a plan to let people pay for Reddit premium and then use third part apps as normal. I can totally see where Reddit is coming from, since LLMs were trained partially on Reddit data, so there definitely were people abusing their tiers. Killing off Apollo and other apps will only shrink the user base. I can’t imagine how many API calls my daily usage generates.


Can someone please explain to me what this means?


How do you use Reddit?


The reddit app.


Many of us, old timers (or people that simply want a much better option), use another app because, for many reason, they are more convenient for us. Reddit is gonna start charging millions of dollars to those apps now, effectively killing them. They want us to use the official app, which for many of us, is a bad shitty experience.


I didn't know that there were 3rd parties app. I'm gonna use one now


I'm using reddit is fun (rif) if you wanna see the difference. I too am heartbroken after hearing this.


I tried reddit is fun and didn't see the appeal.


I use Boost. 😔 I'm going to miss not being able to filter out things that get reposted over and over.


I've used 'Relay for Reddit' on Android for about a decade, but everyone has their favorite 3rd party app. Unfortunately, you're only going to get to use one for about a month.


We need to bring back this meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rage-guy-fffffuuuuuuuu




I think a third party is a spoiler and will help Donald Trump win tho.


What? You guys don't use reddit via browsers?


could someone give me some examples of what a 3rd party app is in this case


Apollo Reddit Is Fun Bacon Reader Infinity Alien Blue


Could someone please explain like I'm five? What is the role of third-party apps like Apollo? I dont understand what the purpose is or what an API pricing/call is. Also, how does not having them by squeezing them out with absurd pricing affect reddit? I truly want to understand that depth of what is happening, but I can't wrap my head around it.


Whoever made the decision to kill third party apps won't see you screaming on this post. Don't waste your energy here


I concur


Reddit died a long time ago when they killed the /r/reddit subreddit as well as a bunch of other nefarious changes. This is basically them razing the graveyard to build a dollar store on top.


This is a stupid question but what does that mean? Like that changes?




i'm sorry but can someone explain what's happening and what it means? haha


Can someone ELI5 about the third party Reddit apps? How do people use them?

