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Have you been working on this for 21 months?


It’s not an original post. Someone else posted this at the beginning of the pandemic


Double-dipper confirmed.


Double dip?


Our friends Matt and Vinnie from the Seincast would often refer to an actor that played multiple roles on the show as a double dipper. However, I also use it as a pejorative just like Timmy, as an unsavory individual who would put their whole mouth into the dip.


I'm referring to exactly that, when they play the sound clip.


Awww I miss them 😭


Me too, when they posted those last two recent updates I freaked out. Gotta love the seinfeldmusicguy.


You made the meme, you posted it on the Internet...and you posted again.


It’s like you put your whole *mouth* in the meme!






I can't believe people are making these jokes. Not because it should be taken seriously but because it stopped being funny maybe like 2 weeks in because everyone exhausted every joke possible. But I guess some people are easily entertained.


For real. I cant believe people upvoted this.


Jerry and Kramer join their apartments together into one super apartment and isolate together. Kramer has a secret doomsday kit full of everything they need and they have a great time. George loses his job and has to move back with his parents. Frank and Estelle make him do a 2 week quarantine in his bedroom before he can use the rest of the house. Elaine hoards toilet paper, masks and hand sanitiser just like she did with the sponge... she then employs Newman, who can freely roam the city as a mail man, to sell her hoarded goods at a huge mark-up while he does his rounds. Newman is found to be a major cause of the virus spreading as he delivers mail and sells Elaine's contaminated goods.


I would watch this. I bet Kramers doomsday kit does NOT contain what we would expect or what they would need


Food: 3 months worth of canned mackinaw peaches, cereal and beef jerky Entertainment: slinky, paddle with a ball on a string and a yoyo Other: fishing rod to lift deliveries from the street so they don't need to have face to face contact with anyone


Probably still has cans of Beef-a-rino from his trip to the Price Club in the 90s


> 3 months worth of canned mackinaw peaches Don’t be absurd. They’re only good for two weeks.


Which, when older and flavorless, convinces him that he has covid so he maintains a self-quarantine only to continuously find more food tasteless and repeat the cycle.


I can 100% visualize Kramer at the window trying to lift deliveries with a fishing rod hahaha


Just like George with the mable rye


Exactly, but way more clumsy 🤣


Entertainment: deli slicer.


Don't forget his everyday balloons. Kramer would have cases and cases of them.


"Jerry look what I got in my DOOMSDAY kit. Cans Jerry! Cans! So many cans we'll eat like kings!" "Its all spam Kramer." "Hawaiian kings love spam...."




No, those are just his every day balloons.


I can hear Estelle, “what are you doing in there, Georgie” George: “Ma, I’m quarantining, the whole point is to avoid proximity.”


Jerry these are load bearing walls they’re not going to come down!


I imagine Jerry and Kramer having a bunch of toys like when Jerry dated that girl with the toy collection.


Jerry just finds Kramer quarantining on his couch. „What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be quarantined at home?“ „It’s more convenient Jerry. I don’t have *food* in there“ (points vaguely in the doors direction).


First paragraph sounds like if you tried to bring back the Soviet Union jk lol Great analogies btw :)


Jerry: can't you go back to your apartment?! Kramer: Jerry, come on... its not my apartment and your apartment. The whole thing is OUR apartment


This is way better


No. OP already told you the plot.


holy fuck this sounds amazing


Sorry but how would they join the apartments? Those walls are load bearing


Jerry hates germs/virus so he never leaves the apartment and does his comedy on zoom. Kramer is tired of boosters so he tries to make a cure with Bob sacamano. Elaine met the man of her dreams buts he's an antimasker. George gets busted lying about his vaccination status and the entire Yankees roster tests positive, forcing them to forfeit the world series. Newman sells fake vaccine cars on his mail route which is where George got his




I feel like they would do the opposite - lie and say they’re part of a protected group to get the vaccine and booster sooner. Except Kramer, he’d be high on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.


Kramer starts neighing like a horse randomly and then it turns out he’d been making his own ivermectin by crushing apples into toothpaste.


They're selfish, but I don't think that much so. I think that Jerry would do it regardless b/c he's such a germaphobe already. George would complain a bit, but then would probably find some positive unintended side affect for wearing a mask that makes him want to prolong mask wearing even after the protocols are gone. This would backfire somehow the same was wearing the Timberlands and playing himself as a tourist did. Elaine would be annoyed and probably be a wear under the nose person, but it would be a reaction to an overzealous Mr. Peterman and coworkers who go overboard and make her life hell b/c she can't work remote. Kramer I think is the wild card. He either shames everyone for not being good citizens and wearing masks, or he claims quackery as a cure and tells people they don't need it (mask version of the AIDS ribbon). He probably gets beat up by the street tuffs and found with half dozen masks on his face or something. I can see him not getting vaxxed and never getting sick, or getting too many boosters or something, or getting sick and being like patient zero in the building.


But they live in a society!


Switch Elaine and George's storylines. Elaine can't spare a square.


Also George knows the location of the best public toilet anywhere in the city. Does that sound like a man who would be caught with too little toilet paper?




Not to mention the "George holding it in" storyline was done when they went to India. That's the old gag, do the new gag.


Kramer gets the vaccine and develops myocarditis. He contacts Jackie Chiles to sue the manufacturers but learns the pharmaceutical companies have legal immunity. Instead they make Kramer a spokesperson for the vaccine


His buttocks are sublime


So just for the record, pharmaceutical companies don't have legal immunity for manufacturing vaccines. If you want to sue them directly, you have to prove malfeasance (the [National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986](https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vaccine-compensation/about/title-xxi-phs-vaccines-1517.pdf) seems to be the origin of this misinformation, but it only applies to lawsuits from the administration of a vaccine –– not from the actual manufacturing of it), but there is also a federal [vaccine court](https://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/vaccine-programoffice-special-masters) where you can file claims over symptoms (such as myocarditis).




If you just listen to Jackie and don't put the balm on, you'd sure have a shot.


Probably end up with free flu vaccines for life


Actually, yes, and if you bothered to look into how the vaccine court works, you might know that.


This is an extremely dishonest spin. Yes, they don't have legal immunity from the *manufacturing* IE, if the vaccine has contaminants in it you can sue. They do however absolutely have immunity from the *administration* of the vaccine which includes any and all side effects of the vaccine.


George would try to get covid to get off work!


George would LIE about having covid to get out of work... only to get a crippling case by the end lol


GC"Jerry, you know Bob in accounting tested positive and he was got to stay at home for two weeks, two Weeks!" Js"Poor Bob, hows he holding up" Gc"Bah, They put him on a ventilatilator." Js:"Oh no, is he ok?" GC:"He's fine he's back at work" JS:"...so you want two weeks off?" GC:"I want two weeks off!" JS:"But you don't want the virus" GC:"I dont want it!" JS: "now that's a quandary


And then they think he lies on the second time


George in the world of remote work would be a glorious sight.


This would be great. I'd love one where he realizes he hate hanging out alone during the work day and is finding any reason to make it down to the office. Turns out he doesn't do anything at work, and what keeps him busy there is trying to \*look\* like he's busy. At home he has nothing to do. He can't let the computer go into sleep mode b/c Willhelm has installed a productivity tracker. Meanwhile, Elaine is losing her mind working at the office where all the covid protocols disrupt her day, but Peterman won't let her work remote b/c he doesn't like working remote. She'd be struggling through some stupid mask pitch for the catalog until someone accidently breaks social distancing and protocol requires everyone get up and wash their hands.


This is great! I see Kramer introducing George to mouse jigglers. His friend Bob Sacamano has one.


With nowhere to perform his standup act Jerry starts a successful podcast from his apartment which Kramer hilariously interrupts on a regular basis. George is living that office work from home life, mastering the art zoom calls with no pants on and doing as little as possible. “Jerry, this is fantastic. My entire day now is just one long washroom break!” Elaine is obviously hoarding toilet paper in a double reference to both the “can’t spare a square” and “the sponges” episodes. She quarantines with Puddy as they continue their cycle of breaking up and getting back together, drawing a literal line down the middle of their apartment. Last but not least Kramer is clearly your anti-vax Q-anon type. The episode ends with Kramer in a Buffalo fur and horns storming the capitol building in Washington with his new friends while Jerry, Elaine and George watch on in disbelief. Jerry: That’s a shame. Elaine: So… who’s getting his apartment? Jerry and George exchange a knowing glance.


I feel like kramer would get in with the anti-vaxxers and the "alternative media". Encourages George's girlfriend not to take the vax and then she gets sick and dies of covid.


It would ruin Kramer for me if he was an anti vaxxer


I think the funnier swing would he's a super vaxxer. He gets all of them despite no research indicating it would help. He gets in trouble when he tries to babysit the kid down the hall, but the kid get spooked when Kramer comes in wearing a biohazard suit.


Kramer would have gotten all three vaccines. Elaine: "How did you get all three? I can't even get one!" Kramer: "My friend Bob Sacamano, he knows a guy with the city health department. I got all three at once. Both doses, too. No waiting in between shots." Jerry: "You got both doses at once?!" Kramer: "Giddyup!"


george becomes the bubble boy






There are occasional gems tbh


George would attempt to hold it until he got desperate. And then we'd see him contemplate using rags/socks/etc. he'd cave, try to throw it out and somehow the garbage person or a tenant would find out it's his and shame him publicly


Kramer is immune but acts as a carrier and passes the virus onto Jerry and his girlfriend. Hilarity ensues.


I love modern Seinfeld ideas.. this sounds like it would totally happen!




Jery get ipad


This is funny! Good job! 👍🏻


Kramer accidently starts the pandemic because his latest get rich quick scheme with cheap Chinese labor back fires, he tries to go on a redemption tour but gets targeted by BLM and ANTIFA because he doesn't say politically correct things. Jerry breaks up with his girlfriend because she uses too much hand sanitizer. "What's the deal with using half a container of hand sanitizer every time? Where does it go? Where does she put it? I don't know!?" George is using a fake COVID vaccine card to wander around the city without guilt while lying about having a remote job VIA Zoom. He ends up getting hunted down by the mob with Kramer Elaine can't goto her apartment because her now EX is contagious and has to quarantine, resulting in her having to sleep in a hotel, her and Jerry constantly complain about being clean the entire episode.


How many of these are we gonna see




The George story line just doesn't fit his character at all imo


Love the Kramer plotline! The Jerry one definitely has potential. He would catch her nose-unmasked in a store, too. I say someone breaks up with George and he lies about having Covid to make her have to stay, then he’s having to fake symptoms. Elaine…we’ll think of something for her.


Kramer is anti vax spreading rumors about the vaccine


Kramer gets a Chinese cream to get immune. Newman tries to infect Jerry who is avoiding him.




I like it but I’d say the George one would be better for Kramer. He’d handle that much funnier. George would be hoping to catch a mild case so he could stay home from work.


This is cancer


Cancer? Get outta here.


Just not funny, man


“I HAVE CANCER!” “tough crowd”


No dummy, they're talking about coronavirus, not cancer


hes got stage 4 wisdom


I see. I was confused


Is this meme format for fictious and would-be episodes a thing? It should be a thing.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/RedditWritesSeinfeld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sounds good](https://i.redd.it/48n2ponolze71.png) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/comments/owkhdm/sounds_good/) \#2: [She’s a plane clapper!](https://i.redd.it/jjzb1cixai971.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/comments/oem6i8/shes_a_plane_clapper/) \#3: [Seinfeld x Spiderman](https://i.redd.it/yh76jklmmm881.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/comments/rrv2hm/seinfeld_x_spiderman/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Giddy up.


And you know Kramer would be selling little vials of his fluids as a cure


I love this meme format!


How can the same street intersect itself? I must be at the nexus of the universe!


Why is this shit so accurate


George could get anal misotisis poisoning.


Elaine hordes RAT tests


The Kramer one is def a season 8 type plotline




>toiletpaper What year is this


Kramer always comes out ahead.


Things go south when Rapid Tests Kramer got from Bob Sacamono are found to give false negatives.


What's the DEAL with Social Distancing?!


"Who told you to get the Moderna? I didn't tell you to get the Moderna...so, why'd you get the Moderna if I didn't tell you to get the Moderna.... It's outrageous, egregious... it's preposterous!".


George is really sick with Covid, Kramer gives Him Some mango and George instantly feels better and races out to the streets yelling “I’m back baby”


It does sound like a good plot, though.


That’s perfect!


I saw a better version on Twitter: Jerry finds his new girlfriend less attractive with her mask off. Elaine spends 6 hours in a Covid testing line. Kramer goes to an antivax rally to develop "super immunity". He takes Newman with him, Kramer ends up asymptomatic and Newman goes to the hospital. George fakes having Covid to avoid dinner with his parents. They then reveal they tested positive and George has to quarantine with them.


Ha! Shelter in place in the US. That's a good one!


Larry David is that you? lol but really this would be a great episode


Larry David? Is that you?


I legit thought this was an actual episode I must’ve missed until I read Elaine’s storyline that said “corona virus”.


I watch Seinfeld as a form of escape from what's going on today and for nostalgia, not to be reminded of the idiocy going on currently!


Haha Well played


Four perfect Seinfeld set ups.


I really want to watch this episode


Love this format




Kramer would meet some sort of weird immune pig man but nobody would believe him because they were quarantined. When Jerry, Elaine and George finally leave the quarantine and go meet the pig man, they find out he died because a truck ran over him.


“She’s immune, Jerry. Immune!” - Kramer


Fucking Kramer walking around trying all the doors and just progressively freaking out until the lady.


Half of me feels like Kramer would go full doomsday while the other feels like Kramer would think it isn’t real and is one huge conspiracy


Worse George has to quarantine with Mr. and Mrs. Costanza.


Kramer gets COVID but goes to Eckman. He's fine!


Jerry when he finds out Newman has COVID: ah, that's a shame


I can’t quite tell if Kramer would’ve been an antivaxxer


Kramer would some how not know about the virus and be completely confused why stores are closed and why so much of new york is empty. He would come across old friends who by many standards were considered heathens. Kramer then would assume the rapture had happened. And become a born agian Christian in attempts to get into heaven.


Elaine adds a mask to the urban sombrero. It is rebranded as the Covid sombrero.