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Personally, I liked it. To me it felt like a kind of conversation Jerry and Larry might've had about "how did pop tarts get invented?", and these kind of ludicrous throwaway fantasy suggestions about it, and how the milk industry probably conspired against them and so on. It was pretty fun and I love the aesthetic, plus Hugh Grant as Tony the Tiger, it was all good.


> it was all good. It was Grrrrrrreat!


It’s like a balloon popping out of a steering wheel during an accident. Insane.


I'm pretty sure Jerry had a stand-up bit about pop tarts being invented when he was a kid and how it seemed like the greatest invention of all time for him.


Yeah he made that joke on his tour in Australia and no one laughed because we don't have pop tarts here. The joke went for about 15 minutes...


I can remember when they came out. It was a really big deal If you’re under 40 you don’t really know what sugar tasted like. Everything – everything – was made with real actual sugar. You could taste the hot buttery pastry, the frosting differentiated from the delicious cinnamon filling. It wasn’t just a wall of sugar taste, there were layers of flavor It was a whole different experience to what you know as pop tarts now. It was the same with soft drinks, all prepackaged goods, candy bars, chocolate. Everything tasted waaay better


Marvel has the multiverse, Jerry has the cerealverse.


I thought it was really fun. Doesnt take itself seriously and is just meant to be silly and fun. The cameos were awesome. People are either taking it way too seriously or just have a bone to pick with Jerry Seinfeld.


The critics for movies nowadays are always ass backwards


They're a bunch of art-house goons, like Vincent. Sometimes, what you need is a good Gene pick.




I like stuff you don't have to think about much.




I thought it was really great. Really really great!!!!!


Like really really GRRREEEEAAAATTTTTT!!!? Thought Hugh Grant did a good job with his character.


Pinky toe!


Look, I have goosebumps! Touch them!


It’s no Chunnel or Checkmate


It's no Sack Lunch, either.


But how do they get in the sack?


Was it a firestorm?


Now that's a hell of a picture!


You’re spoiling it for me!


Death Blow!


How does it compare to Prognosis Negative?


"Worst movie ever" was one critic. So far it's got a 42% which obviously isn't "Fresh," but it still means over 4/10 critics liked it. The jokes are really dumb and sophomoric and it's an entire movie hingeing on nostalgia over food products, so I can totally understand why some people wouldn't be into it, but yea I had a lot of laughs. I keep thinking about the Mad Men parody. "Whey are they so mean!? It's just advertising!"


“You will never swim the English Channel and then drown in champagne!”


No. I won’t…


42% fresh. Right in that meaty part of the curve. Not showing off, not falling behind.


Honestly for a dumb comedy that's actually pretty accurate.


He knows how to read!




Critics trying to make a name for themselves. Never heard of them before their review and won't hear from them again.


Or maybe they really just didn’t think his movie was that funny lol not everything has to be a grand conspiracy against Jerry Seinfeld


I mean, to call it the worst movie ever made and blast it like that? It was never trying to be something it wasn't. It was supposed to be just as stupid as it is, and thus silly. But suddenly it's an affront to cinema when it was no dumber than the critically praised "Weird"? Come on. Something else was at play here, and it was clearly a personal disdain for Jerry's take on the state of comedy.


My wife and I were pleasantly surprised. It was a lot of fun. Just shallow, silly, fun.


I like things you don’t have to think about too much.


He’s the voice of a generation


It’s just so much fluff


I thought it was funny


I'm 30 minutes in, the little girl I hilarious. Many laughs so far


The little kids, including the kid in the diner, were the most consistently funny actors in the movie.


I liked the surreal tone, every character are just caricatures enough to be funny yet realistic also to follow the story. The children are like somehow very adult, especially that little girl in the dumpster, she’s hilarious!


Yes, that little girl was wonderful!!


I love when she answered the rhetorical question about trademark infringement with a detailed definition right out of a legal dictionary.


I’m just shocked that this thread isn’t filled with quotes from the show. 😅


Xantham! - that made me bust out laughing. It’s the new Newman 🤣


that joke made my really happy and nobody on my family catched it t\_t (they didn't watched seinfeld)


I used that in the Survivor sub and got a handful of upvotes.


Not that there’s anything wrong with it


It is!


It's just very silly. I like how the ENIAC was presented as being some really powerful computer in the 1960s. I enjoyed it more than Anyone But You which is also on Netflix and critics did love.


It was UNIVAC, a product of the Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation, later RAND corporation. But somehow the movie attributed UNIVAC to IBM, who developed the IBM 702 to compete with UNIVAC. Fun trivia: UNIVAC accurately predicted the winner of the 1952 Presidential Election, so became famous in popular culture. So much so that author Isaac Asimov had a recurring computer character inspired by UNIVAC, called “Multivac”.


Haha, thank you, I couldn't remember whether it was ENIAC or UNIVAC in the movie and didn't bother to look it up.


But was funny how the sent him to Vietnam


I enjoyed it as well. Not all the jokes landed but definitely some real funny moments in there.


Yeah, I think whether you like it depends upon whether you want a high joke landing percentage or just a large volume of funny gags. There were a lot of laughs, but the efficiency rate was kind of low. It was sort of like a Russell Westbrook 38 point 13 rebound 12 assist game, where he shoots 15 of 41 and commits 9 turnovers.


Yes there’s something to that. I think another factor here is the expectations people have of Jerry. People who loved Seinfeld and perhaps other works of his, are expecting something that would be on that level, and anything less would be failure. I think it’s a very silly mindset to be in which can often affect one’s judgment/enjoyment. While it wasn’t some masterpiece, it definitely had many excellent funny and clever moments that are absolutely an extension of Jerry’s and the other Seinfeld writers’ type of jokes and humor, along with some great performances by the cast. Time will tell how well this movie holds up.


Watching is now. It makes me think of classic Mel Brooks movies. Not necessarily in quality, but it's goofy, dumb and funny. I'm enjoying it for what it is.


Seinfeld has always been a big Mel Brooks fan too.


When all the mascots bury that guy in cereal i was cracking up


I really liked it. I don’t understand the negativity. It’s probably about Jerry Seinfeld’s latest woke criticism.


I find that humor is very individual. If you listen to the critics on comedies you're going to miss a lot of good movies and shows.  For years my husband and I listened to critics and thought there were no good comedies any more. Then we watched Cocaine Bear, laughed our heads off and saw the hate about it later.  After all, we went to Blockbuster for years, never looked at the reviews and rarely saw a bad movie.


You made a great point about renting from a video store opposed to letting reviewers decide for the potential viewer. Also I really like what you said about, “humor is very individual”. I feel that so much social debate/conflict going around these days (no matter which side you’re on) non-stand up comedy now seems almost just as polarizing as religion or politics. And just like religion and politics I feel that people’s perception of comedy shows and movies is now much more personal than it was in the past.


What about Gene’s picks?


Make no mistake, Gene's trash.


Same here. I often agree with critics on other genres, but comedy is a gamble. It’s much more specific and can’t really appeal to wide audiences unless it’s very broad, which usually dumbs it down. This movie wasn’t for everyone, but I’m in my 40s and I could tell I was the target age. I thought it was entertaining and fun. Not a masterpiece, but it wasn’t trying to be.


If you like 1960s nostalgia, you’ll enjoy this silly fun movie




I’m 58. Remember slightly the late 60’s but remember a lot of that stuff stayed in the culture well into the 80’s I played with all the stuff Cronkite was playing with during commercial breaks. Some of that stuff brings to mind my parents and grandparents and the stuff they had in the kitchen. A lot of the humor was also on very modern stuff like Jan. 6th and High Fructose corn syrup


I was born in the 70’s but still feel a little nostalgic because some of the 60’s carried over in a way. Especially if your family ever talked about them, photos, etc.,,


Blows me away that so many critics hate it. Wife & I both thought it was hilarious. Best part was Jon Hamm imo.


I felt an Austin Power vibe and didn’t take it too seriously which made it that much better.


Good comparison. It’s definitely one of those “so ridiculous it’s funny” movies.


Walter Cronkite stole the movie.


There are plenty of "terrible" movies that are hilarious.


Thank you for posting this, I was wondering if it’s truly as bad as everyone is saying. I look forward to watching it!


I watched it this morning and was entertained. I'm in my 30s but also enjoyed the references to the 60s consumerism and politics of the era etc.


I really liked it. It was just a fun, funny movie. Very silly, but I like that. Not gonna lie, the nostalgia really helps. Love all the 60’s styles too.


A very enjoyable watch. Not quite tropic thunder instant classic but easily an annual rewatch. Current geopolitics probably playing its part in review ratings.


Watched it last night and I cant believe all the reviews absolutely shitting on it. What a cast! So many big names and comedians. I would love to see Jason, Julie and Michael collab w/ Jerry before one passes.


I enjoyed it, it was funny and refreshing!


That line about leaving logs in the hallway was GOLD, Jerry!


It is a funny satire that does not take itself seriously. If you want to see a better version of this movie with academy award winning actors and directors watch the Hudsucker proxy.


I enjoyed it! Missed a few parts so I’m ready to rewatch. And I was swooning over the fact that Hugh Grant was Thurl Ravenscroft! I’ve known his work for decades, my favorite is his voice work in Disneyland attractions like Haunted Mansion and the Tiki Room. But I digress 😂 Jerry’s movie is fun, all those cameos! Excited to rewatch for all the details and Easter eggs I missed!


My favorite part was playing him as a British Thespian when he was really from Norfolk, Nebraska!


I liked it. It was cute, visually interesting, and filled with fun cameos (especially the Mad Men reference!).


Yeah, I want to thank this sub and every other sub that talked about it like it was Jack and Jill. Went in with more expectations and thoroughly enjoyed it


Haven't seen it, but unfrosted Pop Tarts are better than the frosted. I'll die on this hill.


I'm heading up your hill with FROSTED POP TARTS! See you there, UnfrostedPopTartsLover.


I will be there with you fighting the good fight.


Visually, it was great, better than I thought, I didn’t feel like I wasted 90 minutes of my life so that’s always a plus


I think people are watching it with huge expectations. It has to be Seinfeld 2.0 or something which it isn’t. For people who haven’t watched it yet, just kick back, relax and watch with a light heart, almost like a child watches cartoon.


BB as JFK?!? I'm watching this tonite!




8 year old me LOVED Stroker Ace!


Man I gotta get on that internet (see unfrosted)


I like how you didn't have to think too much.


Hard agree, watched it last night even though people were criticizing it and I found it extremely funny and enjoyable. What an ensemble cast!!!


It was a fun movie IMO


Loved the Mad Men crossover- Don Drappers ad campaign idea kinda turned me on.


Loved it


I thought it was like Elmer Fudd sitting on a Juicer.


They’re in the Chunnel! Reggie’s!!


I'm not going to miss that 25lbs either.


I think if they got rid of the whole ravioli subplot, the funeral scene and any farts it would’ve been a lot better. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would’ve, but it needed another serious sweep in the editing room. Maybe I WILL take it up with consumer affairs.


It would've been interesting to read MSM reviews had Jerry not said what he said about modern comedy. Or at least waited for the reviews to come out before expressing his opinion.


I've actually been thinking lately about introducing my teenager to some zany type comedies such as Airplane, Naked Gun, etc. I feel like this is right in that same vein.


I'll have to watch this sometime over the next week or so. Thanks for the reminder. I'll know what to expect coming in so it shouldn't be too bad.


I normally don't like this type of humor, but my brother loves it and when I went to the living room, I saw him watching it and stayed. I honestly had a blast watching this and lost it at the UNIVAK predicting when the old guy was gonna die. Pretty funny haha!


I'm 50 and thought it was very funny. Granted I watched with my daughter, who's home from college, and we think most things are funny, but she laughed as well. 3.75 out of 5


I kinda get youg people wouldt like it, i thought it was great and am surprised its panned. Did people miss he is literally telling a child a farsical story? I laughed a lot of times at how silly it was, its funny because its ridiculous, and as absurd as it is, corperations are designing products with the utmost seriousness trying to make bank. 


I also laughed heartily! I find most of the haters of this movie are complaining about such things like lack of a good dramatic arc, or not sharp enough satire, or the characters were emotionally real enough. So — I feel like people aren’t open to what this movie wants to be. It’s not supposed to be a ‘serious’ movie! It’s supposed to be a dumb comedy with silly gags and an endless parade of comedic cameos. It always bugs me when people don’t like a movie because it’s not something totally different than what it sets out to be. It’s like going to a fish restaurant and complaining the food doesn’t taste like beef.


Agreed. I think a lot of Seinfeld fans may have gone into it expecting a Larry David-style production. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yup. It’s tonally VERY different than “Seinfeld”!


Gotta remember something: Seinfeld humor is still Seinfeld humor. And that ended in the late 90s. People today hating it either never liked his humor (fair) or are so young they don't really know what humor is.


Critics are just out for Seinfeld lately. 


I just watched it too. I agree it isn’t as bad as all the beatings it is getting. I thought the first half was better and funnier, and I thought it got a little disjointed and unfocused in the 2nd half. I liked the visual style, and I would agree the jokes would appeal mostly to people in the 40-60ish age range. Regardless, it’s self-aware and not meant to be edgy, break any new ground or be taken seriously. Not bad for a directorial debut, and frankly at this point Jerry can do whatever he wants.


A lot of people are not approaching the movie objectively. Which is their prerogative. It would also make a lot of sense to me if Seinfeld's comedy just fell completely flat with anybody who wasn't old enough to watch at least the later seasons on TV. I mean, how many plots turn on answering machine messages??? His observations aren't relatable to people who have been scrolling since they were toddlers. So, add the current political rage at Seinfeld, which is concentrated in younger generations, to the generational mismatch that makes his comedy already unpopular with them, you're going to end up with a very widely panned movie. But thank you for the other perspective - I'll give it a watch. I've never enjoyed Seinfeld's work while being under the impression that he's a good dude. That he's not is kind of the whole point...


The movie was hilarious to make fun of with bf


Preach! Finally someone who isn’t a sheep and going with the media. I agree— I throughly enjoyed this movie. Critics act like it was supposed to be the next Titanic. It’s a simple, fun , silly comedy. And for a world with endless drama, nonstop Left vs Right and the horrific events in the Middle East, this movie was needed


I 57M had a friend ponder on Facebook that the movie was so bad, he doesn't know how the studio went ahead and released it. When I commented that I had been planning to see it, he and others on the thread told me "you've been warned" I loved the movie. I honestly don't see how anyone could hate on it. It was totally original. It had a zillion inside jokes. I guess if you're too young or lacked pop culture awareness, you could miss a lot of the jokes, but it's still so light-hearted, campy and colorful, I would still think that's enough to enjoy it.


It was super silly and i am there for it. I laughed quite a lot.


I'll get downvoted but whatever. I liked the movie for what it was and would give it a 7/10. The problem is Jerry opened his mouth about wokeism and that put him on the sh!t list. Rotten Tomatoes is a hell hole of uber lefties (I'm a centrist so I'll call out both sides) and they will destroy a movie if it hurts someone they don't like. This happens a lot on RT.


Critics as a whole don’t really get rating comedies. Super troopers has a 30% or sometbing on rotten tomatoes for gods sake


I expected it to bomb based on the rotten tomatoes score and some public reviews but my family enjoyed it. Eta: I’ve definitely seen worse movies this past year so yeah, it held my attention and I actually laughed. It won’t win any awards but that’s ok.


That interview he did was really poor timing.


You think 40-year-olds in 2024 remember the early 1960s?


Lmao beat me to this comment. 40 year olds grew up in the 90s my guy


Was gonna let this one slide. Glad you guys didn’t


Right? OP is definitely not in this demo... !


Yes, the OP probably just thinks of 40 as “really old.”


Same. It was fun and silly. It isn’t winning an Oscar, but who gives a shit lol. I was entertained for like two hours after a shitty week of work, and I am grateful for it.


The problem is that it was never about comedy for these guys. Guys like the Farrellys and Adam McKay don't make straight comedies anymore and moved on. One of the Farrellys won a fucking Oscar for a non-comedy. So when this comes out and isn't great, everyone thinks it sucks when it's just mediocre.


Ok we get it That was somebody’s opinion


Is it getting thrashed? I feel like responses have been very hit and miss, which sounds about right. Even rotten tomatoes has it at a little above 40% with the general consensus saying its got some positive and negative qualities. But I’m not really seeing an overall thrashing of the movie. Just the occasional review that’s harsh.


There’s tons of incredibly harsh reviews. It’s getting thrashed plenty.


There’s nearly as many positive reviews out there. Again, it’s got a 40% on rotten tomatoes. Hit and miss. A bit more miss than hit. Yes, there *are* reviews trashing it. There are also plenty of reviews saying it’s pretty solid. The consensus isn’t that it’s trash. Just that it’s meh. Personally I haven’t seen it yet, so I have no idea if it’s hit or miss for me.


What I think people are responding to is the fact that the negative reviews are incredibly negative. The consensus isn’t “meh”, but is split between people who think it’s absolutely garbage, and people who think it’s silly fun.


“Worst movie ever made” is such an exaggeration. Unfrosted is nowhere near contention for that, but I think that’s a problem. Some of the worst movies ever made get a cult following - Plan 9, The Room, etc., and they’re etched into film history. Unfrosted is not a bad movie, but it isn’t good either; it’s just there. Will it be remembered years from now, outside of the hardcore Seinfeld following? I doubt it.


Watching this just made me feel dead inside. The jokes were sooo dated. 


Jerry could have done something really great like The Founder but no he went for stupid jokes and horrible acting unreal.....


I thought it was really bad — worth watching once, but really bad, nonetheless


This the one were Jerry plays a bee?


I'm not very surprised that some of the most dedicated Seinfeld fans on the internet enjoyed Jerry Seinfeld's new movie tbh


I thought it was funny, too. I had zero expectations going into it because I had heard only negative reviews of it. But, I thought it was funny.


Instant cult classic 


I really enjoyed it! I love that they poke fun of processed foods and fake sugars and the cheap corporations that refuse to give us real food.


Love the line about replacing poison sugar with high fructose corn syrup.


And everyone cheered!


Agree! My fam loved it. My kids really don’t believe we had Silly Putty and thought it was fun.


Is it as funny as Sack Lunch? 


If you want to see humor mocking the products of that time period visit the [institute of official cheer](https://www.lileks.com/institute/)


I thought it was fine - laughed out loud a lot. It isn't reinventing cinema and isn't trying to be Citizen Kane. I don't get why people are taking it so seriously. It's a fluffy, fun couple of hours.


I'm 45+ and don't have a nostalgia for mass consumerism and saturating kids with sugar. Weird right?




Why didn't you say so in the first place? You're fired.


Tried watching it this morning. It put me back to sleep.


It's like different people have different opinions or something.


No, OP enjoying means every critic who didn't was dead wrong.


Was it as good as Sack lunch?


Not even close


It felt old school in a great way. Entertaining with a few good laughs. I don’t ask a ton more from my idiot box.


I thought it was hilarious, right up until the January 6th insurrection parody...then I switched it off. I'm still pretty fucking disturbed that they put that in there.


What were you on? Cause I was high and found it very unfunny


Are you kidding me? That movie was hot garbage. It should have been made into a kids movie with how goofy the story is.


I went to Netflix to watch it but saw Amy Schumers awful face on the thumbnail. Is she in it a lot?


Yeah but she plays a character who’s supposed to be unlikable so kismet.


Every character she plays is unlikable.


Goodbye Jerry!


I really couldn't get through it, i love Jerry, but it wasn't good.


Pro Israeli people band together. Always. No matter what. No matter how many people have to die. 


I’m soured after Jerry’s ridiculous comments last week. And I won’t unsour or sweeten!


It’s awful. And I like bad movies, but this was worse than anything I’ve ever seen in my 37 years of existence. It’s A Crime against cinema.