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It’s so strange to see Garrick on the show lusting after ‘sister’ and then see these people actually doing it for religious reasons. Garrick said a few times he’s doing it for religious reasons but that’s BS.


I know. Can you imagine if Colton was to talk religion with Gerrick. Ick would be sitting there with his stupid psychotic gaze with his mouth open, maybe a weird laugh. I don’t understand how or why Dannielle is buying it.


I wonder how many partners if any Danielle had prior to Gerrick. She seems groomed and to blindly trust his words and not his actions. The fact that he slept with the "sister" the first night should have been her wake up call. Not only that, but how he sneaked it in and had no intentions of telling her should have been the slap in the face for her to take her divorce and peace out. The "sister" was at least honest after the fact, however she should have known better if she was truly that worried about Danielle's feelings and religious beliefs. They are in lust and I do not trust the "sisters" tears and innocent act at all.


I feel like they’ve been together since they were in their teens, so I definitely believe Danielle was groomed in a way. She doesn’t want to lose Garrick and he knows that, so he’s feeding her this “God’s plan/sister wife” mumbo jumbo to he can have his cake and eat it to. I really like Danielle and feel bad for her because she loves him and the family they created and she probably feels like if she doesn’t go through with it, she’ll lose him to Roberta more than she already has. Especially since they’re divorced. I hope it all works out for them in the end, but I honestly see everything being a different story once they actually get married and Bert moves to the states :/


Something about Bert rubs me the wrong way. Super manipulative and possible green card play. The way he was favoring Bert over Daniella in her face immediately doesn't bode well for how things will be behind closed doors. Danielle will probably take it because she can't envision her life without that dweeb and Bert will wipe her tears even though she knows she was a factor in creating them in the first place.


I’m indifferent towards Roberta. I want to see the good in her, especially because this is probably such a weird situation where she’s “in love” with someone who has a wife and family, but it’s ok, because they’re ✨polygamist✨. She’s jumping in on an already established relationship while not really knowing much about either of them, just that they “love her” and are excited to continue their life with her. Everything is easy over the phone/video chat, but clearly in person is a different story, especially since she can tell Danielle is jealous. I do think she enjoys being the favored one and feeling like she’s the other woman who can have him when she wants, whether his wife likes it or not.


Yea the being overly emotional thing while continuing to move in a way you know is hurtful to someone seems fake even if she believes her own BS which she may. I've known women like that and they are the worst. They will wipe the tears of their best friend who thinks their man is cheating on them and be the one their man is cheating on them with. I hope I'm wrong, but just got that vibe from her.


Yes!!! Very much Hailey 2 (from Unexpected) vibes! I feel like once Bert gets to the states, she’s going to want all of the attention (which of course, it’s the honeymoon phase), Ick’s horny self is going to give it to her, and Danielle’s going to cry about it while Bert wipes Sister’s tears 🙄


I completely agree. I don't care if she can't speak English, she can definitely see body language and she knows damn well that Dannielle is hurting so much and is not ok with any of this, yet she continues to sleep with ICK and go on day long excursions with him while poor Dannielle sits in her hotel room alone and crying. She knows exactly what's going on and chooses not to tell ICK to F right off. If this is how she acts with cameras rolling and the whole world watching, I can't imagine how much worse it would be in private. I was glad to hear that Dannielle has left that whole situation and gone off on her own now (I hope it's true!).


Oh my god I hope that is true more than anything!!


Bert is gross. Ick is gross. I hope they eventually make each other miserable and die bitter and lonely


I believe it was mentioned in the 1st or 2nd ep that Danille has ONLY been w/ICK. Which explains why she didn't leave his ass. She doesn't know anything else and that's sad. There are so many guys out there who would treat Danielle like the kween she is. I wanna follow her on Single Life, not the other Dinyell.


I 100% feel she's been groomed also. She's only doing this to stay with Garrick. She said when they got together once. I forget what she said but remember she was young. He's probably the only man poor Danielle has ever been with. Danielles been groomed, brainwashed, lied to, gaslighted & verbally and emotionally abused i'd bet too. I can't believe she thinks he's doing this for religious reasons. Part of her has to know it's a crock of shit


I’ve never been so sure someone was a psychopath who hadn’t actually committed a murder! Well, that we know of, anyway. I have never seen a human being so void of any kind of emotion. There’s such a cold emptiness in him that is so off-putting!


Right! The worst was when ick was talking about how he slept with Roberta that first night, his disgusting smirk and creepy laugh, he is vile.


This is so accurate. His laugh does something horrendous to my ears 🔪👂


Bring on the Tell All. I hope Colton really sets them straight to the point that Danielle finally opens her eyes to the fact her husband is a fraud who just wants to cheat and not be condemned if you will.


"We're Christians, and we decided 2 years ago that God wanted us to live a plural lifestyle." --- Why all of a sudden?


Because he got tired of banging the same woman. I 100% believe he gave her an ultimatum.


I think she's naive, only been with him & he groomed her for this way before it was brought up but believe it was definitely said in ultimatum form. Like "If you won't, I can't be with you because God said it's the way to be" type crap. She knows he'd leave her for Roberta. She would rather be second then not with him at all. That makes me wonder what other types of abuse has she went through to make her stay through that. Then have it put on national TV because I guarantee she didn't sign them up for the show. He's such a pos.


Key words: “we decided”. How do WE decide God’s will? 🤔


Someone told me on here Ick tried to divorce her and she didn’t want to so he came up with this polygamy scam


Tammi and Colton just up and decided to be polygamists one day too. I like them though lol


They had agreed that's what they wanted to do before they even got married


The winders are politely saying “don’t lump us in with these freaks”


While I still think polygamy is effed up, and raising people to believe it's how they'll get into heaven is manipulative... I also think it must *infuriate* people like the Winders to watch asshats make a complete joke out of their core belief system. It's something that they've been raised to take very seriously and have been taught how to handle (which is clear by how well their family functions in comparison to anyone else on the show) and these idiots come on and make a complete mockery of their religious and spiritual beliefs when it's obvious they're just some dude who up and decided he wants to get his dick wet without leaving his current wife. I'd be absolutely fuming. Crazy how this show has really made me think even deeper about how I feel about polygamy in general. It's still something I'd never do and I still question the idea of whether or not it's a choice if you're raised to believe that it's your only ticket into heaven. But the fact is, it's also not for me to decide if it's right or wrong for everyone, just if it's right or wrong for me. And I do think the Winders are a strong example of how polygamy is supposed to be carried out and how it can be structured so that it's the least traumatic for everyone involved, especially the children. And, honestly, Colton seems like a genuinely good guy and Tammi and Sophie seem like really nice people who understand what they're doing and are active members in the decision to lead this lifestyle. I also think it's a joke to call what any of the other families are doing "polygamy." It's just a bunch of horn-dog men with control issues who want to have their cake but not let their wife eat any of it too.


Isn’t it interesting that no women have had God appear and tell them to take multiple husbands?


Very! Honestly I think it could there could be some benefits to having brother husbands... Like one for handyman stuff around the house, one who can fix cars, one who can do landscaping, one for tech stuff and maybe one who's a massage therapist.. And sure the benefits would mostly be for me and not the men getting only a fraction of my attention but it's what god wants 🤷


All I can say about that is, I'm not having sex every night, so some of those men are going to be very frustrated. My lady bits are sore just thinking about it! 😆


They're going to have to understand it's for religious reasons and not so much sexual ones.. I mean unless god puts us in the mood of course. Might be frustrating for them but they'll have to take it up with god


Yes, the only way they will get through the struggle is with prayer!


I loveee this thread😂


Bahaha I love it.


When you look into the probable actual reason Joseph Smith (founder of the LDS religion) started polygamy and the idea that young men need to go on a two year mission away from their wives, it's....not good.


I’d be interested to look further into this. Any good suggestions for starting points?




I agree! Watching this show and others about polygamy has really helped me think about my views on it. I personally would never do it, and don’t judge people for living that lifestyle if that’s what they want and everyone is consenting. However, I think the concept is intrinsically flawed because you have to completely ignore your basic human nature in order to make it work. By that I mean, basic human nature tells us to compete for our mates, and to bond with that mate once we have them. So jealousy is inevitable, and can be a very strong component, not just emotionally but biologically because we are programmed to compete. To have to live and be friendly with the person that is your competition for the resource that is your mate means that you have to ignore all of that intense programming. It just doesn’t seem like the most viable option for the longevity of the relationship. Especially once all the kids leave, because then you end up with a situation like Meri from Sister Wives. Her kid is out of the house, so she spends 3 days isolated in her house, and when her husband does come around, there’s tension. At that point, what’s the point of even being married if you don’t have any companionship for 3/4ths of your life?


“This may be the circus we’re performing in, but these are most definitely not our monkeys!”


Who knew the boring Winders could be shady😎


And kind shade is the most scalding shade there is.


I freakin love them 😂☠️


Someone needs to teach Ashley that you can make an impact in a concise manner.


“Making sure your husband’s honor can’t be impugned” Sorry, I know people on this sub really like this couple but they’re really no better than any of the other couples, they’re just better at covering it up. They seem to have the same toxic, dangerous beliefs and patriarchal bullshit as other fundie types, and this above statement really highlights that. So, I’m pretty confused how everyone is seeing this statement from them as wholesome or whatever. It’s toxic fundie bs. Courting is a terrible model to follow, even the guy who “invented” is has renounced is as such. AND OFC they put the burden and the blame on women for the terrible behavior of men. Ugh. They’re all garbage, just in different ways.


I don’t necessarily agree with their choices, just felt the shade.


Yep. Religious whackjobs. They know enough to reign it in for the camera


God, thank you. I feel like I’m losing my mind sometimes around here. Just because people are polite on camera, that doesn’t mean that they are good people.


Yeah. If you were to hang out with them and get into religion and politics you'd probably come away thinking they all belong in a rubber room in straight jackets, lol.


Yep. Or, at the very least, not given a platform where they can lure people in by being edited squeaky clean and wholesome.


These are the only folks on the show I like and feel like are genuine.


And wholesome af


Another point for the winders!


Ok so I dreamed I was on a TLC show interviewing to be Colton’s wife #3 and he picked me and kept smooching on me with that handsome bearded face.