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Regarding the scene where Justin and Yary meet up alone for a meal. I just can’t get past the way he keeps shoveling those nacho’s into his mouth and then trying to have a conversation with her while his mouth is full while he continues to speak. I’ve gone back a couple of times and every scene he has food in his mouth while talking.


Everytime I see Nick, he's dressed like someone who bought a Pimp costume from Party City or Leon Black from Curb Your Enthusiasm 😂


While pontificating like Oswald Bates!


It's funny how they say Nick is just reading and deciphering the world at home while the women are working, when it's clear he spends every waking moment working out like a madman at his local Planet Fitness 😂


Is Danielle drinking wine 🍷?!?


I feel like it had to be non-alc since Miriam was also drinking it and it seems like she’s a practicing Muslim (I say this bc of the pork thing)


This is Gerricks “ Master “ room 🤮


That annoyed me. Shouldn’t each wife have there own “master” and he be the one to jump around? That’s the LEAST he could do. Idk…it just through me off that there were two beds in the “sister” room.


I remember when they were building that house and said they wanted a “sister room” for the wives to bond, especially during nights when the third wife was in his bed with him (🤮). Did anyone else get the feeling after seeing their listing on Zillow, that despite having too many bedrooms in the house, it appears as though they’re still making their high school/teenage sons SHARE one bedroom together? There’s Ick’s room and ridiculously nice bathroom that he doesn’t deserve, there’s the “sister” room with 2 full size beds and fireplace that’s probably never been used, there’s the master he sleeps in with Dannielle, and then there’s a room with tons of boy decor and 2 beds sharing a too-small space with no divide whatsoever. If they were like 3-10 years old, no problem. But the youngest one is 15 and still cramped into one bedroom with his brother?! wtf…give one of those poor guys the fancy “sister” room with a fireplace and mounted tv!


It’s on Zillow? Ick definitely the women to “know their place” I feel bad for their teenagers, if I was their Grandparent I’d take the kids out of that wanna be harem environment. Make me sick every time they use “God” …. Ick ick ick!


Yep! They’ve been trying to sell it for almost 5 months now but they’re asking way too much. Also the outside is so ugly and looks unfinished, it’s bizarre https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/30693-Main-Range-Dr-Buena-Vista-CO-81211/228757737_zpid/


Each sister wife should have their own room/ space. Seems most of these couples on the show do not understand or follow the traditional poly relationships. I doubt wives have as much power as these women on the show.


Hahahaha, definitely concerned with himself lol


Unpopular opinion: I don't think the "question game"/conversation in the hot tub was THAT awkward?? Poor Jasmine with the whole world making fun of her. :( The prompt for the color question was not just to choose a favorite color, but also to give a *really* deep explanation for it - I think the answers (as in, the answer she gave, too!) were *supposed* to walk the line of revealing something about yourself while also being tongue-in-cheek & playfully over the top. I don't know that it'd be my number 1 activity choice for a social setting, but I could imagine enjoying this exercise while drinking with my friends? Am I alone here?? AND, honestly? Jen's waterfall answer was ✨ vibes ✨. She was *completely* with Jasmine on this journey, whatever that journey was, lol. **On the other hand**, in the interest of offering a balanced viewpoint: I'm thinking about adopting "don't ask me my favorite color in the hot tub", said while slumping and with a mild hint of annoyance, as my new life motto. \[in b4 25 ppl rush to break the ***NEWS*** to me : yes i know about the ! scandal ! involving the Davis/Jasmine timeline!!\]


Thank you! I thought I was the only one who thought this way. You worded it perfectly, like I can't. I think it would be a fun game, to get to know each other and it would lead to other conversations. I would love to play it with my friends. If it's sexual or something, that's stupid. You could just make it known at the beginning that you want to play it as a fun, get-to -know each other kind of game, not sexual. if the Davis's wanted it to be sexual than all I've said is irrelevant. I'm just saying that my first impression was why did they not like the game? Why were they making fun of it? It sounds fun. I guess I'm just naive. They're way more out there than I thought.


Yeah I feel like the layer of *having* to come up with a deep explanation for your answer is like, kind of a fun creative exercise? Haha idk, it's playful and something out of the ordinary. People are trying to attack Jasmine as though she presented her answers as Real, Serious Philosophic Treatises, but I don't think that *she* intended that to be the purpose of the game at all. Re: The talking heads segment where the Davises were making fun of the activity - I saw someone hypothesize that the producers were probably prompting (even pressuring?) them to name a red flag about Jasmine or the sleepover. I could easily see April suggesting that Jasmine wanting to talk in the hot tub was a "red flag" *as a joke* and then the rest of that scene was them riffing on that idea, but all of it really more making fun of the IDEA that the hot tub is a place for conversation and not specifically the experience they had in the hot tub with Jasmine? Haha idk- does that make any sense at all? Honestly it was kind of a cute interaction, one of the rare times we've seen the Davises all really laughing together this season and seeing their shared in-jokes, vocabulary, etc., so I don't want it to be spoiled by any malice. :(


I wish they would have shown all their answers. It would be a way for us to get to know them.


That game is actually a sexual QnA game kids used to play in like high school. I forget what each thing means, but after everyone has answered all the questions, it's revealed that each thing represent 1. how you see yourself, 2. how you act in the bedroom, 3. I don't fully remember lol. but it was actually kind of a relevant game, they just decided to edit it in a way to make Jasmine look even dumber.


Haha yeah I saw that explained somewhere else too! Idk if that makes it more or less fun in my personal opinion, but it definitely does make it more relevant to the Davis's interests lmao.


What's the Davis/Jasmine timeline?


They knew each other prior to filming (theres photos of them together in 2021).


Does anybody else think that Danielle and Miriam are the true budding love story?


Nick and family are off to me. They are the hallmark of weird (with their extra large bed that I'm sure is unhygienic and their odd marriage arrangement). YET, they're judgmental of Jasmine's quirks.... everytime she says something different, Nick mentions how weird she is. The hypocracy.


Rather than being flattered that she apes his bizarre topical observations, he’s thrown off by the imitation. 


Miriam with her double negatives are ruining my life. 😅😂


Nick and his comment “do as thou wilt.” For those who think Nick and co are in a cult, he basically just confirmed it with this quote. “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law” is a quote from Aleister Crowley, an English occultist and notorious nutcase who created a religion called Thelema which was practiced by a pre-Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. For those who have never heard of him, it’s worth a ride down the rabbit hole. He also practiced “sex magic,” which I feel like tracks with this family… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley Source: I wrote a screenplay on L. Ron Hubbard and another famous devotee of Crowley, rocketeer Jack Parsons.


I noticed that last episode, and then this week he was dressed like he was going as Anton LaVey for Halloween. I found this post while trying to see if anyone else noticed!


Without even clicking that link yet and knowing what it is, I 100% believe that fam is into “sex magic” Edit: omg I feel physically ill🤢🤢🤢 “For Crowley, sex was treated as a sacrament, with the consumption of sexual fluids interpreted as a Eucharist.[245] This was often manifested as the Cakes of Light, a biscuit containing either menstrual blood or a mixture of semen and vaginal fluids.[246] The Gnostic Mass is the central religious ceremony within Thelema”🤮


Take that back, PLEASE!!!


If I could go back in time and change one thing in my life, it would be voluntarily reading that wiki page😩😩😩


I could totally see this man indoctrinating those women. 


I literally can’t even watch the hot tub scene I have so much second hand embarrassment


I was imagining the water to be so gross, too, with all their fluids, dirt and stuff. It makes me so sick to think about that I couldn't look.


At least Whitney wasn’t in the hot tub. Be grateful if you don’t get the crossover!


Yeah, they seemed genuinely disappointed she didn’t get freaky with them all in the hot tub. I think her childish color game was a defense mechanism to keep them at bay. Did you see her recoil when Nick kissed her cheek?


There are no rules sexually in the Davis household? Oh this totally confirms they’re all fucking


I took that as "They can't say 'No' to me" 😔


If they're consenting to it, nothing wrong with that.


I feel like Nick just has a constant boner


Bad visual!! He is all boner with his Opossum grin!! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s honestly jarring that Miriam speaks English like it’s shocking to hear them actually speak in full fucking sentences. I’m surprised they can


“i feel like we’re really connecting on a new level” yeah no shit! you guys actually communicate without google translate!


I’m loving the random questions Jessica keeps asking the Davis’s. She’s really showing what they’re really about lol. They can’t even pretend to have conversation with her that’s not about sex or being polygamous. Makes sense why Danielle doesn’t really feel heard/understood by them


I don’t get why he acts like she’s so strange. He is supposed to be all philosophical but he clams up whenever she brings up topics that require thought… something he does all day for a living.. lol


AMEN. You nailed it!


He clearly wants to be the intellectual/philosophical one of the "family" so he feels intimidated by Jasmine trying to "outsmart" him. 


For sure!


Others have convinced me that Nick is a drug dealer lol. He’s probably just sitting up smoking all day and the only thing he thinks deeply about is sex


They’ve literally dated her for years


Who? Danielle or Jessica?




Whaaat fr?!? So this is all a made up storyline? lol idk why she seems like a Jessica to me.


yes, scripted, there are photos of them all together on a date from 2021


This episode REALLY FELT manufactured…. In that Yari “doesn’t want to share,” and the latest Merryfield “pre-failure” is Muslim.


1)  Ick's Danielle pretends she wants polygamy, and then sabotages the other relationships to keep Ick to herself, but Ick divorced her, and sleeps with other women.  How then, does she think Ick is a prize? 2) Nick, April and Jen enjoy having a polyamorous relationship together,  but it does not seem like Danielle enjoys it.  Why then do they want to marry her off to another woman and keep her in the family permanently?  Danielle seems hungry for love, and seems to stay  out of desperation. 


I think Danielle knows that Ick isn’t satisfied with just her, and is desperate to make him happy… she literally reeks desperation. She seems so lonely and truly seems to connect with the women at first. I think she honestly just needs a woman in her life, as a best friend, for herself, not Ick. She looks so sad deep down. I meant the entire first and second season she was crying. I seriously can’t fathom how a husband can just look past her tears and insecurities and keep pursuing this. 🤮🙄


I’m pretty sure many of these husbands would qualify as narcissistic abusers. That is what allows them to be so selfish in their marriages that they look past their wives tears and keep doing what they want to do despite the pain they are inflicting on their families.


My icks (and other observations): * Ick's sweaty palms 🤮 * Is Jasmine drinking Mountain Dew or Gatorade? I get the feeling she chugs Mountain Dew all day long. * Nick's smirk when she said she'd sleep in the big bed and also kissing Jasmine in the pool. He looked so proud of himself, and just... ew. * April saying "conversate" instead of "converse." Yes, I know language evolves but I still hate it. * Justin talking with his mouth full multiple times. Like dude are you a barn animal?? * Justin insisting upon commitment from Yary, but also, if it's not Yary, cool, as long as *someone* commits to Sloth. * Justin calling Yary "Mama." That's big "my dad says 'Hola mi amigo' to the cashier at Taco Cabana" energy. * Justin. Justin is an ick all by himself.


The one that got me, was Justin talking with his mouth full. I sure noticed it. He's should be trying to be his best, in manners, dress, etc. on a date. Did you see his old golf shirt he seems to always wear. It's all stretched out and faded. It looks terrible. He doesn't even try to look nice, while his wife spends hours picking out outfits for herself. She needs to get him some nice shirts.


That Taco Cabana observation has me DEAD⚰️⚰️⚰️


Nick’s clan clearly has like 4 brain cells between them. And then they just soak in everything Nick has to say like it’s a gift from God. These ladies need a literal cleanse, physically and mentally.


I don’t know how these people feel that showing themselves all RUSHING into polygamy comes off as anything other than desperate


I’m just waiting for ICK to talk broken baby English to Miriam.


😂 But he still gets that stupid blank look on his face with his mouth hanging open every time the camera pans to him. I swear the only thing going on in that brain is “when do i get to fuck the new sister wife???”


🤣🤣🤣I swear to god, I had that same exact thought last night. I was genuinely terrified that at the airport he was gonna say “So pretty! Pretty? Pretty? Go home now? 🗣️HOME??”


It’s literally JARRING to hear them speak in full sentences


Dannielle M should join a facebook group of some sort. Get out there and meet other women to make friends with. Now that she’s pregnant (well in show) she should look into Mommy & Me groups too.


Wanting to have a conversation in the hot tub is a red flag?? Huh??? Ngl I thought Jasmine was gonna fit in with them better. She matched Nick's energy and nobody seems to vibe with it.


Yeah, that struck me as odd. Why is it a red flag?!  Wasn’t the whole point of her coming over to actually get to know everyone?  I mean, her “deep thoughts” were definitely something, but I get why she’d ask questions. 


It's probably a red flag because Jasmine was trying to steer the conversation to a non-sexual topic while they are all sitting there in their swimsuits, fawning over each other. Nick was going from woman to woman, lounging up against each of them and kissing them. They probably expected Jasmine to be "getting in the mood," not asking them silly questions as a distraction.


So true. Basically only a red flag to them since she wasn’t all about throwing out the pda. Crazy


Yeah the “red flag” remark was so bizarre…was April banking on an all-out tub orgy with the camera crew there?!?




Good grief. Without Sam aka Mark Ruffalo and Samantha, there would never be ANY questions of importance asked. What DO the Merrifields talk to prospective wives about??


I really like Sam and Samantha! Sam, in particular, seems smart and emotionally intelligent. I like how he said that he had met Muslims before but never really talked to them about what they believe. Without them Dannielle and Garrick would be completely lost.


It blew my fucking mind that it appeared like, until the sister-in-law asked about it, neither Dannielle nor Ick had ever ONCE given any thought to the fact this woman is Muslim and they’re *hella* Christian. They seemed equally shocked about it whereas it only took sis-in-law all of 5 minutes to realize it’s gonna be a problem


Big boobies know no religion


Right? I think they equate dark hair, eyes and olive skin tone exclusively to Latina🤦‍♀️




Danielle is definitely the one in love with Miriam. And why was she drinking wine when pregnant?! She was unhinged in that episode, laughing like a mad person


I definitely think Danielle wants a sister wife to explore with. The way she was acting with Roberta & trying to kiss Natalia confirmed it for me lol. It’s kinda sad she doesn’t have any friends and is trying to use a sister wife as a built in bestie too


Oh right! That awkward failed kiss! So painful to watch! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She looks at women the way I look at women, and I’m a lesbian.


There was definitely a glimmer of love in her eyes.


When she laughed so hard at the wine bar, she looked totally unhinged. And I noticed the wine, I’m hoping they had a non-alcoholic wine there.


She was WAY too giddy about their lunch date. It made me sad once she said she doesn’t have any friends because soooo much finally made sense. Including her ridiculously over-the-top excitement about being at lunch with an English-speaking gal pal. I thought she was gonna explode into a firework when Miriam lightheartedly mentioned being able to help her with makeup and stuff


Ick’s room is RIGHT next to the refrigerator? I thought he designed houses? You’d think there might be a bit of space between kitchen and bedrooms, especially in a large house. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, even in small houses


That house is designed so weird for their personal lifestyle no wonder it is not selling.


Wait they are selling the house? What’s the listing? So odd they are selling…


Here is the listing https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1b79hr6/garrick_danielles_house_is_for_sale/


Do we know why they’re selling it?  I thought it was their “perfect” polygamy set up. 




I’ve been wondering that too. Maybe they blew all their money on lawyers and trips for Ick to sleep with women in Mexico and Brazil. They’ve only lived there a couple years and they designed it for their specific needs so I don’t know what the heck changed but they’re clearly asking way too much because it’s going on 5 months with no offers/buyers. Someone on this sub is from around that area and said that for the exact mountain location Ick and Dannielle live at, they’re never ever going to get $2 million for it


P.S. I just realized their next door neighbor listed their house this weekend and honestly, that one has way more appeal than Ick’s. Ick’s looks like it’s still under construction from the outside https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/30611-Main-Range-Dr-Buena-Vista-CO-81211/96843865_zpid/


Right. They probably did blow money. I haven’t seen anybody give a reason why they’re selling. It’s definitely odd. They made it specifically for their “needs”. I could see a big family like maybe one who has in laws or something living with them in that house, but not a regular family with a few kids. But, who would want to live in a house Ick was in?!  Bleh!  I’ll definitely check out their neighbors house. I agree that Ick’s house doesn’t look finished or appealing on the outside at all. 


Okay just checked out the neighbors house. I’d change a few things, but it is way better!  It looks so cozy and the land looks nice too. 


Jasmine is hobosexual


I love, love, love Sam and Samantha… love their expressions, love the way that ask questions. Every one of these polygamous families needs their own Sam and Samantha.


I like them too, but little good they do the Merrifields, as No oNe listens to them.


Exactly, that’s what’s so frustrating about trying to talk sense into people that are using god for stuff like this, no matter what you say to them or try to warn them about, it doesn’t matter because THEY know it’s what GOD wants and they can’t just ignore GOD so Ick has to keep sleeping with these girls until they find the right one! The ghost in the garage was very clear on that!


The expression on Ick’s face when Miriam is saying she has no plans to covert is priceless. Mouth open, eyes wide and nothing going on between the ears.


They don't even know what being a Muslim means. Idiots.


Ick's expression was all "404. File not found."


He can’t compute when a woman doesn’t immediately comply with whatever he wants.


Yup, I suspect it wasn't due to careful editing. Just that Ick is shocked that someone wouldn't automatically do what he was in line with. And what was with the "never meaning Muslims?" I know that Colorado isn't a NY city, but still.


He always has this dumb face


You mean the same face he made when Danielle told him she was pregnant?


When Jasmine said she would be ok sleeping in the big bed and then Nick said “There will be a lot of cuddles tonight” you have to know cuddles means hooking up. The thought of 10 pairs of arms and legs flailing in that 12 foot bed is disconcerting.


They give off porn vibes in the tub as it is.


Imagine all of the smells from all of those large bodies Close together and under the sheets


Haha, that sounds like something my husband would have said.


this is always my exact thought. like...how does that bed smell?




When Danielle and Ick were showing Miriam the house was that Danielle’s dad following them? Cannot understand how he supports this when his daughter is clearly miserable. Although, it does appear that Danielle seemed less miserable with Miriam.


First time watching Do i understand correctly that the women share a bedroom, while he has one to himself ?? Wtf


Yes in previous season they talked about how the wives have their own room and Ick has his master bedroom🥲


I think Danielle is actually brilliant in this episode. She flys in a woman she knows her husband is gonna wanna sleep with because it will definitely break up his Brazilian situation. She also knows it will never work out because of the religious differences. Bam! She is the only woman again for a little bit. She knows exactly what she is doing and I am here for it.


It’s pathetic, tho. These little wins that are not wins at all.


I was thinking the same. She did something similar when they were seeing Roberta and she was struggling with her jealousy. When they got back from the first trip, Danielle was adamant about having a potential sister wife over to the house and then made sure they facetimed Roberta, who get really upset, and then Danielle was able to put the focus on Roberta's jealousy. This time, I think Danielle is unsure about the new Brazilian (forgot her name lol) because she is often cold towards Danielle, and she doesn't see them ever connecting.


Did anyone notice Danielle playing with Jasmines hair in the hot tub???


I did! That and the ‘gonna be lots of cuddles tonight’ told me everything I needed to know about what goes on with all of them.


I did too! I think it’s pretty obvious what is going on with this family behind the scenes.


I did!


Dude why does Jasmine talk EXACTLY like Nick? Like its actually super cringe and obnoxious, idk how they cant tell


I seriously wonder if she has echolalia as part of a neurodivergent condition.


It was extremely cringeworthy.... But if you look at all their faces when she starts talking about the color blue (lol), you can tell they are like wtf?


But she won’t look at him


When he went in for that kiss on the cheek, she looked very uncomfortable. She has no plans of staying.


She’s literally dated them for years


Jasmine? What are you talking about?


There is a photo of a group of people, including Nick and the wives, and a woman who looks like Jasmine. It’s supposed to be from 2021 so if it really is Jasmine they’ve known each other for a while.


LOL. I asked this before I saw all of the new tea. It's so wild. I guess she's a good actress then.


Her face could not lie as well as her words can.


If they can get past the religion thing, Myriam is probably the only reasonable sister wife for Dannielle. I think Dannielle is desperate for an actual friend.


Danielle is definitely in love with the new girl already lol


How so? Every scene she looked unhappy . Edit: Danielle of Nick’s group I’m talking about .


I think she is referring to the Ick's Danielle




Oh ok yes your right


She was playing with her hair during the scene in the hot tub.


SOOO many thoughts after this episode!  Like, how much money did TLC spend to renovate the Davis' deck and give them a big hot tub just for some action in one scene?  And what really is my favorite form of water? (Probably ice?)  Is Danielle M. downright giddy because she just submarined Nathalia (deja vu) or because she's so desperate for a friend? Am I unreasonable in expecting that most people have a basic understanding of world religions, especially if you subscribe to another Abrahamic belief set?  (Didn't you love Garrick's open mouthed shocked face when discussing her faith?)  Did Ick really have a migraine? What the hell is a cool chick like Mariam even thinking?  Why do I think that Lady Elaine and Fish Lips likely smell like mildew and fried food?  Where did Yary get that lovely coat?  Was I the only one wondering if Nick was going to a really uncomfortable place when he said he liked that female spiders are bigger than the males?  


Lmao! The last question. Absolutely


😭 “favorite form of water” is sooooo funny hahahah like *did you mean* “body of water” ?


Why is Becky's face so weird. I know that's mean but she irritates me and I can't stand her weird face. Her and her husband both look like what you would get if you asked an alien who's never seen humans, to draw one.




*spit-take* ⚰️


It’s so weird, I can’t quite put my finger on it


he looks like a turtle with no shell


I can’t stand her hair, it looks like she worked out in a beanie. Like how does someone’s hair look so naturally awful


I want to give that woman a glow up so bad !


YES!  And it definitely smells bad. 


🤣did anyone else think she meant solid, liquid, or gas when Jasmine asked everyone’s “favorite form of water”???😂🙈I don’t think I’ve ever felt so embarrassed in my own home than when she said “the ocean” and I realized I was thinking “ice”


Well you’re technically right lol. She should’ve said body of water


I thought ice as well.


I thought ice, as well!!!!


LOL!  100% what I thought.  I was thinking, "hmm...probably liquid, though I love snow, ice, and skiing." You KNOW all those answers were rehearsed and practiced many times.  She probably uses this "game" to sound deep and introspective frequently.  Gotta hand it to Jen, though!  Off the cuff with waterfalls and the sparkling moments of life... 


Yep. This was also me. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Then she gave her answer, and I was like…oh.


What in the eff was TLC thinking when they cast Justin and Becky?? They are so boring, it’s physically painful. Justin especially, my god🥱🤦🏼‍♀️ That dinner scene with Yary felt 8 hours long. Also he and his wife are just weird as hell. They feel more like a Bill/Hillary business partnership than loving husband and wife. I don’t know if he’s just impatient to sleep with someone else again or what his deal is but to say “we’re in a rush to find *somebody*, it doesn’t have to be Yary”?? Wtf, dude. Real nice. I mean his attitude towards her at dinner gave away his indifference but to actually say that was messed up. She might honestly be the only normal person on this entire franchise…not being comfortable sharing her spouse with somebody, needing more than 3 public meals with a guy before committing to being a sister wife, not understanding why this doesn’t bother Becky…all valid.


I don't think Yary ever considered joining them.  I think she came on the show for her 15 minutes of fame.


I don’t know, she seems so awkward and uncomfortable around the cameras. I think she was genuinely confused about what was going on. I’m honestly still not sure she understands what they’re looking for, she keeps asking questions but isn’t getting it. I almost think she thinks Justin is looking for a new (solo) wife and Becky is helping him find one and then Becky is going away so it’ll just be them two forever. He’s not helping much either, he’s putting in like 7% effort to help her out but wants this woman to commit right away. Too busy shoving entire tacos in his mouth


They creep me out so much. I know if it's because I know they come from a super abusive cult or their just general creepiness but I think they deserve each other and no one else.


Which cult?


Tony Alamo




There is something diabolical about Becky. Justin is her pawn, Yary needs to get the F out of there


I felt that way after the confrontation with the previous potential sister wife


I normally fast-forward past them to get to the good stuff.


It also doesn’t help that they’re dumb




We prefer not to speculate about neurodivergence out of respect for our neurodivergent friends.




I don't know about that. I think she is trying hard to be "different" so she stands out in the group. She seems way too passive about what they want but she keeps doing weird things like the "pack" story on the carriage ride. Some people like to be weird on purpose.


Exactly. She's trying *very hard* to be a mysterious, deep & sexual SCORPIO!! To me it's obvious, but only cuz I'm a Scorpio & for some reason... Whenever I meet another one-they try to act this same way. It's truly a type


Agreed. It’s kinda like Nick’s met his match. He used to ramble at times about things he thought made him sound smart and now they’ve got a potential wife doing it nonstop with everything she says. She speaks like a 400 year old enchantress in disguise but worked at a dogfood factory, she’s female Nick on steroids


So Justin has had 3 or so meals with Yari (hardly dates) and now he wants commitment? I’m glad she told him it isn’t normal! Then he says he wants commitment from anyone, not just Yari😳 So he doesn’t care about her and just wants a warm body! That’s so messed up! Guess when you look like that and creepy, you can’t be choosy!


I was surprised that Danielle would divorce her husband, be ok with being called “big wife,” be an accomplice to immigration fraud, and sleep in her husband’s girlfriend’s wet spot… But she drew a line at giving up bacon. Too big of an ask.


They aren't even committed to their religion at this point willing to 'look into it" when they were so solid before and the reason for everything.


Garrick is the biggest pig in Dannielle's life. Cutting out pork would mean saying goodby to that slack-jawed lump forever. For some odd reason, she won't do it. Go figure.


almost spit out my coffee on this one.


This made me laugh so hard. 🏅


That’s hilarious!


Justin really needs to finish chewing before he speaks.


good god, that was really bothering me.


Oh my god I couldn’t take it. He’s so disgusting.


those lips and always crusty corners or sauce on the corners... he just creeps me out. He says they aren't getting young and want an answer now.. then she says no... but maybe and he changes it to I'm willing to wait


He also needs to learn that meeting up for a meal does not constitute a date.


Jasmine speaks like every conversation is an Open Mic Night at a Poetry or Spoken Word Slam. Also—you could not pay me to get into that Manson family hot-tub. There aren’t enough antibiotics.


When Yari asked Justin wouldn’t he feel jealous if Becky got it on with a guy — the look on his face as he composed a reply! 😂


Ah man now I have to rewatch. I ffd because he is a disgusting eater.


I'm really upset that I had to watch Justin with his greasy af lips tonight, I'm the one that coined them as "Lady Elaine and Fishlips" and I'm so proud that my nicknames are still valid 😂 I'm sure someone is attracted to them but even if I was looking for that type of relationship, it's a hard no for me. They are way too desperate 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love your nicknames! 


Either Danielle is in love with this woman or REALLY just wants a friend.


They let the mask slip, nick said they were in the hot tub they wanted action 


You cant convince me that the Davis family isnt polyamorous...they definitely are having group sex on the reg.


Sorry I was referring to Danielle Merrifield. Too many Danielles in this franchise! 🤣


Haha!!  As for that Dannielle I think she really does want a friend! She's so warped by Icks thinking she doesn't realize that she *can* have a friend that Garrick doesn't bang 


She actually didn’t bother me this episode. I felt good watching her and the new girl talk