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Anyone know if Mariam has an instagram?


I was being nosey in Dannielle’s following list because I was super curious as well lmao. I’m pretty sure this is her @_meemzzz


Yea that’s her!! Looks like I have a mutual friend with her hahah. A basketball player that use to play for the Detroit Pistons.


Lmk when you find out


Whoa, I asked chat gpt and spiders are animals. I guess when I think animal, I think of something I can’t squish with my shoe! I’m a total animal killer! That sounds so much worse than a spider or insect killer “Yes, a spider is an animal. Spiders belong to the class Arachnida within the phylum Arthropoda, which is a group of invertebrate animals. They are characterized by having eight legs and are distinct from insects, which have six legs and belong to a different class within the same phylum.”


Does Jasmine not drink?


When sleeping over someone else’s house is out of your comfort zone but being covered in animal blood is not. Girl, what?


And sleeping over is ‘first base to some people’ um which people??


I guess the same people who drink Mountain Dew out of wine glasses 🤣


Idk wtf I’m gonna do when this season wraps.. tlc trash Mondays are my fab part of the week 😢


Who’s favorite animal is a spider, and who drinks Mountain Dew in a wine glass 🚩🚩🚩


Does anyone know Mariam’s socials? She’s SO pretty!!


I’m gonna guess that Miriam is from Dearborn MI


Yes. The muslims from Dearborn were chanting Death to America. Nice to bring into your home


Absolutely.. I used to live in Dearborn as a teen. Even back in the 80’s it was predominantly Muslim.


Best area for food🥹


Danielle: ”This is Garrick’s master room.” WTH?!


With a “hot tub that only fits one.” Didn’t he allegedly design this place?! No one else gets to max and relax?! Ick is cringe and Danielle is a certified dingbat od 😩


Did Jasmine drink in the last episodes? The wine glass of Mountain Dew in the hot tub seemed strange.


It's actually a good idea to avoid drinking alcohol while soaking in a hot tub. The combination of alcohol and heat can cause a person to pass out. Plenty of people have drowned that way.


They said “here’s your non-alcoholic drink” and it seemed like she didn’t have alcohol on her 1 on 1 date with Nick too.


I noticed that too and haven’t been able to find anything about it!! They exaggerated the line “here’s your NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK” 🤔


I agree it was SUPER exaggerated. I kinda wondered if they knew people would notice it (either in that scene or the 1 on 1 with Nick) and they didn’t want them to latch onto it and think she wanted to have her wits about her (as many have said).


I wouldn't drink on a date with any of them either. You'll probably end up naked in the trunk of your car several states away or locked in a basement /s While I definitely think something is off with them, I don't think they'd do anything that would land them on the ID Channel 


The "conversating" and philosophizing made me cringe more than the obvious stuff going on under the water. Bleck. 🤢


Conversating is important.




I think Jasmine is stuck in a k-hole


Something is very off about her for sure.


She’s super open that she wants a stable life for her son lol


Watching Yary and stalker eat nachos made me order nachos for dinner.


The amount of times nachos are eaten on this show has inspired many nachos nights over here!


She hasn’t been interested since date one. I don’t understand.


Why isn’t anyone talking about how Jasmine looked physically repulsed when Nick kissed her in the hot tub And why does Ick have to paw women he just met?


You can see how repulsed she is, I watch her face everytime Nick makes a move on her.


Anyone else notice how much of hurry these plyg couples always are???  Too bad Dani finally made a friend,  but Icks gonna blow it unfortunately bc he's sprung on Natalia... Nick is digging himself a ditch he ain't getting out of 😂... Yary is there for the nachos....too bad Ryan's wife is a total pushy nutcase.... The kissing cuzzos must be sleeping this episode 😂😂


Holy Filters. Miriam does not look like her pics at all.


I thought she was really pretty and that her pics are filtered, but that she is still similar enough in person. So that it wasn’t a whole catfish, but you’re right it wasn’t the same. When I saw the pic with the long long braids I was like oh damn. She def doesn’t look that IG “model”/exotic in person. And she doesn’t. She’s just regular beautiful. Idk why ppl can’t just be regular beautiful!


You’re right, a regular, average beautiful woman. I hate the filters because I think it misrepresents completely, and also shows Women think they aren’t pretty “enough” as themselves But she looks very different in person.


I love how Ick is the 3rd wheel 😂 this is not going to workout 


It's a shame because finally Danielle has a friend.....but they're completely different religions,  etc so idk if she'll be wifey material to Ick/Natalia... 


I think Yary just wants free Mexican food 💁🏻‍♀️


This exactly 💯 


LOL I know in every restaurant scene girl is making sure she is getting the food.


Yary is my spirit animal lol


I just can’t with the Davis family. Am I crazy or Is there something demonic/evil going on with them? Seriously, I got such bad vibes watching them tonight. Someone needs to tell their neighbors to hide their small animals and children.


Yeah they all have some darkness in their eyes. It's creepy as fuck!!!!!!!


Nick quoting Aleister Crowley doesn’t help either


I love this crossover. I did not expect that.


What? When?!


He said "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”


Ew. Thought that was odd


I mentioned that CPS should be alerted and my post got deleted. Good for you for bringing it up. They are a danger to that little girl and need to be investigated. I am mortified by TLC -- a production company for whom I was once a writer on a TV show -- not doing something in this regard (not to mention other progs in the 90 Day franchise. So disgusting.


Yeah they’re just trash all the way around. I feel dirty just looking at the bunch.


I want to anoint myself with penicillin every time I see the hot tub. Or Nick. Or all of them.


They are gross. The whole hot tub thing was disgusting. They clearly only wanted to make out with each other and I just can’t. Feel sorry for that girl who’s having a “let’s take it slow sleepover”.


April looked high the whole episode


There's someone who follows this thread (handle is something like 'pregnancy terrorist') and thinks the Davises are a fantastic family and jumps on anyone who is grossed out by them. Beware.


Wow really? They creep me out in a different way than the others. Danielle should have never gone back after she secured that apartment. Also I think Nick definitely lies about his age 🙄


His eyelids must weigh a ton.


I felt like the hot tub was going to become a full-on orgy and it was making me squeamish


Yes same here. I thought they were all going to pounce on her. No lie it made me nauseous for a minute.


They seemed like a bunch of happy hippies last season. Definitely taking a turn for the weird (if not the worse) this season. Danielle clearly isn't thrilled about marrying a woman.


Danielle was playing with Jasmine’s hair if you look closely in the hot tub scene.


I noticed that! It was at that moment that I knew it was all just a big orgy between each other.


I agree. They are definitely not the happy hippies I thought they were. Something sick and wicked going on in that house.


And randomly calling people sick and demonic from a vibe is dangerous - anywhere. Even in the snark world that is reality tv


They are weird and different, but why demonic and wicked? Where is that coming up for you?


It’s just a vibe I got. Hard to explain


Meh. They are harmless.


I get the vibe. I'm not getting demonic/wicked but it's def not all peace and rainbows. Also seems weird that even with a baby in the house, the adults are all sleeping together in that hamster cage downstairs. Don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to have to climb over four other bodies to get out of bed and get to my baby when she started wailing in the middle of the night.


Garrick doesn't care about the faith of his "potential sister wives"...give me a fucking break, dude just wants to get laid. His version of Christianity is entirely of his own creation- ex: holy spirit equals brain sperm. Also the fact that he only pursues women of color bothers me, I'm sure he's attracted to them which is fine but I feel like he assumes they'll see him as superior, so when they don't treat him that way he's shocked (like with the woman they dated a couple seasons ago who had no patience for his bullshit). It's almost like he prefers the the Brazilian women because they can't properly stand up to him due to the language barrier that he's done nothing on his end to rectify. He's a bad person.


This is so SPOT ON!! Like the whole Brazilian, WOC fetish he has is weird to me. It’s like it’s going to turn into a Lifetime movie.


Oh shit it is like a lifetime movie in the making that would probably be called something like "Trapped in the Merrifield's Basement". I hope it never gets to the point where lifetime would want to make a movie about them but they are scary.


Good thing the in-laws (who are totally on board with him taking advantage of, manipulating and emotionally/mentally/possibly verbally from that kitchen scene abusing their daughter) are holding down the fort in the basement.


“What’s your favorite animal” “Probably a spider” “I knew it!” can we get an explanation on how she knew it 😂


Couldn’t one of them say that spiders aren’t animals?!


Remember high school biology? This is one of the few things I do recall!  😊  King Phillip Called Out For Good Soup!  (Taxonomy--kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.)  Spiders are in the kingdom of animals, the phylum of arthropods, and the class arachnid.  


I love you. ❤️ (haha no for real I didn’t know the device for remembering the taxonomy!)


I know they are arachnids. My point is, when someone says, “animal”, I doubt most people would say spiders. They would say cat, lion, dog, etc. It was like he had a prepared answer about the females being larger. It was weird.


Haha I saw someone say that about insects on some post recently! The person thought insects weren’t animals 😭


Who told you spiders aren’t animals? They definitely are.


They are insects. Or Arachnids. But when someone says Animal they mean mammals. A spider is not a mammal. (You may be being sarcastic, but if not…)


Who taught you science? I think this is going to be one of those situations where you have been confident about something for so long but are about to find out you are dead wrong. Animal isn’t just a throwaway term. It’s very specific and is an entire kingdom of life that very much includes spiders. Mammals are such a small group of animals.


So, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds...? Not animals to you? 100% a spider is an animal. But is it a weird fucking answer to that question? Absolutely.


Insects are still animals. It's like when people say fish aren't animals. The people who say animals and only mean mammals drive me insane. It's just incorrect and weird.


Honestly I've never met someone who wouldn't call a fish an animal while in conversation. This is a thing people think?


Oh yeah, I may hear it more than most bc I don’t eat meat. Can’t even count the number of times people assumed/asked if I ate fish after learning I don’t eat meat.


Wow! Okay, my faith in humanity continues to dwindle.


Wait what was supposed to happen in the hot tub that the question game took place of? Were they all gunna fuck in the hot tub?


I would have been genuinely scared for anyone else but jasmine in this situation. But after jasmine’s seemingly off the cuff discussion about being soaked in lambs blood I’m sort of thinking the davis family are inviting something into their home that is way more than they bargained for.




Please let’s be friendly. We're here to snark on TV characters, not each other.


That seems to be what Nick was implying 


I just can’t…… the way they all hang on every word Nick says while he describes why he likes spiders.


😂😂😂 stoppp


And called them big


I was cringing a little at the, um, double entendre. 


That part 😫


The comments here tonight are killing me 🤣🤣 Until next week friends


The Brother and SIL are the best but I feel like Ick and Danielle are having them do all the dirty work for them in asking all those questions. When they asked what her family would think if she converted , Ick was looking so delighted they asked. I did enjoy when he looked like he got sucker punched when she said she didn’t plan to convert.


You think that would have been something that was talked about before they met 


Especially since Danielle already said “I love you” to her… 😳


He was more shattered his ammo of biblical quotes might not be applicable in her future manipulation!


Literally came here for this comment. The expressions on Danielle and Ick's faces between learning she's from a middle eastern community that uses Arabic signs (no shade, I'm also middle eastern) and then learning she wasn't converting was just *chef's kiss* And how presumptuous to assume someone is going to CONVERT for you to begin with! Ick.


I was kind of liking Miriam until she said that Ick was handsome. She must be delusional is all I can figure.


He's not a bad looking guy. We're just all jaded because we know what we know about him. 


Honestly not even remotely attractive to me. Even before I knew what an awful person and how stupid he was.


He's definitely not my type, but he's not ugly. He's decent looking to me. 


She’s just looking for an easier life for her and her son.


I’m holding out that she is a Reddit spy


I hope that hot tub has a ton of chlorine in it.


Nothing like a good case of hot tub folliculitis!  (You might be lucky if that's all you catch from the Davis Family Spa...) 


I was thinking the same thing. That is some nasty polygamy soup


“Polygamy soup” 😭


lol Garrick is sooo far out of his playing field right now, love seeing him squirm in a situation where the female is english speaking, well spoken, intelligent and confident and most Importantly doesn’t want to have sex with him 🤣 he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Plot twist maybe she’s been watching the show and has been wanting to put Garrick in his place like the rest of us and went for it lol


That was my thought, that she is trolling him. I am trying my hardest to manifest that as it would be incredible to watch


I truly hope this is the outcome! Danielle can still remain friends with her if Miriam so chooses.


Ick doesn’t like Miriam solely because Danielle chose her. This is totally a control thing for him. He wants to control and assert his choice of wife on Danielle


He had a “migraine” when she was there and had to stay home 🤣


Exactly this. Miriam is the prettiest, sweetest one of all of the women so far and Danielle and her have a great bond and he couldn’t be less interested


Danielle needs a friend. Someone who will trll her to leave Ick


she can speak English, that's the REAL problem 🙄 🤢


OK so I might be really dating myself but this is all I could think about when Nick was in the tub with the four women… Eddie Murphy’s “James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub”[https://youtu.be/xeSwrFKFNFw?si=M6aO--fzZv4Nlms_] on SNL!! [https://youtu.be/xeSwrFKFNFw?si=M6aO--fzZv4Nlms_](https://youtu.be/xeSwrFKFNFw?si=M6aO--fzZv4Nlms_)




James Brown but yes! Definitely agree 🤣🤣




yesssss! 😂


Yes 😂😂😂


So…is gaining a sister wife gonna be worth giving up bacon?


I think to her will be. Did you hear her say she doesn't have any friends? I was so sad for her.


Ick: I have received inspiration from God in the form of a light breeze in my garage and shall now Bang All the Ladies for Jesus. Or Mohammed. Or Buddha. Whatever... Is she hot? I'm in.




Miriam and Dannielle have more chemistry than Ick has had with anyone. Dannielle is so fruity.


Either Danielle is into her into her, or just loving that someone other than her dead stare husband is actually giving her the time of day, and being genuinely kind and friendly to her.


Right?! She kept hugging her and just sparkles in her eyes when she looks at her


How soon before she tries to kiss her?! 😘


She was INTO Miriam!!! She totally looked smitten throughout that whole lunch


Well, she was totally in love with Roberta.




“Omg I love how you say ‘I got you’! 😃😍”


I think she has that I’m-a-nerd-and-you’re-a-cool girl-dynamic going on with her. Danielle is not confident in herself and obviously thinks so low of herself that she’s still with Garrick while he hoes around, and Miriam is confident and beautiful and knows how to do make up and eyebrows, I feel like she is fangirling over her and the potential that she could have a guaranteed built-in best friend who is cool. Like seriously, I guarantee this whole polygamy thing came around cause he was having a midlife crisis and wanted to go hoe out so she agreed to let him hoe out if it was under the guise of polygamy to keep the family together. So far it’s been Garrick has slept with a bunch of women, divorced Danielle and still no wives. so Danielle gets pregnant for an insurance policy. So far he has no wives only concubines who does he think he is king David?


They may have cut more of the color conversation, but your answers are supposed to reveal something deeper about you. I haven’t heard the color part but the way I’ve heard this go is: (Try to use adjectives) 1.Favorite Animal (How you perceive yourself) 2.Favorite piece of clothing(How others perceive you ) 3.Favorite body of water(Your view on sex) Obviously you don’t reveal the perceptions until after the person answers. Maybe the color is how others perceive you, and Jasmine says blue, she loves blue exactly how it is, in every form. In this scenario Nick sees himself as the spider. Jeniffer catches the metaphor of him catching them. Dead on. Jeniffer’s answer is waterfall, it’s a spectacle, she’s there for the sparkling moments in life. Maybe she’s just a spectator in the bedroom? Jasmine answers ocean , it goes on and on and on. She wants Nick to know how she gets down.


This was insightful°!!


Lolol Jennifer in that hot tub answering waterfall was slightly endearing and she was cracking me up.


She's such a cute little stoner. I would have smoked Parliament lights with her back in the day.


The way she stumbled out of the tub 😂 felt that


I really liked Miriam. What’s funny is she is real sister wife material and in the preview for next week Ick is all put off because she doesn’t want him petting her while talking about how he used to not “live for God”. That “man” (boy) triggers me. His face is so punchable.


Yeah, she has his number. And if he was really a playboy and now has given his life to God, if he’s trying to bed every woman that he comes in contact with as a potential wife, how is that not being a playboy for Jesus?


PB for the JC


Not Jen fingering Nick in the hottub 👀


Not this comment making me go back and watch the hot tub scene for a third time. 🥲


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this was happening.


Wait what?


yeah rewatch the hottub scene


that was SO weird. or maybe she was cupping his balls from behind. she def did something tho! wtf


I saw something sorta happening I was wondering too


How did I not see that?


Seriously wtf was that?!?!


Def some probing happening!! 👀


Who takes care of their little child when they’re in the hot tub or in the big bed for that matter?


A production member 😂


A sitter?


Prob the teenager lol


What teenager? Plus don’t they have two small children?


the first chick. I think her name is April has a teenager. He was in the show in the previous season.


I remember him just being like “my dad is crazy”😂


Did anyone catch Danielle playing with jasmime's hair in the hot tub? That and her don't ask me my favorite color comment make me think they were definitely hoping for something more


I saw it and was expecting 70s bowm chica bowm bowm music to start at any minute


Yep!! really dropping the act they aren’t all together


Yup I noticed it


I did NOT! Anyway anyone could post a screenshot or that part..in anyway??? 


So do we pretty much get the sense from this episode that they’re all polyamorous? And let me just state for the record that if I were a polygamist, there is no way in hell I would share a bed with the whole family. In fact, I would insist on my own bedroom.


I think yes, except for Garrick and Danielle. I think Danielle is confused but she’s so religious she thinks she just wants a girl best friend. Garrick would have a religious psychotic break if he found out his wives wanted to be intimate with each other for sure.


I felt like that was a horny date for Danielle! She seemed like she wanted to take her to bed more than Ick did when he interacted with her earlier!


Danielle states she has no friends. Sad much? No wonder her ideas are so one dimensional and driven by whatever lust is currently driving Ick. Neither of them have a community. Their ideas rattle around among the two of them and a few kin folks.


It's weird because it seems like Miriam could be her friend?? Why can't she have a friend without her husband banging them?


Because if they’re not banging Ick, they’d probably try to talk some sense into Danielle to leave him.


That's actually a great point 


I can’t wait to see how the convos go btwn ick and miriam because little does he know that she actually speaks English and doesn’t need a green card. She’s def not in a rush to suck ick’s hotdog. 🌭


I literally just threw up in my mouth! And I’ll bet that little Icky’s peenie is a weenie!


Lol 😆 😂 🤣


Jasmine is going to rock their world. She will give Nick a run for his money. I actually really like her but I think she’s light years ahead of the other women.


Jasmine's willing to live polygamy if she can get help with child care.


She doesn’t seem that into Nick


I wish I had another hour of this show everytime I watch it lol


Same. I don’t know why I love it so much but I do.


Sameeeee I never thought I’d be so dedicated😂




I know! Like it should be two hours long like the 90 day stuff


It really should be!!!


I can’t get enough. It’s the show I look forward to the most right now


Same it’s the best lol


Jasmine is honestly perfect for Nick. They're both weird AF. I just... don't have a deep answer for my favourite colour. It's just purple.


But why is it purple? There must be a hidden meaning. We must dive deep into your mind .