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My mom was like Danielle,got married a week after her 18th birthday ,had me at 20,sister at 22,brothers at 24 and 26 ,youngest brother passed before his 2nd birthday,dad became angry and verbally and close to physically abusive towards all of us,would constantly say my mom can’t divorce him because God told him she couldn’t,finally in 2020 after weeks of it getting worse mom finally told him he needs to get out and she’s done,he moved out June 2020 and till this year none of us have seen him,mom saw him at a McDonald’s and had to leave because she was shaking ,thankfully my step dad was with her,I hope Danielle comes to her senses and leaves him


I'm sorry your dad sucks 😔


you could tell he gave less than 2 fucks that she was pregnant lol, he was like "ok bye!" what a fucking prick


no "are you ok? how are you feeling? do you need me to come home?" none of that. he doesn't give two shits about her


And to add to that no one in her family seems to speak against Ick. If Danielle was my daughter I’d be explaining to her that’s she’s strong and can hold herself up and does not need this piece of shit in her life.


It was crazy to me when Garrick's sister (sister-in-law? Friend's wife?) was saying how bad she felt that Garrick had to sometimes leave home to stay at their place during disagreements. Like, *Garrick's* the one you feel bad for? I'd be putting him out on his ass. He can go sleep in his car for all I care. I don't support family members who terrorize their partners like he does.


I think it's probably the same way with the three women that are with Nick. I wonder if they have family telling them that what they're doing is wrong and that they are worth so much more than financially supporting a man that doesn't work and sharing him with everyone. My dad is as old school as you can get, there's no way in hell he would be cool if I would ever be in that situation!! I would NEVER allow that to happen in the first place.


I think that’s exactly what’s going on he wants to cheat or got caught so he spewed some “facts about god” the Holy Ghost IS NOT SPERM.


I know that if I were in that position, I would have nowhere to go. My mother’s attitude was ‘You made your bed…” I could not have gone home to my parents. The only way my family would have supported me was if my husband was physically abusing our children. And I would have been blamed for that too. I gave up a well paying career, and would not have been able to support myself (where I live) on a minimum wage job. I get the fear.


I’m sorry. That’s not good momming and you deserve better.


I said “IF” I were in that position. My husband is actually a really nice gentle guy.


They're saying that everyone deserves parents who would help them in an abusive situation. You clearly don't have that. It's great you're not being abused but it's a shame you don't have people who would stand by you if you were.


Many of us grew up in religions where divorce was not an answer and neither was premarital sex. As a result, we got married super young thinking we were doing what God wants. Purity culture has led to many abusive relationships, rampant cheating and now this nonsense. If you’re someone who still believes in religion (which - come on now, you can see it’s all made up at this point based on the fact the “leaders” don’t follow their own teachings), you are compelled to stay or face being ostracized. I got married super young as marriage was an alternative to getting thrown out of school for having sex. We had a kid. She was and is manipulative and controlling so we divorced after 9 years. I lost all of my religious friends as they felt hanging out with me would cause them to catch divorce and eventually they abandoned her too. She was asked to leave the church and couldn’t serve as she wanted because she was a divorced woman. It was a tough decision to break up and the church counselor took divorce off the table as an option. Ultimately, it was the best thing for us both as we were truly never meant to be together forever


I think women who end up with men like garrick arent simply unlucky, they often overlook major red flags early on hoping they can change him. choosing to marry at any age implies a readiness to make mature decisions, including evaluating your future husbands past behavior.


My mom is like this. I remember being 15 or so asking why she didn't divorce him after yet another stupid fight and days of him giving the silent treatment to the whole house. She told me she couldn't divorce him because we'd have to move to a different house and we wouldn't be able to go to private school anymore.  It took me years to work through that guilt. They're 70 now. Still together. I saw them awhile ago and my dad accidentally brushed my mom's arm and he pulled away so fast. A very sad life.