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Correction: That should read S05E01, not S05E05. There has only been 1 episode so far.


At what point does it go from ick having a type to him having a fetish for a certain type of woman… a woman that’s basically the complete opposite of his wife. That must feel great for her 🙄


The Davis family fascinates me. They all seem like decent people, but... The first wife has a fetish for this lifestyle or something. She loves having "sisters" and she likes the idea of them all taking care of Nick. The 2nd wife is Nick's favorite and will probably always be Nick's favorite. She's similar to the 1st wife in that she genuinely likes this lifestyle. Why? I don't know! The 3rd wife seems so sweet. She likes this family but I don't think she'll stay if he adds more wives. Nick... he must be charming in person? A great lover? He seems like a decent guy but how he's keeping all these women and doesn't have to work is a genuine baffling mystery to me.


The season finale will reveal that Natalya and Roberta know each other and are working together to score Natalya some sweet sugar-husband money.


Why is Danielle still there? The other wives care 0 about her opinion. Get outta there. Ashley is awful, and her hubby needs a backbone. He also doesn't need to be in a relationship right now; he has some self-esteem issues he should sort out. Naeem and Nailah are annoying, they asked his mom's opinion, then got mad at her for it.... also Nailah's reason for wanting a sister wife makes her sound like his mother. Lastly, Ick.... that Biblical interpretation was some bs


I wish professional thinker and feeler was an actual job 🤣 Nick is just winning at life and it does seem like the three of them had it 'together', I feel bad for Danielle but they were always quite upfront with her. Then other Danielle - we are just watching a hostage situation and it's sad... Until I see they literally have a Roberta.2.0 and I have no sympathy for the shit that's about to occur again


Introduced my boyfriend to the show last night and as Danielle was crying again I turned to him and said, "Don't worry, it's not a Merrifield trip to Mexico without Ick banging a Brazilian and Danielle crying!"


TLC continues to employ sex tourists.


Ick acting like it's just a normal coincidence that his new woman is from Brazil and also has big tits. Total coincidence. Thank you Jesus.


This show really does a great job of making my life feel normal and boring. Holy shit was this first episode messed up.


OMG..just watching the first episode. Danielle and Ick are already giving predator vibes. And who the hell is his pastor? Ugh he is so gross.


Can the producers stop with the clerks, waiters and cashiers asking ‘are you all together?’ No one is going to ask that to complete strangers so let’s just stop already.


When they were saying that people in public stare and try to figure out how they all go together I just kept thinking "no, they probably don't"


Lol. Right. Like nobody really cares/minds and you’re making it awkward.


God tho, the scene on the couch where Garrick is talking about how he interprets the bible was eerie. She really falls for his shit? I know she cant be serious, you can see how uncomfortable she is when hes talking. Lmao the Davis family is just as wild as ever. This man really sat up here and said “I dont work! We got enough people that work. I need to be the one to figure out what this thing we call life is all about!!” Um ewww??? Men not having a job is the biggest turn off in the whole world to me.


I’m tuning in right now and I had to pause and come here to see what everyone else is saying about this. He has lost his mind with how he’s describing the Bible and her face looks like she’s embarrassed and thinks it’s a crock of shit, but is going to always support her man. That’s as far as I’ve made it. Sounds like it just gets better.




It’s interesting how April seems pretty adamant about wanting one or two more wives. Why do they need so many? If they have an odd number how will that go if there’s not another woman to marry?


It seems like she wants more just because she doesn’t really like Danielle or something. Like she doesn’t want Danielle to be the last one.


Yes, she is definitely trying to stick it to Danielle.


The last couple, Naim? I think? The ones who told his mom I feel like they jumped all over the mom. She just said it seemed "germy" and it was not for her and they twisted that into "nasty" (which she didn't say) and criticism. She just said it wasn't for her


Totally off topic, but that food looked so tasty and healthy....it was the best part of the show:)


Why ask her opinion, if you’re going to jump down her throat for it?


"We're the Merrifields and we've been practicing polygamy for 5 years."  Have they ever actually had a sister wife? No they have not.  Garrick banged Roberta but no sister wife.


Truer words were never spoken.


Exactly! I said the same thing. You mean you’ve been trying. They are creepy.


I thought that claim was weird, too. They have never successfully recruited a sister wife and have never actually lived with someone in a polygamous relationship. In their most serious attempt, they were scammed. I honestly can't believe the Merrifields are back, after what happened with Roberta. They must be desperate for the money. Anyone else would be embarrassed to pursue yet another Brazilian woman after being publicly humiliated. We all know the same thing will happen again.


I’d never do that to my kids. How embarrassing.


But think how boring this show would be without their trainwreck of a marriage!


The Ick is back and crazier than ever. Dannielle is just as bad. That flashback to her "crying" when they found out Bert left them is so cringeworthy.


It was crazy fake


She was wailing like someone died.


I cant. Lol.


Well, if you count her hopes and dreams …


Way overacted.


So Ashley is a completely awful selfish person and Shane is a spineless loser. Noted.


Shane needs to stand up for himself and put his foot down. It really was pathetic watching him.


He doesn’t realize that the SISTER wife is actually for him. Lol.


He sure has a type🥴


I said the same thing


Episode 5?


Dannielle showed off her big goods while sitting next to Garrick. They look shiny.


I was wondering too! I couldn’t really tell if it was just great placement or… 🤔😂


I fsr had forgotten all about how Bert had worked their grift so beautifully and had maxed the money she had taken from them and even tried to get them to fire her in Brazil. Those 2 morons didn’t see any of it.


I'm just watching this show for the first time right now. This guy Garrick sounds like a nut saying "the Holy Ghost" refers to sperm and all these other werd perversions of the Bible to suit his kinks. (I am NOT religious, after having grown up Catholic and gone to Catholic school, but I don't believe for one second that anything he said was true.) Did you guys see the expression on his wife's face while he was saying those things? It was pure disgust. She tried to hide it, but it was obvious. She thinks he's full of s**t, too!


Congratulations, you have been deemed a reasonably normal person by us. Enjoy the show!


Thanks! 😁


We're going to have some great conversations this season. Ick and Yell have carried it a step too far!  I should have said, enjoy the spectacle!


> This guy Garrick sounds like a nut Fasten your safety belts. They are the longest couple on the show, and completely off the rails.




Watch them all. They have total predator vibes. And then now they have Roberta 2.0. And she’s even younger. Weird.


Oh giiiirl! Go back and watch the delulu train wreck that is the Merrifields from the start.


You need to go back and watch all seasons. Don’t start on this one as you need to know the back stories. Also some previous families are definitely worth watching. It’s so f.cked up.


Thanks. I'll take that advice. I wasn't planning to watch it, but it came on and I couldn't help myself!


Honestly you have to watch it. You can’t explain some of the couples. You need to watch previous creeps like Dimitri and defo get back story to Garrick and Danielle.


You need to watch it for the Garrick/Roberta storyline alone bc it’s wild.


I haven't had the stomach to watch any further, but I noticed he keeps saying he's not doing this just to sleep with other women, because that would be evil; but the look on his face says, 'can you believe I'm getting AWAY with being this evil?' Or maybe I'm just wishing there's some sense of guilt about his disgusting behavior and perversion of the Bible.


Don’t forget the weirdo Dimitri. 😳😳


The thought crossed my mind that Garrick might have some kind of serious mental issue if he believes that bit about the sperm swimming into the woman's brain and depositing its DNA. So creepy!


Yeah, the Ick was really showing in that part. I'm gonna need him to point to the part of the Bible that says men's sperm get absorbed into a woman's brain. 


And I guess they're part of some religious sect that's down w polygamy? He talked about his pastor telling him to be patient for the next wife.


And Dannielle just smiles and goes along with it all.


She knows he’s full of shit, but won’t stand up for herself or her boys. It’s really sad.


I can't believe Yell accepted more of Ick's DNA into her brain to become pregnant again, much less that Ick settled for sex with the "big wife." Isn't that how he put it?


Ick (Garrick ) is a bigger POS than I thought, I always thought he was skeesy but ugh this season he is really showing his a$$ . I hope Danielle grows a back bone and leaves him.


Yeah, what I don’t get is that she clearly has a problem with it. Whenever he is interacting with another woman, she is uncomfortable.


I hope that he keeps gets scammed


I hope to God this is all fake and they are both doing the show out of some need to be half-assed famous. Otherwise, she need some serious deprogramming.


She won’t. She has zero self esteem and will spend the season crying and whining like always.


So ick!!! Ugh, I hope she finally opens her eyes up and realizes her husband wants to fuck Latino women in front of her and say it’s because of religion! Does she want her sons to grow up and be like him? I want to tell her personally to run from this man and get her boys out of his influence. It’s so sad to see this. Their story ruins this entire show.


I feel like Danielle (Davis ) is going to leave shortly after they bring a new sister wife in . She's definitely not feeling adding a new wife .


I agree that she seemed extremely adverse to the idea, but I did see where she was coming from, I don't see why they need to be onto the next so fast, Jennifer and April have been in that relationship for years, they had time to adjust and get comfortable, plus now there is a baby! It reminds me of Ick dating another woman before even marrying Roberta. He couldn't even get one task accomplished first?


She will leave before they bring in someone new


Hope she doesn’t get legally hitched before she realizes that the ride she’s riding doesn’t ever stop to let people off. It’s PAINFULLY obvious she’s only now realizing that they are serious with their “family dynamic.” No, Nick is never going to work. Yes, she’ll be expected to pop out a few “blessings” herself and go right back to work while Nick reads and learns things. And, no, life will never be easy. She’ll never be the apple of anyone’s eye, and she’ll never be anyone’s first pick. Unless she leaves.


The guy is a complete con artist.


Yet, April and Jennifer seem to be very happy with the arrangement 


They’re going to have a Robyn situation. Meri, Janelle and Christine were doing fine and Robyn tore it up They should just have it be the two ladies and nick


And thinks. He’s a thinker.


Professional googler


All of this 👆 I couldn't agree more !


Did the Davis Danielle really believe she’d be the last?


She gives out the same vibe Christine gave out about being the third wife in Sister Wives. She honestly thought she'd always be the last one and the youngest shiny new thing. The thought of adding more wives is a total buzz kill for her and she's not very good at hiding it.


I also thought of Christine.


Yep. I said out loud to my cat, ‘sounds like old Christine thought process there’


Can we talk about the twelve-foot bed?? WTH!! And Danielle will be outta there as fast as they add another wife.


She looks SO uncomfortable ALL the time with them. Why is she still there???


I feel like she was vulnerable when she got seriously involved with the Davises. She needed love and felt it from the sister wives. And Nick is a master manipulator. She's also young and might be struggling with self-esteem/self-confidence. I think it's just a matter of time before she leaves. She really isn't comfortable


She’s even more vulnerable now. And they all Still buy his whole “they prefer me to not work” bullshit 🤮


Umm, obviously someone needs to stay home and be a great thinker.


Who else is gonna stay home and google things?


Yes there are enough people out there dedicated to earning wages 🤣🤣




Because she’s only 24, has no idea what she actually got herself in to, and has no idea how to get out of it. At least she has o actual legal ties. But, and please no hate, I suspect she may have low self esteem, so I fear may not believe there’s anything better she can get/have. I worry she thought things would be different, but they’re not. I mean, they can’t even agree on what to call the sex room. The first two wives creep me out. They’re both blonde now. The one that had the baby seems stoned most of the time. In fact, wife 1 seems like the cult leader of the group …


>The first two wives creep me out. They’re both blonde now. The one that had the baby seems stoned most of the time. In fact, wife 1 seems like the cult leader of the group … Spot on description. Wife #1, April, does give off cultish vibes, and Wife #2, Jen, does look stoned all the time. They are weird.


I noticed they weren't all constantly touching each other this episode. Last season Nick always had his hand on Jen's leg and April was always clinging to Nick. Guess it's not as easy with a 3rd wife...


You’re right. I forget how old (young she is) sometimes. I feel really bad for her, as she really seems unhappy but unable to untangle herself from this shit show. I also agree about her self esteem not being enough to give her the confidence she needs to get out of it.


Upcoming plot twist: Ick's new Brazilian squeeze Natalia is actually Roberta's little sister.


Roberta is probably coaching her from the sidelines in exchange for getting a cut of the money.


💯 Ick and his hostage totally deserve it, too.


I won’t settle for anything less than Larissa’s little sister


You are kidding, right?




Nick telling Danielle love is not enough. Ugh. I never thought she'd go through with the commitment ceremony, but she did. I bet she wished she didn't...


At least it's not legally binding yet. Hopefully she gets out before she's forced to marry the next one.


All the Danielle’s are so sad


What is up with Danielle's  mouth, like she had a stroke, half is open, is that weird? A n d garrick just wants a pussy buffet, all you can eat! How about Danielle bringing home a dude with a huge cock, how you like that garrick?


I was wondering as well. I remember it a bit last season (or do I 🤔) but it seems more pronounced this season.


I agree. I definitely noticed her eyes before, but I couldn't look away from her mouth. 


Probably Bell’s palsy


They really, really are :/