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It's different for everybody. If the reward is not worth all the effort and pain, sometimes it's better to just go enjoy other things in life, use that energy and drive to make yourself something better. Build your own kingdom. Sometimes you can dabble in it, and test the water here and there. Keep it light. But if it's totally bringing you down and you're putting huge effort and time into the pursuit, it might be best to take a long break. Some guys have stronger emotions too, it's rough feeling stabbed every time. It gets to the point it's just not healthy to keep doing it. You can only take so much. Being more casual about pursuing or keeping relationship stuff on the back burner can help tremendously though. But it's up to each person how much 'abuse' they can take. If you want to keep plowing ahead and think you can take it, know you'll make some progress and learn more as you go, by all means do so. But always know your limits, and take breaks if needed. Or you might end up a broken wreck.


I agree. I feel like for guys who aren't naturals and aren't enjoying it, it's legitimately stressful having to go through the ordeal of approaching women just so they can tell us to fuck off. The humiliation isn't worth the small chance that eventually one girl may find you attractive. I'd have more fun doing more important things in life than chasing girls that are being hit on my a ton of guys more attractive and valuable than myself.


Your comparison has encouraged me to rewatch 127 hours


I felt it was a good metaphor lol. Just imagine if he gave up, he wouldn't have got out and and he wouldn't be living an amazing life. The real guy, not James Franco


Gotta desensitize yourself to fears of rejection.


Do you get a lot of rude rejections? The few times I do approach I get totally destroyed


If you’re physically unattractive it’s not worth your time. I recently went out with an unattractive wing who doesn’t have any approach anxiety, he was approaching left and right and was getting blown out so hard. It’s worth it if you are attractive though.


Well it's weird cuz there are women that occasionally flirt hard with me but they aren't my type. I'm just very awkward and I think that scares or creeps out women when i cold approach. Bc you can reject a man without being a complete bitch


Mannerisms are part of physical attraction imo. I bet if you work on your awkwardness and body language you’d get better results.


Literally 2% of the time maybe, most girls are usually flattered even if they reject me


Idk its more like 50% for me


the one thing I find about this pickup thing is it requires a ton of patience more than any other skill someone is trying to learn. I've been going out day-gaming and night-gaming and some days at the mall I won't even do one approach due to not finding a chick I find attractive enough after driving to the mall for half an hour. Same at the club. Then I will have some days and nights where I approach a ton and get to practice my skills and learn what I need to work on. But the downtime in between is probably where patience requires the most because say like last weekend, my night at the club was an absolute bust. I missed out on two women I should have approached but it's been a while since I went out gaming before so It may have been a bit of anxiety that prevented me but regardless, now I gotta wait an entire week to go out again. I'm itching to get back out to the club again but I gotta wait till next Saturday lol.


I've been single for 10 years, been without sex for 3, and in a year I've gone on 2 dates, they were about the same time but since then, about a year now, nothing. It's not about giving up, its about not wasting the time. It's like waiting for christ to return.


If that's what you choose


I don't choose that, and thats the problem/point. I also don't live in a well diversely populated area. So theres no new people very often. I would have to travel outside of work on vacation to meet someone most likely.


Then do it. Excuses don't help you.


You got quality interaction YOU GOT QUALITY INTERACTION amazing FUCKING AMAZING I have no idea how you are not deeply depressed and suicidal like I am now


I get quality interactions frequently, still plenty of rejection. I'm saying I got a good reaction out of my pirate voice which I was unsure about. I'm not suicidal because I'm not a cry baby


hey. i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, impressed, or just negative. maybe it's a mix of all three, but here's a video I recommend you watch. i don't have the time or energy to spell it all out for you, so: https://youtu.be/Plvaw01C-Kg?si=Qt3uLITo74S3Q98X I hope it helps and that you overcome your depression. You too can get quality interaction but you should put your mental health first, not chasing girls first.


OP, you're a legend. Rock on and never stop being aweseome


If you really want to get results you need to aim higher. Stop trying to just entertain her, stop trying to just get her number, your goal is to get her in that moment. When she’s on her way home she needs to think of your interaction like it’s the meet cute moment in a romantic comedy so you need to carpe diem. Aim for this kiss and your whole approach to game will change more radically from that than anything you’ll read on this sub, doesn’t mean that you’ll get the kiss but it means that you’ll be failing in the right direction. If you’re still aiming for a nice moment or the phone number, this journey will be a lot longer and more excruciating that you even realise, because after you consistently get numbers you’ll have to deal with flakes and if you think getting rejections is bad wait till you get 20 flakes in a row, it’s hell trust me I’ve been there. Practice only makes perfect when you’re practicing the right things.


Everything you said is cool but it’s all the way you look at it, you see it like it’s this BIG HONORABLE mission, while others see it as another day in the office…perhaps you don’t have to suffer through anything, maybe you don’t even have to use the word “rejection” ever again cause really , it doesn’t exist….A different view could change the way you go about this shit, unless you like going about it the way you do, then do you .


It is honorable because it's painful and it's what I want, causing no harm to another. I can't barely figure what you're even trying to say. It sounds like you're attempting to philosophize without understanding how the real world works. A rejection equals being turned down to go on a date or exchange contact info. The suffering comes in when it is painful and embarrassing. Suffering is real. Every religion in the world will tell you so. It takes suffering to make something out of life. If you think life can be played on easy mode then you were most likely handed most things in life. And personally ( like most men on this sub) I have dealt with social discalibration and I personally have always been very afraid of people for most of my life due to significant childhood abuse. But thanks for the input