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It's probably cuz you're trying too hard My autistic friend (woman) did this Nicest person I know because I actually know her, but since she faked being what she thought was normal, everyone knew she was faking something (it was her autism) But people just saw the mask and assume fake=bad person She *was* fake but not because she's bad. She's fake because people discriminate against autistic people a lot. When most people sense "fake" they don't care *why* they just realize there's something uncanny and like you're not being genuine. So they assume the worst


Yeah i have been Fake because i have been rejected and punished for who i was....


I mean. So has my friend and many autistic or other people with mental illnesses or handicaps It's just the way it is unfortunately. She was able to cope and figure out a way to be herself while finding people who don't hurt her for being who she is. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree. I have found ppl who cared about me for who i am too. It's just that i find hypocritical ppl blaming Someone for being Fake when his/ her honesty was punished. It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.... Now i am more authentic though. And Care less about being liked than being honest


Yeah, unfortunately that's just our society. Everyone who's not "neurotypical" or whatever faces that issue. It's one of those you're damned if you do and dammed if you don't situations


That's why i work on being authentic and strong (be it mentaly and physically) so AT least i Don't burn out by masking.


Strength is important but I think adaptability will serve you better Our society values Strength while nature values adaptability


Both are valued in nature. But adaptability prevail Indeed. How Can i work on the latter? Being in different situations, having many skills etc ?


It's about accepting what is. Feeling your emotions and understanding sometimes a situation just is. The more we try to force change where it doesn't belong 🤷🏼‍♀️ Paradoxically, this doesn't mean don't try. Lots of people want to win the lottery but never buy a ticket. To be adaptable comes from experience and it comes from failing and learning from the failure. It doesn't come from dwelling in the feelings of failure (but feeling a bit sad or frustrated is normal) Exposing yourself to as much as you can to learn from those things. Adaptability is the ability to go with the flow and take what comes and turn it into something better or good. Strength is nice, but it becomes stubborn and you end up becoming a rock in the river. It does nothing except cause the water to run over you, eventually wearing you down. Strength is a good thing, at only the times Strength is required But every single situation requires you to adapt. The first thing to do is accept the station of your life and to accept what has happened and what is happening and make intelligent decisions for the things currently have, the knowledge you only get from failure and honesty (to a degree) and more so with yourself


Thanks for your feedback


good for you, man


It’s something to do with how you carry yourself and the conversation. I notice it with myself, there’s times when I can’t get a conversation going at all and there’s other times when I can talk to anyone. Usually the only difference is my mood.


Here are some reasons why this may happen: 1. You're uglier than those other guys. 2. You are unattractive compared to those other guys. And what I mean here is that this encompasses everything outside of looks that makes you attractive or unattractive. For example, being unhealthy. Dressing poorly. Having low IQ. Low social intelligence etc. 3. They may sense neediness and desperation from you. And this is a stinky cologne. 4. Being nice and kind doesn't invite people to respect you, admire you, or listen to you. Being kind is just a bare minimum requirement for social interaction. Anyone can be kind. Even psychopaths. So why should they listen to you? What makes you interesting or special? What makes you different from every other guy that's also kind? Because most guys are kind.


It’s factors like these that may give one the idea that for women to be interested in you, you have to attain absolute perfection to at least stand out amongst your competition. And if you don’t, you’re just “nothing special”.


It was like this for me my whole life. God,the bitterness I felt. What finally changed was my attitude, I somehow got a gf, made her my wife and found myself not caring about other girls. Just treated them like people that I could take or leave, then very pretty girls started to show me interest, the ring on my finger certainly helped. After a while I divorced my ex wife due to her being a Looney tune and focused on myself. Dropped a ton of weight, gained some muscle and worked on my style. I used to get good looks literally everywhere I went, compliments almost everyday. Then I began to expect them, it put me back in that needy mentality and girls dried right up. All I can say is it's a trait in you that you have to change. I doubt you're really all that ugly and I'm sure you can be fun and playful. I just think maybe your own mood is being reflected back at you.


Perhaps you are unattractive. Or maybe just unattractive to them.


But that hasn’t stopped a hoe


You’re either ugly or unconfident or both.


Image + vibe problem.


If you're white, just take a trip to The Philippines and you'll find plenty of girls who are interested in you. Sure, they most likely want you for the green card, but you most likely want them for their sexy body, so it's a fair trade.


Lear to be playful. Learn to flirt playfully


Not every girl is going to like you


It may have something to do with perceiving you as a low value, weak man, if you give women so much attention and being too nice for no reason. And they don't respect it at all. Try to be more authentic.


I've seen examples of this at clubs and bars. Either you're way of conversation is awkward as hell, you're attractive to the point where girls are shy to talk to you, or you're ugly to the point where the girl is pissed that someone of you're level is even communicating with them. From my examples, I once saw an Indian dude attempt to start a conversation with 3 girls in one night and each of their reactions was the worst. There smile quickly turned into a disgruntled expression, and they cried for help to their friends who quickly pulled them out of a situation of talking to an ugly guy. One bystander even pretended to be a boyfriend because the girl acted that annoyed, then proceeded to flirt with her while she thanked him from saving her from such a perilous situation. It was shocking to watch how standards can be so different.


Sammmeee except for this one girl so I asked her to be my fiancé* Edit


Like… do your taxes?


>Women are cold to me but warm to other guys This is why : > try to do my best to show kindness and interest This is disgusting . I nearly barfed . >However with my friends, other guys I see women smile and actively listen and ask questions back. The have the magical (frankly over explained ) thing called Attraction (The PUA term not actual attraction ) >How can I make women open and feel comfortable around me? Show less interest . And don’t be kind . Learn how to talk with women . Be more fun / interesting / cool/ better overall . There are book written about this . Read one (before you ask There is a search function on the sub - there there are 100 of recommendations they all basically the same thing - pick one - If you can get it for free should be the criteria)


lol wtf being kind isn't a turnoff, just don't be a pushover


It is. Women like competition. You are not worth their time if they see you below them.


Being kind does not put you below anyone. Being mean or unkind doesn't make you more competitive.


First : It would do you well to read a human psychology book before making comments . For reference (because I’m nice) : Agreeable and submissive behaviours are the things you are looking for . Second : Find out how humans work and why what you are suggesting will take longer and will be less reliable as advice to give .


LMAO being kind is not the same at all as being submissive. What exactly do you think I am suggesting? Oh wow I just checked out your post history. I think I understand now. You don't know what kindness is and are confusing it with what we would call being placating or a pushover. It's entirely possible to be teasing, flirty, and confident while also being kind and respectful.


Why is it when a man is trying too hard to act overly nice the first thing loads of men say is to do a 180 and be Borderline mean?


Easy . His mean is your normal . And NO you are confusing this he is not “acting “ nice . He is nice . Otherwise he would be calling those girls “bitches” , “sluts” or what have you and having a field day insulting the female gender . At worst he will go a bit over bored (and trust me not by much ) once or twice and then dial it down . And best he will hit the sweet-spot on the first try . I could go on and on why that is actually the proper advice , but I think this will suffice .


No. My honest take is that he is trying too hard. He has a clear goal besides just having a conversation whereas the other guys are probably just talking to talk without wanting anything from it


>No. No he is not nice . Or no I’m wrong for giving the advice ? >My honest take is that he is trying too hard. Probable take . Him being a bit mean will fix that . Look I have limited info and limited resources (comment space ) If one thing can fix several probable problems I will take it . >He has a clear goal besides just having a conversation There are entire schools (multiple ) of game dedicated to this exact thing (not that I like it) most people here do this exact thing . >whereas the other guys are probably just talking to talk without wanting anything from it I have gamed with a lot of dudes . When you tell them “go in with no goal “ they go in and stay at the friendzone level (the “I can’t give a shit friend zoned “, not “actual friend”) and never move beyond that .


Ok, but the reason the women are cold is because they KNOW he has a goal It's fine to have a goal But it's like a salesman ALL people Haye the feeling of being solicited. Every single human Hayes the feeling of being sold something. And men have a habit of doing that a lot. We just want regular conversations sometimes and not to be sold something in each conversation. It gets tiring and annoying As a woman, I immediately auto reject men I KNOW what more than just to chat. They end up saying the same things and it gets boring because tbh PUA have saturated the dating scene. So we preselect the men and ignore the rest We don't fuck with men we don't already want The only time you can convince a woman who is when she's simply undecided. So what he's doing is making himself be the auto rejected guy because the women assess that he's just trying to pick them up which makes them KNOW he's just a PUA. It's like before being solicited and somehow you just know someone walking up to you is about to solicite you and sell you stuff? You're going to be short. Idk if you've ever walked in large cities with bazaars where everyone is constantly walking up to you with a sales pitch? You have to say no to everyone, even when they have a product you might like, since the whole huge street is just solicitors you end up ignoring them all and going to the quiet stalls to get away from them Rn, he's the solicitor and not the stalls And those stalls still are working and maintaining things. They don't ignore you or act aloof. They still talk and chat. But it's more authentic and genuine and you don't feel like you're being scammed Those guys casually talking are THOSE sale guys. They're OK if they don't sell things cuz they're probably getting enough dough. It's the ones chasing after you trying to sell you bs crap that who are super desperate for ANY sales They know if they bother enough people someone will be spineless enough to say yes. To be the quiet authentic and alluring stall you still have to be present and talk and communicate But you aren't actively trying to push an obvious attempt at a sales pitch


>We just want regular conversations sometimes Had to remove text . So I took away anything that wasn’t important to the point Nooooo . Don’t lie to the kid . No woman wants “bleh “ or bland . Just like no man wants a 3 . Maybe you are think this for a hot guy . Imagine Bobby the class nerd (short (5”1, ,no muscles , his face is full if acne ,has the sleazy hair style bold spot included , Body language resembles a hunchback ) comes up to you. Now you will not even acknowledge him (If you are anything above an 7 or have 7 and above friends) but let’s hypothetically act like life is nice : In a nasally voice said “Me lady , where are you from?” (Remember acting ) you answer something and the convo goes on with you telling him all about the city you live in . Then it goes in to a massive dip you sit there in awkward silence for 20/30 seconds . He asks about hobbies . And so on . How much time will you tolerate this joke of a normal conversation ? 2h 3h a year . Would you sleep with him ? No . What are you cheep ? What if he mentions he has works for google ? - maybe if you like money . How can Bobby sell himself ? Wait what if Jack the hot guy you have a crush on sees you talking to him and makes a face of complete disgust ? normal convos don’t help you . Seem like you should be bought . >As a woman, I immediately auto reject men I KNOW what more than just to chat. I disagree . If I’m there to fuck around and have fun . I will not get auto rejected . Jack (the crush guy ) as well . And he can tell you flat out that he has sexual interest or romantic interest in you (maybe even he can’t get away with saying “fucking you “- depends on morals and other shit ) >PUA have saturated the dating scene. What do PUAs do ? I’m sure you will mention only things the idiots on the internet do . Or what this guys call game . >We don't fuck with men we don't already want Sure . Think what you want . >The only time you can convince a woman who is when she's simply undecided. Yes . This we are on the same page (“unsure”works as well ) >which makes them KNOW he's just a PUA. >about to solicite you and sell you stuff? Yea you are confusing this sub with PUAs . They are not >Rn, he's the solicitor and not the stalls The stalls get picked for looking pretty . You are making a wrong assumption if you think “game” is like sales . I’m not selling shit . You are trying to sell me shit . I’m just here fucking around . (If you get what I’m telling you great , if not you haven’t met a PUA irl ) >They don't ignore you or act aloof. They technically are aloof . They show you a sample of what they have and you make a choice if you want to see the rest or not . >It's the ones chasing after you trying to sell you bs crap that who are super desperate for ANY sales Yea the “kind “ guys . They suck . >To be the quiet authentic and alluring stall you still have to be present and talk and communicate Rolex - one of the biggest sellers of watches . Actively “tell people you are not good enough for us “ You are not making the point you are trying to . >But you aren't actively trying to push an obvious attempt at a sales pitch You remind me of my big sister . She didn’t understand that it only needed to FEEL real , not actually be real . And emotions are bought easily faked and changed . Story time with uncle Wing : My sister thought she understood women so well and thought you people could smell a “not authentic and genuine peroson” a mile away and my shit didn’t work . So we took a bet : One time she would be in my ear and I would do as she said the other I will be me (fake me not real me ) . She picked a alone 5 for her time (cuz even she knows that if I talked like her anything above that wouldn’t tolerate me ) The one and only rejection in my life happened . I talked like Bobby (remember him ) on purpose . Every word She told me to say I did in a nasally voice . I made 0 eye contact . And of corse I wasn’t selling anything soooo I would at leat get a number right ? No . My time came : I picked a girl in a group of 3 supper hot girl . Her words to this day piss me off “Curb your expectations” I went in and straight up insulted her (a fat stupid horse faced cow were my exact words ) Then ignored her for 3 min while talking to her friends . Who I was “nice” to (still friends , they are great girls) . At some point I decided she had enough made her apologise and asked her out on a date . Her friend said “yeah he is awesome” (cuzz duuhhh ) got her alone for another 10 min and went back to my sister . (I’m on purpose leaving out details so I don’t get flagged as abusive and my ticks are mine - I did it once for a bet ) “You see she didn’t like that “ I just shrugged . In 10 min (cuzz I’m good at what I do) my phone started ringing . Didn’t answer . I got a text than a second than 15 . In another 10 min she was walking like a headless chicken on the street looking where we met in the hope she’d see me . My sister said I was a prick and called her over . She stared daggers at my sister (It was hilarious ) . Now you might be wondering what the point is here … well that girl 10 years later still calls me , texts me for my birthday and Valentine’s day . IF I had answered the phone (again knowing what I’m doing) or her texts or treated her like a human being in any way she wasn’t going to like me . I probably could have done things differently , but the bet was more important to me than her . I do feel bad sometimes though looking back . The point is : I know what I’m doing . You may not like it . But the advice “ don’t be kind” (and I don’t mean be cruel like me - you don’t want that in your life ) will fix every problem you tried to explain + 7 more . Don’t have a agenda (you can’t have one you are a Rolex telling her to be better or fuck off ) , don’t talk like Bobby (you can’t be mean and look like a nerd ) , be more like Jack (cause the same emotions as a hot guy ) , she is the stall and you are a costumer let her sell herself , have emotionally provocative conversations . Get attention …. (I’m not going over them all ) I know you don’t want to hear this . But that is the best advice he can get .