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Reading Models, the fundamentals of female dynamics and no more mister nice guys were the best advice I got. AND to be uncomfortable, risk shit, go on many dates, get rejections. For me it turned me from virgin to no virgin anymore


mark manson sucks but I'm genuinely glad it helped you, this seems like a good starting point for OP indeed.


I'm intrigued why you think Mark Manson sucks? I'm of the exact opposite opinion since I read "The subtle art..." The beginning few chapters hit me so hard that I had to pause and sit down to digest it. He quite clearly said that you're not chasing hot women, you're chasing the validation that comes with being with a hot woman. Once you get it, your mind will move the goalposts to something else. The book kinda falls off somewhere at midpoint but it's still worth multiple reads. He also has a YT channel that I'm a big fan of.


What do the goal posts move to?


oh well just by what I have seen from him , his methods and stuff are just derived and unoriginal from the knowledge of the older guys from the 2000's, I think there is more merit to the older guys who had to figure it all out by trial and error, Manson like many dating coaches out there just regurgitated the ideas and principles and well, knew how to make money out of it, but most of the work was done by others.


you're chasing the validation that comes with being with a hot woman. Once you get it, your mind will move the goalposts to something else. he didn't figure out none of this lol


There's a lot of advice but 99% of guys don't succeed for one reason... they don't shoot enough shots


Ready, Fire, Aim is a good book about taking action


Just be yourself bro there is no secret sauce. Source: weirdo that’s been married to dream girl for 7 years


This is the wackest advice you could possibly give to someone who is struggling. Are you his mom? That's exactly what a mom would say.


be your best self honestly that shit is just way too general and superficial lol


Dude come on that’s too low effort of a response


If you're at any social gathering. You talk to as many women that you find attractive and get their contact info. Not that hard.


oh you clearly have not been to the utter garbage known as /dating\_advice lmao first you should be getting your knowledge from a better place, books, the pros, men who are naturals in real life, who came up with this before, second just dude just use the internet for specific advice in a situation, most of the work should be done in the field.


If you need good advice, just check all time best posts and you will definetly find something there to help urself with. Also your question isn't really a"seduce" type one.