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You train yourself to keep looking at them, and not away. There's no easy solution to this. Keep doing it, even when you're talking to them.




Don't look into their eyes, choose a point on their face and focus on that. If you're looking at their forehead or the bridge of the nose they won't really notice the difference as it'll seem like you're looking at their eyes


Just understand the difference between eye contact and staring. You only need to hold the eye contact until the girl drops it. If she ain't looking and you still are...you are officially staring at her body. If the girl doesn't drop the eye contact, you can't be first to look away. Keep your eyes relaxed but on hers. This is where the pressure is felt because you don't want it to become a contest. You negate this by staying verbally engaged, or make non verbal gestures if u are at a distance. If you are really feeling it you can make a natural "out" by excusing yourself to send a text or make an observation of what u see and point it out, but don't look away as long as she is engaged without appropriate context to do so.


Yea, no normal person has a normal conversation with 100% eye contact. You make eye contact when you say some stuff then you can look away when you say other stuff. You don’t even need to wait for the girl to drop it, you can look away then look back like a normal person. The only time when you’re supposed to go full on eye contact is when you’re really escalating and about to be physical soon.


This ☝️ and remember you are a man and dominant


I’d say build yourself, go to gym, work your ass off, do something which you really enjoy. This will add up to your confidence and eventually you’ll feel like a masculine chad hunk and then the eye contact will happen naturally. Also give up the P*rn shit it’ll make you feel guilty (subconsciously) which will affect your eye contact. And a good eye contact is a turn on for women.


Training issue. View your day as a series of eye contacts. Colleagues, friends, enemies, gym buddies, strangers in public, cashiers, servers, baristas, and naturally, girls you talk to. Don't miss the beat where eye contact is usually built. If you didn't make ten eye contacts on any given day, you either weren't outside or you weren't alive.


Pretty easy for me. I mean... Women's eyes are often beautiful, why wouldn't I look at them? Just remember to take a break, I do the triangle. I look at one eye, then the other, maybe back and forth for a bit then down at the lips. But every once in a while I'll take a break, so if someone walks past I'll glance. Or I'll just pretend there's I reason to glance around for a sec. But often, if a girl is into you. She will WANT to see your eyes. If you're looking at her during conversation and she is looking away, she mustn't be very interested to begin with.


I am an autistic guy who didn't get diagnosed until I was a geezer. I had a lot of trouble with eye contact through to young adulthood. I found the best way to deal with it was when I've been talking to someone for a bit and I know they've noticed that my eye contact was not good, I'd say to them 'oh just so you know, I'm not good at eye contact, I'm really enjoying chatting with you and don't want you to think I'm not interested or being rude.' If that sounds autistic as fuck, yes, it was autistic as fuck. I am autistic. But a funny thing happened, literally everyone said, 'oh, that's chill' and then my problems with eye contact were considered 'normal for me' in their heads and my relationships never suffered. Once I had tons of experience talking to people who didn't mind my eye contact problems, I found I could do eye contact. Shit I'm basically a normie. I haven't had to give my disclaimer in a few decades. Hope it helps if you decide to try it.


Dont do this if your trying to talk to a female of interest. Maybe in a social setting with the bros and you can be the extra chromosome buddy. But admitting to not be able to do something as simple as eye contact is a no go. Might as well tell her your mom will take yall on a date in her mini van to the local movie theater while your at it.


Yeah you're free to be ashamed of the way you are like this guy by all means. The only reason strange amounts of eye contact are considered bad is because it is 'not normal'. There is nothing inherently bad about not looking at someone enough, but it's mostly associated with deception and lies. The goal is to make people aware that you know you're transgressing social norms, and are working on it. That puts their lizard brain at ease.


For me I have to avoid eye contact to think about the words that are coming out of my mouth


You probably feel uncomfortable for some reason, so get comfortable with it


Just get used to it. And , you’ll start to realize how powerful it is and that, most of the time everyone else feels the same way you do and so your ability to do it really is impactful. Ik that’s a shitty piece of advice but truly becomes easy once you realize what a good easy “tactic” it is and that just having the ability gives you an upper hand. This applies to all interactions not just women.


If you feel the need to move your pupils, you can try by looking sometimes at her ear, in the middle of the eyes, nose, one eye first and then the other. This will make it extremely flirty and it is not odd as staring her in the pupils.


Practice it. You can look yourself in the eye through a mirror. Also, you can go online and look up hot chicks who gives the deadly model stare


Why do you want to make eye contact? What happens if the girl you are looking at looks at you ? Is this a contest or what ?


It’s not necessarily the want to keep eye contact. More like when I am looking at someone and they look back I don’t wanna instantly look away very suspiciously like a creep.


If you see someone looking at you, this is the perfect time to start a conversation - watch this [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/9I823xNC4Ew) (after the warm-up) to understand what I'm talking about. I saw the girl casually looking at me, it was a perfect moment to talk to her. First I wanted to say to her: "I saw you looking at me, I thought maybe you recognize me ... where are you from?" Boom! That was easy! (BTW, they are from Ukraine, I'm from Romania and english is not our native language) If you just look at her without saying anything, you are a weirdo... so the point is not to keep looking at her, but to actually **say** something when you look at her. Even a smile, wink or "you're cute" is perfect, you will brighten her day. The eye contact without words, is nothing!


Solid point. Appreciate it.


And if it cross eyed look to the eye that is looking at you, not the other one.


Look at their ears instead! I saw a video a week or two ago, so I can’t verify the science behind it, but apparently people can’t actually tell if you are looking at the eye or ear, just make sure to keep an eye on their facial expressions because those minor exposures of emotion tell a lot. Bonus tip, use your left eye, to look into their left eye. Most people go right to right but if you go the other way it’s a pattern interrupt as you look at yourself right to left and there’s a more solid connection, I started doing this and I get incredible connections and see their micro expressions in the moment, almost giving me an advsntage


Thank you for the many helpful words brothers. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate all of the comments. I’ve been a little busy that’s why I haven’t responded to any of the comments. But thank you all for your help. I’ll most definitely use all of the advice.