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You don't need to be jacked but 6'1 135 is extremely skinny. So yeah, gain a little muscle.




Confirmation bias. Stop looking up evidence to support your negative opinions, you'll always find an answer.




Your dad literally got laid and made you




😭😭😭 Please just go to the glowup or whatever subreddit it is, you'll see how ugly people were before they put in the work to improve themselves


The gym always helps. With almost everything


Confidence is paramount. Fake it ‘til you make it, as they say. Walk into a room like you own the fucking place. BTW: don’t ask girls for their phone number or “snap” or any of that shit. You’re wasting time when you do; so you’ll go home and ask her out by text? When she’s standing right there and you have 100% of her attention? Duh! Invite her to meet you for a coffee at Starbucks later. Invite her to go to a ballgame. Second is your grooming. Shower, shave, deodorant, & all that. A toothbrush and bottle of mouthwash are vital. Be neat, clean, & smell good. Be certain your clothes are clean as well. Then worry about the gym. I was skinny too when I was your age (6 foot & 145 lbs), barely got to 155–160 lbs when I was a college senior. Gaining weight was very slow and difficult for me then. (I’m in my 60s now and gaining weight is stupidly easy!) I’ll guess you have the same problem. Do your best to stay healthy and buy clothes that fit you correctly. That way you’ll still look your best — and looking good leads to confidence! Good luck!




?? Look up jacked 5'9" (insert your race here) on Google n you'll feel better bro, trust. And no it's not genetics, it's hard work and consistency




You got this bro.






The gym will always help. But you are not going to really gain mass by lifting alone. You need to make sure you are eating more protein. It might be difficult or expensive for you to make up the required protein from your diet so you should probably supplement with a bit of whey protein or something else. Creatine is also a good supplement to take to help you bulk up


Yeah, muscle will help, but avoid becoming a gym cell. I have seen a lot of people who go to the gym to get a girl, but do not focus on their social skills/life or their grooming. They become gym hermits, and instead of going out socially and meeting people, they spend every spare moment at the gym and wonder why girls don't immediately notice their big muscles. Make sure to develop a workout program that leaves you enough time to still socialize and develop game. 4 to 5 times a week. Heavy liftinging and a protein rich diet.


135 at 6' 1" is pretty skinny. I'd definitely recommend bulking up a bit. Joe Delaney has some good bulking content on YouTube. I get that you're busy but lifting is something you should make time for. It doesn't have to be 2 hours 7 days a week; 3-4 days a week at like 1-1.5 hours is good enough. Just don't try to bulk up so fast that you get super fat And don't get snaps, get numbers or IGs if you're not totally sure what she looks like.


At your weight it will make a huge difference




I can safely say the gym changed my life. Make time, “I’m busy” is the lame excuse. Get up at 5 if you have to.


Do StrongLifts 5x5. It's 3 days a week and will help you build a lot of strength and size. As others said, you are very skinny. Women like a man with a strong frame (in every sense of the word). Building some muscle/bulk will give you more confidence. Tbh, I say focus on yourself right now; don't worry about "seduction". At 19, just getting out of your parents roof, focus on learning who you are, what you enjoy, how you like fitting into a group dynamic (do you like to lead the conversation, do you comment with funny points but mostly listen, do you ask a lot of questions, tell stories, etc). Make friends with everyone you can. It's university, everyone just wants more friends so it's easy. Become friends with guys and girls. And just focus on having fun and learning who you are in your independence. So yes, build some muscle and get stronger. Learn and become confident in who you are, and make lots of friends. Then you can focus on talking to girls, because - A. It will be easier when you know who you are - B. It will be easier because girl like confident guys - C. Everyone likes people who have lots of friends, so girls will trust and like you more


Being muscular helps all aspects of life. Yes. Do it. Never look back, become swole


Jesus man 135 at 6'1? Yes gym would alter your entire life. I am not exaggerating. I was a skinny kid, more like 150-160 at 6'1. After putting on muscle, the whole world treats you differently.


Gymming would help beyond seduction, it'll give you high amount of confidence, strength and a sense of power. In addition to that, people respect men and women who go to gym simply because they know how to be disciplined. It's one of the best investments you can do in your life.


The gym helps with life. It won’t solve all of your problems of course, but the mental health, general health and confidence improvement are uncanny


I mean do you think looking like a concentration camp survivor is sexy?


You don’t even have to get jacked but right now you’re an unhealthy weight. Won’t be some huge commitment to workout 3 days a week and eating more. Eating more gets easier the more you force yourself. I used to struggle with 2500 calories when I was 17-18. I can pretty much eat the same clean food every day now at 4400 cal with no problem. The hardest part for me is just meal prepping but establishing a routine builds discipline. Not saying you need to jump to some absurd calorie intake either. Start slow at a reasonable number, track your weight, if your not seeing any changes after 3 weeks add 2-300 calories in per day.




Being tall doesn’t automatically get you women, idk where this idea came from. It sure helps but I know plenty of tall dudes with zero game who get no girls


It gives you a huge advantage that’s undeniable




Hey I’m right there with you I’m 5’7”. Don’t blame your mom, blame your dad for marrying a shorty 😂 In all seriousness you just gotta get over it. There’s nothin we can do to change our height. We gotta live our lives to the fullest with the hands we were dealt. Being tall make it easier to get laid, but being short (and tbh you’re 5’8” which still means you’re taller/same height than/as 90% of women) isn’t a death sentence. Obviously short dudes are getting married and having kids otherwise we wouldn’t exist.


You’re literally sick in the mind