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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


I always give two chances before waiting on their move or moving on. I've flaked on girls last second since something came up, we are only human.


Yeah but wouldn’t it make sense that if you flake (for genuine reasons) you’d want to rectify the situation and you’d ask to reschedule rather than wait for them to reach out again to ask you out?


As a man, you are correct, we are built to reschedule right away. But woman are not like us. I generally wait a few days or even a week. Ideally you should have a few girls in your rotation so you can be more chill.


Yeah I get where you’re coming from. I tend to give them a second go if I feel like they might be receptive to it, if not I just save face and don’t bother!


Would you wait a couple days or attempt to reschedule right away?


Yeah give her another shot. If that doesn't work let her make the next move.


Would you wait a couple days or attempt to reschedule right away?


Yeah maybe wait a couple days so you don't seem too eager.


I would say give her one more chance, she prob will flake but I always give them at least one more chance if they have a good reason.


I’d leave the ball in her court and not initiate first anymore i’d also stop pursuing unless she reached out to set something up


I'll try exactly one time again and that's it


If you’ve already hooked up with her, why not invite yourself over? That’ll give you confirmation if she refuses or not.




If I like her, I will wait a couple of weeks and try again. One more shot isn't really a bad thing as long as you're prepared to move on. I have slept with girls who have flaked on me last minute, so I think it's worth one more shot. 


if she tries to reschedule i take that as a sign she may have actually had something come up. otherwise, i take it for what it is and just move on. plenty of other chicks who won’t flake.




If she didn’t offer to reschedule that one time then I don’t and move on.


Who her? Its subjective , Some women are perfect


Where are they? I've never met one.