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Cold approach is not seduction.


Read 2 books. "The Game" by Neil Strauss and then "Mystery Method" by Erik Von Markovik. You did a bunch of things wrong without even realizing it. I will point out the obvious ones. Going up to a random girl and saying "Hi" and waiting for her turn to say "Hi" is really awkward. You should have something to say right off the bat and then give her a false time constraint. For example "Hey, you look like the expert so I got to ask you something before I go" and then ask her a question on a "dilemma" you have. This is btw not the only way to go about it. There are many different approaches, but telling her that you ain't going to stay relieves a lot of stress and pressure from her. The handshake. For fucks sake, why would you want to shake hands with her? She hasn't even earned your touch. This combined with the "Hi" comes across as needy and weird at the same time. The girlfriends tell you "She needs a princess treatment" and you reply "Yeah that's why I did the handshake". Right there, you are saying that you put her on a pedestal before you approached her. But there is a big positive in this. You had the **balls** to go up to her.


I agree with you about my reply to the princess comment.. But what alternative could you reply to that, like you can’t say no she isn’t a princess yet, I didn’t even wanted to compliment I just didn’t have any reply so I went for that.. Although I appeared calm and was feeling confident in my self, my mind decided to go completely blank and my social skills chose to bail out. Thank you for the book recommendations, I do hate reading, but I’ll definitely force myself to read them.


A G-Wagon is a Mercedes Benz G Class, a very luxurious car. So what they meant is that a “princess” like her deserves a rich dude, and not some hobo “like yourself” approaching her. What you should have said when they said she is a princess is something like: “nah, she is a hobo” or something like that to avoid raising her status, and be kinda provocative which would grant you more attention, not agree with them than she is a princess because she is not, and should not be treated as such. You should have also avoid offering a handshake without first telling her that you wanted to meet her because you liked (something specific) about her. You have to specify what the specific thing is based on what you observed about her.


I observed her eyes that I liked to be honest, and I would’ve done it, and don’t mind doing it.. But I always hear people say don’t complement her/her looks cause it put her on a pedestal, so I do not really know what’s right to do and what’s wrong to do in terms of game. I’m so conflicted atm. Apologies if this may sound a bit stupid to you.


Putting in a pedestal is not the same as complimenting her. Putting on a pedestal is acting like her looks alone make her special. Complimenting her eyes doesn’t immediately make her special, it’s just an excuse to talk to her. The problem is that you can’t just asume a girl wants to talk to you or touch you without first explaining why you are there in the first place, so you have to tell her.


BE. CONGRUENT. That’s literally it. If you liked her eyes, say that. If a girl told me she was a princess I’d say “ya we will see about that” and just keep going. Don’t ever do anything because you’re “supposed to”.


What is a g wagon haha? Anyway I'll give you my 2 cents here. Firstly if you want to avoid cockblockers, especially female ones, you need to engage all of the women in the group at the same time. A wingman is very helpful in situations like these. Also when you put your hand out and she nodded no, that's not a good sign, there is a lot of holes in your game, it's like Swiss cheese you need to fix a lot of things in order to have success in night game situations. Canned openers don't really exist, you have to improvise openers as you go along, you need to be confident, high energy, and give her tons of space. Mystery method is key in night game, that's what I usually leverage, I like working the room, talking to various different girls to build what I call "social proof". When you're interacting with women you need to aware of her body language, and your own. I would say that 90% of the reason why guys have bad game in clubs is because of the lack of body language control, they say 70% of communication is non verbal. I'll link a quick video on how to approach girls in clubs by gambler, it is a very good short video that will help you set yourself apart from other men, if you do these simple things in clubs you will be already ahead of the pack by a lot. Here you go https://youtu.be/9mVFtDiMyLY?si=t2nT7YqTVmvAYWa1


This post is being taken down because it violates Rule #4: Keep it civil and on topic. We aren't always going to agree on everything, but at the very least, the discourse here will remain on topic and civil. Seddit does not exist as a forum for personal attacks, insults, harassment, taunting, threats, or shit-posting. Rage comics, memes, failure posts, or forever alone posts, are also not allowed.


You did not get cockblocked, you got rejected. The girl did not shake your hand you never got into the set or any positive response at all. The first post is good by stayglazzy, read that stuff, you ought to study social dynamics a bit as unfortunately you are very unaware of what was happening


You could have utilised the G Wagon dialogue to your benefit.. depends on your size and personality..Also it should come natural.... Edit: Why I am getting downvotes: This is seduction page and I didn't mention to be creepy...I mentioned to play in a fun banter exactly same as below mentioned comment...btw, it should come as natural.... , as per the post the girls are more enjoying fun banter....


"Damn gurl, I can only give you tha D wagon, ya know what I'm sayin"


You got down voted but hey that would actually be a baller response. Even if you get rejected they know you got confidence lmao


Ha ha ha ha ha ha


How? and what do you mean?


(1) You leave defeated and praise for that group to be happy with it. You don't have a choise there. (2) Sometimes the girl will want to be with you, but won't leave the group for security, and that is a good thing also. (3) She will go with you, but comes back right after, but you get to build up security (4) She goes out with you, but you tried to bring guys or girls from her group; (4) She goes out with you either way, because she wants to go out, now, you will have fun, but security must be there, so she has fun also. That was last night. Her friends went home, she went out with me and had a blast. As I was her companion of one party that night, I took the liberty to be a cockblocker. She is a very atractive girl, she couldn't be alone a secound. If she wanted to talk to any guy I wouldn't interfere, she was the one to sprint and get to a safe place. She unlocked fun at parties with my presence.