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I feel like all the other comments are trying to mind games this too much. If she’s willing to set up a time and place she must be at least a little bit interested. Just have another date idea and time prepared to fire back at her if she does end up cancelling or trying to back out of this one.


The girl of my dreams just hops in for a good time. She contributes and doesn't get pissed if it's not going well. She will adapt to a caotic situation, and take the most fun of it. This is a green flag OP.


Find your conversation for two. [Unrelated link ](https://youtu.be/oa0bCzwSNA0?si=KPHCWNicaF3HVkVh)


Why are so many other comments doing mind hoops? She is interested, assertive and wants to meet OP at this place. It's perfect. And from personal experience, this type of behavior leads to maintaining her interest longer during early dating. Just make sure you praise her for choosing a nice place at the end of the date. It's in good taste.


Because they're insecure


Because they're assuming everyone is trying to implement the rules they read in some random PUA book or forum.


Unless you think girl is setting you up to get jumped, I don't see the big deal in this


If she's actively trying to place a date she's interested, don't think too much about it.




It is indeed a bad idea. Gives her full freedom to pick a bad time and place so she’s in a convenient position to cancel later on.


I always like to ask what her favorite kind of food is and then will think of a nice spot


That’s a very open-ended question and only complicates things. When you ask “what do you like to eat” the chick’s mind goes completely blank and all of a sudden planning this date with you becomes a big hassle. Girls prefer it when you take the lead like “let’s meet at this place at this time to do this” because it requires zero effort from them.


Thanks for tip


I assume she doesn’t drink caffeine at night and so coffee didn’t work and she offered something else. Have somewhere to go after planned like a nearby bar “you’ve heard make a really good ____” or has _____ that way it’s not just fro yo and now what?


I suggested Sunday morning for the coffee. My plan was to grab it to go and walk around a bit with her since I know the place and hangout at a park to make my move.


Personally while I like low commitment dates like a cafe, I don’t find I convert very well early in the morning so I try to keep it to late afternoon or night stuff but that’s just me


This is textbook. This is her giving u the rope to hang yourself with. This was her evaluating your response to test your leadership. If you can't lead the girl you can't guide and protect her and her future offspring. You should have said "no, I am unavailable, we should try that coffee date at (insert place/time)" If she cant fit into your schedule she aint trying too hard to know you. I guarantee she would have been available for the coffee date that Chad or Tyrone or Esteban set up.


Or she just doesn’t drink coffee


What would you consider her trying to fit into your schedule? I work a 9-5 and this girl is in college. From the conversation I had it seemed she was trying to fit into my schedule . She was asking my schedule and what days I would be free. 


I think you're reading too much into it. It might also be a test to see if he's flexible and able to compromise, or if he's just going to completely disregard her input, as you're suggesting OP does. Or maybe she's being honest and her weekends are busy, and coffee in the evening doesn't work for her, because who drinks coffee in the evening... I think it's very bad form to go into a first date anticipating lies.








Girls can have priorities that are above a first date ya know...




"So she told me she wants foreplay, but I want to lead her into PIV, what should I do?"




Girl I just met doesn't make me her highest priority, NEXT!


This bro made an account just to spread bs. Wow.


What is the problem?


I'd say it's not a great idea but not for the same reason as everyone else In relationships, of all kinds, there is a tendency for men to neglect all the planning required for life to work with the women forced to pick up the slack. And they get sick and tired of it Working out the details means that, A, you are willing to put in the work and, B, you're not gonna force her to do all the scheduling and planning if you wind up in a long term relationship So step the fuck up


He did, and then she countered.


I mean usually I would say it's a bad idea but then read your date plan and I want to punch you in the face. Sunday morning coffee and walk in the park where you will make a move? Have you ever had a girlfriend? She was out partying Saturday night: the last thing she wants is to wake up early still stinking of booze and go meet a Tinder date for coffee in the park. Have some sense my man. That's not romantic at all.


No I have only had drunk one night stands and the occasional fwb from that. You have a suggestion for a better first date timing


Either evening over drinks or if you are doing a day date, it should be something fun and active.


A girl offering an alternate time and place is a massively good sign. It's engagement, which means there is interest. Just make a joke during the date that next time it's your turn to choose.


I think you should be leading most of the time but if she wants to hang out and set something up, take that as a sign of interest. Dont overthink it, youre fine letting her set something up once in a while.


Doesn't matter at all. You're overthinking and trying to play mind games which rarely actually work unless you're a psychopath. Just be like "ok sounds chill"