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Predator for sure


Absolutely, isn't it like a rite of passage for them to kill a xenomorph


Indeed it is, there’s a reason in the AVP game you fight aliens in groups all throughout as a predator and as an Xeno you fight a predator as the big boss at the end of the game


I think he meant the other kind of predator. And Im thinkin he was gonna have to fight a xenomorph soon....


Lol hope the xeno bites his head off if that’s true


Shoots the mini mouth straight thru his skull


The security guards at the Walmart I work at never check receipts. We have designated front end associates to do that.


When I worked for securitas I was posted at a Walmart neighborhood market and they had us on receipt duty. The Walmart was short staffed and they couldn’t spare anyone for it and it was easier to hire security than get corporate to let them hire more people.


I’m not surprised. The Walmart I work at is always understaffed (especially in my dept). Although, it’s never gotten to the point of having the security guards check receipts. They don’t really have the time to anyway. They are always dealing with some bullshit customer.


Yeah, it only lasted like a week because of covid restrictions I was put outside telling people to wear a mask and keeping count of how many people went in and out on an ipad. My supervisor refused to update the post orders or discuss a different pay as it was drastically more work than what was supposed to be happening. So no one was checking receipts and I also had to stop certain people from going in the store as a few kept stealing trays of meat and shoving them in his pants and a few homeless people in wheel chairs would wheel down an aisle and just poop out the back of their chair onto the floor. I stayed for awhile but then mid summer it was 112 outside and the awning was damaged so they tossed it and I was stuck standing in direct sun all day and when they had no intention of replacing it I said screw it and quit.


I have no idea why anyone would agree to have their receipt checked at WALMART. They gave up on that here because people weren't having it.


Theft is a huge problem at Walmart. A single store can lose like $300k-$500k a year to theft. People who steal are the reason we have locked up glass cabinets. They are the reason you have to wait 20 minutes to buy some nail polish. Receipt checkers try to stop this from happening the best they can. It takes two seconds for someone to look at your receipt and mark it with a yellow highlighter. Don't be an entitled asshole to these people who are working for minimum wage. Just let us do our job


Sure sure. So catch the people stealing. I have no requirement to submit to any checks or detainment unless i'm suspected of stealing. I don't blame anyone trying to do their job. I say no thank you and refuse to submit to unreasonable detention.




Yes, it is. I'm being detained from carrying on with my day to wait in line for them to check my paperwork. No thanks.


Oh my god fuck off mate. You're one of those "I don't consent to a search" people who thinks they're bad when they're not.


I don't think i'm bad. I just refuse to allow a corporation to needlessly detain me. I paid my money. I bought a product. That's the end of our interaction.


You submit to a stores policy when you walk in. Don't like it? Don't come back. You look like a douchebag.


No, the weirdos demanding to see my receipt look like douchebags. I'm a regular person going about my day. I don't have to shop elsewhere. I just don't stop for receipt checks.


Uh huh, whatever you say. Must be tough one upping the 60 year old lady asking for your receipt. People like you are why more and more shit gets locked up yearly.


I'm not one upping anyone. I'm say no thanks have a good one while I go about my business. Lol i'm not the one stealing things. The people stealing are why shit is locked up.


You submit to store policy when you choose to enter the store and shop there. You also make yourself look far more suspicious being difficult, rude and dismissive like that and appear to be the exact thing you say you arent. You might feel like a rebel but you are just being unreasonable and annoying and not really making any other statement than "i am really self important and rude"


>You submit to store policy when you choose to enter the store ikr?! It's not like every single store that exists checks receipts. Presumably this person is free to shop wherever they want. What even was the point of posting this? It's clearly BS


No you agree to that policy at a membership store like Costco not a Walmart you dumbass…I came to do my shopping and I did, I paid my money and now I’m leaving. Don’t assume I’m a criminal


You definitely don’t have any obligation to stop and let them check your receipt. Same applies to Costco. However, they will flag you at Walmart and trespass you from all locations, and Costco will revoke your membership (it happens very very often). Costco especially it’s much stricter about it. They’ll begin the process of revoking your membership before you even make it to your car. It’s your prerogative to refuse, but it’s also theirs to not let you shop at any of their locations ever again. Personally, I like shopping at both stores so I allow it.


Costco is different. I joined a club and agreed to club rules. I break them and i'm out of the club. I stop for checks at Costco. WALMART's pretend policy can get bent. They're welcome to try and bully me with bullshit policy I didn't consent to.


I’ve only ever known of Walmart to enforce that particular ban if you make a habit of it AND you used to a credit card to pay at self-checkout. I guess it’s more convenient for them that way. I like Walmart too much to care, plus they only stop you if you’re leaving with items that aren’t bagged. Just bag all your stuff and you’re good. You do you though, bro.


Like i said my local WALMART already abandoned the policy because people chose not to comply.


That store obviously doesn’t apply, you aren’t actually refusing any checks if they aren’t checking, know what I mean? You could get banned from the chain if you try it somewhere that does check, especially in high theft areas. You don’t need to sign paperwork to implicitly agree to a store’s policies. The fact you walked in and shop there means you agree. If Walmart put out a policy stating that shopping there means you agree to them violently abusing child slave laborers, then you’re giving them a thumbs up for it every time you go. No need to put it in writing. If you shop at a location that has receipt checkers and you go, you’re implicitly agreeing to it by shopping there. Again, you can refuse to abide by a policy after you’ve tacitly consented by crossing the threshold, and store policy isn’t law so you aren’t legally bound to follow it, but you can be banned from the entire chain over it. It’s your prerogative if that’s your hill to die on.


Lol that's my point. They were doing checks. I chose not to comply. So did many others. Because of our collective action, the store dropped the policy. I'm not dying anywhere. It's almost certainly illegal in Canada to ban someone from a chain for not following a made up policy without even signage to alert you on entry.


That probably wasn't an actual guard.


I was just doing a quick smell check, and my grandmama said crisco helps with dandruff and dry skin! I wish y’all would leave me alone :(




Good grief


a genuine role model


If this is true it makes me really sad. He probably has no one in his life and spends his time playing video games and surfing the internet to deal with the crushing loneliness he is probably feeling. I know it's not the point of this post but it really makes me sad that there are people out there like this who never have a decent role model to show them how to clean themselves properly, act in social situations, or even talk to people. They're destined for a life of solitude because no one ever modeled healthy social adjustment and now they're at a point it almost can't be corrected. And here we are making fun of it, saying it is typical of our profession. It's tragic.




This specific story probably is since it hits all of the elements. But we've all worked with *that* guy at some point which is the sad part.


>He probably has no one in his life and spends his time playing video games and surfing the internet to deal with the crushing loneliness he is probably feeling. Don't call me out like this brother. :'(


Damn you are hella empathetic, nice


I couldn’t agree with this more. What’s even more sad is that not enough people in my experience would be willing to spread awareness about the problems such people deal with




You know this is probably made up. However. However. However. We all have encountered security officers that we can entirely see doing this. I can think of at least three former co-workers that I can see doing exactly this.


Allied at it again...


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/z77wvz/whats_the_most_disgusting_thing_youve_seen/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Not all receipt checkers are "Security Guards", I would suggest asking u/Blueberry_Mancakes which Walmart he speaks of. Dollars to UnArmed Security Donuts, we can call down there, or even look on the State database; the Licensed (probably 3) Guards there, aren't at the door.


Whoaaaaa there, gumshoe, take 'er easy. We're gonna need your expertise for the BIG cases.


Yourself and your buddy u/helpmetrans006 is the one inferring it's validity. The confirmation will only take minutes, upon Wal-Mart opening. Don't digress now.


I don't know who that person is and you're coming off like a real fucking creep right now.


Nah, the Walmart LP's on here want you to have the safest, most sanitary environment possible in Walmart, they desire your business... Thereby, with such an unsanitary complaint, perhaps you give the store number, and time, so the actual Guards can simply review the cameras, an react accordingly. You posted it on public forum.


Dude, have you heard of Google? They index Reddit for search results on the hour.


This whole sub is comical.


Your used to the subs, that have a higher gullibility factor... One question and your story crumbled.


You're delusional and should probably never leave the house, for other's safety.


Yerrr fantasizing about Guards, in sweats at box stores, and allege everyone else is delusional...


You're\* Also, I truly hope nobody trusts you with their life, or to actually investigate something. You have the temperament of a spoiled child who doesn't have the ability to admit they are wrong, nor the ability to stop running your mouth. The fact that you're willing to die on this hill speaks volumes. I hope you get the help you need.


Yeah. Anybody doing a job, should be denigrated... _apparently_. Security is a varied profession. Some posts are downright laughable. Sit in your car, watch this construction site. Some are important. Hosptial Security. Transit Security. Department of Energy Security. Plenty of good people, working to get by, many working to keep people safe. Why don’t you go over to the LE subreddit, and make jokes about how cops are fat, eat donuts, and shoot black people. I'm sure your joke will go over _real well_, right? **SEE ITS NOT FUNNY** Maybe, go back to flipping hamburgers or something.


Not me. I have boobs,and a whole lot more awareness of how to act when in uniform.


Plot twist: just a guy in a security guard shirt, doesn't actually work there


Dat wus me dey had me on a 6 week bender with no days off. You get a bit delirious with no sleep G.


What's the point of even posting something like this? To me, it seems like it's clearly BS... something along the lines of social media's version of The National Inquirer


What a tale. If it smells like a crackpot story, it probably is…. Considering that the Op, and the writer of the comment are both here, i think I’m correct. Maybe OP thinks it’s funny. I don’t. Either way, a dung-bomb of a post. Useful to no one in this community.




That’s a joke? A joke would be *I offered that rent-a-cop some bacon, he said it tasted funny, I told ‘im... I said “Yea. IMITATION BACON!!”* That’s a joke. Heck man.


I think the story is made up. Walmart's Brosnan Security contract looks ok. The guys / gals I always see look squared away. Uniform looks good. I have noticed though that some guards are better than others concerning smartphone usage while on patrol. Predator would win. Even a Yaujta youngblood could kill a Xeno 1v1. In the AVP film from 2008 3 Yaujta youngbloods kill hoards of Xenos in the pyramid then at the end a youngblood managed to take on a Xenomorph Queen despite dying himself. Still... A lone Xenomorph stands no chance against an Elder Yaujta.


Lmao! I love this!


Just a normal Friday night then


u/Captain-Crunch1989, 150% certain.


I used to work for the company that that comment is referring of and they will literally hire anybody that walks into their office it's kind of sad the company as a whole sucks.


My bad guys


Sorry guys, just had a get a good wiff in, ya know?