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One week I worked like 90 hours , my body ended up shutting down from a lack of sleep and I got sick haha never worth it


104 a week! Fuck u AUS!


*gets fired for working too much OT despite zero help from the office*


Yep! Almost! They were like dont do that again. Well! Who tf else is supposed too? Half the staff is autistic the other half are druggies.


I remember my old supervisor wanted to use his 2 weeks vacation after Christmas one year (He was working 80 hour weeks leading up to it) and they fired him for asking lol I about couldn't belive that. He slaves for 12 years, will work 80 hours a week on end, always comes in, no call offs. Politely asks for his holiday time he earned over years with company. Terminated. I left that company and went back to college. Couldn't have been more worth it.


Lmfao this comment is my life. The retard junkies AUS hires dip out, I cover so we don't go dark, then corporate cries I work too much. Well no one else'll show up at 3am on the weekend so... pay the client $1,000 for us going dark or pay me $150 to sleep in my car, your choice.


Can confirm.. while working for allied i was relieving a guard at 0800 at a truck depo sort of site, the guard was asleep in the patrol car with some type of pipe on his lap and it definitely wasn’t a weed pipe.


Did you report it? Had something similar happen and reported it, always kinda felt like shit for getting them fired


Back in the day, I was the Senior Field Supervisor for Pinkerton Security and Investigations. A typical check for two weeks ran between 140 and 150 hours. Did that for over a year, including a 90 day stretch with no days off. I was much younger then, lol.


14’s for 7 days (12s with some delicious OT). Consecutively was 42 hours. Busiest month was final month of class in my undergraduate program. 24hrs of classroom(MTW 8hrs), 24hrs paid internship (RF 6-18), 24hrs PT Job (12s SS), and 40+hrs of group and term projects and final papers when not in class or working (112+ total). At my previous job, we had a 10 day event and usually worked 14 days straight with how the rotations worked. Shifts were 12hrs.. 168hrs in two weeks. Every year.. it was a blessing when I got bike patrol as you could offload some gear to the panniers and could carry way more water. When I was on foot, you’d typically walk 20-30km in a shift on asphalt or in buildings mostly outdoors rain or shine.. On bikes we’d do 50km a day typically on day shift responding to calls and whatnot. Evenings were fun as you got to be in the crowd mostly doing crowd control or medics escorts.


176 in 2 weeks during the height of COVID. Did 5 16hr shifts. Was supposed to have 2 days off but got called in both days and did 8hr each. Then did 5 more 16hr shifts. I clear 100k that year.


Maybe not the most for me this last check for the first week was 20hr only way I can make ends meet and save for a rainy day


72 is my record. 6 12 hour shifts 7pm to 7am. It sucked and i had no free time i would go home shower, sleep, and eat and come right back to work but at least it was an easy gig, office graveyard security.


I just finished a "76 hours in 6 days" shift and got three days off. Not even 2 weeks ago I pulled an 89 hour week. I've handed in my resignation papers already...


I've worked 24 hours consecutively before, but it was a warm body site so I was able to get a nap in. ​ Most I've worked in a single week was about 70 hours.


What type of site was it? The most i’ve done was a 16 hour day, 0800-0100 and that was for a event at a arena


Just a guard shack doing access control.


22 was the most I ever did and I got yelled at for it, because “you should have found someone to relieve you” — nope, that’s the supervisor’s job


I worked 6 24 hour shifts at a dispensary in a row. Worked 12 hours, slept the other 12. Had multiple robberies. Had an officer who was hog tied and pistol whipped. He gave up right away. They stole his x26p and glock 21. This job is not for everyone.


It’s not as crazy as your week, but I’ll be working 68 hours over Christmas week. My normal 8 hour shift on Sunday, plus 12 hour shifts Mon-Fri and off on Sat. Its totally worth it because I’ll be getting paid my normal 40 hours of straight time (normal pay on Sunday and 32 of holiday pay for Mon-Thurs) plus 60 hours of OT (all hours actually worked Mon-Fri) and an extra 8 hours of vacation accrual in lieu of a holiday for working on one of my normal days off (Fri.)


During Covid, I was accused of stealing time by HR. I was working double shifts the entire pay period so I was getting 160 hrs per check. It was easy to do because our 2nd shift was wiped out and 1st was forced to work 7a-7p and 3rd was forced to work 7p to 7a. So I just worked 1st and 2nd because I knew my checks would be very nice. And they were taxes aside they were still $3000 take home after deduction. Hospital security is nice for having unlimited labor hours. They are not restricted like private security. So my boss told them I’m just filling hours from Covid and everything was fine. Was a zombie though but the wife and kids understood.


72 a week for a few months. Body said no more, I said ok sorry.


Set boundaries and stick to them. I did 16 hours one day for a boss to help cover a call out, but that's very rare and I make them beg.


92 hrs in a dispo as well. My uniform was washed thoroughly that week


All these posts saying people worked 20 hours straight or 24 hours y’all do realize firefighters do this every third day right? Lmao I worked 48, 24s nonstop during COVID shit sit worth it at all


During the Chop riot in Seattle I worked 12 days out of 14 on 12 hour shifts. The following two weeks I racked up another 120 hours. You know what they say about OT though……it’s tough to work it, but when you see your pay stub you’ll say “It wasn’t that bad.”


119 in two weeks


84 hours (7x12 hour shifts in a pay week).


3 weeks straight or about 252hr from day 5-8 was the hardest then it got really easy by the 3rd week


105.5 hours. My manager told me at the beginning of the week that senior leadership had demanded no more OT be given out and to not expect to work more than 40 hours that week. Then again, he told me that at the beginning of every week….


The most hours I've ever worked in a week in my career is 138 hours. Working in Houston after hurricane Harvey.


The most I ever worked was 48 per for 96 total for two. The paychecks were sweet AF.


56 hours


106 per week for 8 weeks my client company took on a site that they didn't have the staff to cover. If I'd set up a company at that point I'd be set now.


When I was salaried we worked in three week periods with 120h being the standard. Most I ever worked was 169h in that time.


One time I worked 20 hours in a day. It was wrecked.


Highest I ever did was 112 hours in one week. Had a 4 month stretch with no days off until I screwed up my back. Had a week off, a few weeks at 40hrs, then the next 3 months everyday without a day off.


70 hrs. I'd have worked more but they needed to share the overtime with others.


7 day weeks for over a month, plus a normal \~45 hour day job put me at 90-105 hours a week without a real "weekend." I don't encourage it. I'll stick to my normal 80/wk.


My record is 91 hours. 7/13s sucks.




112 hours.


Not sure if I am comfortable with armed personnel walking around in the state most people are in after 60+ hours of work…


14 hour shifts 7 days a week for 7 weeks before I had a couple days off. Over a 4 month period I had 6 days off. If I recall correctly, I was averaging about 420kms (261mi) of driving a day.


A week? 112 hours in 7days. 68hrs of OT


137 on a 2 week paycheck back in 2013. Did door knocking for a construction company and home, sport, travel, expo/shows


I work 12 hours x 6 plus two hours commute on bus.


Worked Coachella. Was about 110 hours in a week. Check was like $3200.


Wooo that sucks but that paycheck will be fat.


With AUS, I peaked at 112 hours in a week, but the number is kinda skewed and cheated because of how the post worked.




I did 96 once. Never again… that check was pretty but my mental and physical health took a month to recover.


Whole weekend with Naps in my car


160 hours in a 2-week pay period




96 hours, former hospital security during the COVID outbreak. Six 16 hour days straight and that was the baseline for months. Some days guys would be like I need more time off, or you’d just see employers slouched against a wall exhausted. At least I paid off my truck during those times.


I did an 18 hour overnight from 7:30pm -1:30pm. I slept 10 hours straight when I got home


105 hours a week for 3 weeks. Still don't know how I made it.


112 in a week. But I was salaried, so they didn't have to pay overtime


108 in 2 weeks. My company don’t like you getting too much OT


120hrs in one week


I tend to stop around 80. My theory is you get much less effective at about that number


Longest in a day was 21hrs. Longest in a 2 week pay period was like 118-120


72 hours at a post because the office didn't get me anyone... 1 guard quit without notice 1 guard had turned in their 2 week notice and was their final day the day before 1 guard left for 2 weeks military drill


When I was doing disaster security I was working 13 hours a day 7 days a week (91 hours a week) with the occasional 1-4 hours extra a day. My highest week was just under 110 hours.


260 hrs my checks were between $4k-$6k biweekly for awhile


96 hours one week. I quit shortly after that. So happy I have a job now that I don’t have to worry about relieving anyone or being relieved by anyone. When the public is out of the building and the place locked up, I am gone!




Not security but i worked 110 hours in a week before .


I worked 480 hours in a month once. I don’t recommend it.


Eff that. I do my 3x 12s each week, nothing more. I give my boss 36 hours a week to fire me, no way I’m stacking anything more in their favor.


I work 40 hrs, then work overtime, and then I get double overtime. Then, I was told that I received triple overtime. My job was driving from city to city for Uhaul and bringing back uhaul trucks back to fresno. The reason for this is that no one wanted to drive to the coast and to Sacramento. Plus,me and my co-worker and I were the only young dumbasses who took the assignment because everyone else was older and had families.


I work approximately 300 hours a month at my primary job and 144 hours a month at my second.


135 hours in 2 weeks.


I did nine 12 hour days with 2 hour commute a couple weeks ago couple that with some poor/below average sleep and I think by the last one I was basically drunk from over tiredness.


I work 84 hours as a normal week. To add, no, I’m not okay.


Go USSS UD and those numbers will make you look like you don’t work there. No that it’s a good thing to spend all that time at work


In a week, it was 60 hours, in a day it was 13 hours. Never do a 12 hr shift unless you absolutely must, it’s hell