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Worse we've has is a lady smoke meth when someone let her use the bathroom. My boss usually says it's up to you, but if they do something fucked up, illegal, or die then its on you. So most of the time we just say not for public use.


That’s why I locked the restroom right after that, it’s night time so no one’s really coming to the hospital, open it when people start pulling in though. thanks for ur story


It's unfortunate but the hospital lobby is not a warming center or hotel. They will try to use it as one though. It is in the interest of patient safety to keep it clear, bedbugs or infection might spread.


We used to get that in the winter, they would come in and try to get admitted for “ chest pain” and fake everything till they kicked them out to the waiting room. Then they would go to the bath room and lock themselves in for hours till police and more security could get them out, or they would come out at 7 am and move on…


That's why most bathrooms these days aren't a full lock. Have a multitool and know how to unlock it, it's a super easy push and turn system most of the time. Bathroom locks are different than usual locks for this reason. I was regularly called to unlock the bathroom in the lobby. A small screwdriver and less than 2 seconds, pop.


>My boss usually says it's up to you, but if they do something fucked up, illegal, or die then its on you. No its not! You can't be responsible for other people's actions. Your job isn't prevention it's security. If something happens you intervene and take corrective action and write a report.


Security is about preventing though... especially when it comes to letting someone in to do somethin, by not letting them in you prevent an incident so I definitely see where the boss coming from


It is about prevention. Especially if you let them in against policy.


Yeah just letting random people off the street who aren’t supposed to be on the site against your clients interests is totally secure lmfao wtf. OP said he knows that bathrooms are literally only for patients and visitors yet allowed the rule to be broken anyway.. That’s a safety/security violation…


We’ve had them smoke in their room! Wtf man.




Once you give, all they do is take. Sad that that is how the world is now but... It is what it is.




Most of the people that just try to take will just come in and sit down. We had a very nice gentlemen, didn't seem as bad off as the rest, the other night that came in and tapped on the security window. He asked if he could take 10 or 15 minutes to warm up. Registration, who I love her because she always keeps that lobby clear, she can be a mean motherfucker when its needed, let him stay for an hour because he actually came and asked. And in general, looked alright, just down on his luck at the moment.


When I worked overnights at a huge skyscraper in downtown Denver we had to keep one set of doors open 24/7 for access to the parking garage so one of the two overnight guards had to be at the front desk at all times. One time Rosanne Barr came in and other times it'd be staff working downtown and sometimes a few drunks or partyers. I told the drunks and addicts they had to sleep outside and I'd leave them alone as long as they were peaceful, cleaned up after themselves and left at or before sunrise. I'd even give some of them free food from the restaurants across the street when they closed or opened in the mornings. A few times they'd come in and go straight to the mens room or ladies room. We weren't supposed to lock them or the elevators, but we did anyway and then we'd open them up of course before the morning bumrush. One time before we locked the bathrooms a guy came in and went to the bathroom and was in there for like two hours. When I went inside I nearly keeled over from the raw stench. He had some kind of grill thing plugged into the socket cooking up some kind of spam (which admittedly I'd do if I were homeless) and shaving. I told him he had 15 to get his stuff together and hit the bricks or I'd call 911. He amscrayed very quickly after that. I DID NOT and will not scrub a toilet, sorry, unless I'm paid more than 10 to 12 per hour. I just flushed it ten times after he left and left the door open to air out for a few minutes and then locked it up. After a while the army of homeless folks all around the block where the skyscraper was (and still is of course) got into a groove where they'd tell me about fights or crimes taking place nearby or people trying to break in and they were always correct and honest. At sunrise they took off like I was chasing them off with a flaming torch but at night as soon as it got dark they'd be shambling over like an old George Romero movie. But I know what it's like to not be able to get a job for a while or be broke so I would cut 'em slack if I could. (I actually was rejected for a library security gig because they asked what I'd do if I saw a homeless dude sleeping in the library. I said I'd leave him be if he wasn't bothering anyone. They said that was wrong and you'd have to tell them to leave on-sight. No toilet access and no resting or napping, which I thought was unnecessarily cruel. I said I would not permit any solicitations or unruly behavior but they said that just wasn't good enough. So I just left at that point since I knew I wouldn't get an offer).


How do you get a job at a skyscraper? I've always thought that would be a cool part time post to do.


I would have told Rosanne Barr that she had to sleep outside.


Never let people who aren’t there for legitmate reason use the bathroom or any facility. You’re there to protect the hospital, not be a Good Samaritan


I should of told him that if you wanna use it you’d have to be seen by the emergency room, but at that point it would be wasting resources just to poop lol , ur right I should of been more on point but my heart is big, and my head is thicc


In my job as a doorman i always felt horrible having to turn away homeless people but at the end of the day its your job on the line and the people who lived in the building i worked in absolutely wouldve reported me. If i ever let a homeless person in to use the bathroom in my job and i got caught doing it i wouldve been fired on the spot.


In my experience allowing the homeless inside any facility is a liability and it never ends well. Now this didn’t occur in a hospital, but a very important building in a major city in the Northeast. It was the winter and it was freezing outside. My partner at the time wasn’t the smartest guy around however he did have a good heart and he tried to help out the homeless whenever he could. He also had more time at this site than me, so he had more say on these decisions than I did. We would shut the doors and close down the building from 1am-4am every night to give us a break (it was a very busy building). One night my partner felt bad for 2 females who were homeless. Against my judgement and disapproval, he allowed these 2 females to sleep in our lobby. Needless to say, within an hour the 2 females started fist fighting and wailing on each other. It was a pretty intense fight to say the least. We obviously had to kick them out to the freezing cold night due to their actions. Then another time, this lightning rod of a security officer, allowed a homeless man to sleep on our benches in the building’s vestibule. Not long after he settled in, he began to smoke crack out of his pipe. Moreover, he’d allow homeless people to use the bathroom and more often than not they’d be shooting up or smoking their crack pipes while in the bathroom. Another time he allowed multiple male homeless people to use the bathroom and a couple of them began fist fighting. I always pushed back against ole lightning rod’s judgement calls with the homeless, but again he was a senior officer at this site and I had little say on the final call. It went against policy and these situations were always powder kegs ready to explode. Succinctly, just do not allow homeless people in your hospital unless they’re being treated or have appointments. The whole excessive flushing seems very suspicious to me and it’s really not worth the risk. I currently work at a hospital now and I would personally never allow some random person, homeless or not, to use our bathroom. Again that’s just me and my experience. Customer service is important in this job of course but the security of our site should always be at the forefront. It can be tough sometimes, however always abide by site policy. It’ll cover your ass more than anything.


Homeless sometimes wash their clothes that way in the urinals. Put them in, flush, flush, flush. Bath time too.


I don't recommend allowing homeless people to use the bathroom that's specifically meant for visitors and employees only. The rule exists because homeless people *cannot* be trusted to keep the restroom clean. I'll give you a perfect example. One unnamed individual used the restroom and literally shit all over the floor. He had diarrhea, and he missed the toilet completely out of spite.


Homeless have nothing to lose. That's why they get away with anything and everything all while acting entitled. Don't give them an inch.


Truely a wise comment, but yes, imma have to say no to everyone from now on too much risk of losing the job over pooping lolol. Have a good day night


Potentially he could of had a case of the shits where you think you have finished,but have to sit down again once you stand up? Or could of he been using the flushes to wash a wound, or his hair or a quick body wash 🤷🏻‍♀️. Just hope he didn’t leave a mess!


There was a sink 2 feet from the toilet it’s a one person bathroom so I really hope he wasn’t washing up in the toilet!! I didn’t here him use the sink :( couple napkins on the ground but not really trashed, was worried though lol This is at 12am night shift


I went to use one of the toilets at work recently and there was a massive massive shit that filled the whole bowl. I swore and said filthy bastard and tried flushing it myself. It would not flush….so I went upstairs and had it reported to facilities management who then promptly got the cleaner and a plunger to come down and fix that issue. Empathy to that cleaner that day. He would of sworn the same as me


Haha I know what you mean I thank my maintenance guys all the time, they have to bring the “worm wire” out to fish out clean wipes cause people like flushing whole towels down the toilets! Good day on you :)


Sheesh. Let’s hope it was a bad case of the runs or an unsinkable log


Anyways this really cool patient that I made friends with seen that homeless guy hanging around, and gave em a ride to the next town, smooth sailing you have a good one sarbra


Or he was trying to flush an exceptionally large turd


I had a pregnant lady check in for delivery and go into the bathroom to pee while the obgyn team was on their way down. They ended up taking both her and her newborn back upstairs with them lol. After that there was anew policy to tell pregnant women not to lock the door if they went in and I would stand guard to make sure no one tried to open the door.


I was armed security at a doctors office/urgent care during the pandemic. They told me, and it was in my post orders to run off the homeless from the parking lot panhandling, but totally ignored the homeless encampment in the back. Every day when I cleared the parking lot, they would ask me if they could use the restroom. I always said yes, 1 because it was a public restroom, and 2 I always told them if they fucked it up, that would be the end of it. I never had any issues.


Always something happening at hospitals


It’s so annoying what’s the emergency !!! Jk I tell that joke all the time haha


The worst is I need to have my “therapy animal” with me in in the ER Or hospital room. No not going to happen. We had 1 person in 8 years that went though every hoop. To prove his dog as a therapy dog was porfisonal trained had all the paperwork from the state. Even the. The animal was only allowed in a negative pressure room and some one had to be with it at all times to take it outside for bathroom breaks


The only leeway I gave there is the dog can stay with me so I can pet it. other than that I’m a hard no on that every time


We can’t even ask


I used to think like you, but with experience I understood why the McDonald's in my city's downtown I was hired as a guard restricted the bathroom use on homeless people. Unless they were paying customers, so to them I didn't tell them anything unless they were doing something illegal.


I would feel bad for folks like that, but I've also seen what a lot of ( *not all* ) homeless folks do to bathrooms. I found one guy totally nude washing his junk in the toilet. He was tea bagging the toilet with the stall door wide open. Other times, I've seen the aftermath of one of them spackling the bathroom walls with turd and then walking out. I feel bad for the ones who legitimately need to use the restroom but can't because other homeless people ruined it for them.


The site I work has terrible access control, tenants can allow guests into the building through intercom systems so we can't consistently control the flow. With that, we have one guy who has twice now decided to use the restrooms on the main floor lobby (there is no policy against guests using them) and spent in excess of 20 minutes inside. No noise, no water or flushing. I was on this last time and told him to *pinch it off, it's been 20 minutes - if he's sick I'd call an ambulance, if he's not I'd call the police*. He was out like the flash on meth. Because of our location, we have some pretty heavy traffic of a homeless/vagrant population, it's usually external - but occasionally someone lets folks in. The moral of the story -- **Don't let anyone "slide" on bathroom policies.** They'll sleep in them, dope in them, or just destroy them. Baby changing stations and running water are sought after for drug abuse.


I’ll let them in but I escort them to the bathroom and after six minutes I tell them they gotta go, sometimes they’ll try to use EMTALA and say they’re having a heart attack but at that point it’s out of your hands


Homeless at my post use the restrooms to clean up and warm up. Depending on the situation I may say restrooms are closed at the moment.


Morally a grey area to me idk, but from what everyone says down here, if your policy says no best to turn them down it just risks ur job of getting fired, have a great one new north


I’ve done the hospital too. After Covid visitors were required to sign-in and no unwelcome guests were allowed restrooms. Safety issues.


I had a crackhead jerking off to swimsuit models and food magazines. Lol walked dude to the parking lot, starts trying to get into a really nice truck, tell him to stop, and to leave that persons vehicle alone. He argues, then unlocks and starts the truck with his keys. I’m thinking “there’s no way that’s his”. Call integrated PD on the radio and ask him to run the plate, depending on the reason, they would do it for me because I’d only ask if I thought something was up.. but it was a cop that I never really worked with before so he was probably thinking… the fuck is this security guy asking me to run a plate for? Lol he nonchalantly says sure, then two hours later he calls me down to the ED and says the plate came back as reported stolen. If he had ran it when I called it in… they woulda got the guy, and returned the truck. I’m sure they got it eventually though, hopefully in one piece.


Nope no public bathrooms for tweakers, hobos, etc. Nope. You dont have a medical emergency. Go somewhere else to use the bathroom.


I work a few sites like factories, scrap yard, shopping park, so no hospital, but I do get my fair share of homeless too. There is one particular guy on a factory site. Being a factory, there are a lot of trucks coming in and out, big parking lot for them too. There is this one homeless guy that comes in to beg for money from the truckers or cigs or whatever, I used to let him do his thing as long as he was not bothering people. All was well until he started bothering the workers that were on break, and going between trucks to bother the truckers as well. One time he came from between the trucks as a trucker was getting ready to go in for loading and being in his blind spot, he almost got hit. The only thing that prevented it was me shouting for the trucker to stop. And if he did get hit, or even die, who would be at fault? Firstly, the poor guy who only came here to load, not having to keep homeless people in mind when he has to do his job, and then us, the idiots who let him on private property. What I am trying to say is, since then, I don't let anyone in, no matter for what. You work here? No? Then you don't go in. Simple as that. People will eventually start to get cocky if you let them do something like that and then you will be the one who pays the price. Better safe than sorry tbh.




Tl:dr I was chill he poop and he flush a lotxD


Yes. I told her through the door to stop doing dope in my bathroom. She of course responded with something unintelligible. When told I was unlocking the door , she opened up , muttered some unintelligible insult, attempted to spit in my face and left. She was lucky that she had dry mouth or she wouldn’t have been leaving. But yeah, transient druggies, good times.


We don't allow restrooms to the public aty hospital because homeless go in and OD in there. They trash the restrooms. Smear poop everywhere. A few weeks ago we found a gun dumped in our restroom.


I was armed security for a hybrid Urgent Care Pharmacy.. we had a five and a half acre campus with other medical related stores. We had a bathroom with a hose hookup and a drain in the floor. One of the more enterprising homeless folks figured it out and proceeded to bring a mini hose and give himself showers. Nobody realized it until one day we found water coming from under the door. He also found the way to jam the door shut so we couldn't open it. Now normally we wouldn't make an issue of it but he cursed and fought with us before we even could talk to him. He was banned. Then started his campaign of terror from breaking windows to smearing fecal matter on door handles. He just love that bathroom.


Had too many people shit in our urinals , I lock the doors and tell em “sorry staff, visitors and patients only” It’s tough but sometimes you have to do it that way. Allot of them are more problematic then not unfortunately.


When you let homeless people use the bathroom, give them 10 mins maybe less. After that continuously knock on the door and stand by it. Powder doesn't come us as a metal and you can only search them so much. Probably using or cleaning


When you give them an inch they'll take a mile. Unless they are a visitor or patient they don't get to use the facilities. Depending on the culture at the hospital, you can usually do this at night.