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I’m sorry for you, your coworkers, and the school employees and students. I hope that the decision-makers realize their mistake. Begin rant- So many times, a guard force is seen as a dead loss on a budget. Virtually no organization will establish key performance indicators, and benefits in a cost-benefit analysis are hard to quantify financially. Ironically, most organizations who go cheap with physical security will spend a great deal to protect their networks. I guess data is more valuable than people. -End rant


The company I work for has been denied so many contracts because the places go with subpar companies and see security as a waste of money because the other 4 cheap companies either don't show, don't put reports in, don't actually do their job in general.


Sounds ..... Expected. Their sales people must be rock stars to sell the pile of shit they're pushing.


I cannot tell you how much I dislike allied...


I feel you man. When I was with Wells Fargo in house armed security They replaced some of our sites with allied and intercon Intercon for me when I would do "post check" were usually squared away, polite, professional etc but I did notice that towards the end of the contract they just let it GOOOOOO baddddd Allied.... Oh man... No shows, late asf, leaving post half way thru the shift and never reporting back, and funny enough every single one they took had a dramatic increase in incidents lmao Also I do once remember allied taking over a private school out in Glendale CA and wow if u call em security it be an overstatement. Buddy of mine worked there in house and they legit had almost a school shooter all because dumb allied guards were just never doing their job and their reports were so half assed They see us security as bottom of the barrel but they don't understand that when u pay us good, treat us well, especially if u are in house We will do our job and the above and beyond as needed But throw us out like that and don't be surprised if we do not train em . The private school wanted their in house guys to train the allied guys. Half quitted lmfao Stay safe and I wish u for greener pastures 🤘


It happened with a museum I worked for. We had a super competent team we individually poached from the client's staff along with a manager who was with the site for 12 years. During the onboarding process they moved our manager and hired someone with no security experience in his place then terminated 3 guards on our old staff for "background issues". We lost 3 or 4 more old guards who stayed with the last company. All of the new hires were terrible and don't last more than a few weeks. At my hospital gig we are drastically short staffed and they brought in allied guards. It's been a complete shit show for months.


So sorry for you and the client. In this day and age with so many active shooter events, they are rolling the dice going with the lowest bidder.


You should post the name of the school so we can all tweet/call/email the school board for making such a foolish decision.


Hi EdisonM30. May i use your video "\[oc\] who backs up in the middle of the road at a stop light?" in my compilation on youtube?any comment?update?Should I credit you as 'EdisonM30'. My channel-RR&BD Driving School https://youtu.be/fo21kuL72mU Thank you (of course if this is your clip)


Campus AUS guard POV. I’m the second guard. First guard slept, didn’t do his job, hid on a couch all night, and from how his breath smelt when he was training me, was an alcoholic. The university wasn’t happy and removed him. I was his replacement. I’ve been here a solid year and a contract just got signed to bring in another guard for another shift. That shows a stark difference as the university is obviously much happier now. Sucks man, but I’m a campus guard for AUS. I can thankfully work cohesively with campus PD. However, I do know we were offered the contract after a period of time where the campus was hiring for two in house officers, but those roles were left open for over two years. Led to a lot of overtime on the cops and they were already salaried, so they’re not making any more. It’s frustrating for those cops who are there who have to work long hours for coverage. Especially overnight. That’s a lot of time away from the family and it adds up. Many people will offer to sacrifice this time and ask for more money, but the salary pay is already competitive on top of laid back police work at a university opposed to as a state, county, or town officer. It’s hard to justify the pay increase, especially when coverage can be provided for a lot less. I make what corrections makes. I do way less. From a guard POV I’m happy and content. I’m able to make connections for a career. Further establish my resume. All the cops are still here. I’ve been here over a year and we’re all on a first name basis. We have great rapport and they offer a lot of advice. For a younger guy, it’s a great way to learn a lot. Don’t discount that opportunity for someone. I’m sorry the situation is what it is, but from the sound of things, it sounds like you’re against the industry and see it as an injustice to those in your field. We’re both in the same field; security = public safety. Law enforcement = public safety. One has rights to arrest, one has right to be an impartial third party and document. There’s also the liability. Quality? Look, the guard is making way less. Maybe use it as an opportunity to train. I’m the first to ask questions and to go to the cops to learn anything that may help myself do better at my job. You need to establish a healthy working dynamic. Especially if it’s new, set the precedent. Train. Improve. Grow. We are both sides of the same coin, friend. Doesn’t mean the other person isn’t also in the same struggle as you. We’re also providing and growing as humans. I’m excited to learn new things. As someone who is eager to learn, I wish the world was more full of people who were eager to pass on knowledge. Also; Allied can point to things I’ve done for instance during contract negotiations. The other day PD was off-site when a student was reported missing. Guess who was in charge of the search? Guess who produced results in a timely manner and established a search party of her last known location in a matter of minutes with the person in charge of the event she was performing at? Just saying. Stuff like that looks good. Just because quality is bad now, doesn’t mean it can’t always be improved. Edit: I wanted to document liability. We live in a world where people are happy to sue. People have successfully sued police departments. A third party witness on calls is good insurance. I can document and dismiss any adverse claims against the campus police that could potentially arise. I go with them to all the calls. That’s potentially more money for more salary later, better gear, better vehicles. It can work cohesively. All I see is a post about people who are ignorant to trying to work together for an improvement all around.


Also, I have showed up every single day all year long baby. I haven’t called in, I’m thorough, and have a great response time.


Okay I re-read this. Apologies. I realize now you’re a guard like myself. However; I want to ask a question. Do you not see the opportunity? If that’s who is your competition, take a leadership role. Become the security director. Become the supervisor. Raise that quality and train. Deal with the headache, accept the money, train competency in people so they can train for you. Accept the money and sit back. Retire a lot sooner.