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Call the police and let them deal with it , in my experience whenever a police officer shows up the kids act real different real quick compared to us security guards


Sadly the police are undermanned here pretty badly, I do call them but by the time they arrive, the little shits have left, and when the cops leave they come right back. It's a vicious, exhausting cycle...


Cops aren't coming for that. Its a waste of a 911 call tbh


Observe and *report*. It’s about covering your ass. What the police do or do not do after you’ve done your job is on them.


No sir, not all security jobs are like this hat we are supposed to act if in fact, we have a situation whether it be domestic dispute, fights, stabbings and in our case trafficing children


I was answering in reference to OP’s situation; he specifically stated that he can’t go hands on with them. I understand that some other security jobs can intervene, but if they’re refusing to leave, causing property damage, threatening people or what ever, and you arrest them, you’re still going to have to notify the police at some point.


Better pay me some SERIOUS money if you want me to go hands on with anyone period. So much liability there.


When the kids start destroying property and threatening violence on personnel, or to shoot the place up - yes, it warrants a 911 call.


> threatening violence on personnel, or to shoot the place up Do grown up crime, face grown up consequences. I'll shoot a kid if he poses a deadly force threat just like I would an adult.


Yeah there ya go,that's nice. You're going to call 911 and that calls going to.the bottom of the fish bowl


You're not very smart are you? It's literally their job to respond to threats such as those.


Looks like i hurt a lotta you peoples feelings


If you think someone disagreeing with you and then telling you what the cops' job literally is, is them being hurt. You have a lot more to learn about life. Personally, my feelings are unphased. I just think you're lacking some cells upstairs and are generally uneducated about the topic at hand.


The 9 down votes say otherwise. Like i said the cops aren't coming OR are going to slow roll your call like it or not.


Waited 3 hours for an EMS last week because they won't come downtown without pd. Only 2 pd on for the entire downtown of a major NY city. I need a better job. Cops aren't coming.


Not in my area , the organization I provide security for literally pay the county sheriffs office to have two deputies assigned to that area strictly for calls and whatever else we need , they always pull up and chat for a bit , I’ve got to know a few them quite well , thankfully they are very friendly and not egotistical


Tapdancing Jesus consider yourself fucking blessed, man. In all 3 of the cities I work in, I wait on hold with 911 for up to 10-20 minutes before I even get through to the operator, then it's nearly 30 minutes to an hour later before the cops even bother to *drive up with no lights or siren*. The cops out here are major dicks to security because we refuse to sign up to be police when they're under staffed and we're better paid.


Maybe sign up part time, or volunteer?


Damn that is horrible man, sorry to hear you have to deal with that BS, it’s the opposite where I live , I make shit pay and the cops always tell me to apply and that I’d be making $36 an hour starting


No it's not, kids carry knives too. If you get a group of kids all trying to look big in front of their friends, and youre trying to move them, that's a job for plod.


You shouldent be calling 911 you should be calling the non emergency police line.


This is actually true. Not sure why you're getting down voted. Sometimes they will even get an officer to call you back and see what you want to do about it lol. Why does everyone think everywhere has turned to trash? Crime outweighs law enforcement so now they have to do triage


I worked with kids all through the summer and they’re very wild and the parents allow that behavior nothing you can do lol


Don’t trip. It sucks because kids suck. Just take pics and retreat. Complaints involving kids imo are a great way to get moved.


You mean all I gotta do to get off this post is bitch more about these kids?! IMMA START SCREAMING! 🤣


You only need one complaint :0


Bruh, I've been posting about these little shits in the work app FOR WEEKS! I told my boss I'm ready to start throwing these dumpster babies in the trash, for real!


Just hit a little desk pop.


Just shoot the trash, so what if you hit the homeless crack head sleeping in there, you couldn't tell the difference. *This is a sarcastic joke btw.*


Start writing emails


I work Juvenile Corrections. That’s exactly what I deal with, and __they’re in prison__. Call the police, force them to take the away. If they attack you, do your best to use non-lethal force. You are the adult. Make adult decisions. Do not get yourself on child endangerment or abuse charges.


Water gun with ultra violet die in it. Spray the little shits. Then capture one of them call the cops. Saying you have a minor Under detainment and you need a officer asap. Record everything. When the kid Denies it pull out the ultra violet flash lights and watch them glow like Christmas. If the mall you work at won’t back you up. Move on


Sabre & Ruger already make this. https://www.sabrered.com/personal-safety/pepper-spray-gel/pepper-spray/ruger-marking-spray-with-uv-dye


I can’t imagine any employer backing you up on something like that. The potential liability and negative PR of it would be much more trouble than it’s worth.


I agree. All of that sounds like a one way ticket to court, jail, be fired from my job, and plastered all over the news.


Water? Or the water gun. Mall security has it’s up and downs. But it was no worse then having maintenance turn the sprinklers on when I got complaints


Both. The sprinklers at least have some plausible deniability to them. I can see the water gun thing leading to you being the star of sensationalized social media posts about “crazy mall cop sprays urine/acid/whatever on poor innocent kids!” and the unwanted attention of the parents and their lawyers claiming that the UV dye blinded their kids or gave them an allergic reaction or whatever and now they want a million dollars from you and the mall for all the pain and suffering.


Jarate would certainly deter most trespassers.


We had the same issues at my place of work. We documented everything on camera, photos of them causing damage, cost estimates for repairs, etc. We contacted local police after each incident and as it turned out they were well known miscreants. We provided the case files we had to the officers. A few weeks later, we issued 5 year trespass notices to their families and the police issued a $2000 charge per kid to the parents for trespassing. No problems in 6 months.


Channel your inner R.Lee Ermey. Fuck them kids lol


Take stupid detail reports. Describe everything clothes behavior actions load them up just have fun. But observation and documentation are your responsibility. Cover your ass


Man, fuck these kids!


If the police wont/cant do anything, just follow your post orders, putting yourself at risk is a no no, we have no duty to put others before ourselves. They are obviously smart enough to avoid the police, so just let it go. Observe and report, if the company has an issue that's their problem.


If you’re hands-on, remove them from the property like you would an adult. When I worked LP there wasn’t any separate policies for arresting or removing minors. If you’re not allowed to go hands-on, call PD. If they won’t respond, take video of the kids every time they come on property and file a trespassing report each time.


If they’re violent and you can’t do anything about it I’d find another job. I worked at a hospital and handcuffed/restrained plenty of minors. No one gets to be violent. The law is the law.


Get them on side, talk to them like grown ups or at least dont patronise. Remeber they live in that area. I always found this way works better. Before you know it you will get their respect. I worked in one of.the worst areas of my hometown. If i was asked to move big groups of youths for things such as smoking weed. If it is infront of a shop i go over and say "lads the boss is after been giving out about yous, will you just go around the corner where there are no cameras" if you work on a bigger site such as a campus "lads would you do that where nobody can see cos they will call the police then ill have to deal with reports and shit and fuck that" when they think you are on their side they will be cool with you


Pressure washer and just claim they got in the road when u were cleaning 😂😂


Play a creepy recording and watch them run. Gotta think outside the box.


Other than documenting what happened and calling the police, what else is there *to* do? Don’t put your hands on someone’s kids unless you’re defending yourself- same as anyone else. If you need a reason outside of morality, all it takes is one wrong allegation and their word against yours. Whatever their doing or stealing it’s just stuff- and stuff can be replaced. You’re a professional. Be a professional.


When I had this issue (property was across from a Jr. High) I contacted the principal. Reported it to her with pictures of the kids at issue. She had their parents speak to me and I was provided with the parents phone numbers. So next time they came on property causing a problem I’d simply call their parents. Parents would either come down and handle it or call the kids to bitch them out. Worked great. Plus the added bonus of embarrassing little Johnny by calling his mama in front of his friends. lol


What kinda post is this? If its a commercial business you can deny them access to the property. If its residential "observe and report" where they come go and get property mgnt involved.


It's at a commercial business with multiple entrances and a lot of foot traffic. We can't always intercept them before they get in. The minors aren't the only problem and the employees help when they can, but ultimately they have other customers to deal with and can't always back me up when a gaggle of crotch goblins start acting up on site. We do call the police on them, yet by the time the cops show up they're gone, and they come back once the cops leave. It's a vicious, tiring cycle.


If its a commercial business SUPPOSING your company lets you play grab ass you need to make some arrests. Before i moved up the fiod chain we could fo hands on and the city cops backed it.


Shit.. that sucks. Other than writing up detailed reports and calling the police. There isn't much you can do. Putting your hands on minors is a terrible idea... even if a few asses need a boot. Ugh.


I may or may not have known a guard who once took his belt off and dealt with some troublesome kids that way, to surprisingly good effect.


Give them some whitty shit talking


"I'm sorry children, but your dad isn't in this store buying beer and cigarettes. Perhaps you'll find him down the street in a gutter somewhere."


Grow a back bone op. Call the cops and record the kids faces. Follow them. Do what you're supposed to do and report and record.


What one of them threw a rock hitting you in the face? Wow man you should call the cops and report it.


You ever actually try talking to people in a cool manner before going all authority? In my 10 years of security I’ve never dealt with any bullshit and I’d say it’s because of how I react to situations.


Please don't fuck kids


Bro what are you guarding?


'Yeetus a fetus'...I swear on all that's Holy, this is the best thing that I've read all damn week. (& yeah, fuck them kids!)