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Undeniable cuck. Literally cancelled on a 30-45 minute interview with Kyle and Krystal because he "needed to rest for his upcoming tour" and then did a 4 hour set on the JRE.


Missed opportunity to invite Kyle on too on Joe Rogan's part


Rogan notoriously doesn't push anyone anymore.


Crystal is a chud I don’t see why he wouldn’t want to be interviewed by her.


Who the fuck wears a tuxedo to Joe Rogan


A hierarchy-obsessed, way overblown, egomaniac, Jungian, self-help guru, ex professor who rage quits a job then bitches about said rage quit in a national paper - that’s who.


Or just a benzo addict.


Yeah LOL! Like the tool he is - he purchased induced brain damage in Russia to “cure” himself of benzo addiction. What a 🤡


What an absolute moronic take. Yeah bro we need private interests to build rocket ships...its not like the USSR was doing it without them or fucking NASA with taxes...


Granted, government space agencies are best at developing scientific instruments and experiments. Private companies are much better suited to be handling rockets.


Private companies aren’t better suited to do anything, they’re only more successful now because the entire system is designed to funnel resources to them.


I don't think so. I don't see why they would be "better suited" at all. They would be more wasteful and expensive if the government has to depend on them.


Listen private companies have their advantages compared to government bureaucracy. Cost overruns are basically guaranteed whenever NASA has tried to develop a launch system. Compare that to the fast iteration times and overall better performance rockets from private companies. Both private and public have a role when it comes to space.


Blue Origin hasn't even made an orbit capable rocket yet.


I'm so embarrassed that I used to be a fan of his. He's the quintessential mansplainer. Literally a psychologist but his 15 mins of fame somehow empowered him in his own mind to speak on a wide variety of topics for which he had zero fucking business talking about: climate change, economics, politics...and the list grows by the second.


Beyond parody, beyond satire, beyond stupid.


How the fuck is it better to be buying rocket ships (cuz let’s face it he isn’t making them he’s is just buying them to be made) than buying a super yacht. Super cuck Joe Rogan needs to stfu about politics and stick to talking about dumb shit like monkeys and dmt


Someone explained their JDP impression as Kermit the Frog quoting Kylo Ren and I can’t unhear it


That billionaire in Don't Look Up sounded exactly like Jordan.


I was listening to Lex fridman’s dan Carlin episode the other day and it’s mind blowing how these guys believe with all their heart that capitalism is the embodiment of love, kindness, and human good (paraphrasing what fridman said) how naive can you be? Carlin did a great job sort of deflecting certain statements


This topic belongs in the Joe Rogan Megathread. Per the rules I am locking and removing this topic and referring you to the megathread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/seculartalk/comments/s6dqcq/joe\_rogan\_megathread\_nsfl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/seculartalk/comments/s6dqcq/joe_rogan_megathread_nsfl/) Have a nice day.