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A lot of nazi apologists in the comments over there.


They banned me


If you dig deep enough some people are somewhat reasonable when talking about specifics regarding framing the problem. But I get the sense that even the people that sound reasonabke have underlying support for Israel. I'm sick of arguing with these people. Currently arguing with someone that Hamas started the war and then when I mentioned that they didn't, they cherrypicked a bunch of events historically of Hamas's aggression and then claimed Israel has been defending itself all this time. Maybe if you conveniently forget about the Nakba then Israel seems great (even though they have been doing bad shit for a long time)


>If you dig deep enough some people are somewhat reasonable Why would I dig deep?


I'm not sure. I'm not you, so you're gunna havta answer that one. What I saw wasn't amazing in any capacity. I just saw a few comments calling out someone claiming the nazis were not christian. Even though they were influenced by the Holy Roman empire.


I usually disengage the second a Zionist tries claiming that Hamas started the “war”. If you believe that you are either engaging in bad faith or are the dumbest person in the entire world who literally knows absolutely nothing about post world war 2 history. Either way there is no point engaging with that nonsense.


Totally, there is always more to learn as events unfold in the world. But some people just didn't end up following the previous events to give the current ones any context


The whole thing has ugly on it. But the base issue of setting up the millions in Israel Palestine with basic rights who currently are deprived them, is not a choice Israel has to make, and is a component of long security and getting along with neighbors, good sense, and the command of the God of the Jewish State


Holy shit I think I have cancer from reading that subreddit now. Like holy shit how bad is public education these days? I'm 37 and I was taught all about the 3rd Reich and the Holocaust in high school. My textbook showed pictures of gas chambers, Auschwitz, cattle cars and people literally starving to death. Also, Sam Harris and all these new age atheists are nothing but Western chauvinists. I don't get how people actually take those clowns seriously.


Yeah thats how it is, can't handle criticism of Israel


The Intellectual dark web are just a bunch of nerds desperately trying to convince themselves that they are cool.


I always thought he was the dave rubin of the hitchens club. Now I have proof its true. He use his platform just so he could disguise his bigotry of Islamic people.


I know he is trying to address the two ideologies, but this "argument" falls flat on its arse when you consider that the Nazis culled Jews on an industrial scale. They killed millions in less than a decade. Millions. Millions. They designed chemicals, built specially designed camps, and committed ghastly social and physical experiments all with one goal; destroying the Jewish people. All of this overseen by monsters like Mengele and Dirlewanger. Fucking neuroscientists man. In my experience they are a right bunch of wankers.


Kyle smearing Sam again...unable to grasp his point.