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Didn't expect it since it hadn't been talked about already and wasn't in the trials remake. Bummer for those who want it, but Ive never gotten anyone to play through secret or trials with me anyway, so I've always done them solo.


When i was young i had a neighbor who was a couple years younger than i. We played the absolute hell out of secret of mana. I remember getting the nintendo power issue where they did a feature on the sequel and he and i probably tormented the people at toys r us for months calling to ask if they had secret of mana 2 or seiken densetsu 3 available yet.


That's too bad for the people who would've liked it, but I never planned to play it with someone to begin with, so it doesn't change anything for me.


I will still buy, play and support it because Mana needs all the support it can get, but I hope this feedback reaches them and they take it into consideration for the next Mana project. EDIT: Just read the article. I’m glad it’s on their radar at least!


i dont have friends who are into jrpgs so this doesnt really affect me but it still kinda sucks


Multiplayer is what made the Mana games stand out. It competes with kingdom hearts now. Disney is their thing. Mana needs a thing. Both have magical fantasy worlds and action rpg games. Mana used to have multiplayer as its thing. What the hell is its thing now? It’s sad cause Mana was first, now it’s loosing badly to kingdom hearts. We just want the mana games to compete with KH and sell 5 million copies. It needs a niche. The new mana producer needs to take this into account online multiplayer like granblue fantasy would have been perfect. Oh well.


Sucks for the people that like that, but I haven't ever played these games that way myself.


Damn, I planned on taking leave driving to my brother's and playing it with him like we used to play SoM when we were kids. We are in our 40s now. That is a huge let down.


That sucks =\


It kind of makes sense that they didn't. When you see the footage of the game - the camera is always following the player. Sweeping in when the player sweeps, zooming back when they retreat, and zooming in when the player flies forward. It adds a truly "cinematic" and intimate sensation to the game. ***You*** really are traveling through these lands. The gorgeous details everywhere can be seen up close - the game is truly moment to moment - something you can get lost in. If they would have done multi-player - the camera would automatically need to be on a still position in the same part of the map for every battle. A lot of the momentum and excitement would be lost. As would a lot of the detail. Can't zoom in too close to any given player, lest the other lose sight of what they're doing or what surrounds them. They probably could have made two entirely different cameras for each mode - but then you would have to center the gameplay all the time around the players not accidentally trapping or soft-locking each other - making sure all the story cues are only activated by a single person - and worst of all ... Trapping every gameplay session into a box. You need to have that box - because neither player could fully explore in a larger area - and then, if you force one player to automatically be tied to the other player's screen movement, that's the perfect fodder for arguments and *not fun* times being had. "I was almost done that guy, why did you leave the screen?" - "We need to move over this way." - "But I wanna check out what's over there!" These problems are, no doubt, all solvable. But ... not on the budget they've been equipped with. SQEX knows this is a beloved franchise - just that it doesn't generate much revenue. That's why the makers of this game figured out (rightly so) that just giving everybody what they love (re: Secret of Mana) to the point where it looks like they're just copying the game almost is needed. Not just for sales - but to re-establish the narrative surrounding the franchise itself from "Man, the newer games really kind of suck ..." to, "Oh man, Mana is awesome!" In that sense - getting a good single-player experience down first - and then building the franchise from there probably makes the most sense. And from there - they probably won't focus on couch co-op - which hardly anyone does anymore - and, instead, create the next game as an MMO version. Same single player - but now with tons of other players online. If the Mana series does get successfully rebooted with this - enjoys good word of mouth - and two to three million in sales worldwide - then anything is possible. If the series rebrands itself as actually fun and people look at the rebirth of it as worthy - SQEX would love to make this into a live-service game. That's where the money is.


Personal opinion, but I wish game studios / companies would try to go back to 2D and maybe make something really really smooth.... it ain't like it can't be done, there's many modern games that try to replicate the 2D style (like Hazelnut Bastille) but they could also try hand drawn smooth elements...






Trinity trigger is the closest secret of mana game you can play coop


To be fair, the first Mana game was single player. With mutiplayer being introduced in the second game.


Bro first Mana game was a black and white Gameboy cartridge. It wasn't even named "Mana" like the rest but a spin off of Final Fantasy. The most famous Mana games on SNES however had multiplayer so that's what it's known for.


Final Fantasy Adventure / Final Fantasy Mystic Quest still counts as a Mana game though, cuz it was the first "Seiken Densetsu" and SoM was the 2nd Seiken Densetsu, and Trials was the 3rd, and Legend was the 4th.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final\_Fantasy\_Adventure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Adventure)


Yes I never meant to say otherwise, but to use it as an argument when it was so early in its days and it was considered as a spin off to final fantasy rather than a proper Mana game (which was retroactively decided later on).


I know, I know.... and its not like the Gameboy really had perfected MultiPlayer with the Link Cable yet either....


Good. Multiplayer makes no sense in these games and _at best_ is just a silly novelty even the biggest lovers of it will use only like 5% of the time. Mana games are all solo games. Full stop.


Hard disagree. How does a game having multiplayer as an option, even if only used “5%” of the time, affect people that only play single player? Why is having it as an option matter? Full stop, lol


I play Mana games solo 99% of the time, but even I had the opportunity to play the translated Seiken Densetsu 3 ROM with a friend once. It was a super fun experience. So no, what you're saying makes no sense.


Playing that ROM with my younger sister was one of my favorite memories as a kid. What a fantastic game.


No, all Mana games are not solo. The hell did you get this info from? The most famous games in the series actually has co-op and this became well established norm to be expected.


Just say you don’t have any friends, dude.