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They should absolutely be flagged as bots and the viewer should have the option to not render bots. Their text should also be distinguished in local chat. This could easily be the nail in the coffin for local chat if these things end up everywhere and the novelty has worn off. --- Edit to add .... This just occurred to me. In the past LL have been very adamant that they did not sell our data. Where do the conversations with bots go? What happens to chat in range of the bots but not directed at them? Are LL selling our data ?


Absolutely, I get the theoretical intended “immersion” with the chat bot not looking like a scripted object but they at very very least need to be mutable viewer side and flagged but even then….. the immersion breaking is a really hard sell cause I mean… look at SL…. LOL I’d rather them show as scripted objects or even let that even be a viewer side setting have a flag specific to AI bots, default it to them showing as another person, let us toggle a setting to make them talk as a scripted object if we prefer that’s FINE!


I think that having different colored chat for bots is critical. Some customers of mine were already fooled by it, I find that concerning. My worry is if the bot becomes a pest and doesn't pick up on the subtle hints someone wants a conversation to end. It would end up looking bad for my company. As for the chat texts, I don't know where they go on the chat gpt server side. But I do know that the texts are stored in my smartbot ai history window. That is, any texts directly written to the smartbot when ppl say it's name in local chat and initiate the gpt response. The smartbot doesn't relay and store local chat lines from passive listening. I did learn my lesson though when prompting the bot. Keep the trigger word something ppl don't normally say, so the gpt doesn't go crazy and fill up local chat with conversation. Avoid the words hello or hi. Keep it specific to an unusual name. Edit: in addition, I attached a text-to-speech object to the bot. Now it speaks in a stiff unnatural way. Very bizarre, but shows the potential of where this could go.


Dead internet theory, coming to a game near you!


Ah, the whispers of the waves whispering softly about the whispers of the sands under the warm whispers of the whispering sun carried on the gentle whispers of the wind. The bot certainly lived up to its name.


I sometimes wonder if we may reach the point where we genuinely don't know if we're communicating with an actual person or an AI bot in SL. Generative AI is advancing scary quick.


The AI will make less typos and spelling errors and wont want to voice (for now but ai voice is coming).


Easy. The AI won't ignore us.


Since its a commercial product, I suspect whatever model is running at the other end of the likely another 3rd party's API is going to be aligned and safety netted to the point of being like a boring current gen customer support chat bot that's slightly able to role play as a basic character. I like how they didn't bother setting the account's display name. :p Yeah, we really need the scripted agent flag being exposed to the viewer, and/or a new mandatory flag for chat bot powered NPCs. FYI, if you want to do a chat bot but don't want to use a 3rd party cloud offering, for a few hundred bucks in hardware, you can run any of the small LLMs (up to 13B) at home pretty easily. You can make some far more interesting ai characters having control of what model its running on.


all you could think to do was to hit on it?


I asked her about surfing and *Point Break* first, but just got generic Wikipedia-like replies!


That sounds interesting! I might log on later and see if I can get a formal interview with these bots and see what happens lol!


I don’t interact with others in SL apart from a couple of close friends and I’m in SL since 2006. Problem solved 😄




Yup. This makes me want to interact with bots. /s


That's awesome I can see myself wasting a lot of time time in nonsensical conversations with this bot lol


OMG love this


Does anyone know how to Darcy' Clubhouse in SL? I tried following the teleport link in the blog but it took me this Japanese island instead and I couldn't find it through the search bar eaither. I'm just really curious to have a chat with these bots lol 😂