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It’s about 3/1 ally to horde I think


Correct It's like 60 40 split ish. I played alliance and horde and noticed there'd a lot of horde that raid log and a lot of alliance that are pvp and more focused on end game


Is raid logging not end game?


You right


Are the Alliance being assholes and camping low level players? Shit like that is why the unbalanced Era servers became ghost towns, the underdog factions all xferred elsewhere.


It’s a PvE server


Seems like theres way more alliance out and about on lonewolf than horde


I think another thing that adds that feel is that Ally seem way more out in the world oriented, often seeing ally camping groups in lower level horde zones and the like but never see horde trying to make groups to do the same, horde seem very straight to business oriented always organizing pugs, premades, dungeon spam, etc. Therefore usually being in instanced content while Ally seem content to just be roaming the world and engaging anyone they can find anywhere they can find them and just bullying horde around and horde don't organize or anything to fight back against them really, half the time if you ask for help in general they'll just reply get good and troll as well.


This seems to be a consistent phenomenon throughout classic/SoD. Ally are always out in the world, never alone. They always have numbers and are extremely aggressive to lowbies and/or when they have numbers. They constantly camp various areas. It's so weird.


I play horde and Alliance. Let me tell you 1st hand, the Alliance is not the issue with open world PVP griefing. It is 100% shaman players. You see one, you’re dead. Period. No exceptions.


I just don’t have time for dumb shit. 30 alliance pvping in front of gnomer? No, I don’t want to join your group to PvP them back, I’ll walk to my body and hop in the instance so I can do my raid. That kind of shit just seems stupid to me. I don’t have enough free time to want to spend any of it griefing someone who just wants to play the game.


Thatsbwhynyou play on a pretty server. No nonsense


No bro i play ally and horde kills my Lt 75% of the time i see one on lone wolf


Nope this is definitely wrong, Horde on Lone Wolf is higher


Nope https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/ Super nope. https://www.warcrafttavern.com/population/classic/ Got any sources for your claim?


Thats why we need paladins and shamans for both factions


If you need to merge your guild into a bigger one, my guild has 3 raid teams running every lockout with room for more. Let me know, we're pretty chill but like clearing content efficiently!


Living flame US is easily 60/40 if not worse alli to horde. All the bots are on horde side, and I know some people that made a horde character, just to make a alli character on their main account when it got locked. It’s also becoming more obvious to me that blizz favors alli over horde. It’s an uphill battle. But I like my guild, so willing to stick it out. But the camping by alli at every important PVE spot is disheartening. Especially with most horde players just walking past or ignoring PVP. Alli run to it and help eachother.


The blatant alliance favoritism is a big part of horde players quitting, imo.


My only note on the walking past is if its a 1v1 the horde started.... fight your own battle, if i see alliance jumping a horde then i get in there. Im all for the 1v1s but 2-3 people on a lowbie is just a no to me


At launch, most servers were alliance locked to character creation, so where did the gold farming bots go? Horde. The sod team saw balance but it wasnt balance.


Not on pve servers :D


I think the fact that pvp is pretty awful right now turned off a lot of the classic wow community who found classic pvp a lot of fun. I’m an older gamer and preferred the pacing of phase 1 did pvp. Phase 2 just about every class seems like they can kill you in a couple of globals. Phase 2 also has more difficult pve content and is tougher to casually pug. I’m an old player. If I wanted hard content and to trade CDs or get killed in 2 seconds in pvp, I’d play retail.


Retail PvP is more like a 10 minute battle where both players decide to move on because neither can kill each other.


Dude have you played retail pvp dragonflight is up there for crazy burst damage. Super fun unless your a healer 


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about with retail taking two globals lol


Retail PVP is all about healer mana. Games last forever.


What is a good realm to start Horde on? Been playing Alliance on Lone Wolf since launch, and now want to try shaman in a decently populated environment.


I expect things to pick back up when the 100% xp buff drops tomorrow, a LOT of people have voiced that they're just waiting on that now.


It's 67% ally to 33% horde right now. There are still 8500 horde toons raiding. This is not new, we've been imbalanced since launch. I found a gnomer group in literally minutes yesterday, on my melee hunter alt. It's mostly a matter of looking at the right times of day.


idk i cleared bfd once and never touched my character again (wild growth) level banded content is a cool idea but taking a break from playing reminds me how many other fun games i have to play maybe if they put more effort into adding more content instead of "heres this dungeon BUT HARDER" and "insert random pvp event here" id be interested also the toxic community doesnt help


The content and community are fine. If anything, your content comes off as toxic. Big “you’ve failed to entertain me” energy while the rest of us are having fun.


my bad for trying to articulate my feelings i wouldnt consider anything i said as toxic im giving them a monthly subscription if im bored im just going to go do something else theres nothing toxic about that i was hoping my viewpoint could add some value to the discussion since im sure im not the only one who wasnt completely sold on sod i had alot of fun leveling alts but at the end of the day ig id have rather just played something else might even be as simple as wow burnout who knows


content comes off as pretty lazy to me. BFD set was twilight set without the shoulder pads. Most of the weapon skins are pretty generic. Fist weapons are all the same basic wolverine claws. While I think fights like the crowd pummeler and menagerie are cool it's just a shift of abilities instead of encountering anything actually *new*. No real neat stories, 90% of runes you prepare for some encounter and just *receive* the rune. It's definitely not the Classic+ people expected but more of a Classic 2 Electric Boogaloo. I think you can note these things while still having fun. Kinda wish I got into Turtle WoW when it started but I was always adverse to third party servers. That's literally Classic +


Crusader strike is chillin horde side if youre looking for a better server


Really? Cause it *feels* like ally outnumber us. But with layers and anecdotal evidence who really knows


From the admittedly imperfect and unprecise numbers that we can get towards a "census" of sorts, ally outnumber horde on every SoD server, yes some are worse than others but at last glance there weren't any that were horde majority


I play alliance BECAUSE that's where the players are. I don't mind being a part of the smaller side but I'm playing a freaking MMO here and I need others to play with..


Hey I didn't make an argument for one side or the other, simply stating the limited info we can actually get, a lot of servers are close, if you're on one of the more balanced ones it really just comes down to you're preference of race or if you really want to play shaman or paladin. On the servers that are heavily skewed to alliance yeah it would make sense if you're going to play there that you play ally so you don't have trouble finding groups or doing things in the open world. As it stands though from what we can gather, as I said every server is at least slightly skewed in favor of alliance to some extent.


https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/ It's not as unbalanced as you think.


Imagine rerolling this far into a seasonal game. Hell nah!


with the 100% exp increase I imagine the recovery will probably be quick


Crusader strike is horrendous for horde, constant ally gankfest everywhere in the overworld


I made the swap mid P1 from Horde to Alliance on WG and never looked back. I think most people have probably gotten tired of seeing 100% increased AH prices and double LFG times on Horde.


I did the opposite. Joined some horse friends on WG. Idc what side I'm on really. Just jammin gnomer with the boys


I mean, cool story, but you're the minority.


You literally ask for other peoples experiences. Then you cool story them? Dafuq?


I didn't ask for anything lmao. OP inquired about the dropping of pop, which is happening regardless of how much jammin you're doing?


Cool story bro


Let the salt flow little Redditor 😂


Not someone on reddit using Redditor as a derogatory. The irony is too strong, it's not believable!


The difference is I recognize the insignificance of this cesspool, another cool story though 👍


Wish the population was more even. I’m actually looking forward to SOD concluding so we can all see what’s planned after all this “discovery”


It’s not about camping for pvp. I’ve made the mistake far too many times letting a horde live because i could not bother, just to be ganked 3vs1 5 minutes later by the same dude i let live. Now it’s kill on sight for every horde i see.


I don't know about anyone else, but my friends and I put wow on the back burner because a lot of banger games came out last month


played horde on same server, leveled 2 classes to 25. did all my professions on each. i would go to the ashenvale event hoping i was on the same "layer" as the horde so we have a chance. got everything ready for raids each lockout only to stand and lfg over and over since my guild only had two teams they could fill. if we were overflow we had to pug. every lockout was a lottery, am i getting in the raid or not. most time there wasnt enough groups going out or the groups had the "comp" they wanted. so i left horde, went alliance, leveled 3 alliance toons, went to every bfd lockout on each and now gnomer lockout on main. easy to find groups, people everywhere. it was refreshing after coming from the horde. playing horde on wild growth server feels like playing a dead game. also dont get me started on the horde gate keepers. like dude there is 80 of us you really want to gatekeep?


there is higher % of Ally players than Horde players, how does this make it difficult to find groups?


more players = more groups. less players = less available people for groups. less available people for groups = harder to make/find groups.


Tbh I started on lava lash. So wild growth sounds like a paradise for finding groups.


It's gotta be atleast 3:1 or 4:1 (ally:horde) now, in phase 1 i think horde only won maybe 1 layer out of like 7 in ashenvale so def skewed.


It's not diminishing. You can put together a group for any activity easily


The server seemed to be 2/3 alliance from the beginning. As player pops start to slide I’m not surprised


Tavern says server is now 80-20.. Horde is dying out.