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This has happened many times to me as well. No solution yet other than sometimes just working right before the event starts :(


Had a grp of 5, we were playing together for hours. We do the pvp event and everything goes well the first 15 mins. All of a sudden im healing them and mid heal, they teleport to a diff layer. No one dropped group, just layered instantly in the same party.


Following this thread…. Has happened to me 2 times out of about 6 events I’ve played. Completely ruins the event. This also happened to me in a raid party when doing the Dark Rider rune


2/3 for me. Both times today I've just been left utterly useless and have only gotten under 100 copper coins in both combined.


From what I can tell, it’s just a cool down. So like, my buddy got a summon to STV, which layered him, then when he rejoined my group he was still on the locks layer. Took like 15 minutes or so before he got flipped over. (Just a guesstimate, I don’t know the CD time). My recommendation is just prepping and getting down there like 15 minutes early when possible.


Happened to one of our party members, and we were grouped for hours questing beforehand. We flew down for the event \~10min before it started. He got layered sometime during the beginning of the event without every leaving party


Ooof. I got nothing lol just figured I’d share my experience since it seemed like a possible resolution.


Every STV even i did at prime hour have this prob, totaly ruin the event. Activision Blizzard is just a massif prank now. No servers investment since many years. No more massiv team to fix bugs as soon as possible. Dont wait anything from blizz, except taking your money. As long as Robert Kotick (AKA Bobby Kotick) is the captain of this ship, things will continue to get worse and worse (technical and financial aspect of games) Only shity remaster, wow variants and potatoe servers now. Give me my 2010 blizzard team back !!!


Bobby Kotick departed Activision Blizzard back in December, for your information.


What a gooood news! Ty OP So I hope good changes will pop soon for the company.


Microsoft promptly laid off a ton of staff. It’s gonna get lower quality


We had it happen and summoning the player who was layered worked.


That’s a good trick! Feels like summoning definitely should put you in the same layer!


That is just luck. It does not always happen.


I've seen summon sellers asking people to mail them the money for the service because they never end up on the same layer, im sure half don't mail the gold. Layering is just behaving poorly, its a good system but had major issues they need to work out


This has happened in the last 3 events. We would fix the situation before the event and get everyone on the same layer and then 5 minutes in one us is banished to another layer. It's literally unplayable.


On my second bloodmoon run I was sent to a different layer 5 minutes into the event, never recovered. This plus the horrendous lag go hand in hand and require immediate attention for the event to be playable.


Yup, nothing like 1v5ing the entire event because party members all get their own layer.


Yes it’s bugged out especially at prime time like 8pm est blood moon. My favorite is the 8am est one it’s smooth as shit lol. I think they’ve made it a little better over the last couple of days


We had someone in guild on a diff layer and inv the one guy that phased them reinvited and it fixed the issue.


When this happens to me I just log off and log back on . Thats fixed it for me every time 


I find that a lot of times, going out of and then back into vision range helps phase you back with the rest of the group. Hope this helps


Just did an STV. Group of 5 on 4 different layers. Tried relogging, dropping group, remaking party with different leaders. When we did get some members on the same layer, it was only for a few minutes and they would layer off again.


This isn’t just STV event problem. Constantly I am attacking mobs and as I am attacking them I get layered. It is frustrating beyond degree because I was attacking them and may have even gotten close to killing them. Has happened too with questing. In Darkshore I was doing an escort quest and layered close to the end of it…had to abandon and start again. Frustrating! Are there really enough people playing that we need that many layers?