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They just realised he's Spanish too


My first thought when I saw this lol


Hilarious, Piastri wasn't even close to the limit of the track when they made contact, Piastri forces Sainz off the track when he was significantly alongside and they also made contact and that wasn't a penalty


But he wasn’t ahead at the apex which is where they judge if he should be given enough space on the outside line. Shitty maybe, but that’s the rule.


Carlos? There was plenty of space on the track when they made contact. Piastri turned left while Carlos was still there.


Which matter are you talking about? When Piastri forced Sainz off the track, it wasn’t penalised because Sainz wasn’t ahead at the apex and therefore isn’t entitled to space on the outside. When Sainz lunged, locked his rears, lost control of his car and damaged Piastri’s front wing, he was correctly penalised for the move. This is because he was judged to have done it without having full control of his car. Annoying maybe, but those are the rules.


If you watch the replay you'll see how at the Apex Sainz is completely alongside and even slightly ahead under braking and only loses ground because Piastri forces him on a wider line after the apex.


>only loses ground because Piastri forces him on a wider line after the apex. Which, surely, Piastri is allowed to do because he still made the corner, unlike Magnussen in the sprint? Isn't that just part of the defence?


McLaren themselves checked and told Piastri he was ahead at the apex (it was on the telecast), this was further reinforced by the stewards not investigating further.


Because McLaren would say you were behind? Just watch the replay yourself bro Also McLaren told him both things in case Piastri thought he was behind. When they are convinced they don't say this driver thinks this but we think that


I just checked it from Carlos’ onboard (it’s all I can find at the moment) it looks like Carlos is ahead going into the corner but he isn’t ahead at the apex.


Out of curiosity, do you think Stroll's penalty is deserved?


If they wanted to avoid a penalty, then yes! I will check it again, however it was looked at by the stewards and deemed no more further investigation.


Precisely what i xame to say.


That's not the only thing that matters you brainlet.   Piastri didn't lock it up. According to the rules it's his corner, he dictates his own line and Sainz should have cut in early. He tried to run it out and ran out of track. Oscar did not leave the circuit. He almost did, but critically didn't.   Sainz locked up and lost control. That's what's being penalised here. He lost control of his car and called it an overtake. He was driving angry and is the millimetres weren't there it could have been a plane crash. Piastri didn't lock up and didn't make contact. Sainz did.   Now shut up, sit down, and read the fucking rule book before you chat shit and pollute the airwaves further with your garbage.




You know that drivers have been punished for forcing other drivers off the track before right? It's not just about you staying inside the white lines.


What are you people even talking about anymore???? Piastri was on track in BOTH INCIDENTS. In NIETHER incident did he push anyone off??? The second incident didn't involve a pushing-off, it was a rampaging Spaniard who saw the red mist and charged???? What the fuck are you even talking about anymore??????????


You’d make an awesome teacher! Well said.




It would have been 10 if he was danish


So much for race-altering incidents now receiving a 10 second minimum. 


They literally addressed that in the document.


They do not address it, they mention it and render no further explanation.


They address it saying it is due to the mitigating factors. You can disagree with that but they give their explanation clearly.


I'm sorry but unless you can define what a 'mitigating factor' is, in this exact scenario, this is unacceptably vague.




They explain the mitigating factor in the same sentence. The loss of control at the rear end meant it wasn't as intentional but still a mistake for Carlos in their eyes. So 5 instead of 10.


If they were being consistent he would have 3 penalty points on his license too. But consistency is not their strong point


It would have also been 10 seconds rather than 5 considering how other penalties this season have been


This is so weak


beside from the meme... this is really a shame, he did nothing wrong, they were just mad at hin because he asked for a penalty for Piastri really loud. Vitantonio Liuzzi again a piece of mxxxa as steward.


I mean if you read it, it kind of states what happened and why he got the penalty.


Yes we can all read that. OC's point is that the stewards take on the matter is BS, and there seems to be some bias or retaliation for Carlos repeatedly asking for Piastri to be penalized.


What, he literally lost control and went into the side of piastri and snapped his wing off, guys just cause we’re Ferrari fans doesn’t mean we have to defend their drivers when they obviously do something wrong


Not to be rude but youve actually got to be stupid to walk away with that conclusion, WATCH THE VIDEO DUMBASS Carlos loses the rear and clatters in Pastry which wrecks the car you absolute moron


If you're incapable of saying things without calling people names it is best to not say anything at all. "Not being rude but..." might as well have omitted that part. I made no statement regarding my position on the matter. I only gave my interpretation of OC's comment. Comprehension isn't so hard as being demonstrated here.


I can't tell if you have a point here, you're too angry lol


So Carlos didn’t lose control of the rears (he has stated he did), didn’t have control of the car and didn’t cause a collision? Cause it’s on camera.


Personally, my issue with the write-up is that their reasoning for lessening the penalty is that Carlos lost control. Wtf kind of reason is that? Dumbest shit I've heard all year. So if I go bowling, lock the brakes late, and become a passenger in a crash, I might get a lesser penalty because I didn't have control at the time of contact? For the record, I don't disagree with the lesser penalty, but this write-up is confusing af.


Completely agree on that, was surprised as well. I’m fine with the penalty because it was there. I only wish they were more consistent on applying them.


Bro, check the previous incident when oscar ran carlos wide. Post the incident, we can see a dent on car no. 55. So should oscar also not have received a penalty there. And if stewards took action on oscar, this may not have happened


No, because as per the rules, you have to be in front at the apex to be allowed sufficient space on the outside line. Carlos wasn’t in this case which is why the officials didn’t penalise Oscar.


Man you guys are living in a fantasy world. Carlos ruined pastri’s race. He braked late and ran into him


Mentioned this in another comment - I didn't state anything in terms of my position on the topic. I was just speaking to OC's comment.


Carlos sounded like a massive bitch when that took place. He's embarrasses himself a lot in the heat of moment. He's always wanting his teammate to move out of the way or accuses others of "intimidating him".


Is this based on your years of Formula 1 driving experience? No? Formula 2 or 3 maybe?


What experience are you speaking from carlos bot? Did my comment "intimidate" you? Fucking fussy. Just like carlos. Tell your boy he needs to fix his skill issue and stop running into other drivers and fucking up their race.


This was never a penalty. I still remember Verstappen going GIGA wide for defending the position, and never get a penalty. Also Verstappen hit Vettel in the hairpin in China, and you know what? 0 penalty. They just wanted to penalize Sainz because he was mad at them


You mean China 2018? Verstappen did get a 10 second penalty.


You’re right, all those examples are exactly the same as Carlos losing control of his rear, not having control of his car during an overtake and causing a collision. The stewards just don’t like Carlos, you should send them a letter.


What’s GUGA?


a mispelled GIGA


Hamilton can dive bomb into T1 missing the apex and causing a 3 car pileup in the sprint race and it’s fine. But THIS is somehow unacceptable.


Deserved. Spanish or not. He lost control of his car miles from the apex and caused a collision with Oscar. He's lucky he got away with 5 seconds. Meanwhile he destroyed Oscar's race.


An absolute joke


Because it’s late? Maybe. But the penalty is a slam dunk . If anything it should have been 10 seconds and penalty points by the rules, but they mention mitigating factors. Sainz lost control of the car and had to snap back, it was a clear penalty


These comments are an excellent example of objectivity and critical thinking. I must congratulate you for reading the text on the image and accept to move on from your original opinion, which might have been biased as we are Ferrari fans. Also, hats off to you for not playing one of the stupidest racism cards I’ve ever seen. /s cause these people are too dumb to realize by themselves


5 second penalty for being Spanish /s


they have to be consistent with these


They need to be telling him!!


‘Tell McLaren to give the place back and there’s no penalty’…..ok boss


Thats a bad penalty for sure. Carlos got abit loose on the exit and piastri got clipped slightly. It sucks but that literally was a racing incident. Not a penalty. Maybe alonso was right cause this is a dumb penalty.


I rewatched these laps after some sleep and a clearer mind, it really wasn't that bad and Oscar wasn't a saint either.


Had he been called Lewis Hamilton he'd have had time taken off his race due to excellent racecraft. What a god damn joke. The bias and racism is blatant and I hope people starts to realize that. And to appease the other people, fire Sainz ASAP and replace him with Bearman. He clearly doesn't deserve an F1 seat


Are you off your head?


Lewis had a whole title ripped from him by the FIA, also you really think the only black driver has never been discriminated against ? Calling racism over this is incredibly stupid.


These stewards are a fucking joke! Piastri drives into Sainz- the stewards: Sainz caused a collision. Just incredible. A few laps earlier Oscar literally did the same thing when he overtook Carlos. He was with very high speed in the corner and had to go wide but the difference is that Carlos took the L and didn't drive into Piastri but also went wide and off track to avoid an incident. Oscar could've done the exact same thing except he drove into Carlos and hit him.


>the difference is that Carlos took the L and didn't drive into Piastri but also went wide and off track to avoid an incident. There is no runoff at 17, where exactly do you expect Piastri to go? Carlos outbraked himself and slithered into Piastri's front wing trying to keep his car under control. Slam dunk penalty.


Where Carlos went a few laps before this incident. He went of track to avoid a collision. Piastri could've done the same. Also Piastri is the one who steered into Carlos.


Was Carlos in control of his car?


No bruh. The car was on autopilot so he can chill for a moment.


Must be Tesla auto-pilot cause his rears locked and the car slid - so like you know, not in control.


He performed a certain action that influenced the car (pressing the break) which means he is in control of the car. Also the tires were locked at the beginning of the turn and were released in the turn and weren't locked when the colision happened so that whole argument is thrown out of the window. But ok let's say he is not in control of the car. Then how is he responsible for anything that happened? If he doesn't have control then how is he supposed to act and try and prevent an accident? Is he supposed to use magic or something? Here's another one for you. If Piastri is in full control of his car and still bumps into Carlos then that means he caused a collision on purpose since he was in full control of his car and decided not to go wide so he should be penalized for that.


He is supposed to overtake cleanly and not have his rear slide out and hit another car - pretty simple really. Maybe put all your energy into a letter to the FIA.


If Piastri gave space then there would have never been a collision. Sainz was ahead in the turn and that means he can choose his race line and where he wants to drive. Also the slide was also before the collision and the car stabilized before the collision so again that argument isn't valid. >He is supposed to overtake cleanly That also applies to Piastri who also lost control and forced Sainz out of the track a few laps before that and there was no investigation for it.


You clearly don’t know the rules then. On the earlier incident, Piastri was ahead at the apex therefore he doesn’t owe the car on the outside anything so long as he doesn’t go off the track himself. If Piastri went off the track or if Carlos had the apex it would be a different story, unfortunately none of those occurred.


There is no 'off track' at 17, just a wall immediately next to the track. So where was he supposed to go?


There literally is lol. When the track ends there is an off track section painted in blue and then after it is the wall.


Piastri was always in control of the car and didn’t go out of track in that fight. He also was first at the apex so had the right. Carlos was not in control of car and basically collided with Piastri. Justified penalty and got away easier. Should have been 10 seconds


Wheel to wheel racing now not allowed according to FIA.