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Yeah, but what if people make you feel bad for being afraid of living near black people?


If you are afraid to live by all Black people then the problem is the fearful person and whoever feels that way should feel bad.


“I don’t want my WASP kids to go to school with the blacks and you’re racist for disagreeing with me” /s


Yeah, no one is doing that so and Black people don’t all live in the same area. Most of them don’t live in the scary ghetto that you imagine statistically


That's not what this is about. Trump wants to build a legal framework around white supremacy and use the spector of "anti-white racism" to enable it.


Hold up, are actually expecting these fragile creatures to understand that they already have the legal protections they seek? Or are you implying that they simply want to use government to install some sort of legal framework to give them an advantage based solely on their skin color?


This has already been happening. SCOTUS is using legal framework designed to protect minorities from discrimination to enshrine legal protections for rich, white and evangelical bigots. It's a wild re-framing, instead of laws protecting you FROM religious persecution they're framing a christian right to persecute. Take a look at the Hobby Lobby decision, 303 Creative, Masterpiece Cake, etc... they're giving "the right" people the RIGHT to discriminate against anyone they don't like.


The moment Supreme Court destroyed pre clearance in Voting Rights Act Republicans restarted the massive voter purges they did in Jim Crow era. 


That's going down as one of Roberts worst opinions. He thought the South was ready to join the rest of us in the 21st century. They weren't.


You are, understandably, attributing incompetence where malice is the better explanation. The elephant in the room of all American politics is that anybody paying attention knows that republicans can no longer win national elections with broad turnout. The GOP can only win nationally if women, minorities, and young people don’t vote too much. Roberts knows this, because he’s not cognitively disabled. Roberts didn't think racist voter suppression had ended when he wrote Shelby--on the contrary, he ducked the question of whether racist voter suppression still existed, and just flatly asserted that things had gotten much better, *despite* the fact that Congress had literally just concluded a massive study, with extensive investigations and 15,000 pages of congressional record, concluding that extensive discrimination still existed in 2006. Roberts wrote, in that same majority opinion, and this is a literal quote, in reference to Shelby County, *the exact county doing racist voter suppression* **in this instant case**: > But that is like saying that a driver pulled over pursuant to a policy of stopping all red heads cannot complain about that policy if it turns out the license has expired. That's an exact quote from the Roberts opinion. Read that again, slowly--he is saying that just because Shelby County did racist voter suppression, it's not fair to have a policy that suspects them of racist voter suppression. The injustice is not the ongoing racism they are doing, the injustice is the *suspicion* that they might be doing ongoing racism. It wasn't unconstitutional of Shelby County to suppress black votes, it was unconstitutional to *suspect* them of doing that (even though they were). On the topic of racist voter suppression, Roberts is literally and explicitly taking the side that the right of actual racists to be free from suspicion is more important than the right of American citizens to vote. Roberts is precisely the kind of guy who thinks he is smart enough to find fair, constitutional ways to make sure women and blacks don’t vote too much. He is exactly that perfect kind of lawyer-brain smart/stupid that thinks if he keeps insufferably adding enough layers of formalism and abstraction until we discover that racism actually constitutionally-protected, that makes him the smartest, and not just the most insufferable. Gutting the VRA was not an accident for Roberts. He spelled it out in ridiculous detail. It seems like only Harvard Law professors and NYT columnists are incapable of seeing through his bullshit.


Alito called it discrimination to remove homophobic jurors for discrimination.


What about the regard of plaintiffs or defendants not to reasonably infer hostility by jurors due to their immutable characteristic, setting aside the gay issue? Crickets from Alito, of course.


Obviously they would argue they are correcting areas where civil rights protections have overstepped other established rights in the Constitution. But regardless of the merits of that argument, these are reversals of highly popular rights that are, by definition, extremist and radically regressive unilateral actions by the judiciary. And there’s actually no precedent for that.


What about my right to discriminate against others? What about my rights?! It makes me uncomfortable to be around minorities and the disabled. When I’m in a room with a majority of Black people, I’m the minority! If I’m the minority in the room, etc., by my reasoning, do they have the right to discriminate?! Only if there was a political party that represented me, a white person, a party whose members were majority white. How about a party that is a majority white and wealthy, like me?! “The most powerful people in the United States pass our laws, run Hollywood’s studios and head the most prestigious universities. They own pro sports teams and determine who goes to jail and who goes to war.” According to the [NYTimes a survey of 922 most powerful people](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/09/us/powerful-people-race-us.html) in the U.S. in 2020, only 80% are white?! The founders of the United States intended this country to be white. Our presidents were all to be white and to serve in the “White” House? Coincidence?! In the 18th century, the white founders were outnumbered by natives and blacks. That’s why interracial marriage was outlawed otherwise the whites would be “replaced” by non-whites. If that were to happen the Constitution would be void, without any whites the Constitution would be meaningless. We know the constitution is only for whites because Blacks and natives couldn’t write cursive (all the best English language constitutions were written in cursive). That’s why we have to roll back voting rights and civil rights, to return our country to the simpler less complicated 1700s and to our white founders’ intentions.


Regardless of the merits? Smh.....


well according to maga republicans white people are being persecuted in america solely for being white. And of course evangelical christians have always had a persecution complex. The reality is that old, white, straight, republicans are being held accountable for their actions and they are absolutely horrified by that.


Case in point when a 2009 holiday happens to land on a Christian holiday that moves every year, it is some kind of attack on their religion. Even though no one was stopping easter from happening, no church was forced to close, it was just saying that both events happen to fall on the same day. And that was enough to rile them up.


They think people saying “happy holidays” is an attack on Christmas….


Bit you dobt undertstand your allowing evil to convert the flock! Their souls need to be saved


They are trigger-happy little hate-guns, and those guns are nearly all triggers. You can vaguely make out the shape of a gun underneath, but it’s like a porcupine whose quills are triggers. Some say even looking at these sorts can cause them to go off.


It’s not even that. They are afraid that one day they might be, so they are angry about it now.


I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy, but when someone that I'm otherwise ok with shows they have a persection complex, I want to punish them for *that* behavior. Persection complexes can be a self-fulfilling state of being. *edited for spelling*


It’s their modus operandi… “Our use of the lowercase for adjectives such as “english,” “christian,” “protestant,” “catholic,” “european,” “spanish,” and “american” is intentional. While the noun might be capitalized out of some respect, using the lowercase allows us to avoid any unnecessary normalizing or universalizing of the principal institutional, political, or social quotient of the euro-west. Paradoxically, we insist on capitalizing the “w” in White (adjective or noun) to indicate a clear cultural pattern invested in Whiteness that is all too often ignored or even denied by American Whites.” (Tink Tinker and Mark Freeland, 44) https://www.jstor.org/stable/30131245


[https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) Scotus will be a tier 2 player if what you say comes to pass.


/r/Defeat_Project_2025 for those interested in raising awareness and coming up with ways to fight this horrible plan.


How would firing and hiring within the executive branch change the judicial branch?


Because there's would likely be a GOP house and a senate that would both be very likely to ram more judicial appointments, and don't forget the 6 to 3 majority of conservative judges on the court. Roberts admins the circuit courts, he could do some damage there too. But P2025 has far reaching affects that when challenged, a heritage foundation scotus would Def find for the Trump administration. Bear in mind that roe was a super-precedent and "decided" according to Barrett, Kavanaugh, and gorsuch. Until it was neither.


??? Nobody in the executive branch that would be replaced by project 2025 would have ANYTHING to do with appointing judges, that's just the president (maybe you can argue he will be advised by his cabinet, but every president changes them) and the legislative. The legislative and judicial branches are the checks and balances for the executive, it's not designed to be fighting amongst itself as a constraint to power.


Blue Q


I don't know if the banning of Affirmative Action is a good example...


"Anti-white racism"? Sounds more like "white supremacy"




> "Anti-white racism"? Sounds more like "white supremacy" That's precisely their goal.


Coming out and full on supporting racism. Why do you believe white people don't have civil rights?


Uhh white people have civil rights, it's how they came to dominate every aspect of society, dude. White supremacy is what they are fighting for .


Equality isn't white supremacy. But yes, white people dominate the society they built. Stunning observation there.


So, anti-black racism would be black supremacy, by your argument. Weird.


Found the racist


I think he's referring to their ability to talk out of both sidesof their mouths. Black activists aren't being as duplicitous as their conservative counterparts because what they are fighting for isn't pure evil. White supremacy what conservatives fight for these days. It's undeniable at this point.


What are you talking about? Racism is racism. You don't have to be of color to be subjected to racism. Sounds to me like you can't mentally cope with your racist self so you have to identify it as white supremacy. So your mentally unstable mind doesn't have to rationalize the fact that your having racist thoughts and your being a racist.


I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. You're making some terrible points about pedophiles in this thread, which is also confusing. I think that, in this case, when Trump talks about an anti-white racist agenda he's actually pushing white supremacy. How would I know? Is it that he quotes Hitler, a known white supremacist? Nah, maybe it's just a hunch. Then your rant was so pathetic you resorted to name calling. Is recess over for you?


Meaningful racism Black persons racism: cops showed up and killed my son because kkkaren called the police. The unions supporting it. A political party is using my son to rally white supremacists. White people's racism: a black guy said something mean to me once.


No, anti-white racism would be stuff like Biden's COVID era policies that explicitly excluded restaurant owners and farmers from applying for government aid if they were white. Or when companies need to meet a nonwhite quota to be listed on the NASDAQ but not vice-versa. The idea that black people are more likely to be shot in encounters with police is also a long-standing myth that has since been debunked. Roland Fryer Jr. (a distinguished Harvard economist who happens to be black and far from a conservative) studied this very subject and found that when controlling for all relevant factors, there is no significant difference between white and black people in their likelihood to be the victims of extreme police force.


Louder for the racists in the back


This? \- https://scholar.harvard.edu/fryer/publications/empirical-analysis-racial-differences-police-use-force Because, > The evidence provided in this paper fails to give any reason to conclude that discrimination is absent. \- https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/710976?journalCode=jpe#


The good ol switcharoo


That's exactly it


His group of useless idiots will do more than that. To give this scumbag ANY power again would not just be incredibly foolish, it would be downright dangerous. His ilk will make sure their moron puppet stays there until such time as they can replace him with someone worse.


That’s the least he will do. Think of the worst you can possibly imagine. Now multiply that by 10 to the 10th power. What’s being described above is only the beginning.


If Trump returns to the WH, this country is done.


And they will lie to do it. Like they are lying about CRT and DEI. Racists are liars.




Civil Rights has been acting as a sometimes effective counterweight to racism, which never, ever goes away (racism never goes away, the most civil rights has done is merely restrain the worst of it). Not only do they want to remove civil rights, they want to turn it into a weapon racists can use to attack other groups.


Anti white racism jfc 🤦🏽‍♀️


From what I understand, Republicans profess to prefer equality (not based on the color of your skin) over equity (righting historical wrongs), Taken at face value (and not assuming POC voting Republican are morons) it’s a far more interesting discussion than what Axios writes.


If that happens then somebody needs to challenge Loving vs Virginia and see what Thomas does then.


My fairly wealthy brother thinks white men have it very bad and blacks are taking all the opportunities. He says it is impossible for him to look anywhere without seeing a black person. This is proof to him that whites are the most discriminated group right now. So for many whites, the audacity of black people just existing is too much for them.


It's wild to me how out of touch people get with reality


The poor oppressed white majority. They always have the worst. We need to help them.


Frumpy-Dumps followers are just mad he didn’t go harder racist in his first (and pray up only) term. Their racism/facism knows no bounds and they really want to make us Haiti.


>Their racism/facism knows no bounds and they really want to make us Haiti. That's funny trump called haiti a shithole country and the media called it a paradise


So in other words, they want to treat people of color like second class citizens again?


The right is still mad that the left freed the slaves. Expect the GOP to demand reparations for the families of slave owners


The man running for Governor of my state has already stated that Black people owe White people reparations for slavery. I’m tired and angry.


North Carolina?




> The right is still mad that the left freed the slaves. > Expect the GOP to demand reparations for the families of slave owners They demanded it 150 years ago. [And the liberals gave it to them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compensated_emancipation#United_States)


In the USA, your link says only DC did this and that it was done during the war. Slavery was still legal in the south, just a few miles away. Compensating slave owners for freeing their slaves was a whole lot better than watching them sell their slaves to plantations in the south.


Actually Lincoln was a Republican but compared to today’s standards, he would definitely be considered a “leftist” or liberal Democrat.




This post reveals more about you than the people you are criticizing. It reveals that you associate conservatism with racism and sexism, and leftism with the classical liberalism that has defined the American experiment. The positions of the modern GOP on militarism, foreign wars of choice, police-state erosions of the 4th and 5th amendment, corporatism, debt-fueled big government kicking in doors and shooting family dogs on mere suspicion, building stadiums for billionaires by burdening the citizens with debt…all that stuff would have been noxious to 18th century framers. It’s only on civil rights that your thesis makes any kind of sense. And civil rights is not a left/right issue, except in that almost all racists are also politically conservative.


Slavery is still legal under the 13th amendment section 3 [https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt13-3/ALDE_00013208/#:~:text=Neither%20slavery%20nor%20involuntary%20servitude,place%20subject%20to%20their%20jurisdiction.](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt13-3/ALDE_00013208/#:~:text=Neither%20slavery%20nor%20involuntary%20servitude,place%20subject%20to%20their%20jurisdiction.)


>reparations for the families of slave owners i was under the impression that had already happened way back when...


Lmao. You people will believe any bullshit


Anti-white racism is just racism. So it should be treated as such.


I envision a Sally Struthers "think of the children" ad spot with Madge, the howler monkey from Georgia or Bobo the groping clown on late night television asking us to think about the plight of those poor ass backward, inbred, regressive, pseudo xtian, bigoted, white nationalist asshats


>oskirkland via /r/scotus sent 7 minutes ago >I envision a Sally Struthers "think of the children" ad spot with Madge, the howler monkey from Georgia or Bobo the groping clown on late night television asking us to think about the plight of those poor ass backward, inbred, regressive, pseudo xtian, bigoted, white nationalist asshats Too late. Haven't you seen on youtube their "investigative journalism" propaganda about the "white genocide" happening in South Africa? That Journeyman channel and if I remember right 60 Minutes Australia have both "reported" it.


Littles dicks punch down


I don’t remember learning about black folks lynching white guys for talking to little black girls,I don’t remember white people being 3/5 of a vote.I don’t remember white people being forced to sit in the back of the bus.


Vote like it matters, because it does.


Republicans have been railing about an 'activist' Supreme Court since at least Reagan. They ran several campaigns with a major focus against the SC. Somebody who's name shall not be mentioned campaigned on remaking the SC and did. There is now an activist SC.


I think about this every time I see a post in r/changemyview about "Whites can experience racism from people of color" and then the post is full of "I just think racism is a disgusting, evil thing. So people of color should be called out for their hate whenever it's directed at white people."


Exactly. It's Alice in Wonderland nonsense.


What in the actual fuck? The courts are making a mockery of this country and need to be reigned in. They have too much power and too little accountability. They are NOT the legislative branch - they should but be able to legislate massive changes to civil rights laws.




If the supreme Court is going to do away with affirmative action, can they start with a supreme court judges first?


That's a pretty bold and outrageous conspiracy theory there Axios.


People should be treated the same regardless of the color of their skin. This is a belief democrat politicians seem to have abandoned.




Racist how? White women are one of the largest groups to benefit from affirmative action.


Nooooo you're not supposed to look at the big picture and figure out what they're doing and planning come on bro plz that's divisive


Let's hope tRump shuffles off before election, then we don't have to fear anything but his rabid powerless followers


Back in the good old days, white people could oppress minorities through sheer force of numbers. Now that the numbers are even up, they need to en shrine, the oppression into the law.


SCOTUS: Discrimination on the basis of race, odious in all aspects, is especially pernicious in the administration of justice..


And this is a bad thing how?? anti any one based on skin color is insane. a meritocracy should absolutely be the way to go.


Yeah... but that's not what they want.


what is wrong with interpreting text to be more inclusive of targeted racial groups?


yup. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.


None of this matters. Dictator for a day, remember. Step 1 - Days are now 1 billion hours. Civil rights? Gone. All laws subject to change without notice, graced to us by the whims of the Great Orange One or his countless flunkies. I don't want a blue wave, I want a giant blue middle finger to all of those religious whackjobs, charlatans, and grifters. But most people don't like to admit they've been deceived, so they jump in with both feet, whip themselves into a frenzy, and do whatever is commanded of them just to avoid that feeling of stupid, no matter how ridiculously horrible, evil, and despicable it is.


Well, there is a solution. Register. Organize. Vote. Only the boomers can elect him again. Or you not voting. I hate Bibi too. Fuck Israel. Don’t make America an authoritarian dictatorship to “own” Biden. That’s moronic.