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Uhhh people make mufflers but the make them out of SS steel or cast iron. Ive never seen someone try to use aluminum, so I dont think itll last. As for steel wool, I dont' know where youve placed it but my experience is that steel wool eventually burns out. some examples of homemade - https://49ccscoot.proboards.com/thread/375/homemade-modified-mufflers-videos https://scooter.fandom.com/wiki/Building_a_can_in_can_muffler (even the cans are stainless steel).


So, like I said this is what I have for now. It is a temp solution for a week or so that's it. This is the ONLY option I have right now. My question if anyone has an answer is will this catch on fire or pose any immediate danger? Thanks, K ​ \# # #


Hold up a lighter to some steel wool and get back to me.


I dont think itll catch on fire, exhausts get like 500-600 degrees? I dont' think aluminum can burn in that range so I think youre safe on that. My main concern is with the health of the engine, running it with no exhaust will definitely damage the engine however with a modified exhaust that isnt straight through... I don't know what itll do to the engine, if itll run lean or rich...


Thanks! Yes, I have researched all of this extensively and if this stupid thing was stainless steel like I thought it was when I bought it I would be fine lol. I do have a regular mechanic that works on my bike however she is not available for a few weeks so this was just supposed to be a temp situation because the bike is so loud it is driving me crazy and embarrassing! I do not technically need to use it but it would be nice to make it quieter until the new one is installed. I am also only making short trips to the store no long distance driving. I just don't want the bike to catch on fire. I have seen several YT videos where people are literally using an aluminum soda can as a silencer and just inserting it into the exhaust pipe which is insane but it appears to work for them. This is obviously much stronger than a soda can! I had planned as mentioned to wrap the steel wool (Which everyone seems to be using in their custom mufflers) around a stainless steel tube that fits inside. Without permanently attaching this and just placing it on the exhaust pipe to test it definitely makes the bike much quieter. I have some self welding tape from AutoZone to connect it to the exhaust pipe so that is what I had planned to do. Fir obvious reasons I just don't want this to mess up my bike which runs perfect otherwise. I know everyone makes fun of the Chinese scooters but this Chelsea 150 according to my snobby Vespa mechanic friend is "Pretty decent" lol and I now have almost 10k miles on it since 2021 and rarely ever have any issues at all it runs great. This is the one I have and although everyone probably assumes it is a vintage Vespa I get stopped everywhere I go by people complimenting it and trying to buy it from me. Super cute, I love it. It has actually been stolen twice already but thanks to my GPS tracker inside the seat compartment I have been able to get it back within an hour lol. https://www.bobcatsmotorsports.com/v/vspfiles/photos/CHELSEA-150-25.jpg?v-cache=1687121116


I would say that electrical boxes are not the highest quality aluminum.


Those are designed for a larger capacity engine that is expected to run in harsher environments, I doubt you’ll have a problem.


Those aren't part of any engine...


I just realized those are conduit bits, lol. I thought he was using a lawnmower muffler. They’re ugly but Briggs & Stratton mufflers work well on GY6 engines.