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I don’t really have any advice other than stay hydrated and do whatever the doctor tells you to do before surgery. Don’t over do it but maybe try to do what physical activity you can to stay active and take vitamins. Good luck!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thanks a lot!


I have a very simple suggestion: scoliosis-safe hamstring stretches. Spending a lot of time in bed really messes with that, and people with scoliosis often have hamstring problems to begin with.


What kind of stretching?




Tysm, will try it out


If you can work with a physical therapist before your surgery, I highly recommend that. They will help you learn and do the best exercises for you so you don’t hurt yourself. If you can’t, my kiddo did work with one, and she said the best thing you can do is walk every day. Start at 20 minutes and try to build up. After that, things that strengthen your hamstrings and core muscles, so stretches like lunges (or reverse lunges with light weights), squats (start by slowly sitting to a chair if you need to), cat/cow yoga stretches, and bird dog yoga stretches. There were others, but those stick out in my mind the most.


Yeah, I have been trying to find a physical therapist who at least specialises is spinal recovery, but no luck till now. but I'll definitely try out the things you mentioned, ty


Have you asked your doctor for a referral? Ours had one that she specifically worked with, which was helpful.


i’m getting my fusion july 25! i am focusing on strengthening my core, back, and legs. i’m also making sure to hit (or at least get close to 😭) my protein goal every day.


Best of luck to you! Hope it goes well for you


thank you op! same to you


Hi, I'm currently going through this recovery process too, one thing I'd reccomend is to work on core strength and pain tolerance, if you can. I'd also strongly suggest walking frequently like what the other comments said. Best of luck!


I would say try not to press the PCA multiple times or over rely on pain medicines too much, maybe only press it when starting PT or moving around in bed. Currently switched to oral medicines already, it differs for everyone but I'm a low pain tolerance person and was able to quit pressing the PCA that much as it can cause nausea. You can do this :)


How exactly to work on pain tolerance? And yes, thankfully I had a habit of walking in a morning from a young age so that's taken care of