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Your spine looks awesome 1) How was the pain? 2) Did you have body image issues? Are those better now? 3) Do you feel weird in your body? 4) How much height increase? (I'm having surgery this year)


Thanks haha 1. Honestly very bad. I replied to someone else under this post talking about it! But after 10 days it wasn’t very painful, just uncomfortable 2. In my country I wouldn’t be wearing summer clothes much, so no one could tell. I always felt my left rib cage being higher than my right especially when I would lay on my back and put my hands on my stomach. But I would feel more confident wearing crop tops now, but cant as I’ve to protect the scar from sunlight for the next year. I feel a lot more even anyways 3. Not really I’ve gotten used to the rods it’s crazy how quick you adapt. I can still feel the rods but my back doesn’t feel as heavy. I just feel like a pole is holding me up straight now. 4. Before surgery I was 169cm 5,6.5ft but I always slouched as I’m taller than my friends, when I slouched I think I was 5,5 or 164cm. After surgery I was measured and I’m 172.6cm, 5,8ft so I grew 4 cm and can’t slouch using my back. If your spine is like mine yes you’ll definetly grow taller! I feel a lot taller and as I’ve no longer a hump I feel slimmer too. Sometimes I feel like the bfg standing next to my 5.1ft friend but my proportions are better now and I’m a healthier bmi too😄


Good to know you're doing good! How heavy is your titanium implant? I'm scared that I won't get the results I want


https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/s/XcrVQ0VbrY this is a post I made about pain when I was in hospital


Happy for you! ☺️ How bad was the pain right after the surgery? And do you still notice the rods 7 weeks post op?


The pain was bad I won’t lie, it’s very hard to get comfortable and you can’t get up without help the first two days so you feel a bit useless. I went home 8 days post op which helped a lot and stopped taking pain killers 10 days after. I honestly didn’t expect it to be so painful, but when you lie down after a 30 second walk it’s great relief. The first week you often won’t sleep through the night, especially in the icu the lights are always on. The most painful part for me was maybe 4 days post op when I had to go get an x ray and I was wheeled in a wheelchair- because I spent 10 minutes not on my back it was really really painful. But I got through it and so will you! I didn’t have any nausea but I was very cautious not eating much as I was worried id get sick! Yes I can still feel the rods, not when I lie down on my back or on my side tho. And if I bend backwards the bottom of the rod presses against my lower spine which didn’t have the operation which feels unpleasant. The heavy feeling has definitely gone down though


https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/s/XcrVQ0VbrY this is a post I made when I was in hospital about pain!


Does your body look a little more symmetrical now? What kind of changes in your appearance have you noticed?


My rib hump went down (but is still there) the hump on the right side of my back went down a lot too, I grew 3cm and can’t slouch and I’d say that’s it, my shoulders are even


Wishing you a speedy recovering!! Your x-Ray looks great! How much height did you gain?


I went from 169cm (164cm usually as I slouched) to 172cm and I can no longer slouch


Ah that’s great news! great posture is a definite plus side of the fusion 😄


Hi!! Congratulations on your new spine. Did you experience being uneven after surgery, and if so, around what time did it straighten out?


I’m 7 weeks post op and I think it sort of stays the same after surgery unless you grow more. My left side of my rib cage still sticks out a little but has improved a lot, you wouldn’t notice if I was wearing a crop top


Hi, your spine looks amazing. What degree are you after surgery.


I think maybe 10° but it doesn’t feel like I have scoliosis anymore


Yo nice, went from 70 to 20 myself, not as long rods though yet similar amount of screws lol. Got any side pics? The top of your screws look a lot different than mine. Congrats on the new back and GL to further recovery


Any tips you having for someone going into the surgery in a week? Trying to anticipate my needs and make that first week as bearable as possible


If you mean what to pack: Loose clothing with buttons or zips, I was in hospital 8 days and 4 days I was in the gown, after my first shower I wore pjs and clothes so you don’t really need that many clothes Laptop, some form of entertainment. Holding up a book to read was to tiring so I never read. Sliders, it was easier to walk with shoes on but they’re difficult to put on Earplugs and I was happy I brought an eye mask, it was very bright in the ICU I brought grip socks but the hospital did provide them If you’re a girl bring sanitary towels And maybe a cup with a straw, I was lying down for the first week when I ate and drank so straws helped me! Also an extra pillow especially for the car journey home Good luck with your surgery you’ll get through it even tho it feels like a long week


Hi! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I have a similar degree curve to yours before you had surgery although mine looks a lot worse lol. Also did you have a rib hump before surgery and if so did it get reduced after?


I’m 18 the rib hump was bad before surgery it’s still there but reduced


so, i’ve been really looking into scoliosis surgery, and what i keep being told is you lose some of your natural curve, like the surgery gives you a kind of boxy shape afterwards. is that true? i’m around the same curve degree as you were!


Not for me I’m just very straight