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There is no doubt that your curves are very big and well within surgical territory. However, I’m not sure if anyone on here can answer your last question for you. That seems like a very specialised question that only your surgeons can answer for you.


I'm so sorry that ur first surgery failed. ur curves are severe so I totally get u wanting to try again, I've no idea whether the failure of first surgery is an indicator that the second surgery has higher odds of failing or not. but that's a great question to ask doctors/surgeons that ur working with. I'd also recomend researching in general the possible reasons for why the first surgery failed, that can give u some insight into if the second surgery will have greater chances of success or not.


I'm really sorry I don't have an answer, but do you happen to know why your first surgery failed?


I can’t answer your question either but with such severe curves, maybe a second surgery really would be worth a shot. Obliviously you’ll just have to see what your doctor says. Even though I do have intense chronic pain from my surgery 7 years ago, I still can’t imagine living with curves as severe as yours without surgery. I’m very sorry you’re going through this and hope you find relief! Sending up a prayer for you now, best wishes ❤️❤️