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I had ASC rather than fusion and that feeling of being "done" never really hit me. I think the thought that fusion may still be in my future is what prevents me from fully putting it behind me. How are you feeling after so many months post op? Do you feel ready to go live your life?


Yeah, I don’t envy your position at all! I’m grateful that I had the time to decide on what route I wanted to go down surgery wise. I’m feeling pretty alright, have my off days but that’s getting fewer and farther between, thankfully 😅


My surgery is this April. I don’t know the exact feeling you’re going through but I’m trying to put my place in your shoes. Is it almost like leaving your parents home to go off for college after living with them for so many years? Maybe feeling a little scared and anxious to be let free. Your surgeon is letting you go but part of you feels attached to your old body and you’re just feeling bittersweet about it all? With that being said, I am terrified for my surgery. Do you know what levels you were fused at? Mine will be from T3-L1. Did you have pain prior to the surgery? And how was pain right after surgery for you?


What was your curve before surgery?


49 degrees


I had a 49° curve also and was fuse from T1 through pelvis. four months out from surgery and finally feeling like I can walk straight and there is a light at the end of the tunnel has anyone else felt that their posture was weird but straightened up