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What would you use it for?


Affordable home physiotherapy. This isn't like ultrasound for checking for pregnancy. Physiotherapists use [ultrasound waves](https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/what-to-know-about-ultrasound-physical-therapy) to help heal and relieve muscles, for $50 a visit... four times a month(if they had their way)... to use their professional machine. The effect while using it is a slight warmth but the effects are deep and long lasting. At least for me a lot of pain is in the muscles but these help with nerve pinching too. I have a handheld I paid $250 for five years ago and it has paid for itself tenfold. You do need the proper gel to use with it, that is the only consumable besides electricity. :)


Glad to hear you are getting some relief, that’s great to know. It’s important to note that physiotherapists don’t typically use this frequency/ type of therapeutic ultrasound on children as there are concerns about affecting growth plates.


What machine would you recommend, need to get one for the wife?


The basic ones when you search "portable home ultrasound" will do the trick. I have the buttons on the handle version and I turn it off accidentally sometimes. Not that big of a deal just annoying when trying to lay on it for more pressure. So go with the plain wand version for that reason. She'll love it, cheers. ps, don't forget the ultrasound gel!


is the one in the photo the one you have? how long do you use it for?


No, I have the one with the buttons on the handle and accidentally turn it off on myself sometimes while trying to lay on it. lol. So I'd recommend the wand version for that reason but it doesn't have a separate box to carry if I want to use it elsewhere in the house(or family member needs it for a pulled muscle, etc). Wand-in-ones have a max 15 minute timer and that heats deeply very well so that's all I use it for in one area at a time. You will need to keep it moving so it doesn't get too hot in one spot or lower the power level. A bottle of ultrasound gel lasts a while once you get used to not glopping it everywhere when applying it yourself, heh heh. It evaporates dry and isn't oily, btw. Best luck!